My True Love!!! Gohan and Me...

By JanaeH

221K 5.2K 2.4K

BOOK ONE: Tania is a normal eighth grade teen, never had fallen in love since most guys her age just bullies... More

Chapter 1: Meet Tania Ayame
Chapter 2: School Life
Chapter 3: Devastated Emotions
Chapter 4: The Day My Life Changed Forever
Chapter 5: Lost
Chapter 6: Learn To Control Energy
Chapter 7: Overcoming Fear
Chapter 8: The Return Of An Old Foe
Chapter 9: The Kids Who Will One Day Become Heroes
Chapter 10: Cell's Revenge
Chapter 11: Caring For Another
Chapter 12: Tania's Connection To Eternal
Chapter 13: Meeting The Champ And His Daughter
Chapter 14: A Gift For Gohan
Chapter 15: A Tragic Love Story Part One
Chapter 16: A Tragic Love Story Part Two
Chapter 17: A Tragic Love Story Part Three
Chapter 18: A Tragic Love Story Part Four
Chapter 19: A Tragic Love Story Part Five
Chapter 20: A Tragic Love Story Part Six
Chapter 21: A Tragic Love Story Part Seven
Chapter 22: Fading Energy
Chapter 23: Tania Possessed?
Chapter 24: Into The Hyperbolic Time Chamber
Chapter 25: Tania vs Vegeta
Chapter 26: Memory Lost
Chapter 27: Death Of Two Warriors
Chapter 28: Attempt Of Purifying A Evil Heart- Gohan vs Tania
Chapter 29: Search For The Seven Magical Dragonballs Part One
Chapter 30: Search For The Seven Magical Dragonballs Part Two
Chapter 31: Which Z Fighter Will Wield The Ancient Sword, Wisheater?
Chapter 32: Gohan's Heart Tested- Courage/Bravery
Chapter 33: Gohan's Heart Tested- Honor/Honesty/Wisdom
Chapter 34: Gohan's Final Test- Strength/Love
Chapter 35: The Final Battle Begins
Chapter 36: A Hero's Return And Tania's True Feelings Revealed
Chapter 37: Hope? I Love it!
Chapter 38: Danger For Everyone
Chapter 39: Gohan's Suffering, Tania's Decision
Chapter 40: Gohan Cries
Chapter 41: The Imperishable Bond Between Tania and Gohan
Chapter 42: All That Matters
Chapter 43: First Date- Light in a Pendant Necklace
Chapter 44: Gohan's Animal Friends
Chapter 45: Happy Birthday Gohan!
Chapter 46: Until Tomorrow...
To Every One Of My Supporters
Fictional Crushes
Most Inspirational Characters
Origin Of My 2 Gohan Story Titles
Most Inspirational Quotes Part 1
Origin Of My Story Titles Part 2
Hottest Anime Guys
Q&A - 1
Q&A - 2
Most Difficult Characters For Me To Write A Romance About
Shippers: Gonia vs NaruNia 😂
DBZ Guys: Date Or Pass
Yaoi and Yuri - My Thoughts (SPOILERS)
Nia/Tania With Their Feelings (Gonia vs NaruNia)
Best Cosplays
Netflix Or Chill - Anime Guys
Q&A - 4
Rest In Peace, Akira Toriyama 😭🙏🏽🕊️


875 20 29
By JanaeH

A/N- This will be the fourth chapter from the future world bonus chapters. Refresher: Gohan has just accepted letting Tania be his student along with Trunks.



It was a dark night... Rain poured furiously from out the sky but when they landed on the ground, it resembled the color of blood. Soon, the raindrops became blood itself. A grown Tania made her way through the rubble of yet another destroyed city. The air was cold and the saiyan's clothes were soaked. Not too far from her, a body lied in a pool of blood while to familiar figures peered over it.

"He's done for..." Android Eighteen stood over the body with a smirk on her face.

Seventeen stood next to her with his arms folded and nodded, "Yeah, now he won't interfere with our plans anymore..."

