Teacher (camren)

By FifthHype

449K 9.4K 5.7K

Camila is a rebellious student. Lauren is her teacher. What happens when they hook up the day before school s... More

1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8 AGH GOODNIGHT


7.1K 126 97
By FifthHype

I'm woken up by the feeling of Lauren trailing kisses up my neck while pressing her body against mine, I look down at her and she lazily smiles at me. I brush her hair away from her face and then smile back at her, before wrapping my arms around her waist and then flipping us over so I'm above her. She looks up at me and goofily grins at me while draping her arms over my shoulders.

"Morning." She says, leaning up and pressing her lips against mine, she smiles against my lips as I place my legs either side of her waist. She removes her arms from my shoulders, and then goes to gripping on to my waist and then pulling herself up slightly.

"Mm morning baby." I reply, pressing my lips against hers as she grinds her hips against mine, causing me to moan against her lips. I pull away from her and goofily smile because I got to wake up next to the most beautiful woman I have ever laid eyes on again.

"What are you thinking about beautiful?"

"Well right now I'm thinking about how much I've missed waking up next to you, because you look utterly adorable with your messy hair and sleepy eyes."

"Stop being all mushy and in love." She whines, pressing her lips against mine again before I roll off her and sit next to her, smiling down at her.

"I can't help it; my girlfriend turns me into a soppy, and in love mess." I reply, leaning over her and pressing my lips against hers again before pulling away from her. She pushes herself up, kicking the bed sheets off her body and then climbing over me to get off the bed. Once she's off the bed I stand up behind her, wrapping my arms around her waist as we attempt to walk out of her bedroom.

"Demi you're so uncoordinated." I say, giggling as Demi stumbles as we fall against the wall; I push us away from it, laughing against her neck before slowly kissing her neck as she turns to face me, pouting at me.

"Shut up."

"It's cute."

"You're being nasty." She mumbles as we walk down the hallway and into the kitchen, I keep my arms wrapped around Lauren's waist as she turns the coffee machine on, lightly pressing my lips against her neck as she rests her body against mine.

"Take it last night went smoothly then?"

I turn around and Normani is stood behind me, smirking at me while Lauren makes two cups of coffee, I unwrap my arms from around Lauren and then walk towards Normani.

"Yea it was great, until this idiot decided that she wanted to get high, and then realised that she can't handle coming down from her high."

"She can normally handle it, unless you got her far too high."

"Why is it always my fault?" I ask, pouting at Normani as Lauren hands me a cup of coffee and then places her arm around my waist.

"Because it is baby." She replies, pressing her lips against my cheek and then smiling at me while continue pouting at her. "Don't give me that look; you know that I love you."

"Mm and I love you." I reply, and then drinking a mouthful of coffee, before resting my head on her shoulder, she leans down and presses her lips against my forehead.

"How come I always feel shitty after I get high and you don't?"

"That might be because she gets high way more often than you do." Normani says, smirking at me and Lauren, I flip her off and Lauren glares at her. "You both know that it's true."

"Whatever." I reply, walking away from Lauren and then making my way back towards her room because I need to get my phone, no doubt I'll have a mass of messages from Shawn and possibly a missed call off Dinah. I push the door open, walk inside and then grab my jeans off the ground, sliding my phone out of my pocket and then throwing them back on to the ground.

I unlock my phone and glance down at the screen as I shuffle out of Lauren's room, shutting the door behind me. Three messages off Shawn, one off Zendaya and two from Dinah as well as a missed call, y'ano the one night I'm busy every fucker wants to talk to me.

I slowly make my way back towards the kitchen, reading the texts as I walk down the hallway, I lean against the wall outside the kitchen as I continue to read the messages, plus it sounds like Lauren and Normani are talking about something boring.

[10:32pm] Shawn: Did she like it?!

[10:37pm] Zendaya: Can we talk? I feel like a mega bitch

[11:09pm] Dinah: If you and Lauren are done fucking how about you come to a party with me ;)

[8:09am] Shawn: Wake your ass up so you can tell me what happened!

[10:19am] Shawn: You're so lazy its unreal, WAKE UP!

I lock my phone and then push myself off the walk, walking closer towards the kitchen and then waiting outside while I listen to Lauren and Normani talking.

"You really love her don't you?"

"Yes, she makes me smile; she makes me happier than anyone else I've ever been with."

"Even Ashley?"

"More than Ashley, I thought I was in love with her but I didn't know what love was until Camila came into my life."

Who the fuck is Ashley? Y'ano what I don't care what Lauren said was adorable.

"Aw I like it when you're like this, but if she hurts you I'll break her legs."

