Threats From The Past (MiniMi...

By M1ckyj789

1.5K 126 97

Gabrielle and his best friend Kylie are riding the high after both of their latest books have been released... More

Starting Fresh
One Day...
Just Because He's Gay
Just One Moment
Give It Time
He Said No
He'd Go Nuts
Please Don't
Not Happening
Get Off Him
Stay Away From Him
Help You Feel Better
Kicked Out
Blink And You Will Miss Them
Assault And Homicide
Revealed Flatlines
I'm Going To Miss You
I don't want you to go
Does He Like Me?
Can You Be Honest With Me
Welcome Home
So Much Worse
Better Safe Than Sorry
Drunken plans
Heading Down Under
Let Go Of Me


43 4 5
By M1ckyj789

Gabe's POV

As Harry drove us back home with a boot full of groceries I couldn't help but keep Brett on my mind. I don't think there is anything he could say to me to refute his humanity. He couldn't be real or at least he can't be the same person surely. Pretty sure someone who is dead wouldn't wait a year to rekindle a relationship.

Harry: "Are you still thinking about it?"

Gabe: "Is it that obvious?"

Preston: "Your quiet."

Mitch: "You haven't been quiet the entire time that we have been here."

Gabe: "I mean I am loving having you guys here and it's been fun but at the same time. But after getting hurt by him and then noticing why he hated me. Or at least all of us because of it. I don't like the thought but I have a feeling we should look after Simon. This would be fucking him up right?"

Harry: "Like I said, he would think about it for a while but I'm sure he will be fine."

Mitch: "Hey where's your phone Bog? Can I ring them and see if anyone is home yet?"

Harry: "Yeah sure."

He threw his phone into the back. I heard Preston say a quiet ow so I would assume he got hit.

Mitch: "Hey is anyone home yet... Yeah alright cool we just finished at the... Yeah Ethan calm down alright it sucks we know but we will need a way to get in the house to start cooking... Gabe they say we are cooking at your place, they won't be home for another hour."

Gabe: "Where the fuck are they?"

Mitch: "You guys get that? Yeah alright see you later."

Harry: "So where are they?"

Mitch: "Simon wanted to see Brett's grave so Josh Took him over there. Turns out someone dug up the coffin and it's empty. So they are all rushing over to make sure he is alright."

Preston: "Wait someone went to the trouble of emptying the coffin or
F a dead guy?"

Gabe: "That's fucked. The dead deserve to rest."

Harry: "Alright looks like we are staying at your place for a little bit Gabe."

Gabe: "Yeah that's fine I have a key."

After arriving home, we unpacked the boot of the car and I started getting everything ready for dinner. I heard a loud thud coming from upstairs though in an instant Mitch apologised... That boy is way too clumsy I swear.

Gabe: "Preston can you please go check and make sure he hasn't broken anything?"

Preston: "Yeah sure."

Harry: "What's for dinner?"

Gabe: "I'm going to make a large multi layer carnivores dream."

Harry: "Huh?"

Gabe: "I'm making a potato bake pizza."

Harry: "How is that a carnivores dream?"

Gabe: "Because it will have a lot of different meat in it. Might take me a while to prepare though. Once it is finished, it will be incredible."

As I started to work on slicing and dicing the chicken breast, the bacon, prosciutto and the cabanossi which I'm surprised they even have over here. I started peeling and cutting up the potatoes. Making sure the slices were thin enough to use but not too thick or thin enough to where it would be a disaster. That's the only thing I don't like about potato bake and that is that you have to use so many potatoes.

Preston: "He didn't break anything."

Gabe: "Good, I'd make him pay for anything."

Preston: "Would you?"

Gabe: "Fuck yeah, I'm not letting him break something without any consequence."

Preston: "Ok sure, hey Harry?"

Harry: "I'm not answering more questions about Brett."

Preston: "Actually I was going to ask about Simon. Have you heard anything from them?"

As if on Que. I heard my phone ping on the chair I had thrown it onto.

Gabe: "Preston can you grab that for me please my hands are a bit busy right now."

Preston: "Yeah sure, Password?"

Gabe: "1703"

Harry: "Mean anything?"

Gabe: "The number that had been branded into the main character of my first book."

Preston: "Grim, anyway it's just Kylie saying they are on their way home now. You have another one from Rob as well. Didn't think something was going on between you two."

Gabe: "I wouldn't call it something going on. But if he asked me out I wouldn't say no I guess."

Harry: "Can I ask you something then?"

Gabe: "Physically I find Simon more attractive but that doesn't mean Rob isn't a beautiful man, but with Simon. He was so persistent and annoying, it was like he tried for a while to get with me because he had to. I tried to help him through it and get him to open up and be more accepting of his loss of Brett but in return he went over board trying to hook up with me to forget him. It pushed me too far and I couldn't handle it so I had to get out of the situation. With Rob he hasn't pushed anything, he's actually been really sweet and caring so far. Even of a night time he always asks if I want to cuddle with him just in case we wake up with his arm around me. But if I say no he doesn't touch me which is respectful. Not only that but he has a softer nature and just seems like a more chilled person. I don't know. I've been enjoying my time with him I guess. It's been fun."

I looked up from what The sink and the potatoes for a moment as I transferred them to my saucepan so I could store them after I slice them.

Gabe: "Answer your question?"