Tania, filled with grief and hopelessness, only stared at the backs of the cold monsters as they began to ascend into the sky. As they left, the young woman left behind ran to the body ahead of her.

No tears would form in her eyes as they they were too lifeless and drained to do so. Her body trembled and her breathing became shallow.

He's dead... He's dead... They really killed him...

The woman stared below her: The man she loved most in the world had fallen.

AGE 777

"NO!" Tania screamed as she sat up from her bed.

She had just awakened from a terrible nightmare. Sweat descended from her forehead as she slowly began to realize that she was still in her hotel room. She took a few more deep breaths as it dawned on to her that she had experienced yet another nightmare.

Gohan... no....

The girl reached for her glasses that layed on the nightstand to her left and placed them on. Though the dream felt real, it really wasn't. There was no rain outside or a bloody sky. Only the full moon was out and nothing out of the ordinary was happening.

However, this dream was real to her the point that she desperately wanted to see the man she loved. So, opening her window, Tania levitated and flew out of it. She had learned to take flight from the help of Gohan and Trunks not very long ago.

Upon making it to where the demi-saiyan stayed, Tania looked through the window in which Gohan's room was in his capsule home. There, on his bed, the warrior slept peacefully and relaxed. In fact, Tania never seen the man more at peace than he was now.

"He's okay..." She quietly said to herself as she slid down to her knees with her fingers still on the capsule house, "Thank goodness..."

Not even a minute later, footsteps entered through her hearing.

"Who's there?!" Someone called.

Tania froze as she seen Gohan turn the corner and found who was interrupting his sleep.

"Huh? Tania, that you? What're you doing out here this late at night? Aren't you freezing?"

Tania felt tears envelope in her eyes as she stared at the object of her affection.

Gohan saw this and grew concerned, "Eh? What's wrong? Did something happen?"

Tania thought of seeing Gohan's face lying in the puddle around him in her dream.

"Gohan!" She cried as she ran straight into the demi-saiyan's arms.

Gohan blushed as he suddenly got embraced. However, he didn't move as he was a bit too shocked to.


"Gohan, stop fighting!" Tania cried into his shirt.

This time, Gohan stopped blushing and replaced this expression with a serious one, "What're you saying?"

"Stop fighting the androids!" Tania demanded with a soft tone.

Gohan paused for a moment before saying, "Tania... what's wrong? You sound crazy to me right now. You know I could never do that. I can't do that."

He then gently pulled Tania away from him as she then wept in her hands. Gohan placed a hand on the girl's shoulder, "Come on, lets go talk inside."

Tania weakly nodded as she slowly followed Gohan inside his home. Not to her surprise, the place was still neat and tidy from when she last visited. Gohan, not wanting to use up his electricity, lit up a few candles using his ki and placed them on the coffee table in front of the two.

He got up and quickly grabbed a blanket from his room and used it to wrap Tania around it, who was shivering slightly from flying to Gohan's home then watching him for quite some time in the cold. She appreciated his kindness and stopped crying. Her eyes looked pretty swollen from the sobs but also tired.

'Man, what could've made her so upset like this?' Gohan thought as he watched Tania stare at the floor.

He then asked her about it to which she replied, "You died..."

Gohan's eyes widened, "What?"

Tania looked up and intensely stared into Gohan's eyes. It was a very serious moment.

"I see you die in my dreams..."

Gohan sighed and calmed himself.

Oh... She's just having nightmares...

"Listen Tania, I think you worry too much about me." Goku's son said, "Once you realize I'll be fine, you'll be able to sleep much better."

Again, tears filled the girl's eyes, "But... it felt so real, Gohan..."

Gohan softly smiled, "Dreams sometimes makes you feel that way, you know?"

Tania averted her eyes to the floor again, "...I mean, I guess..."

"See?" Gohan grinned, "I get nightmares like that myself but I refuse to believe that those monstrous androids will take my life away! Not before I at least get you and Trunks to become true warriors first!"

Stunned, Tania grabbed Gohan's hand, "You're having the same dreams too?!"

The twenty-one-year-old then realized what he said and tried to fix his mistake by avoiding the question.