"No you won't Normani." I say, walking into the kitchen, making my way towards Lauren and then wrapping my arms around her waist before pressing my lips against hers. She dopily grins at me before lightly kissing me back as Normani groans and throws an apple at Lauren.

"Stop it you're not meant to be all cute."

"Shut up, where's my hoe of a sister anyway?"

"She's working, which means I'm bored." Normani replies, sitting on the kitchen worktop as my phone begins to vibrate in my hand; I answer the call without checking the caller ID because it's probably Dinah anyway.

"Hello you've reached Camila Cabello, number one teacher fucker and pot seller, how may I be of assistance?" I say into my phone causing Lauren to slap the top of my arm while glaring at me as Normani just laughs at me.

"First of all ew, secondly I can't party without you, last night fucking sucked."

"Aw see you miss me, I knew you would."

"No I miss going to parties with you, I don't miss you living with me, speaking of are you moving back in with Lauren?"

"I don't know, probably why?"

"Well I have a free house tonight because my mother has decided that she's going on some weekend away with my aunt. Whatever, so I'm having a party, and you're coming."

"That sounds more like a demand than an invite." I reply, as Lauren kinks her eyebrow at me and Normani just rolls her eyes because she can probably tell that I'm talking to Dinah.

"It is a demand."

"I don't know, I kind of just want to stay in with Lauren tonight."

"Hell no, you are not getting all fucking lovey dovey and housewife on my ass Camila, I will come round there and drag you out if I have to."

"Fine, whatever, bye DJ." I say, pulling the phone away from my ear and then ending the call before placing my phone on the worktop behind me. I look up at Lauren and press my lips against hers again.

"Can you two stop fucking kissing? It's making me nauseous."

"Shut up, I'm making up for three weeks of no kisses." I reply, while flipping Normani off, she groans at me before jumping off the worktop and walking past me, messing my hair up as she passes me.

Lauren and I are lay on the sofa watching TV, Normani is sat on the chair next to us wrapped in a blanket occasionally throwing popcorn at us. Laurwn lifts her head up and glares at her before resting it against me again and then turning to press her lips against mine. We're all focused on the TV that we don't hear the front door open but we sure as hell notice the fucking lights being turned on.

"Oh hell no I am not having this; Camila Cabello does not stay in on a Saturday to watch TV. Get the fuck up, get your whore clothes on and get your ass out of this apartment!" Dinah yells, shutting the front door before swaying towards me and then peeling the blanket off me and Lauren, causing Lauren to groan and then sit up. Dinah pulls me up and then pushes me down the hallway before shoving me into Lauren's room, following me in and then shutting the door.

"I have no clothes here."

"Well then borrow some of Lauren's, but nothing teacher looking!"

"Fine." I mumble, walking towards Lauren's closet and grabbing a pair of grey skinny jeans as well as a low cut tank top with rips down the front. I pull off the t-shirt that I have on before replacing it with the tank top and then pulling the jeans up my legs, I grab my leather jacket off the edge of Lauren's bed and slide that on as well.

"Now you just need eyeliner, red lipstick, and heels, get to it Cabello."

"You're so fucking bossy."

"I'm dominant get used to it." She replies, throwing her make-up bag towards me and then turning me to face the mirror while she grabs Lauren's curling iron and then begins doing my hair for me while I apply eyeliner. Once Dinah's finished doing my hair she turns the curlers off and then runs her fingers through my hair before turning me around and smirking at me.


"You look hot."

"Thanks babe." I reply, looping my arm through hers and then dragging her out of Lauren's room, we both begin laughing when Dinah ends up walking into the door frame. When we walk into the living room Normani and Lauren are both glaring at us as we continue laughing. I walk towards the sofa and lightly press my lips against Lauren's.

"Come on Mila I want to get my party on!" Dinah yells, pulling me away from Lauren while grinning at me as she drags me towards the front door. "Plus you left a large amount of pot at my house and I have a feeling that between me, you and Shawn it's going to disappear." Dinah says as we get to the kitchen.

"I don't know about that sunshine, she isn't going anywhere." Lauren says, pushing herself up off the sofa, walking towards us and then pulling my hand out of Dinah's as Normani sighs and follows Lauren.

"Why not?"

"Because I don't want you to, plus you always end up in a mess when you go out."

"Lauren just let her go, where is this party anyway?" Normani says, looking between me and Dinah while kinking her eyebrow.

"It's um...at mine."

