
By MidnightSpring

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Arcadia, the City of Tomorrow, a bastion of technology and a peek of a bright and shining future. Located wi... More

Welcome to Arcadia
First Contact
First Contact II
Seeds of Doubt
Nightmare Painter
Official Mission
Locked-on II
Guardian Battle!
Yukiko Tenri
Stoic Girl Meets Genki Girl
Treasure Hunt!
Frantic Ring-Hunt!
And the Winner is....
Shiratori Festival
Awaken, Rod of Exorcism!
Mystic Bastion
To the Next Phase
Death By A Thousand Cuts
Memory Lock
Temple Siege
Your Smile
Shimmering Resort, Iruka Island!
Songstress of the Sea
Dreadnought's Truth
Flight and Fight
Nouvelle Luz I : Herald of Justice
Nouvelle Luz II : Night Hunters
Converged Paths
Turning Point
Nouvelle Luz III : Dawn of the New Era
What I Must Protect
Genki Girl Meets Void Princess
After the First Day
Encounter [-15 years]
Gerard's Decision
Stray Dog in the Moonlight
Crimson Banquet - Invincible Army Marches Forth!
Crimson Banquet II - VS Invincible Army
The Traitor Redeemer
A Long Time Coming
Behold My True Form!
Eve of Destruction
Calm Before the Storm
Void Princess and Rookie Guardian - The United Front
Clash! Triple Impact!
True Strength
Fragments of the Past
Wild Card
Fierte-Omega, Glaive of Ragnarok
Twilight of the Mortals
Shared Strengths, Joint Wills, and United Hearts--
--Come Together... To Awaken a Miracle!
Reconciliation of the Parallel Worlds

One City, Two Worlds

446 21 0
By MidnightSpring

Pale Phantom? It appeared again a day ago, and...

"Himeji! Are you listening?"

Snapping back to reality, Yura stared at the the professor. This one is named Mikhail and taught some lessons on magic. Of course, few members of the city actually knew how to harness magic, so it's mostly book knowledge being taught. 

"Now, answer this question, Miss Aegis Guardian..." Professor Mikhail's eyes shot straight into Yura. Yura tried hiding the sudden tense feelings that came upon her. This teacher always does that same glare which never failed to keep the class behaved. 

Mikhail pointed at the electronic board, where an image of a book with several symbols was being displayed. "This grimoire, containing knowledge of nature, was said to be sent by an Archangel. This text became especially important to German magic during the old times."

Is this guy for real? He did not even discuss that part of the lesson!

"Uh..." Yura's voice trailed off. Her mind went blank due to panicking for the answer. She tried to stammer out an answer, but Mikhail quickly cut her off. 

"Time's up. You don't get a free pass from me just because you help those guys maintain peace in this city." The teacher, with a disappointed look on his face, turned to the class. "Now, anyone else who could answer?" His eyes turned to the corner of the class, where one hand was raised.

"Schwarz!" called out Professor Mikhail.

"Sir, what you're talking about is the Sefer Raziel Ha-Malakh Liber Razielis Archangeli." Amaya answered with calmness and confidence.

"What the hell? What kind of name is that?" commented one student. 

The teacher nodded his head and continued his slides. "Actually, it's The Book of Raziel the Angel." The answer flashed on the screen. Before he can start his discussion, Amaya interrupted him.

"It is also said that this grimoire was given after man ate the forbidden fruit in Judean lore. Besides the knowledge of nature, man was also said to been taught the power of speech through this grimoire."

Mikhail smirked. 

"Impressive, you really are adept and very knowledgable in the occult, aren't you?"

"I take that as a compliment, sir," answered Amaya. From her seat, she gave a bow, having done her job. "I have been doing some research on my own."

The teacher raised his eyebrows and stared at Amaya. "Are you implying that you have been trying to learn how to harness your powers?"

"I can't deny it, sir."

Mikhail ran his hand through his spiky hair and snickered. "My, we got an ambitious one here. Despite everyone having some sort of magical affinity, few have actually took a step further and tried to use it. "

He then turned to Yura. "Well at least she's working hard. As for you, see me after this."


Later on...

"What's going on? You've occasionally spaced out in class for four days already."

Yura looked at Leanne and yawned,. She reclined on the bench on the sidewalk and looked up. "Don't worry about me. I'll be fine." She lazily set her eyes on the trash can across the street before shooting a crumpled piece of paper into it.

Leanne responded with a concerned look. "The school festival starts in less than a week. Of course I'm worried that you might get in trouble with the teachers before then."

"Well, if it can't be helped, then I'll just pass for the event."

"Aw, come on, don't be like that," protested Leanne. The other girl simply laughed at her reaction.

"Just kidding! But seriously, there's no problem. It's just..."

"But your actions tell me there is!" 

Leanne sat beside Yura. "You know, I'm guessing it has something to do with the Occult Club."

Yura distanced herself from Leanne abruptly as a reaction. Hurriedly regaining her composure, she exhaled, hoping that her reaction did not make things too obvious for Leanne. 

