DC Comics One Shot|| (COMPLET...

By alleycatbookstore

1.4M 31.6K 5K

I got bored again and I am a big fan of DC comics so yeah. I hope you guys enjoy! Request too! I don't bite... More

Damian Wayne x Reader
Damian Wayne x Reader Part 2!
Dick Grayson x Reader
Jason Todd x Reader
Tim Drake x Reader
Tim Drake x Reader part 2!
Batfamily x Damian Wayne x Reader
Tim Drake x reader
Damian Wayne x reader
Dick Grayson x reader
Terry McGinnis x reader
Damian Wayne x reader
Terry McGinnis x reader part 2!
Damian Wayne x reader
Damian Wayne x reader x Jason Todd
Terry McGinnis x reader
Terry McGinnis x reader part 2
Batfamily Imagine
Terry McGinnis x reader part 3!
Terry McGinnis x reader part 4!
Jason Todd x reader
Tim Drake x reader
Jason Todd x reader
Jason Todd x reader part 2!
Damian Wayne x reader
Damian Wayne x reader
1k Special!
Dick Grayson x reader
Dick Grayson x circus reader
Damian Wayne x reader
Damian Wayne x reader
Damian Wayne x reader part 2!
Roy Harper x younger reader
Barry Allen x reader x Bart Allen
Dick Grayson x reader
Jamie Reyes(YJ) x reader
Tim Drake x reader
Dick Grayson x reader x Wally West
Aqualad x reader
Barry Allen x daughter reader
Oliver Queen x reader
Conner Kent x reader
Conner Kent x reader part 2!
Roy Harper x reader
Roy Harper x reader part 2
Roy Harper x reader x Arsenal part 3!
2k Special!
Tim Drake x neko reader
Tim Drake x reader
Oliver Queen x reader
Batfamily x reader
Damian Wayne x reader
Roy Harper x reader
Tim Drake x reader
Batfamily imagine
Superman x reader
Jason Todd x reader
Superman x reader part 2!
Tim Drake x reader
Roy Harper x reader
Oliver Queen x reader
Jason Todd x reader
Jason Todd x reader
Jamie Reyes x reader
Wally West x reader
3k Special!
Jason Todd x reader
Dick Grayson x reader
Booster Gold x reader
A complete random one shot
Damian Wayne x reader
Dick Grayson x reader
Dick Grayson x reader part 2!
4k special!
Roy Harper x reader
Jason Todd x reader
Arsenal x reader
Terry McGinnis x reader
Terry McGinnis x reader part 2!
Dick Grayson x reader
Batfamily x reader
Conner Kent x reader
Terry McGinnis x reader
Lagoon Boy x reader
5k Special!
Jason Todd x reader
Malcom Duncan x reader lemon!
Barry Allen x reader
Eduardo Dorado Jr x reader
Oliver Queen x reader
Tye Longshadow x reader
Dick Grayson x reader
Batfamily x reader
Damian Wayne x reader
Damian Wayne x reader part 2!
Terry McGinnis x reader
6k Special!
Damian Wayne x reader
Terry McGinnis x reader
Terry McGinnis x reader part 2!
Damian Wayne x reader
Arsenal x reader
Roy Harper(Red Arrow) x reader
Damian Wayne x reader
Bart Allen x reader
Jason Todd x reader
Roy Harper x reader
7k special!
Tim Drake x reader
Superboy x reader
Damian Wayne x reader
Batfamily imagine
Conner Kent x reader
Tim Drake x reader
Jason Todd x reader
Dick Grayson x reader
8k special!
Damian Wayne x reader
Wally West x reader
Jason Todd x reader
Dick Grayson x reader
Wally West x reader
Damian Wayne x reader
Roy Harper(Red Arrow) x reader
Bruce Wayne x reader
Damian Wayne x reader
Damian Wayne x reader part 2!
Questionnaire Answers
Jason Todd x reader lemon!
JL x YJ x reader
Wally West x reader
Jason Todd x reader lemon part 2!
Jamie Reyes x reader
Beast Boy x reader
Happy Thanksgiving!
Jason Todd x Tim Drake
Jason Todd x reader x Tim Drake
10k special!
Jason Todd x reader x Tim Drake part 2!
Arsenal x reader
Roy Harper x reader
11k special!
Jason Todd x reader
Terry McGinnis x reader
Conner Kent x reader
Bruce Wayne x reader
Batfamily x reader
Jason Todd x reader x Dick Grayson
12k special!
Roy Harper x reader
Jamie Reyes x reader
Dick Grayson x reader lemon!
Roy Harper x reader
Damian Wayne x reader
Tim Drake x reader lemon!
Terry McGinnis x reader lemon!
Tim Drake x reader
Damian Wayne x Piper Queen
Damian Wayne x Mackenzie Harding
Dick Grayson x reader
Damian Wayne x reader
Arsenal x Sasha
Jamie Reyes x René
Wally West x Sasha
Batfamily x reader
Roy Harper x sister!reader
Roy Harper x reader
14k special!
14k special:Roy Harper
14k special:Dick Grayson
14k special:Wally West
Damian Wayne x reader
15k special!
Tim Drake x reader
Dick Grayson x reader
Barry Allen x reader
Roy Harper x reader
16k special!
Tim Drake x reader
Bart Allen x reader
Arrow Family x reader:Christmas Special!
Roy Harper x reader
Tim Drake x reader
17k special!
Dick Grayson x Reaper
Important A/n
Jason Todd x Gale Quintin
DC Comics Watty's
Not An Update(Sadly)
Third Book
Role Play?
Very Important A/N

