Distractions [completed]

By Tatumn_B

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This book hasn't been edited since I completed it. Alexa Harper is your basic girl, or at least she appears t... More

Part 1: "Damn... She's beating your ass"
Part 2: "Guess Who?"
Part 3: "Get on the counter, asshole."
Part 4: "I hate you."
Part 5: "Did we seriously come here to feed ducks?"
Part 6: "Guys this is Jay!"
Part 7: "Don't wait up, asshole."
Part 8 : "Shut up and hit me with a crusty burrito... Are you serious?"
Part 9: "S-something happened."
Part 10: "I don't know what to do."
Part 11: "Let it all out,"
Part 12: "I'm most likely going to cry myself to sleep."
Part 13: "Yoga. Hmm, what type of yoga?"
Part 15 : "Yeah, I could totally take you."
Part 16 : "You two cannot be serious."
Part 17 : "This isn't exciting, you twat!"
Part 18 : "Do you have feelings for me?"
Part 19 : "I'll try."
Part 20 : "What the fuck is your problem?!"
Part 21 : "I'm glad I can finally do this whenever I want."
Part 22 : "There goes Alexa for you."
Part 23 : "You're the best shoe tier I've ever had."
Part 24 : "Are you crazy!?"
Part 25 : "My sister everybody."
Author's Note :)
Part 26 : "Now let's get our asses out there."
Part 27 : "We'll talk about it after school tomorrow."
Part 28 : "I-I love you."
Determination/Sequel ;)

Part 14 : "She's such a bitch!"

26 1 0
By Tatumn_B

Waking up, I check my phone and see it's just the middle of the night. I also notice Kesten's arms around my waist right before I fall back asleep

Next thing I know my alarm is going off in my ear and I'm getting kicked off my bed.

"I swear," I say to myself "It's like you have an itching for getting punched."

I get up from the floor and grab both of his legs, pulling him of the bed. He lands with a loud thud and groans while I laugh at him. He ends up grabbing both my legs making me fall onto the floor with him. I punch his chest. His bare chest

I look away from his chest and look up at his face "When did you take off your shirt?"

"I got hot." He states looking me in the eyes

He starts to lean towards me and I look at his lips then back up in his eyes.

"Hey I thought I heard some-" Soph walks in.

I immediately untangle myself from Kesten's arms and the uncomfortable situation.

I notice her eyes go slightly wide when she looked at him "You remember Kesten?"

"Uh-h yeah, I just wanted to make sure you were awake and getting ready. Obviously your awake." She says and starts to walk out of my room giving me the 'we'll take about this later' look

I turn back towards Kesten "Talk about awkward."

"Tell me about it," I whisper to myself "Uh, do you need a shirt or are you just gonna wear what you had on yesterday?... That was a stupid question, of course you need a shirt." I walk over to my closet and grab the box with some of my dad's things in it

"I'm pretty sure there's something in there." I shove the box towards him

He looks at the box then back at me with an unreadable look on his face "Are you sure?"

I grab my outfit for today, still facing the closet "Yeah I'm sure. I'm just going to go take a shower."

I end up not washing my hair, keeping it straight from yesterday. I feel really gross, especially since I slept in my outfit and makeup from yesterday

I wonder what would've happened if Soph hadn't have walked in. I'm pretty sure he was about to kiss me and I'm also pretty sure I wanted him to. This can't be happening and it's not going to happen. I may have just promised Sabrina that nothing was going on or is going on, but now I'm promising myself that too. Do you think he wanted something to happen? Why am I even thinking about this? This is stupid nothings going on or will, it just can't

Before I know it I'm done washing myself and already out of the shower. I wipe off the mirror making me see myself in it. "What's wrong with you?" I laugh

I put on my basic skinny jeans and one of the many t-shirts Rae has bought me, with again my basic black and white vans I wear almost everyday. I leave my hair as is and just run my fingers through it messing it up a little bit.

Walking back into my room, I see Kesten laying down on my bed and on his phone. His eyes snap to me once I'm in my room fully.

I smile "You ready to go to hell today?"

"I guess." He laughs getting up walking to my door, I follow right behind him downstairs

"Dang Alexa, how many guys do you have?" Miles asks when we walk into the kitchen. I go up to him and hit him in the back of his head before flicking

Soph sighs "Was that really necessary?"

"Yeah, it was." I laugh "I love you."

"Yeah, yeah. I love you too." She rolls her eyes

I grab two granola bars and two Sunny Ds out of the fridge "Let's go." I ruffle Miles' hair because he hates when I do that, he punches me in the shoulder.

