Kurai Yoru (Darker Night)

By Freeze-kun

5.3K 718 1.9K

You've gotten used on accompanying the heroes in their adventure. It's always fun, rainbows, cries and rain a... More

Copyright and disclaimer
Prologue: The Embodiment of Despair
Table of Content: Arcs
Kurai Yoru OS: Different Yet The Same
1: A Daily Life of A Demon Lord
2: Past Best Forgotten...
4: Sweet Revenge
5: A New Friend...
6: ...Then A New World
7: Broken Bird
8: Double Vengeance
9: Lingering Nightmares
10: Rebuilding Trust
10.5: A Caring Brother [AC]
Season 2 Prologue: Learn Fear
11: Let's Start Fresh
12: Just A Plaything
13: Tricks and Lies
14: Unsealed
15: Killing Death
16: What You Really Are
17: My Child
18: Her Tutor
19: The Genie's Wishes
20: Wrathful Heart Of The Emerald
21: Not A Lie
22: Consequences
19.5: Phantasmagorical [AC]
Season 3 Prologue: Equals
23: False Serenity
24: Purgatorial Trinity
25: A Monster
26: Hybrid
27: Simplest Tactic
28: King & Queen
29: Transition
30: Difference in Strength
31: Evil-Nice Girl
32: Happy Ending
Web-Novels' Commonly Used Japanese Suffixes
Info: Cast/ Informations
33: Loyal, To The Very End
34: New Dawn

3: Got a Secret, Can You Keep It?

181 25 100
By Freeze-kun

Several trumpets and drums blared outside the castle, alerting the napping Sitri in his throne. He was about to growl in annoyance, thinking that it's some humans attacking him head first again. But then, a booming voice interrupted his thoughts.

"Princess Thalia Beelzebub has come!" A grumpy voice yelled.

No more than one second Ani burst in through the double doors. "Thalia's coming! Yey!" Ani kept on jumping in front of Sitri.

"Calm down Ani. Remember my rules, don't destroy anything here. And I don't wanna deal with some cheeky brat right now, so don't lead that girl to me." Sitri said while rubbing his face.

"Thalia's here! Thalia's here!" Ani kept on jumping and ran towards the balcony.

"... She just ignored me." Sitri stared blankly at Ani. "This is the effect of that stupid brat on her. Ani's being disobedient."

Ani grabbed the stone railing at the balcony, and leaned in to see the heiress of the half vampire-half demon family, Thalia Beelzebub.

Down below, Ani could clearly see her bright emerald hair, styled into two pony tails at the side of her head, with a series of long straight hair at the back. Her charming face looked back at Ani in delight. The girl in a gothic lolita dress waved at Ani, and she waved back. Thalia is a bit taller than Ani, reaching up to the height of a 4'9 or 5'0. Even from up afar, her royal aura can be felt by the giddy servant of Sitri.

But Sitri have other thoughts. "No, that's all lies. She's the farthest thing from 'royal', don't be fooled again Sitri." Sitri felt her aura too, but knew better than to trust the heiress.

"Thaaaalia-san! Aren't you bothered by the sun?!" Ani yelled.

"No! But I'll be bothered if Sitri is there! Is he there?!" She shouted backed.

Sitri beat Ani and answered for himself. "Yes, I am here. Now get inside here so this day will be one step closer to ending."

"Hmph! Hardy as always, grandpa. Hahahaha!" Thalia laughed as she covered her mouth with the back of her hand.

A tick mark appeared at Sitri's forehead, but he calmed himself. This happens every time when the girl visits him and Ani at the humans' dimension. All he could do, was endure.


After the show outside the castle ended, Thalia was left by her bodyguards(which consisted of a thousand vampires) at Sitri's castle. As the last vampire disappeared with the help of Sitri's teleportation magic, Thalia and Ani already destroyed Sitri's throne room, his bed room, Sitri's study room, the library in the basement, and let loose about a hundred of human's soul in the world by destroying Sitri's soul container. It was designed to repair the castle whenever it is destroyed, by consuming some amount of souls, but now even it was destroyed, which is hidden in a secret room mind you. On how they found it, Sitri had no clue.

"What in the hell have you done?!" Sitri just turned his back, teleported Thalia's army in a hurry then this happened.

He could hear Ani's and Thalia's laugh inside the remaining part of his castle, and he wasted no time in teleporting to that spot.

"That too Thalia! And this! And that! And those!" Ani pointed at all directions as Thalia sent a Dark Orb wherever Ani pointed. The hyper blonde haired girl turned around, and saw Sitri staring blankly at them. Unfortunately, she didn't realized that she's still pointing.

