Scooby-Doo On Zombie Island (...

Braedey95 द्वारा

44.7K 519 460

Sequel to 'Scooby-Doo 2: Monsters Unleashed (OC's included)'. The Scooby-Doo gang reunite and visit Moonscar... अधिक

The Mystery Of The Moat Monster
The Talk Show, And A Phone Call
Happy Birthday Daphne!
Meeting Miss Lena, Jacques, And Snakebite
Moonscar Island, And Miss Lenoir
Moonscar Island Peppers And Pirate Ghosts
The Ghost Of Morgan Moonscar
Dinner Night, And Zombies Rising From The Grave
It's Terror Time Again!!!
The Truth Of Naomi
Final Chapter, And Final Decision

The Secret Of Moonscar Island, And 'Tarzan' VS Were-Cats

3.2K 32 55
Braedey95 द्वारा

(What Happened A Few Minutes Prior...)

Shaggy and Scooby rolled and rolled until they arrived at a mysterious cavern deep underground. Shaggy finds a candlelight and three wax dolls, each one that looked very familiar.

"Zoinks." Shaggy said. "Like someone's been playing with dolls, Scoob."

"Reah." Scooby agreed. "Rolls."


"Did you find the guys?" Velma asked, as she, Daphne, Fred, and Beau were walking through the darkness of the forest.

"Yeah," Daphne explained. "But we lost them when we found...zombies. REAL zombies!" Velma looked shocked to hear this.

"Real? Really real, Fred?" Velma asked.

"I hate to admit it, but they were." Fred replied.

"Yeah." Daphne sighed disappointingly. "I finally got my story, and all the proof sank in quicksand. Also, in all the confusion, Braedey and Naomi disappeared, and they must be running about, trying to find us."

Suddenly, Velma, Daphne and Fred were all levitating in the air! Beau seemed to be the only one remaining on the ground. The wax dolls that Scooby and Shaggy were playing with were actually voodoo dolls, but they didn't know that. Shaggy was playing with a doll that resembles Daphne and lifted up the arm, making Daphne hitting Fred.

"It's not my fault!" Daphne said to Fred. "Something's controlling me! Beau, get us down!"

Beau grabbed Daphne's leg and tried to pull her down, but to no avail. It was like they were stuck inside of two magnet making them hover in the air like a hoverboard.


Scooby played with Velma's doll and made her punch Beau in the cheeks. They were having fun despite not knowing they are hurting their friends, until Scooby discovered a group of bats waking up.

"I wonder who made this dolls?" Shaggy asked.

"Rhaggy." Scooby said. "Rook, rats."

Shaggy turned around and saw the bats. The boys ran off, making them drop the dolls, thus dropping their friends to the ground, ending the levitation. Everyone was all right, but they heard a scream.

"Come on!" Fred said. "We got to get to the house!" With that, he, Daphne, Velma and Beau ran back to the house.


Shaggy and Scooby exited the cavern with the bats following them, until they ducked and lost sight of the bats. They were relieved from the fear, but then, two female zombies are coming after them.

"We're not looking for ghoul-friends, right, Scoob?" Shaggy asked.

"Ruh-uh!" Scoob responded.

Right behind them, they saw two men zombies standing and groaning to them, almost trying to say something. Once again, the two started running, as the zombies began to follow, but at a slow pace.


Inside the house, Velma, Daphne, Fred and Beau were inside the house, looking for Simone and Lena, and also see if Scooby and Shaggy, along with Naomi and Braedey, were in the house. The house is dark and quiet.

"The generator must've gone out." Beau said. "I'll go see it."

"No way." Velma interjected, grabbing Beau's shoulder. "I'm letting you out of my sight."

Fred called out Lena's name out of the living room, but there was no response. He decided to look upstairs, but suddenly, the staircase popped open, causing him to fall to the ground. Daphne saw the opened staircase, and she saw Lena comforting Fred from his brief pain. Daphne, followed by Beau and Velma, walked down to speak to Lena.

"What's going on?" Daphne asked.

"It was a nightmare," Lena explained. "Miss Lenoir and I were outside waiting for you, when we attacked by these-- these--"

"Zombies?" Velma asked.