Tim Drake x reader

6K 172 41
By alleycatbookstore

Y/n's pov

       I finished the last problem for math and I started packing my backpack up. The door opened and Mom came in "hey, Y/n, sweetie, you done with your homework yet?" she asked "I just finished, Mom, don't worry," I said "well, I think it's time you go to bed," Mom said "Mom, do I have to? Can't I just stay up?" "no, you have to go to bed," Mom said sharply "yeah, sleep sounds nice," I said softly "goodnight, sweetie," Mom said "night, Mom," I said.

       I love my mother but the only problem is that I have to do everything she tells me to do while my father is more open. I couldn't date either! I already have someone special and if Mom found out she'd have my head.

       My phone vibrated. Then four more times, I already know who it's from. Tim.

Tim:hey, princess, you done with your homework?

Me:I just finished and my mom told me to go to bed

Tim:please tell me you're not going to

Me:never in a million years, Drake

Tim:I'm tired of texting, n/n, I have to hear your voice

Me:Tim, my mom would kill me if she heard me talking on the phone

       Tim didn't answer making me frown. I heard a thump outside my window, I tossed my phone onto my bed and looked out to see Tim trying to get to my window. I opened it and hissed "Tim! Are you nuts?! My mom wi-," I was cut off with lips on mine.

       Tim closed the window lips still locked. I unbuttoned his shirt and pulled it off, I stepped closer to him while he snaked his arm around my waist.

       "God, I missed you," Tim murmured kissing me again "hmh, I missed you too," I murmured back, I stood on my toes since I'm short making Tim smirk into the kiss.

       "Aw, someone's short," he teased "shut up and kiss me again," I said "yes ma'am," he said kissing me again.

       Tim pulled away and cupped his hands against my face "I can't stand not seeing you after school," Tim said burying his face into my neck "I can't either," I said, I held onto him with one arm around the back of his neck while the other is wrapped around his shoulders, "you better lock the door unless you want your mom to walk in on us," said Tim "but I'm so comfortable," I whined, Tim chuckled "come on, princess, it's just for a few seconds," Tim said, I sighed and did it, I quickly returned to Tim's warm embrace, "don't leave," I said nuzzling my face into his neck, "who said I'm leaving? Not me," Tim said playfully "I love you too much to do that," I froze and looked at him "y-you love me?" I asked, Tim pecked my lips, "always have," he said, he pecked my lips again, "always will," another kiss "no matter what," and another kiss but it was longer and more passionate.

       Tim dipped me and pulled me back up "you heard me loud and clear Y/n M/n L/n, I love you and no other girl will change that," said Tim, his hands on my shoulders, "I love you too, Timothy Jackson Drake Wayne," I said and kissed him again.

       Tim picked me up by the thighs and carried me to my bed, he placed me down and hovered above me, his arms on the both sides of me. I heard banging on the door causing Tim and me to pull away "Y/N M/N L/N! OPEN THIS DOOR THIS INSTANT!" Mom shouted, I gasped, Tim quickly put his shirt back on and dove out of the window once opening it.