"You've been visiting their President for days now, and whenever you talk, you had that really serious look on your face. Always."

Leanne continued before Yura can respond. "Does it have to do with those ghosts in the news?"

"Y-you believe in them?" hurriedly asked Yura.

Leanne smiled. 

"Of course not!" In an instant, her face turned serious. "And that's why you shouldn't be troubled over that thing. It's nothing but a story people make up. We're past the age of ghosts and demons, Yura."

"Glad to hear that. Anyways, I'll be going now! I still got some errands given by the professor."

Yura waved goodbye and left.


"Look, I feel really disrespected when people space out in class. You could do it, I mean, what's stopping you?" Professor Mikhail gave a sarcastic expression. "Just make sure not to get caught."

Yura stood in front of the spiky-haired professor, who comfortably sat behind his table. It is a rather plain table, except for the books stockpiled on top of it. Beside the books was a gold nameplate which read MIKHAIL ALDRA.

"I might not look like it, but I am nice to my students. You understand that being a teacher on magic, I could go off on people when I want to, right? You see what I'm trying to get across?"

Yura nodded. Professor Mikhail looked at her and put on his glasses, which was neatly set on the table. He opened a record book and checked something in it.

"Honestly, I had enough. Not only have you been inattentive for at least three sessions now, your grades in the written exams are terrible. Well, at least you show the most mastery of your inner energies in hands-on practice sessions, which is unsurprising." Mikhail pointed at Yura's armband. 

"Seeing as the festival is coming up, I think I'll be kind to you now despite your shortcomings. I'll let this one go after a favor. How about...."


"So, here it is."

Yura got off the metro and the station. She found herself at the northern sector of Arcadia, specifically near its boundary. From her point of view, she could see the wall which separated Arcadia from the mountainous regions of the north. She looked at her surroundings.

"Guess this is the less-developed part of the city..."

Instead of the smooth roads, technology, and high-rise buildings which characterized the heart of the city, the outskirts resembled a less-developed district. Architecture in the area looked more traditional, with some modern structures here and there. The roads were more rough as well, and the people looked less refined.

"Just like what they said in class..."

Yura recalled one of the first lessons in their class about the place. While majority of Arcadia has adapted to advanced technology, the northern part, due to its close proximity to the sacred mountain, remained rooted in their traditional ways. While this may seem weird, Yura learned to appreciate the northern district. 

While the rest of Arcadia looked very artificial, with the set-up, this place just seemed so natural. It reminded Yura of home, which was not as developed as Arcadia. But then, majority of cities don't even come close to Arcadia.

One thing also stood out in the northern district. It is the epicenter of the dimensional tremor which allowed the supernatural creatures to pass into this world. As such, this district is extra important in the city's history. This may also be part of the reason why the place was allowed to not fully adopt Arcadia's innovations, for preservation purposes.

"Ah, time to just get this over with..."

Remembering what she was supposed to be doing here, Yura start checking out the stalls in front of the metro station. If there's anything the northern section of Arcadia prides itself on, it is the place where people more easily connect to the spiritual things. To further drive the point home, what welcomed people getting off the metro was a street full of antique shops.

As Yura skimmed through the contents of the stalls, she can't help but notice stuff like candles, talismans, and charms being sold. 

"Sir, may I ask a question?"

Yura had hesitated asking for directions, since the man looking over the stall looked unapproachable. He had a stern face, a few broken teeth, and white hair that is balding. The man, having been called, turned attention towards the student and his only customer.

"What you want? You ain't buying anything?"

The man, seated on the floor with crossed legs, pointed at his other merchandise, like small carved figurines. He specifically pointed to a protection talisman that was being sold at an unbelievably high price. Yura shook her head.

"I expected dat, lookin' at ye. Ain't buyin' stuff for dem white ghost?"

One phrase from the man's impatient voice caught Yura's attention, "White ghost?"

"Aye. We ain't deaf, y'know. We hear dem rumors going round."

"Really? By any chance, could you tell me more about that rumor?"

"Aye. It's justa rumor, y'know. Ten nights past, an' some white ghost be comin' to the city." The man rubbed his chin and took out a cigarette. He resumed after some puffing. "'Course ya'll won't believe dis ol' man. Arcadia's a place of wisdom, right? Y'all are too old for dis tales of spirits and angry ghosts."

"No, that's not it. I will listen!"

"I dun have any more ta say. Not buyin' any?"

Yura politely declined. "I have money here, but I would need it for an errand. Thank you!"

Yura bowed at him before leaving and crossing the street. The old man cocked his head back and closed his eyes, dozing off.


Yura exited the residential area of the northern district just as the sun started setting. 

"Whew, that's it, I guess. It seemed like a whole different world back there."

As she walked, she recalled the appearace of the northern district. While the place did not look too shabby at all, still being part of Arcadia, the difference between the two is quite evident. For one, the resident areas were not full of skyscrapers and houses were not built with smooth white panels. 

She wiped off some sweat and slowed down, putting down the heavy bag of goods she had with her. "Agghh, I'm getting creeped out by it already." She immediately sat in place, which was a corner sidewalk.

