Pregnancy Series

By louxwebb

1.3M 16.6K 1.3K


Pregnancy Series
1. Talking About Having A Child
2. Baby Making
3. You Find Out You're Pregnant
4. You Tell Him The News
5. Morning Sickness
6. You Tell Your Family
7. You Tell His Family
8. Telling The Boys
9. Getting It Out There
10. Very First Ultrasound
11. Showing (His P.O.V)
12. The Baby Craves
13. Moodiness
14. Gender Guessing
15. The Gender
16. The Baby Kicks
17. Baby Name Picking
18. Photo's
19. You're Talking To The Baby (His P.O.V)
20. Baby Shopping
21. The Song He Sings
23. He Finds Out He Has To Go On Tour - Part 2 (Your P.O.V)
24. He Leaves For Tour
25. His Ex Comes Over
26. While He's Away (Your P.O.V)
27. While He's Away (His P.O.V)
28. He Comes Back From Tour (His P.O.V)
29. Christmas Shopping
30. Putting Up The Tree
31. Godparents
32. Baby Shower
33. Nursery
34. Christmas Eve
35. Christmas Day
36. A Scare (His P.O.V)
37. He Tweets A Picture
38. How You Sleep
39. Interacting
40. Speaking To His Mum
41. You Get Insecure
42. Pregnancy Class
43. Fans Catch You Around
44. Hormonal Arguements
45. He Talks About You And The Baby (His P.O.V)
46. Birth Planning
47. Growing Bump (His P.O.V)
48. Worried/Stressed (Yours/His P.O.V)
49. You're Sore/Uncomfortable
50. He Talks To The Bump
51. Letter/Photo To The Baby(s)
52. Final Things
53. Labor - Part 1
54. Labor - Part 2
55. Labor - Part 3
56. Labor - FINAL PART

22. He Finds Out He Has To Go On Tour - Part 1 (His P.O.V)

22.3K 281 6
By louxwebb

Title: He Finds Out He Has To Go On Tour - Part 1 (His P.O.V)


"WHAT! Do you not realise I have a fucking pregnant wife waiting for me at home, and you want me to go on fucking tour when she needs me the most!?" I screamed at management.

The day went perfectly fine until I me and the boys were called up for a meeting in the middle of our recording for our new up coming album and I hear this bull about going on tour for at least a month. I get afford to miss a month with (Y/N)'s pregnancy. I need to be there. I want to see everything that is happening in my little man's growth.

"Harry, you have to do it. Answer some questions at interviews and that might calm the fans down about you, (Y/N) and the baby."

"I can't leave her there by herself." I exclaimed.

"Then Perrie, Danielle or Eleanour could stay with her, just figure it out in a week." That was all the dumb ass said before he shooed us off back to recording.

"Hey mate." Zayn said, as he jogged up to me. I whipped around to see him with his phone in his hand, with a small smile on his face. "I just called Perrie and asked her if she could take care of (Y/N) while we're on tour, she's all up for it since they are the closest out of the girls." Zayn suggested as I listened to him.

"Yeah, that'll be okay and that way (Y/N) isn't alone." I mumble, earning a pat on the back from Zayn.

"It's only a month Harry don't worry. Now let's go to your place becase Perrie's going over there." I nodded and we walked to our own cars.


"Hey Louis! You missed an important meeting with managment this morning." Harry calls as he walks towards me.

"I did?" I asked confused. I don't remember having a meeting. "What was it about?" I asked again, still confused.

"We have to go on tour for like a month and 3 weeks. Managment said it was important to go now." He said.

"The only reason why they said that was because they know (Y/N) is pregnant with a 4-5 month baby and they want me to get away." I said, shaking my head and laughing dryily as I walked to where managment where. I opened to door and slammed it shut, making them jump.

"Louis, you missed an imp-"

"What's more important than tour? To me it's my wife and kid." I stated as I paced around the room, tugging a bit on my hair.

"Louis, it's for your upcom-" I cut him off once again.