Thalia let loose the orb, and it exploded in impact upon hitting Sitri at his face. Thalia cackled, looking like she just erased something bad from her life. Which is not so far-fetched from the truth.

The smoke cleared, showing Sitri's headless body still standing his ground. Ani gasped. "Eeep! M-Master! Master's head... Waaa..." She wobbled at first, then collapsed as she fainted.

Thalia looked at Sitri, then pouted. She can still feel Sitri's aura, meaning he's still alive. As if confirming her thoughts, the outlines of Sitri's head turned black and white, then it materialized in just a fraction of second. His expression from before never left his face, even after it getting blown up.

"You done yet?" Sitri asked. A brick fell down at the background, with smokes of dust still floating at the air.

"Yes." She nodded her head. Then, she stuck her tongue out. "As if I'll ever will! Never!" She stomped at the mini mountain of debris she's standing at.

"Okay." Sitri walked outside the room. If there was one thing he had learned with the energetic vampire, it's that she'll just get wilder if you try to stop her.

Sitri saw the princess-turned-doll Eliya lying at the ground, still giving her eerie smile. Sitri normally wouldn't care about it, but he knew that it's precious to Ani. And so, he decided to place it inside his private dimension, thinking that it might get destroyed within Thalia's rampage.

He teleported to the forest behind his castle, looking at his once formidable and terrifying lair now nothing but a huge pile of dust, woods and bricks. He looked at the cackling girl at the top of the debris mountain his palace turned into, and couldn't help but to let out a sigh. "She destroyed my castle. Again." He shook his head. Looking back, he saw Ani slowly waking up from behind the mad vampiress.

Thalia let out a volley of Dark Orbs at the sky, and let them explode in a grandiose fashion, marking her victory once again against Sitri's poor castle. To a normal person's eyes, it looked like a fireworks show in the middle of the day. But to Sitri, he thinks it was just there to serve as a taunt to him by Thalia.

"Rebuilding that is gonna be a headache..." Sitri talked to himself.

He heard a snicker somewhere around him, but he paid it no mind. He recognizes her aura, it was the same girl stalking him last night, and the last 8 years.

"Seriously. Is this karma? Such a pain in the back." Sitri mumbled. He started walking back to the two child-brain, as he liked to think of them right now, and talked to them.

"Now, you finish?" Sitri asked.

"Yup, I'm finished." Thalia smirked.

Ani looked at him in shock. "Master. I just had a dream about your head getting hit by Thalia and blowing." She said, shell-shocked.

Sitri rose his finger and was about to say something, then he dropped it down. "You know what, let's just rebuild my castle."

"Correction, you rebuild it. Me and Ani will watch." Thalia grinned.

"Yes, what I've said." Sitri walked away, distancing himself from the rubbles and began to raise his left hand. Ani and Thalia walked behind him, the former tapping her finger at her forehead, looking above acting like she's trying to remember something while the latter just kept on snickering.

Sitri ignoring Thalia, he began to chant. "I call upon thy spirits of the dead, hear my voice as I will be the salvation of your lives. Take heed unto my wish, for I shall grant yours. I am the demon king, and I shall remove thy names of those who will obey from the list of who will go to hell and be damned, for eternity." The demon spoke in a voice that resonates ancient and wisdom. Sitri closed his eyes, and then opened it again. "Rebuild my castle." He spoke in his usual voice.

"See that, Ani? I told you he's an old timer!" Thalia whispered at Ani.

"T-Thalia-san..." Ani sweatdropped.

Sitri calmly walked to Thalia, and leaned in closer to her. "Prepare for my revenge later, brat." Then he gave her his trademark grin, the one that he shows when he's about to give the finishing blow.

Thalia smugly smirked at him. "What? You're gonna try and molest me, aren't you? Pervert!" Thalia threw a random brick at Sitri, hitting him once again in the head. His head tilted slightly from the force.

And just like that, Sitri lost it. Composure be damned, he's angry. "Why you little-- Let me go Ani! I'm going to teach this kid not to mess with me!" Sitri tried grabbing the smirking vampire, but Ani gave it her all to hold the rampaging demon from choking her older sister figure.

"Please calm down, brother!" Ani called him brother with him conscious, and not sleeping. This simple fact made Sitri stop. He slowly turned around to Ani, and hugged her. "You, finally called me brother." He smiled.

He pushed Ani back slightly to see her face, but was dumbfounded to see Ani is the one unconscious, unable to hold the pressure to actually call Sitri face-to-face brother.