The three of us head out and walk to the bus station/stop

"So... Are you another one of my sister's many distractions or what?" Miles asks Kesten

"Uh-h, what?"

"No," I give my stupid fag of a brother the look "He's not, we're just friends."

"Yeah because it's normal for a person to walk in on 'friends' almost about to kiss." He says to himself but we both hear him. Kesten chokes on his drink as soon as he said that and I laugh hitting Miles in the shoulder

We finally arrive at the bus and thank the lord Miles left us so I don't have to deal with his annoying comments anymore.

Rae is smirking and Sabrina looks over to us walking towards them, her eyes widen but then go back to normal. She looks annoyed and I see a hint of sadness on her face, but she smiles at us

"Hey guys." I smile while Kesten shoves his hands into his pockets and rocks back and forth on his feet

"Uh, hey"


We all just stand there awkwardly until the bus get's there. We load onto the bus and Sabrina gets in the middle of me and asshole. Rae and Kesten end up sitting together, so obviously Sabrina and I sit together

I sit there staring at her waiting for her to blow up on me, but it never comes.

"Nothing happen."


I whisper "I swear to you, I made a promise to you and it's not going to break."

"Are you sure about that?" She whispers back harshly

"If you were really my friend you would believe me and trust me."

"Yeah well friends don't go around flaunting their relationship with their friend's ex, now do they?"

Okay now I'm getting mad

"Oh my fuck. You can not be serious right now."

She just sits there glaring at me and I glare straight back

"It's a friendship, Sabrina. A fucking friendship. I told you nothing was going on so stop being an over dramatic bitch about me being friends with your stupid ex boyfriend. That's all it fucking is! A friendship!" Lucky for me we're already at the school so I get up and storm off the bus. Unlucky for me she follows right behind me

She grabs my arms and pulls me back "You don't want to test me right now Sabrina. Let go of my fucking arm."

"I may be a bitch, but at least I don't go around sleeping with my friend's ex's." She lets go of my arm

"Fuck you!" As much as I want to hit her, I let it go and walk away.

I walk really fast to go to my locker and I bump into someone "Sorry." I tell the person then begin to walk away but I'm pulled back by my arm, for the second time today, by Jeremy

I shrug my arm out of his grip "I don't have time for you right now Jeremy. Unless you want to get punched again leave me alone right now."

"Hey, talk to me, what did I do?" He says looking hurt

"I'm sorry." I shake my head and begin to walk back to my locker

Once at my locker I take my math book out and put it in my backpack before Rae and Kesten come up to me

"What happened?"

"Are you okay?"

"Yes I'm fine and nothing happened, me and Sabrina had a little argument about someone... I mean something stupid. I have to go, I'll tell you later."

I start to walk away and Rae catches up with me and says Kesten went to his class. We have calculus first period, yep, we have math as the first class of the day. Lucky us

"So?" Rae asks

"Sabrina. She had the nerve to actually get mad at me about being friends with Kesten. I told her stupid ass nothing was going on and if she was my friend she would believe me. Then she accused me of sleeping with him. God! She's such a bitch!" I rant

"Well did you?" I glare at her. She puts her hand up in surrender

"It's just a simple question.?

"Well, yes I did, but no I didn't. We hung out in my room with me after dinner and he ended up staying over. Yes we slept in the same bed, but we didn't have sex, and he ended up kicking me off my bed when my alarm went off. Then I pushed him off my bed and onto the floor and he grabbed me and made me fall down beside him and..." I start to tell her what happened

"And what?" She asks looking fully intrigued

"And, I'm pretty sure we would've kissed if Soph hadn't have walked in on us." She squeals, like she actually squeals

"Oh my fuck!" She slightly yells "Did you want it to happen?" She asks whispering

I sigh, kinda smiling "Sort of. Yeah, I think I did."

She squeals again and this time I think the whole school heard her

"But nothing like that will ever happen between us. Just because Sabrina is a bitch, doesn't mean I'm breaking the promise I made her."

"I understand." She tells me right as we get into the classroom and sit down


"So, what?"

"How did it go with Jay?" I ask successfully changing the subject

"It was the best sex I have had yet." She says a little too loudly. A few head snap in her direction and I laugh at her bluntness

"I can't even explain what yoga poses we did, but girl let me tell you. You have to try them."

"How can I try them, if I don't know what they are?" I ask

"I don't know, but I will try to describe them. Okay so the first one... Wait! I know! It was called the 'Standing Straddle Forward Bend'."