"I don't care, I'm staying with (Y/N) either you like it or not."

"Well, Liam came in and said that Danielle was taking care of her while you were away, so it's all good." He clapped his hands. I shooked my head and stormed out and past the boys.

"Where are you going?" Niall asked, following me along with the boys.



I was at home with (Y/N) like I would do when I had the day off from work. She was upstairs sleeping still while was on the couch with my laptop and T.V on. As I was scrolling through Twitter, a certain tweet caught me off guard.

@(R/T/N): Can't wait for One Directions next tour in a few weeks!

It got a whole heap of retweets and comments, I didn't look at them since I was on the phone to Paul in seconds.

"Hello." He answered.

"Paul, what's this thing going around saying that we are going on tour in a few weeks?" I asked, my voice hurried.

"Uh Zayn, hello to you to and yes, managment sent it out to all the boys including you and on websites and magazines." Paul concluded. I didn't get any message or anything about it though.

"But I didn't get anything."

"It was sent by e-mail." Paul said as he hung up. I slammed my phone down, making it echo through out the house which probably woke up (Y/N), and ran back to my laptop and opening up emails. There it was.

"Z, what was that sound?" (Y/N) mumbled as she rubbed the sleep out of her eyes. I looked up, tears brimming my eyes. I got up off the couch and walked towards her, grabbing her hands and kissing them.



"So what gender do you think the baby is going to be?" (Y/N) asked me as she traced pattern on my chest that sent tingles up and down my spine. I looked down at her and sighed at how lucky I've been these past few years being with (Y/N).

"I'm fine with whatever." I chuckled as I leaned down to peck her lips. Just as I was about to connect us both, my phone lit up and started to buzz, indicating I had an incoming call. We both looked up and I looked back at (Y/N).

"Go get it, it might be important." She said, pointing towards the phone. I nodded and got up to get it.

"Hello?" I asked.

"Liam. Managment told me to pass this on to you and the boys, and sadly we have to hang on...JUNIOR AND KARLA HORAN YOU GET YOUR ASSES TO YOUR ROOM!" I chuckled lightly when he screamed to his kids like that, it was always funny seeing his face grow red and his whole body go stiff, but he still loved them no matter what. "Sorry about that." He chuckled.

"Nah, it's okay." I quickly looked at (Y/N) to see she was rubbing her stomach. "Look what is it, I'm kind of busy as well." I hurried.

"Oh yeah. We have to go back on tour." He sighed. I choked a bit on my saliva and rubbed my forehead with my hands.

"W-What? But we just came off months ago. I have (Y/N) to take care off." I whispered the last part as I gritted my teeth.

"I know Liam, me and the boys said that as well about the kids and all that but they said we had to do it."

"Okay bye." I sighed and put the phone down, turning around and walking back towards (Y/N).

"What happened." She asked. Oh God.





That was the only word that rung through my head, and usually I would be excited to go, but that just meant leaving (Y/N) by herself for a month. We were both at the mall, shopping for baby things for a baby girl.

"Ni, are you okay? Your pale and sweating alot." She stated as she felt my forehead.

"Um. I-I need to tell you something." I stuttered. She nodded and saw a bench, quickly sitting on it and facing towards me. "Me and the boys are going back on tour to-" I was cut off with (Y/N) breaking down crying, with her head in her hands. "Princess, please don't cry. You're making it harder for me as well." I whispered. Thank god no one was around this area of the mall right now.

"But t-then you have to leave me and I'll be alone." She whimpered as she hugged my chest tightly, dampening it with her tears. Is stroked her back and kissed the top of her head.

"Maybe Eleanor could come down and look after you with the kids." I suggested. Eleanor and Louis were closer to us by friendship and by streets. They lived right down the road which is kind of funny as well. She nodded her head and I helped her back up, wrapping my arms around her waist as her head leaned on my shoulder. "Lets go home and enjoy each others company."

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*previously posted on @harrehstylesfan*