"Yura? What are you doing here?"

Yura turned around and saw Ren, wearing his long-sleeved robes. She hurriedly got up and picked up her bag of goods. 

"That's something I want to ask you."

The bespectacled man shrugged, opening his bag to show some charms. "Just getting some more stuff for the club. If you're gonna get goods for spirit and supernatural stuff, this is the place. What about you?"

"Uhh, it's nothing, really," chuckled Yura. She saw Ren being fixated with her bag of goods so she decided to show it to him. "Just some shopping for a professor."

Upon looking through the contents of the bag, Ren's eyelids twitched. 

"I was obliged to do this, you know!"

"Never mind it, then. Also, now that you're here, I'd like you to meet someone." Ren pointed at the corner of the street. A woman with long, white hair peeked from behind the corner. She slowly walked and approached Yura, but decided to stop behind Ren.

"Yuki-tan, here's a freshman from Shiratori, Yura Himeji." 

As Ren made the initial introduction, the woman called Yuki waved at Yura. The freshman waved back and gave a smile. Yura also took a closer look at Yuki. Her appearance might as well pass for a corporate manager with her heels and very tidied suit. However, she still seemed pretty young at heart, as a part of her hair was secured by a long clip with a cute flower design over it. 

"Hi, I'm Yukiko Tenri. Nice to meet you, Himeji." Yukiko bowed as a sign of courtesy. She kept quiet after that. 

"Ah, Yuki-tan's pretty shy and reserved when meeting new people. Don't worry, she'll be fine."

"What's he doing with you here then, Ren-senpai?"

"I told you not to use honorifics, Yura. Ehh, anyways, I'm just here to accompany her. We've been friends since years ago, before she graduated from Shiratori and went for a hands-on study there." 

Ren turned around and pointed at a mountain in the distance. "The twisted mountain, El Aldo."

"That..." Yukiko pointed at Yura's armband. 

"By the way, Yukiko was also a guardian right before she graduated. She might be able to help you, Yura."

"Oh, don't mention it, Ren-chi. I've been away for over half a year already. Things have changed." Yukiko glanced around the empty streets. "I mean, back when I left, the place was not reeking with supernatural energy."

"I can't tell since I just arrived around a month ago, but I do feel stronger sensations here," agreed Yura. "Before I forget! By any chance, do you two know anything else about the rumors of the ghost in Arcadia?"

"We already talked this over several times already. No, Yura, no one's watching you or tailing you like those summoned demons weeks ago." 

Ren had a serious tone all of a sudden. Yura could understand why. 

"However, those rumors are partly why Yuki-tan and I decided to spend the day here. The sightings of the ghost started becoming more and more common starting with over a week ago."

"But it has been harmless, right?" asked Yura.

"So far, yes. But it won't be for long... I think"

Yura listened intently.

"I personally think it has some connections with the mountain and the abnormal drop in temperature there recently. Arcadia does not hold any responsibility in El Aldo, but there has been some weird events these past weeks. Are you busy for the night? Wanna come with us?"

"Um..." Yura fiddled her fingers nervously. "I would really want to, but..."

She looked at her bag of goods, then at Yukiko. "I have to give this back to Professor Mikhail by tonight. Uhh... see you in school!"

Yura scrambled away, but turned back one last time. She clenched the bag of goods and looked at Yukiko again. Their eyes met, and Yura felt as if an electric shock surged through her body. She stopped in her tracks, but Ren and Yukiko were gone.

I'm not mistaken. There's something weird with that new girl.

For the second where both girls' eyes met, Yukiko's face turned pale, and her already-small eyes narrowed. She still retained the mature and refined aura, but there's a sense of something off. That's all from Yura's perspective, of course. 


In a dimly-lit room, a brown-haired man sat, reading books in candlelight. Behind him was a stained glass window. He flipped page after page of the book, before hearing a knock on the door.

"Come on in!"

The door creaked open and a nun with a cup of tea entered. She meekly presented the tea and put it in front of the brown-haired man. "Archbishop, more rumors of the Pale Phantom have been circulating...."

"That is none of our concern. I'm focusing on learning this spell. Soon, the very foundations of Arcadia will shake, and everyone will finally see the light!"

The door, which has been opened only slightly by the nun, swung open with a bang. Naturally, this caught both the nun and the archbishop by surprise. While the nun flinched, the archbishop looked on with a stoic expression.

"What if I told you that we could take advantage of this 'Pale Phantom' situation? It seems that the so-called ghost is connected to a student in Shiratori."

"What are you planning?" asked the archbishop.

"I suggest that you can make your move next week. The school will have a festival, and you can nab her during the festivities. We can use her while you showcase that spell of yours."

"How can you be sure of the target?"

While his body and face are concealed by darkness, the sound of the man's tongue can be heard, followed by a determined grunt. 

"Leave that to me..."


Author Note: So that's it for now. Wish you all a Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays!

Arcadia will resume at January for the continuation of the Pale Phantom (soon Shiratori Festival) Arc!

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