✔️My Purr-Fect Key ⇝ Adrien/C...

By kogikofi

245K 6.9K 10.4K

↱complete↲ ⇨ 2/27/17... More

Ch.1» First Unofficial meeting
Ch.2» First official meeting
Ch.4» What a Night
Ch.5» Hangout
Ch.6» Hello Again~
Ch.7» FAB
Ch.8» Memories
Ch.9» Mornings
Ch.10» Indirect
Ch.11» Tell Me~
Ch.12» First Day
Ch.13» Christmas Coincidence
Ch.14» Decorating
Ch.15» Surprise?
Ch.16» Unexpected
Ch.17» Thoughts
Ch.18 » Admitting
Ch.19» Planning
Ch.20» Decision
Ch.21» Dat-Hangout
Ch.22» Crazy
Ch.23» Helping
Ch.24» Sad To Happy
Ch.25» Compliments
Ch.26» Just a Little Chat
Ch.27» Unexpected Someone
Ch.28» Getting Ready
Ch.29» Goodbye?
Ch.30» News [EPL]
Bonus (Special Nash chapter :'D)

Ch.3» Ladybug's first impression

15.9K 401 278
By kogikofi

-- Nash's POV --

" What do you mean you don't care?! " My twin sister shouted at me while I was eating my sandwich. I rolled my eyes and ate the last bite of my food.

" There's already heroes here and why are you mad at me at me for not caring? It happened last night and look " I gestured at me and my sister. " We're fine " I continued.

(Y/n) sighed and continued to drink up her milk.

" You're. . .right " She looked at the side.
" I always am " I smiled and stood up grabbing some snacks.
" Where are you going? And what's with the crackers and grapes? " (Y/n) asked.

I turned around and rolled my eyes. " I'm gonna eat it? And I'm going to my room "
" Right. . .Sorry "
" It's okay sis and by the way. . .use your common sense "

" H-hey! That hurts you know!I have feelings too! " She spat. I turn around and chuckled as I started to walk up to my room.

" You know; you could've been more nicer to your sis " Fizz exclaimed, popping out.
"Why? Want to get caught? " I ask, entering my room and locking it.

"No. But still she's your twin " . I shrug and started to eat the food that's with me.
"Hey! What about my food? " Fizz pout. I chuckled and walked to my mini fridge. I stuck my head inside it and search for a certain food.

" Aha! " I pulled out a bowl of blueberries and set it down at a table. I closed the door of the fridge and sat down.

My little bat Kwami flew to the bowl and Jumped in it.

" But seriously , why haven't you notice the city is in danger? "

" I was fast asleep "

" But what about the noise? "

" Headphones "

" The ground shaking? "

" I always move when I sleep "

Fizz face Palm and continue to eat his food.

" Nash! " I hear (Y/n) call out, knocking at my door. Fizz hide in my bracelet while I walked to the door and unlocked it.

" Oh, Hi sis " I greet as she went inside. I close the door and turn around to see (Y/n) laying down at my bed.

" Whats wrong? " I start while grabbing my phone and headphones. She groaned while she covered her face with a pillow.
I sat at the other edge of my bed , near the head of (Y/n) .

" Mmmmm " Her voice muffled up.
" I can't understand you " I said as my headphones hang around my neck. ( His headphones is the wireless one BTW )
She sat up in a cross cross position.

" I said: Someone seems familiar " She repeated as she slowly laid back down but this time it on my leg. I fold my free leg and opened up my phone.

" Who's familiar? " I reply,looking at girl who is resting in my left leg.
"I think is Adrien " She looks at me.

" What made you say that? "

" He just look pretty familiar but I can't put a finger in it " She made a little gesture with her hands.

" You look like an idiot " I chuckled.
" Hey! Rude! " She slapped my leg. I laughed and ruffle up her hair.

" But seriously he really look like someone familiar " She continues.

" We've been here before , so I can't really argue with that "

" Childhood friend,maybe? " I continue. She sat up and leaned down the headboard.
" Don't fall asleep " I glance at her.

" Said who?"

« Time Skip »

" How about you just ask him? " I look at my sister , who was walking with me in the park. " and plus we've been talking about this for an hour now "

" Whats wrong with that? " She reply while shrugging her shoulders. " and if I ask him. I might sound like an idiot "

" I thought you are " I chuckle. She shot me a glare and fold her arms. I shake my head turn my head at the side, only to see a familiar blonde.