I look it up on my phone "Oh... Wow. There's flexibility for you." I laugh right when the bell rings and Mr. Sander's walks in

"Oh and the Bridge Pose." She whispers to me and I laugh

I'm kind of flexible, but I think Mark can teach me some flexibility exercises. It would be awesome if he could

"Also the Cobra." She laughs and so do I

"And may I ask what you two ladies are talking about?" Mr. Sander's attention is now on us but mostly Rae

"Oh. We're talking about Sex Yoga Poses," I choke on my spit and look at her wide eyed and she smirks "I can enlighten you with some of them if you want."

He gasps "No I would not want that Miss Wilson, but what I do want is for you to shut your mouth and come get a detention slip."

"Eye-eye Captain." She states and walks to the front of his desk

When he hands her the slip she whispers something to him and he blushes with anger

"Which one did you tell him?" I ask

"Ananda Balasana." I laugh


The day progressed faster than I thought it would, but mainly because Rae put me back into a good mood.

It's finally lunch which is good and bad. The good part being I get to relax and eat food. The bad part is I have to face Sabrina and I don't think I can handle her right now. All I know is I'm one thing away from getting physical

The two of us have a complicated friendship, I get pissed at her for the tiniest things and same with her to me. Honestly we barely get along and we're certainly not as close as Rae and I are, I'll tell you that much

"Hey birdie!" Kesten skips up beside me

I laugh "You're such an idiot."

"But, I'm your idiot." He states walking into the cafeteria, me shortly behind him

"So are you going to tell me what happened this morning?" He asks grabbing both of us a tray and getting in the lunch line

"Which part?"

"What do you mean?"

"The part where we almost kissed or the Sabrina incident?" I ask and he looks away blushing "I'm just kidding," I laugh "So gross slimy Chicken Alfredo or the basic corn dog?"

He notices I change the subject and chose the corn dog along with me. Now don't get me wrong I love Chicken Alfredo, it's just the school's is just actual thrown up. Like someone already ate it then puked it up and is serving it

"Not that you really care, but I was thinking about talking to Mark to help me with my flexibility skills. Do you know if he knows things that will help?" I ask

"No I don't know if he does, but I can certainly help you with that." He tells me wriggling his eyebrows

"Shut up." I laugh as we arrive at our usual table.

Once sitting down I punch his shoulder before taking a sip of my drink, but before the drink goes into my mouth, Kesten hits the bottom of it making it spill onto my shirt. To him it was obviously funny and he laughs at me.

"You're lucky that was just water or you would be dead right now." I laugh

Rae and surprisingly Jay sit down at our table "Hey stranger!"

"Hey A." Jay gets up and comes to hug me. I get up and hug him back before we both sit back down in our seats

"What are you doing here?" I ask

"Visitors pass." Rae answers

"Plus, I wanted to have lunch with my girlfriend." Jay adds

"Girlfriend?" Rae and I both ask at the same time

"Well after what we did last night," He laughs "I thought about things and I want to have a relationship with you."

"Awww." I whisper to myself

"Well, I would love to be your girlfriend." She tells them then looks down at her plate smiling

"They're so cute." I lean towards Kesten and whisper

He laughs

"Hey Alexa." Sabrina come up to the table and I glare at her and so does Rae

"What do you want? Come to make sure I'm not doing anything with your territory?" I ask her still glaring

"No," She shakes her head "I wanted to apologize, you were right, I was being a bitch-"

"Yeah you were being one." She slightly glares at me

"I was being stupid and if what you say is what you say, I believe you." She finishes


"So are we good?" She smiles

Shaking my head and rolling my eyes, I smile "Yeah, we're good. Sit your ass down." I laugh

She sits beside Kesten and he bumps her shoulder and smiles at her

I sigh and eat of my french fries while watching Jay and Rae flirting. I smile at the two of them

I swear they're like one of those cute couples from the books and movies

"So, Alexa, when was the last time you spoke to Jeremy?" Sabrina asks me

"Oh, uh, he tried to talk to me this morning but, as you know I was in a mood after certain... events, I kinda blew him off. Speaking of him, where is he?"

She nods to another table "Over there."


"You're not gonna go talk to him?" It was Kesten who asked this

"U-uh, Lunch is about to be over. I'll worry about him later." I tell him and for some reason he smiles at that

The bell then rings signally the end of lunch


So, each chapter will have bits and pieces of drama to lead up to the main drama events! Hope you guys enjoyed this chapter

XoXo, Tatumn

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