       I shut the window and unlocked the door, I made myself look like I'm sleepy "Mom? What's wrong?" I asked yawning, she barged through my door and looked around my room, "I know there's a boy in here," Mom said "what boy?" I asked rubbing my eyes "Mom, are you sure you're not hearing things?" I asked "there aren't any boys here, just me, my desk, my closet, nightstand and drawer," I said, I yawned and stretched, Mom huffed, "I know there's a boy in here, Y/n, and don't deny it," said Mom "Mom, for crying out loud, there aren't any boys here," I said, Dad entered the room, "what's going on here?" he asked "Mom thinks there's a boy in my room when clearly there isn't," I said, Dad wrapped his arm around my shoulders, "y/m/n, don't you think you're overreacting?" Dad asked "I know there's a boy here somewhere, y/f/n," Mom said "honey, you're disrupting our daughter's sleep," said Dad "come on, let out little girl get some sleep," Mom huffed again and left with Dad, before leaving Dad gave me a wink, he knows about Tim and me.

       Once Mom and Dad's footsteps are gone, I quickly shimmed the window open again, I found Tim gone. I got a text from him

Tim:I don't want to take the risk of getting caught so I'm texting you instead

Me:Tim, I think we should tell her

Tim:and risk of us breaking up? No thank you

Me:Tim, she suspected that you were here, she'll be coming in and out of my room over and over again. It's not safe for you to come visit me anymore, I think it's best that we tell her and she might understand since Dad is right behind me

Tim:he knows?!

Me:I'm quoting him exactly "knew it the first time he came over as your 'homework buddy'

Tim: and I thought Batman is the World's Greatest Detective

Me:same here but Dad said he figured it out on day one

Tim:if your mom doesn't agree, please don't block me out

Me:never, Tim, never

                 *time skip to after school*

       "Mom?" I asked when I walked into the kitchen "hmm?" was her response, Dad looked up from his book that he was reading on the table, he came home early for me.

       "Mom, I know you're going to be mad but your rules are unfair to me," I said, Mom stopped whatever she was doing and turned to face me with anger in her eyes, "unfair?" she repeated "yes," I said "I also have someone special to me," I quietly added, Mom slammed her hands down on the counter making me jump, "you are not supposed to date, young lady," Mom said with venom in her voice "y/m/n, Y/n's right, you're being unfair to her," Dad joined in "did you know she's dating?" Mom asked "yes," said Dad "and I approve him," Dad added "if you keep Y/n like this then our marriage means nothing to you," said Dad "I will get the divorcing papers and I will take Y/n," said Dad "while you leave," Mom's face is bright red with anger "how. dare. you. take. her?!" Mom shrieked, Dad pulled me close to him, "if you keep this up then I will do it," Dad said, he kissed the top of my head, "Y/n, head to your boyfriend's place, you're safer there," Dad said "no! She'll be going nowhere!" Mom snapped but I quickly took off to my bedroom. I grabbed my duffel bags and texted Tim.

Me:Tim, the time is here

Tim:I'm on my way, stay there

Me:Tim, I need to go now, my mom is really mad

Tim:it's a good thing I'm in your neighborhood then

Me:where are you?

Tim:I'm almost at your place

Tim:do you have your bags?

Me:yeah, why?

Tim:grab them and jump out of the window, I'll catch you

Tim:trust me babe


       I grabbed my bags and opened the window, I found Tim waiting for me. I tossed him my bags, he caught them and placed them on the ground. I swung my body out the window and Tim caught me "okay, princess, let's go," Tim said, he picked up my bags and took my hand, we quickly left.

*time skip*

       Mom and Dad indeed got divorced and Dad found himself a girlfriend and I approve her. I found Myra cooking in the kitchen with Dad. Mom moved to Star City while Dad and me stayed here in Gotham.

       I kissed Dad's cheek then hugged Myra "hey Dad and Myra," I said "hey sweetie, off to visit Tim again?" Myra greeted me "yup," I said "be back by 5, kiddo, we're having a family night today," Dad said, I kissed Dad's cheek again, "kay, Dad," I said and left the house.

       Tim already knew I'm going to visit him today so he had Alfred come pick me up "hello Ms. Y/n, how are you?" he greeted me "I'm well Alfred," I said getting in the limo.

       Soon, we reached the Wayne Manor, Alfred helped me out and I thanked him. I found Tim in his bedroom on his laptop. I decided to scare him, I silently creeped up on him and pounced making him yelp.

       He turned around to scold at whoever did it but stopped when he realized it was me, "how many times do I need to tell you not to do that?" he asked "I don't know, I lost track at 30," I said playfully, I bopped his nose and smiled.

       Tim sighed and pulled me onto his lap "what am I going to do with you?" he asked, I snuggled into his chest, "love me," I said kissing his cheek, Tim grabbed my cheeks and kissed me passionately.

So srry for the late update but I've been having trouble thinking of new one shots. Anyways, vote, comment and request!

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