" Hey, isn't that Adrien? " (Y/n) stated , pointing at him. " With a photographer? "

" How did you know it's a photographer? " I look at (Y/n).

" He has a camera? " She looks back at me like I'm an idiot; which is true.

I rolled my eyes . " Well? You can ask him now"

" Fine " She huff while starting to walk at Adrien's direction. I started to walk the other way but still got a close distance to hear their conversation. I walked silently behind a tree and poke my head a little.

" Hi Adrien! " She greeted withstand small smile. The blonde turned around. When he saw (Y/n) - his face became shock but slowly turns into a warm smile.

-- (Y/n)'s POV --

" What are you doing here , (Y/n)? " He asks while looking down at me .

" Am I really that short? " I say while standing in my tippy toes and comparing my height to his.

" (Y/n)? " He say making me go back to my normal stance and looking at him.

" Right. Sorry. We're here cause I wanna ask you something " I reply. Adrien looks behind me and looks back.

" We're? "

" Huh? Me and- " I turn around and saw that Nash wasn't there.

' Did he just ditched me? '

My eyebrow and lips were twitching a bit.

" and? " He asks.
" No one " My back still facing him.
" Okay? But What do you want to ask- "

The ground started to shake a bit and the weather suddenly becomes cold.

" uh-oh " Adrien say in a worried tone.

" Uh-oh?! " I panick as I turn around to face him.

" Hide somewhere safe " He commands. I nod my head as he starts running.

' Is he that scared? ' I sweat drop.

I shake my head and started to run somewhere safe.

" Psh,(Y/n)? " (K/n) calls out. " Your not gonna fight? "

" Not yet "

" Then when?"

" Soon enough " She nods her head and hide back.

" Hope that-" I turn around. " Huh?! "

-- Nash's POV --

" Just transform! " Fizz scold me.
" Shhhh. It's to soon and plus they have heroes here "

" Then what's the point that I'm here? " He huff.

" Soon. Don't worry " I look at him. Fizz sighs and hides back.

" But for now; I'm gonna find (Y/n) even though she's mad at me for ditching her "

I ran at the nearest hiding spot and found (Y/n) .

" I never thought Paris is this dangerous " I say. She turns around from the sound of my voice.

" Huh?! "

" How long have you been there? " She asks,walking near me.

" Not that long " I reply.

She then slap my should , making me look at her.

" You ditched me! " She pout.
" I knew you were going to say that "

" You guys okay? " I feminine voice say,making us look up.

" You think? "I blurt out. (Y/n) nudged my stomach.

She jumps down and Lansing perfectly in the ground.

" I'm Ladybug " She put her hand out. I shake it and look closely at her.

" Stop Staring Nash " My twin scold.

" You guys should find a more safer place than this alley way " She smiled with a tint of blush in her cheeks.

" Any idea where? " I cross my arms.(Y/n) slapped my head making me turn to her.

" Be nice and I know where " She turns to Ladybug. " Don't worry " She assures her. She nods and and jumped away.

" What was that for?! "

" Stop being rude and lets go! " She shouts , running back to the house ( Mansion ).

« Time Skip »

" and still you don't care " My sister sigh. I nodded my head and finish up my shake.

" Like I said before; There are already heroes here " I repeated.

" and plus it's like this in London.We get attacked , heroes come by and save us, victory and repeat " I say.

" I'm not saying your right even though you are " She sighs making me smirk.

" But still; they need help "

I furrow one of my eyebrows. " And how are you gonna help? "

" I uh I mean , you know! Respect? " She stammer.

I roll my eyes." How does that help them? "

" It just helps " She spats while closing her eyes and crossing her arms.

" Why did I even ask " I rest my head at the Palm of my hand.

" Any ways I have to go " She say and went up to her room.

-- (Y/n)'s POV --

" My cover was almost blown " I whine while I ran my fingers in my hair.

" Mhm " (K/n) hums while eating some Chocolate chips.

I then heard a tappinG sound at the door of the Balcony. I turn around and stood up.

" (Y/n)? "

" Just hide " I say to my Kwami. She nods her head and did what she was told to.


Sorry if your POV is so short. Oh! I almost forgot. I wanna thank Author_Senpai_666 and AndreaAguilar485 for supporting me! I will forever salute the both of you!

♦♥~ Unicorn Queen💖

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