Harry: "Yeah I guess, I mean Simon can get really jealous."

Gabe: "I've been trying to suppress that but he is extremely jealous of any guy I spoke to. Hell when I first started talking to Rob he was ok but then he found out about him and Lachlan being bisexual and that changed his whole demeanour apparently."

Mitch: "You do get use to that after a while."

Gabe: "Your bi as well?"

Mitch: "Yeah but I have an incredible girlfriend back home."

Gabe: "Congrats man."

Mitch: "Thanks dude."

Preston: "Well R.I.P Poofless."

Gabe: "Poofless?"

Harry: "Did they not tell you about Shipping?"

Gabe: "I'm sure someone did but I don't remember."

Preston: "When people like the idea of two people being in a relationship whether that was sexual or not."

Gabe: "I don't remember, mustn't be that important to me."

Mitch: "Kylie already has one with Ethan. But you have a few already with Lachlan and Rob, even Simon."

Gabe: "That's kind of disturbing."

Preston: "You get use to it."

I heard knocking on the door before seeing Harry get up and open it up.

Harry: "Hey I thought you said it would take you guys an hour?"

Kylie: "Well I mean I live here so you know. Hi. Ethan dropped me and JJ off and he's taking Tobi home now with him. They will be back later for dinner."

Gabe: "Damn it I thought I was safe from two more mouths."

Kylie: "Unlikely. Have you heard the news Gabe?"

Gabe: "News? I know my book sold out within the first day."

Kylie: "First of all we both sold out within three hours. And they have had to back order two shipments to keep up with demand."

Gabe: "Holy shit that's incredible."

Kylie: "Secondly. I've heard word that you will be leaving us soon."

Harry: "Leaving?"

Gabe: "That's news to me."

Kylie: "Tobi said you were thinking of heading to America with Ryan or Canada with Mitch."

Mitch: "He does know I live in Florida right?"

Kylie: "He seemed pretty adamant it was you. Question is why Ryan? If anything we would head back to Australia right?"

Gabe: "Yeah going back home would be nice. It would be cool to see Jay and Mitch. Hell even Tyler would be happy to see us right?"

Kylie: "It would be nice to see our friends again."

Harry: "Aww please don't go. I just got use to you guys being here. And I know the boys would miss your cooking and wouldn't know what to do with themselves."

Gabe: "He has a point. I have coked for them a good majority of the time so I guess this would be different to them."

Preston: "Have you thought about publishing a cook book?"

Kylie: "It's crossed his mind before but he had no way to advertise himself as a chef."

I looked over to see Harry sharing a glance with Mitch and Preston.

Gabe: "I'm not doing a cooking video."

Harry: "It would help advertise a cook book. And it would go up on some of our channels for different recipes so it would be different for us both."

Gabe: "I don't want to."

Harry: "Think about what it could do for you though? Plus it would be nice to add another best selling book under your belt right?"

Gabe: "Stop trying to convince me, it's not happening."

I heard another car turn up in the drive way next door. Must have been Josh and Simon. I had sliced the potatoes and had lined the bottom of the two trays before working on the meat, adding a layer of meat to each before adding an additional potato layer and so on and so forth until they were both stacked. I started making the sauce for the meal. It was pretty smile so that was nice.

Mitch: "That already looks incredible."

Gabe: "I hope so."

Kylie: "Uh guys did anyone else hear that?"

Gabe: "Hear what?"

Kylie: "You can't hear Simon scream just then?"

Mitch: "No?"

Kylie: "I'll be back in five. I'm going to go make sure I'm not crazy."

She left the room as Ryan and Jerome walked in.

Gabe: "Weren't you with one of the guys heading back to their place?"

I pointed over to Harry to indicate that I had meant his place.

Ryan: "I mean we were going to come back here anyway so we swapped around and we rode with Simon and Josh."

Jerome: "Did anyone else hear Simon scream his head off?"

Gabe: "I guess Kylie isn't going nuts."

Mitch: "No one else but her had heard him scream."

Jerome: "It was pretty loud."

Preston: "Do you know what he was screaming about?"

Ryan: "Wouldn't have a clue but Josh moved pretty quickly."

I heard the front door open and close with a slam before Kylie came in to see us all standing around. I had just made the source but had stopped myself.

Kylie: "How long will that take in the oven Gabe?"

Gabe: "about an hour, I feel like slow cooking it for now. Why?"

Kylie: "Uh, well Lachlan and Rob are on their way back already. I'll wait for you to put it in the oven because we need you guys right Now."

Harry: "What happened?"

Gabe: "Kind of scaring me here Kylie."

Kylie: "Well I can tell you one thing. The guy we saw today. The one that had everyone fooled... He was not Brett. He never will be and he just looks like him."

Gabe: "I'm surprised you even remembered that cos you guys were out of there pretty quick to get out of there."

Kylie: "You did kind of get hurt as well."

Gabe: "Yeah and?"

Harry: "How are you absolutely certain the person we saw wasn't Brett?"

Kylie: "Because someone snuck into the house somehow. They knew where they were going and which room Simon's was. Brett is definitely dead. Absolutely one hundred percent dead. And whoever this sick fuck is, has proven that to Simon."

Mitch: "I'm confused."

Preston: "So am I."

Kylie: "Brett's corpse was laying on Simon's bed."

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