"Er, Tania... it's really early in the morning. Don't you think that you should head ho-"

A pair of soft lips made contact with his own. For the first time, Gohan's heart thudded and a feeling of warmth washed over him.

Tania, the girl whom he found in the rubble years ago, was now kissing him. Knowing the woman was distressed enough, Gohan didn't pull away in fear of hurting her further. However, he had such a blooming sensation in his chest that he couldn't ignore no matter what he did or thought.

This was a growing problem arising with the two for quite some time: Sexual arousal...

Gohan, being saiyan and human had a much more difficult time resisting his urges despite doing so since his teenage years. Saiyan males are known to be very aggressive in terms of mating more so than their female counterparts. With human males, it's extremely hard to control their desire for lovemaking when in the presence of being by a woman whom they feel deeply attracted to. In this case, Gohan was in a lose-lose position.

(A/N- I can't believe I'm doing this but the characters are 20+ so I guess it's okay. If you're under 16-17, I recommend you stop reading right now. Just don't forget to vote and comment lol)
Wrestling with these demanding desires, Gohan decided to pull away and stand up. Tania met with the man's eyes. So much tension filled the atmosphere that there was no way anyone could deny what was about to go down.

"T-Tania...!" Gohan reddened slightly.

The woman didn't say anything but a small sorry. As Gohan uncontrollably gazed at Tania's frame, he could feel
stiffening in his pants. An erection was growing rather quickly and Gohan turned his back toward the woman in fear she might be creeped out by it.

C'mon, Gohan... control yourself! There's no time for this!

However, the stiffening only grew worse as he thought of what he would like to do with the woman whom he had a soft spot for.

"Gohan...?" Tania stood up and placed her fist on her heart, "Are you okay?"

"Mmn... uh yeah... of course..."

His voice was muffled and filled with desire. Gohan was losing control of trying to ignore his sexual desires. Tania, worried if her kiss made her crush uncomfortable, took a step forward.

"No!" Gohan shouted, "Stay right there! Don't come closer!"

Now more concerned, Tania ignored Gohan's wishes and turned him around. She noticed the sweat running down his face and the uncontrollable lust his facial expression showed. This made Tania's face warm but as she looked down, she saw what Gohan was trying to hide and quickly looked away embarrassed.

"Ah! I-I'm so sorry!" She apologized quickly as she covered her face with her hands.

As she looked away from him, Gohan took notice of the nightgown Tania wore. It was tight around her chest and waist and was very alluring. Though not naturally perverted, Gohan gazed at the woman's large cleavage. Her breast size was a D cup and it didn't help relax Gohan's arousal, instead it furthered it.

I never noticed... how sweet she is... and how...

Gohan turned his eyes away,

What's wrong with me? I can't stop feeling the way I do after she kissed me...

His manhood was beginning to hurt the longer it was unattended. It needed relief and it needed now! The half breed thought of all the kind things Tania did and said to him in the past. All of it had made him feel good and thankful to have someone like her around along with Trunks and Bulma of course. This feeling, however, was more than what he originally felt for the woman. For the first time, he sees her as someone who he wishes to protect and to not share with anyone. He wanted Tania to be his but was fighting the feeling off because of his fear of losing her...

"Tania..." Gohan softly spoke, "You're really gorgeous..."

Shocked, the dark haired woman moved her hands away from her face, "W-What?"

Gohan took a step forward and ran his fingers through Tania's hair, "You always showed how much you cared about me but I always pushed you away... now... I'm gonna show you how much I appreciate and care for you..."

Tania blushed deeply and her heart fluttered to the sound of Gohan's sincere gentle voice. The hybrid closed his eyes and slowly inched his lips towards her own. The warrior had given into his Saiyan mating drive.

                  To be continued...

A/N- Um... so even though I'm an adult, this felt very weird to type lol. The next chapter will carry on with their... mating. Er... I hope you guys liked this :) I've been asked multiple times to write a lemon so I will be doing that next chapter I guess.

Please comment and vote! Have a good thanksgiving tomorrow everyone!

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