"Lauren go and get changed we're going because there is no way in hell that those idiots are having a house party without some form of adult supervision." Normani says, pulling Lauren away from me

"How do you know it's without supervision?" Dinah challenges,

"You texted me about it, I just had no clue it was a house party.Your house party. Idiot." Normani said, dragging Lauren down the hallway before shoving her into her room and then making her way into her own. I turn to face Dinah and she's glaring at me, I just shrug.

"Not my fault, you didn't have to say the party was yours."

"She's already turned into the over protective sister friend. Now I have a teacher coming to my alcohol and drug fuelled party."

"Oh get over it; I've seen them both extremely high and drunk before, they'll enjoy it."
I slide the black heels on and then stand up properly, smiling at Dinah as Normani and Lauren emerge out of their rooms.

Lauren is wearing tight black jeans and a buttoned up flannel shirt, a black hoodie and converse, Dinah looks over to me before walking towards Lauren and Normani. I follow her and she pushes the hoodie off Lauren's shoulders, dropping it on the ground before grabbing the front of the shirt and then ripping it so it's opened halfway, revealing her bra.

"Dinah what the hell!" Normani and I yell in unison, staring at Dinah as she turns to face us.

"What? It's not like she's my teacher is it." She replies, smirking at me before turning back to face Lauren. "Shoes off." Laurwn stares at her like she's just told her she has to sleep with a man. "Now."

Lauren slides her shoes off before being dragged back into her room by Dinah, who slams the door behind them. I lean against the wall next to Normani and look at what she's wearing, a pair of red skinny jeans and a blue flannel shirt with a white tank top underneath; she's got combat boots on as well.

"At least you look sort of alright." I say, flashing her a smirk as Laurwn's bedroom door opens and dinah walks out with Laurwn following her. She's still got her flannel on, and it's still half open with her black bra showing, her hair is edgy and straightened. She has smoky eye make up on as well as a pair of killer black heels and a leather jacket.

"My work here is done, now come on assholes I have a party to put on." Dinah says, wrapping her arms around me and Laurwn while walking towards the front door with us. Normani follows us, mumbling things under her breath causing Dinah to begin laughing.

Lauren grabs her keys as well as her car keys as we walk out, Normani slams the door shut behind us and then glares at Dinah as we make our way out of the apartment building. We get to Lauren's car and she unlocks it, we all get inside and Lauren begins to drive towards Dinah's house.

"Cabello put some good music on." Lauren whines, realising that I usually listen to complete trash. I mess around with the stereo before finding a good radio station and then turning the volume up as Lauren stops at a red light.

"You're lucky that I love you."

"Yea I know." I reply, leaning over and then pressing my lips against hers as the car behind us honks its horn and Lauren rolls the window down before flipping them off and then driving away. "You're such a badass."

When we pull up outside Dinah's house it is already full of people, music is blasting and there is some girl throwing up on the front lawn. Normani shakes her head as I get out of the car, pulling the back door to let us out of the car. We begin walking towards her house, with Normani and Lauren following us. Dinah pushes the door open and Shawn, Rachel and Lucy all yell her name, before spotting me and then yelling mine.

"Miss Jauregui." Shawn and Rachel mumble at the same time, Shawn staring at me because Lauren is here as well as Rachel, and Rachel just looking confused.

"W-what are you doing here?" Rachel asks, attempting to hide the half smoked joint in her hand. "I mean you look fucking hot, but what are you doing here?"

Lauren and I look between each other, panic evident on our faces because Shawn is now trying to distract Rachel while Dinah checks to see is anyone else from my school is here. This is why I'm glad that Dinah's friends are from her old school, because all of her friends have no idea who Lauren is.

"She's my friend, and I'm close to Dinah." Normani answers, avoiding suspicion, placing her hand on my shoulder before smiling at me. "So let's get this party going!"

"Rachel don't worry I've smoked pot before and no doubt I'll smoke it tonight." Lauren says, attempting to smile at Rachel but failing as she notices that she is currently checking me out. I smirk at Ravhel before grazing my hand against Lauren's, letting her know that I'm still hers. Dinah and I walk towards the kitchen, dragging Shawn and Rachel with us.

I'm stood in Dinah's kitchen with a beer in one hand and a joint in the other while Shawn pours a line of shots, Lauren is awkwardly stood in front of us, drinking her fifth very strong vodka and coke mixed by the lovely Shawn, while intently staring into the living room while Dinah's friends grind on each other. Lucy runs into the kitchen, grabs the joint out of my hand, takes a drag and then grabs my hand.