"Yes. We ran back to the house and Miss Lenoir opened the secret passageway. She said it was built during the Civil War to hide from union soldiers. But, the zombies came after us! They grabbed Miss Lenoir and dragged her away! Thank goodness you've come!" Lena went to Fred for him to comfort her.

Velma saw the footprints and studies them. "You say the zombies dragged Simone away?" She asked.

"Yes!" Lena exclaimed. "It was horrible!"

"Don't worry." Fred told her. "We'll find her. It's going to be okay."

Velma, Beau, Fred, Daphne and Lena walked down the tunnel and followed the footprints. The tunnel was damp, cold, and rundown, covered with dripping leaks from the plumbing system above them, and covered with rats. They walked down the dimly lit tunnel, until they found an old wooden door ahead.

Velma carefully opened the door and everyone entered a mysterious cavern. The room was covered with torches with a statue of a cat person and a moon dial with a cat face on it.

"Where are we?" Daphne asked.

"It seems to me that this is a place for voodoo rituals." Velma said. "But why don't we ask...Lena?"

"What are you talking about?" Fred asked.

"Her story about Simone getting dragged by zombies is not true. I found the footprints out of Simone's heels. She wasn't dragged, she walked down that tunnel."

Suddenly, they heard chains clanging from an old lever, opening a barred skyway window to reveal the moonlight.

"Very clever, Velma." Simone spoke, coming out the shadow. "But it is too late." She chuckled evilly and Lena expresses her evil smile.

Simone had two wax dolls in her hands and placed them on the wall. Velma and Daphne flew to the wall, knocking their guard down. Fred gasped in shock.

"Sorry, Fred." Lena said. "I really do like you." She had Fred's doll and placed it on the wall, making Fred fly to the wall.

"What would you do if you didn't like me?" Fred asked, feeling pain from his back.

Beau ran after Lena, but Lena happened to have another wax doll made into Beau, making him briefly fly in the air and slapped him against the wall.

Simone and Lena then started tying the dolls up with small rope, thus making sure the gang doesn't escape. Simone placed the dolls on a table next to a big cat statue torch. Velma discovered her eyeglass cleaning cloth torn and worn around her doll's neck.

"So, that's where the cleaning cloth for my glasses went." Velma said. She turns over to Beau. "Sorry I suspecting you."

"Apology accepted." Beau replied.

Simone stood herself in front of the moon dial, looking over the specific time where the shadow of the needle struck. In the top middle shows a spooky face of a cat, similar to the necklace Simone wears.

"The harvest moon." Simone spoke. "will soon reach the midnight point of this moon dial. And then...the ceremony will begin."

"What ceremony?" Fred asked.

"You won't get away with this!" Daphne exclaimed.

"I've been getting away with it for 200 years." Simone chuckled evilly.

Simone and Lena then suddenly began transforming into their monstrous form-- their faces are becoming crinkly, their ears turned to pointy car ears and their eyes into yellow cat's eyes. There are were-cats! The two snarled and hissed at the gang, shocking them, and even scaring them.

"At least Scooby and Shaggy are still free." Fred whispered. "And Braedey too, I hope."

"I heard that, Fred!" Lena snapped. "Those two simpletons and your little friend, we didn't even bother making wax dolls of them. Waste of time and magic wax." She lets a evil cat's hiss.

"Just what are you planning to do with us?" Fred asked.

"Oh, it's simple," Simone explained. "Every harvest moon, I must drain the lifeforce from victims lured to my island... to preserve my immortality."

"This is more haunted stuff than I really wanted!" Daphne said.


Back outside, Braedey and Valka, who had landed outside of the house, snuck into the late mansion, with no zombies on sight as of yet. They find the door wide open and inside there is no power.

"I just hope Scooby and Shaggy are okay." Braedey said. "Come on."

"I'm right behind you." Valka nodded, and they snuck into the mansion, then down into the underground tunnel.


Shaggy and Scooby were still running away from the zombies. They soon reached the dock, where they saw Jacques on the ferry, and it was docked.

"Jacques!" Shaggy said. "Like, are we ever glad to see you. There's no time to waste!"