"Hey! Stop touching Ani all over her body!" Thalia yanked the drooling girl away from Sitri's grasps.

"I wasn't, you perverted vampire." Sitri glared at her.

"Now I'm the perverted one!" Thalia exclaimed while glaring at him.

"... Kehehe. Kehehehahaha." Sitri began to laugh while looking down. "Now that Ani's sleeping, it's revenge time." He spoke in a deep voice.

Thalia's earlier facade faltered as she heard Sitri. "H-Hey, you aren't really going to mole--"

"For hell's sake I won't!" Sitri exclaimed.

Sitri can't really keep his terrifying persona for long when Thalia's around, it seems.


Now, it is noon. The castle has been rebuilt into it's former appearance in just a few hours. As the trio waited, they started eating for their lunch. Thalia offered to cook, but Sitri quickly turned it down. He said something with the words 'poison' and 'again' in the same sentence. Since Sitri himself isn't a master chef, much less a cooker, Ani did it.

Just after they finished eating at a makeshift picnic setting, the castle was finally finished. Sitri wasted no time teleporting back to his throne, but not before offering Ani to come with him. The little girl politely refused, as she wanted to walk with her sister figure. At that comment Thalia once again threw him a victorious grin, that resulted to Sitri seething with black energy from all the murder plans he had created for the vampire in just three seconds.

Sitri let out a sigh. "Never a dull moment when she's around. It's... tolerable... maybe nice." He spoke to himself, sitting comfortably at his throne.

Sitri had met the young heiress 10 years ago, as a king to the demon race and a good friend with the Beelzebub family. At first the girl is always seen staring at him, blankly looking at their king for whatever reason. But after a day, she began to comment on how he looks like a businessman with a pair of horn, a really old guy that all his hair turned white, etc. In other words, she began her taunts.

Sitri was informed that that was the first for the heiress to show that kind of emotion. Her parents once said that Thalia was a very shy and introvert vampire. But then, when he, Sitri, appeared to her life, she began to show some more and express her feelings.

"Well that was some opening-up there. She became a complete opposite of her former self. Because of me. Why, I don't know." He thought out loud.


Currently, Ani and Thalia are resting at her spacious room. They began to play, this time normally.

"Thalia-san, you really seem to tick brother off." Ani giggled.

"Yes..." She answered dreamily. As soon as she noticed herself, she shook her head. "I mean, yes! Did you see his face when he got hit by my dark orb? It was priceless! Ha ha ha." She laughed nervously, fanning herself with her hand.

"Uhm, no, 'cause it blew off?" Ani answered.

Thalia stammered. "R-Right! Of course you didn't!" Then she stood up. "I-Im going to the rest room, excuse me!" Then she ran outside the room.

"What was that about?" Ani tilted her head as she looked at her reflection at the mirror behind Thalia's seat. "Oh well!" Then she smiled.


'That was close. I heard Ani's a genius when it comes to reading someone's thought just by looking at their expressions. I hope she didn't...' Thalia thought, her chest rising up and down from all the running she did. She's currently somewhere around the castle, and of course she doesn't know where.

"D-Did she see my dreamy face? I really hope not." Thalia can almost hear it. All the taunts and laughs she'll get from Sitri if he knew why she's been acting like that towards him.

Then, she began to smile. "It's good to be back here, at Ani's castle. At my beloved's castle..." She whispered to herself as she walked to the path she took when she ran away from Ani in panic. She hadn't notice Sitri's face poking up from the huge double doors behind her, which was apparently the throne room.

Sitri rose his eyebrow. 'Is she calling Ani beloved? That's creepy.'

"... My beloved Sitri's castle! Oomp!" Thalia clamped her mouth as she giggled like the teenager she is.

'Did, did she just...' Sitri's eyes widen. 'That's even creepier.' Sitri's inner self shattered in a million pieces while looking at the giggling girl.

"Senpai always notices me!" Thalia laughed to herself, while the staring demon broke down mentally from the information he was not ever supposed to know.


A/N: Meet Thalia, the deredere in disguise of a tsundere! XD Anyways, I had lots of fun writing this particular chapter. I mean, exploding things! Finally there's exploding things, right?

Ehem, anyways. See ya later people, and don't be shy to leave a comment. Even flames are welcome! :0 It lights up my motivation to write more things. XD

Next time, on Kurai Yoru!

"I'm here to warn you Master! Warn!"

"I, feel... weak..."

"F-F-Finally, I'm f-free."

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