"Dinah said she wants her Mila bear." She says, passing me the joint, I take it off her before handing it to Lauren, who places it between her lips. I laugh because Lucy is attempting to drag me but keeps stumbling over, I turn to face Lauren, smiling at her and then walking out of the kitchen with Lucy, of course Lauren and Normani follow us. Lucy drags me into the living room; Dinah's not wearing her top anymore and is currently stood in the middle of the coffee table, in her jeans and bra.

"Mila bear!" She screams, jumping off the table and into my arms before pressing her lips against my cheek. "Don't worry I won't kiss you because lover teacher is giving me the death glare." She slurs into my ear, wiping her lipstick off my cheek as I turn to look at Lauren, who is glaring at both me and Dinah. I smile at her and she stops glaring to smile back at me, finishing her drink and then getting handed a new one off Shawn. I'm positive he's trying to get my girlfriend drunk.

Dinah jumps out of my arms and then Lucy begins to grind on me, wrapping her arms around my neck and, while Dinah proceeds to pin Shawn against a wall and make out with her. I just laugh because Normani and Lauren are sat on the sofa staring at everything that is happening in shock.

"How about body shots?!" Some guy yells, running into the room holding a bottle of tequila and a container of salt in one hand and a bowl full of lime wedges in the other. I grin at him and so does Rachel, well a half grin because she has a joint in her mouth.

"Yes!" Dinah screams, pulling away from Shawn and then walking towards the boy, taking the salt off him before passing it to me. I grab her hand and push her down on the coffee table, she lies down and I sprinkle salt on to her stomach. Shawn walks towards me, hands me a lime and then pours me a shot of tequila as I place the lime in between Dinah's lips.

"God high school parties were never this bad when I was there." Lauren says, running her fingers through her hair and leaning against the wall behind her.

"Shut up Lauren you were a whore in high school." Normani replies, getting a punch in the arm off Lauren and then getting a new drink off Shawn.

I look up at Lauren, she's glaring at me so I wink and then smirk at her before leaning down and placing my tongue against Dinah's stomach, she lets out a soft moan and I hear Lauren growl. I smile against Dinah before dragging my tongue over her stomach, causing her to let out another small moan as I get to the edge of her bra and pull away. I drink the shot and then lean over her face, smirking down at her as she winks at me; I suck the lime out of her mouth before spitting it out and then standing up.

"Fuck that's hot."

"Shut up Shawn." Dinah and I say in unison before laughing as I pull Dinah up. I sit on the coffee table before getting pushed down by Rachel who lifts my shirt up and pours salt on to my stomach. I turn to look at Lauren; she's glaring, not and me or Rachel but just in general.

"Okay Miss Jauregui your turn, let's see if you are a party animal." Rachel says, smirking at Lauren as she places a lime in between my lips and Shawn passes a shot to Lauren who looks mortified. She takes the shot off Shawn and then slowly walks around the table before kneeling next to me; I lift my head up and wink at her before resting my head down again.

Lauren places her tongue on my stomach, slowly dragging it up causing me to let out small moans as I feel her teeth graze my skin as she sneakily bites down. She pulls away, downs the shot and then moves towards my face to take the lime.

She looks confused when she can't see it, I open my mouth and she smirks at me before attaching her mouth to mine, sliding her tongue into my mouth and then sucking the lime into her mouth before she pulls away. Sucking on it and then spitting it out, she turns to face Rachel and Shawn who are sat on the sofa with Normani looking utterly shocked.

"Fuck Miss Jauregui that was hot."

"Fucking hell Rachel, call me Lauren."

"Okay, so Camila do a body shot on Lauren." Rachel says, winking at me, I push myself up off the table and then push Lauren down on to before unbuttoning her shit even more and then pouring salt on to her stomach.

"This is so gay it's great."

"Shut up Shawn." Everyone else in the room says as I do the body shot off Lauren, taking the change to kiss her because everyone is too busy shouting at Shawn for being a horny teenage boy. I pull away from Lauren, pulling her up off the table and then walking back towards Dinah, who is now stood in the middle of the kitchen watching Lucy and Shawn in the garden.

"You love him." I sing, as I wrap my arms around her waist and she turns to face me, smiling at me as I unwrap my arms and then grab a beer out of the fridge.

"Okay maybe I do."

"I knew it." I reply, as I sit on the worktop and she lean against the one opposite me, she grabs a joint off the worktop, holding it up to me and smirking at me, I nod my head at her.

"Is she here?" I hear Zendaya ask, I sigh as I run my fingers through my hair, drinking a mouthful of beer before placing it down on the worktop.

"Yes she is, why?" Rachel answers, I glance towards the front door and Rachel is stood in front of her, attempting to block me from her view.

"I want to talk to her, now move."