"I'm happy to see y'all." Jacques said, letting out a soft, evil chuckle. Suddenly, he transforms into a were-cat!

Shaggy and Scooby screamed in terror and started running from their lives.


Back at the house, Braedey snuck their way down into the tunnel, and stopped nearby the door to the ritual room. As they looked, they saw Simone and Lena anxiously awaiting for the moon dial to reach the midnight point.

"If you're as old as you say you were." Velma said. "Then, I bet you're the one who found Morgan Moonscar's treasure."

"MORGAN MOONSCAR!" Simone snarled. "He was the cause of all of this!" She and Lena then tell the story of all that has happened.

Simone and Lena were one of the early settlers who made the island their home. They looked after their "cat god" for a bountiful harvest. Everyone was having a happy and peaceful life on the bayou, until on the night of the harvest moon when Morgan Moonscar anchored his ship, the MAELSTROM, offshore. He and his pirates arrived on shore to bury their stolen treasure.

The settlers were celebrating their harvest dinner party, when the pirates attacked and forced the settlers into the waters, all except for Simone and Lena who hid behind the trees. They both watched their friends and neighbors get eaten alive by alligators. They soon found a hiding place until the pirates have left their property. They had prayed to the cat good to avenge the settlers, even if it meant killing them. Their wish was granted, as they were first transformed into were-cats.

"We became cat creatures," Simone explained, "and destroyed the pirates. And only afterwards, we discovered that invoking the cat god's power, had cursed us as well."

"Over the years," Lena explained. "boats continued to come to our island. One was full of spice traders who started the pepper plantation. The plantation flourished."

"At least, until the harvest moon." Simone said. "Sometimes, it became necessary for Lena to lure outsiders back to this island."

"Just like you lured us." Fred said.

"I've had years of practice." Lena added.

"And those zombies are just the poor souls you've drained." Daphne then realised. "They're just trying to warn us, so we wouldn't suffer the same fate they did!"

"Pretty smart." Simone mocked. "For a television reporter."

Braedey and Valka peeked nearby the old wooden door, and the two were very shocked, as they heard every word of Lena and Simone's story. Suddenly, they heard a loud were-cat roar coming from outside.

"Sounds like Jacques has found your frightened friends." Lena said.

"Jacques?!" Fred asked in surprise.

"We needed a ferry driver." Simone explained. "The old man wanted immortality, so we gave it to him."


Meanwhile, Shaggy and Scooby first suspected that they lost Jacques, but Jacques appeared right in front of them and surrounded them.

"Going somewhere?" Jacques spoke in a dark tone. He then lifted Scooby and Shaggy up with his hands. "What's the matter? Cat got your tongue?" He then hissed.

Suddenly, a group full of zombies walked up behind Jacques, and attempted to stop the were-cat from hurting them. All of the zombies piled on Jacques, giving Shaggy and Scooby a chance to run for safety, and possibly find the others.


"Jacques is in trouble!" Lena exclaimed.

"Forget about him!" Simone shouted, then pointed to the gang, then at the moon dial. "They must be drained, now, for the moonlight is in the midnight alignment!"

Simone and Lena soon began to stalk after them, as they are about to start the ceremony. That signalled Braedey and Valka to barge in and stop them.

Scooby and Shaggy fell into the same hole where they fell in earlier and landed on Simone and Lena. Scooby and Shaggy knocked the table where the voodoo dolls are placed and the dolls landed next to the gang. Then, Braedey and Valka helped Shaggy and Scooby get up.

"Guys, look out!" Daphne shouted.

The two Martins got together and got themselves ready for the fight for their lives. Simone and Lena got up and both growl very angrily.

"I've had enough of that meddling DOG!" Simone growled.

"Rog?" Scooby asked. "Where?"

Everybody watched Simone and Lena reached to their full were-cat forms, as their skins became fur, and their clothes are turning more tattered and worn out. The girls, now in their full monstrous forms, come after Scooby and Shaggy.

"Not so fast!" Valka said. "You think I'm gonna let you kill my friends?" She started swinging an axe from the carriage shed at the were-cats, but they were proven stronger than they thought. Simone pushed Valka into the wall, knocking her unconscious.

