Threats From The Past (MiniMi...

By M1ckyj789

1.5K 126 97

Gabrielle and his best friend Kylie are riding the high after both of their latest books have been released... More

Starting Fresh
One Day...
Just Because He's Gay
Just One Moment
Give It Time
He Said No
He'd Go Nuts
Please Don't
Not Happening
Get Off Him
Stay Away From Him
Help You Feel Better
Kicked Out
Blink And You Will Miss Them
Assault And Homicide
Revealed Flatlines
I'm Going To Miss You
I don't want you to go
Can You Be Honest With Me
Welcome Home
So Much Worse
Better Safe Than Sorry
Drunken plans
Heading Down Under
Let Go Of Me

Does He Like Me?

29 4 0
By M1ckyj789

Gabe's POV (Two weeks later)

Freya: "Loo I understand that your unable to fly but he's not giving you a choice in the matter."

Ryan and Rob had already returned and arrived home a few days ago. About a week after Freya had told us about what was going on, We were discharged from Hospital and while I was glad to finally get back to my own bed, or at least a bed with comfort. I still couldn't walk. They had said that I might never walk again but all I could do was laugh at them, when I told them I was an author they joined in the hilarities.

Gabe: "When a medical professional says that I can't fly yet, I won't be getting on that plane."

Freya: "You have two days Gabrielle."

Gabe: "I fucking understand that but if you don't mind I have places to go and people to see. Josh are you sure your still up to taking me to the therapist?"

Josh: "Yeah mate just need to get you ready."

Gabe: "My phone and my wallet are over on the table next to my bed. I'll wheel myself out, Catch up when you can."

Josh: "Will do man."

I started to wheel myself out and onto the driveway, stopping myself next to the car. Freya had followed me out while we waited for Josh.

Gabe: "Does it mean nothing that I have already signed enough legal documents saying that I will leave the country once I have the all clear from my therapist and my doctors? Hell my managers aren't that happy but we don't have a choice. Everyone is saying to do a full investigation into it and we both know what we would find. So if you will excuse me bitch I have someone to see."

Freya: "I am still an officer so don't you dare use that language with me."

Gabe: "Your an officer yes but I won't be treating you any different than I would treat the boys. Vik has only just come home three days ago and you damn near scared him off again, I don't even know where the fuck JJ is. And with Tobi gone, Harry has moved in with Ethan. I'm going home when I can, until then you keep your mouth shut and do your job, in the mean time though. I have a body to fix."

Josh had finally walked out of the house and unlocked the door, I rolled myself back and opened it, swinging it open before lifting myself out of my chair and onto the foot step before lifting myself again into the passenger seat. Bringing my legs into the car while Josh grabbed and flattened my wheel chair. Placing it into the back of the car. I watched Josh wave off Freya before we left and were on our way to my physical therapist. He had been slowly helping me gain and use the muscles in my legs again. It was like I was having to learn to walk again and Josh knew it fucking frustrated me.

Josh: "You know she is just trying to help you."

Gabe: "She isn't doing a very fucking good job I'll tell you that right now. She knows I'm going to go home, why won't she just fucking let me handle it. I've signed enough fucking documents and files Josh, I don't think I would even have it in me to sign any more."

Josh: "That's all well and fine Gabe but that's not what I'm talking about. Why did you lie to her?"

Gabe: "I don't know what your talking about?"

Josh: "You lied to her, telling her that you couldn't fly. You have already been given the green light, he'll I was told as well before we left. Why are you delaying this?"

Gabe: "Because maybe I don't want to leave you guys just yet."

Josh: "Aw mate you know you can come and visit us at any time right. You do know this yeah?"

Gabe: "Yeah and I understand that but I just, don't feel like I should be leaving to go anywhere. I miss Lachlan and the boys but at the same time I don't really have anything back home. The only thing I have to look forward to is the fact that Lachlan's new place has a massive kitchen."

Josh: "Well you have that to look forward to. Did you purchase a first class ticket?"

Gabe: "Of course I did are you kidding me. If I flew economy with fucked up legs I'd be screwed."

Josh: "Let's just focus on getting you to the airport and then we can worry about anything else alright?"

Gabe: "Yeah alright, are you still able to drive me and Kylie to the airport? I think Harry wanted to come and say good bye as well."

Josh: "I told you yesterday and I'll say it again. I'm fine with it man. Just as long as you get home and your ok."

Gabe: "Thanks. I'm worried about Simon. Vik I know will be able to bounce back but Simon, he lost his best friend and his supposed boyfriend as well. Now I'm going to leave, he really makes me think sometimes you know."

Josh: "Makes you think about what?"

Gabe: "About how I feel. I actually am Really starting to like Rob, he's so nice and calm and gentle yet can also be assertive with me when he wants to be, But the feelings I have for Simon... I can slowly feel them creeping back in. And it's hard."

Josh: "You know want I think?"

Gabe: "What do you think?"

Josh: "I think going back to Australia might be good for you. Not having to be confronted by or see Simon every day, but also be in the same list with Rob as well. The time away can help you think about who you want to be with."

Gabe: "That's the thing though, what if I go back home and end up with Lachlan, or someone else?"

Josh: "You won't we both know this."

Gabe: "Just throwing out random possibilities mate."

Josh: "I'm aware of that, lol if it is bothering you this much. Maybe we should try and bump your flight to tonight instead of tomorrow."

Gabe: "We can go to this session, and it will be the last. I'll tell Freya I got the all clear to leave and that I will fly out tomorrow alright. Can we just get there please? I'm sorry I brought this up."

Lachlan's POV

Fuck it's hot in this country, I not long received a message from Kylie through Mitch that Gabe still can't walk and will need my help. I'm sure he will be fine though, he's a resilient and special kind of person. Someone who would rather push them self to get better, rather than rely on someone else for support.

Mitch: "Hey Lachy can you open this fucking door please?"

Lachlan: "Bit redundant with the please at the end when you swear at me don't you think?"

I walked over to the door and opened it up to find Mitch standing in front of me with a large back pack and a few smaller items.

Lachlan: "What the fuck do you think your doing?"

Mitch: "Moving in what does it look like I'm doing?"

Lachlan: "What no you can't move in I need that spare room for Gabe when he get's here."

Mitch: "I know that which is why I'm going to end up sleeping on the couch, if I move in now and help you out then you should be fine to continue your videos as normal. The only difference is that I'll be able to help with Gabe so you don't have to."

I mean I guess his intentions are noble but at the same time we wouldn't be able to handle it would we? He pushed past me and into the house before walking up to the spare room. I followed him up the stairs and watched him place the bag down in the corner of the room before placing the other items next to it. I think it was just an extra pair of shoes or two as well as a few more clothing items. He looked up at me and smiled but it seemed pained.

Lachlan: "Are you ok?"

Mitch: "Yeah I'm fine. Why would you ask?"

Lachlan: "You seem like your really upset about something."

I watched him Look down at the ground before he looked up at me with a more somber look.

Mitch: "Does Gabe like me?"

Lachlan: "Well I mean he could, he knows you and he did stay with us when he was here before with Kylie. Oh you know Kylie isn't coming right?"

Mitch: "Yeah no I'm aware of that but I mean like. Do you think he uh... Likes me likes me?"

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