"Fucking hell, Z I'm in here, Rachel stop being a cunt and let her past!" I yell, jumping off the worktop, grabbing my beer off the side and then walking out of the kitchen, Rachel moves and Z walks towards me. I take her hand in mine and then pull her towards the stairs.

"Are you going to be okay?" Lauren asks as we walk past her, I smile at her and she smiles back at me, I pass her the joint and she takes a drag.

"I'll be fine, Dinah I'm stealing your room to talk to Z."

"Go for it, half of your shit is in there anyway." Dinah replies, I pull Z upstairs and then into Dinah's room, shutting the door behind us as she sits on the edge of her bed. I walk towards her and sit next to her, avoiding eye contact.

"I'm sorry; I shouldn't have left you when you needed me."

"Its fine Z, I was being an arrogant, selfish prick." I reply, placing my hand on top of her and then turning to face her.

"And I'm sorry for trying to stop our from seeing you, not that it worked anyways."

"Yea that was kind of bitchy." I say and we both begin laughing, I run my fingers through my hair and she wipes tears off her cheeks.

"So can I have my best friend back?"

"I mean I don't know man, I mean I have a very needy girlfriend to take care of now." I reply, smirking at her and she looks at me in shock before wrapping her arms around me and then holding me against her. I push myself away from her because after a while it becomes hard to breath when a girl is crushing your ribcage.

"What's going on with you and Rachel?"

"What do you mean?" I ask, looking at her slightly confused while waiting for her to explain more.

"Well y'ano you guys seem kind of close again, you're not um...hooking up again are you?"

"What? No, we're just friends, she knows that I like someone else and she said she'd rather have me as a friend than nothing at all. Plus I know that she cares about me so she won't fuck me over." I reply, pushing myself up off Dinah's bed and then walking towards the door. "Are you coming asshole?" I ask her, smiling at her as I pull the door open, she pushes herself off the bed, walks towards me and then loops her arm through mine as we make out way back downstairs.

When we get downstairs Lauren is stood in the kitchen with Shawn and Dinah doing shots, Normani is sat on the sofa with Rachel and a bong and Lucy is trying to tell Nick that he can't actually see Jesus and that it is actually just a coat stand with a furry hat on top.

"Nick I promise you that it is not Jesus!" Lucy yells, pulling the hat off the top and then turning to face Nick.

"You just decapitated Jesus!" He screams back at Lucy, who puts the hat on. "And not you're wearing his head as a hat!"

I shake my head at them, pulling away from Zendaya and then sitting on the sofa next to Normani, who smiles at me and then goes back to talking to Rachel.

"So are you two still together?" She asks, slurring her words as she points between Normani and I. Normani glances at me slightly confused before remember that she told Rachel we were fucking.

"Yea, we are." Marissa replies, smiling at Rachel and then wrapping her arm around me as I rest my head against her shoulder, smiling at Rachel as she hands me a half smoked joint, I take it off her and take a drag of it before blowing the smoke out.

Lauren sashays from the kitchen, holding a can of beer above her head and a cigarette in her other hand, while glaring at Normani when she notices that she has her arm around me and that I'm practically cuddled against her.

"Um I don't think so Kordei, she's mine back off." She slurs, putting the cigarette out, and then pulling Normani's arm from around my shoulders before straddling me, pushing me back against the sofa and then attaching her lips to mine, parting my lips with her tongue causing me to moan into her mouth as my hands slide up the back of her shirt.

"Oh shit." Normani mutters, causing me to realise where I am and who is around.

I push Lauren away from me and turn to look at Normani who is sitting there in shock and Rachel who is just sat there smirking at me.

"Rachel, you can't tell anyon-"

"Relax, I kind of already knew."

"H-how, no one has ever seen us togeth-"

"By the way that you two would practically eye fuck each other in lesson and then Lauren would get all jealous and possessive every time I went near you." She says, cutting me off. I just stare at her as Lauren begins to leave kisses on my neck and slide her hands into my jeans. I grab her hand and pull it out causing her to whine against my neck before sliding her hand up my shirt.

"So you won't tell anyone?"

"No, you're happy and that's all I care about, plus I can see why you went for her she's fucking hot Camila." She says, smirking at me as Lauren pulls away from me and then presses her lips against mine again. She then pulls away from me, and turns to face Rachel, while drunkenly pointing at her.

"Thanks for calling me hot." She slurs, grinning at Rachel as she climbs off me. "Now I'm off to get the vodka." She sings, walking away from me swaying her hips as she makes her way into the kitchen. She is going to regret this in the morning, oh god I am not looking forward to hungover Lauren remembering that she made out with me in front of Rachel.

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