Braedey snarled dangerously, which seems to get the were- cats' attention. He got down on all fours, then began to circle them, almost like a leopard ready to strike. Unbeknown to the two, he was envisioning the fight with Tarzan against Sabor, an out-of-control leopard that killed for sport, killed his parents when he was a baby, and killed Kerchack and Kala's only son.

(A/N: the clip underneath represents what happened in the movie, and what Braedey envisions in his mind)

Lena, tired of the stalking, roared out like a leopard, but as she charged forward, Braedey suddenly leapt into action, and with a yell, kicked the were-cat into a wall.

Scooby and Shaggy almost reached to the exit when the zombies entered the cavern. Velma looked down to see the voodoo dolls on the ground, and began to move her feet to get her doll untied. Fortunately, she did it. Then, she got herself untied, then helped Beau with his, and he helped out Daphne, and so forth with Fred. Velma then found a piece of Lena's torn blouse next to her, and has an idea.

Lena and Simone snarled in anger at Braedey, as he stalked them like a true predator. Then, they grabbed Scooby and Shaggy briefly, until two zombies piled on them. They flew in the air, and landed on one zombie, who was a Civil War soldier.

"Shaggy!" Daphne said, as she tended to Valka, who was slowly regaining consciousness. "That zombies are the good guys!"

"Like," Shaggy asked her, as if she had two heads. "Are you out of your mind?!"

Once again, Shaggy and Scooby almost reached the exit, when they saw Jacques blocking the exit. He got them, until one pepper flew out of Shaggy's pocket. Scooby grabbed the pepper, and squirted the hot and spicy juice into Jacques' eyes. The were-cat groaned and snarled, dropping the two, and they tried to make a run for it. But then, Simone and Lena got the boys and started draining their lifeforce, but suddenly, the girls flew in air by Velma and Daphne holding their voodoo dolls.

When the girls got up, Velma and Daphne started playing around Simone and Lena's dolls and they levitate them from wall to wall. They lasted for a bit
until Jacques, until annoyed by the spicy spray, made them drop the dolls and ending the voodoo curse.

The were-cats, recovered and reunited, started cornering the gang. Braedey leapt down in front of the three, then kicked, punched, and threw the three back away from his family.

"Leave them alone!" Braedey thundered. "If you want to get to them, you'll have to get through me first."

The were-cats growled and started coming after the Tarzan-like teen. He rolled his shoulders, beats his chest like a gorilla, then snarled like a lion. Then, suddenly, the were-cats started dying, as smoke began to come off them, like they were burning. Velma looked over the moon dial.

"Looks like your nine lives are up!" Velma said.

"Permanently!" Valka added.

Simone, Lena and Jacques looked up the harvest moon, making them discovered that they had passed the midnight deadline and did not get a chance to preserve their immortality. They turned into nothing skeletons and disintegrated. The zombies then were too dying, returning to their burial sites.

"Zoinks!" Shaggy exclaimed. "Like, what's happening to them?"

"Their spirits are avenged, Shaggy." Velma replied. "They can now finally rest in peace."

The green aura the zombie's bodies, and it then disappeared in the air. Braedey looked to the aura and the spirits above, and grunted in agreement. Then, he beats his chest like a gorilla, and performed his Tarzan call.


Everyone looked up the skyway to watch the aura fade away into the night sky. A small ghostly spirit of a Civil War soldier briefly appeared, making Scooby look scared, but Braedey smiled to the spirit.

"...thank you..." The spirit saluted, and Braedey saluted back.

"You're welcome, General. You have served your time well for your country. You can now rest." Braedey told the spirit, and the Civil War General disappeared. He looked to Scooby, then with a smile, patted his head, and Scooby smiled at him.


A/N: what did you think of this full fight and unveiling? Yes, I understand that Braedey didn't get to use the new sword Caliber, but you have to understand, that he hadn't used that before, unlike his cannons and blasters, so that'll take time, which will progress on through the timeline. So, it will be all in good time.

Also, the fight scene of Tarzan VS Sabor belongs to Disney, along with his signature yell.

Finally, what do you think will happen? Will Braedey go back home with his mother, and restart everything they lost? Or will he stay with Mystery Inc.?

Find out next time...

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