Threats From The Past (MiniMi...

By M1ckyj789

1.5K 126 97

Gabrielle and his best friend Kylie are riding the high after both of their latest books have been released... More

Starting Fresh
One Day...
Just Because He's Gay
Just One Moment
Give It Time
He Said No
He'd Go Nuts
Please Don't
Not Happening
Get Off Him
Stay Away From Him
Kicked Out
Blink And You Will Miss Them
Assault And Homicide
Revealed Flatlines
I'm Going To Miss You
I don't want you to go
Does He Like Me?
Can You Be Honest With Me
Welcome Home
So Much Worse
Better Safe Than Sorry
Drunken plans
Heading Down Under
Let Go Of Me

Help You Feel Better

38 4 3
By M1ckyj789

Simon's POV

Simon: "Josh I'm so scared. It was him I'm so sure of it. But something seemed wrong. It was him but it didn't seem like it was completely him." Something was missing but I know for a fact that was him."

Josh: "How can you be absolutely sure that was him?"

Simon: "I know ok, I just know. I am so sure that's him that I almost kissed him, I was so close but something stopped me. Something pulled me away and said this was not him like he use to be. It's him but something is different and this I know for sure. It's like, it's like he wasn't himself."

Josh: "Your worrying me Simon. I know when your in deep thought and right now I'm fucking terrified."

Simon: "Do you ever get that feeling where. When you see someone or meet someone and you can't help but feel differently. That something wasn't right? Have you ever been on a date with Freya. And just not felt right. As if something was off and you couldn't put your finger on it but she was right there in front of you?"

Josh: "Honestly Simon. I think you need to rest and think about it. Your not completely in the right head space right now and that's understandable. How about we go home, you lay down or get something to eat. And we will get you when Gabe finishes dinner?"

Simon: "I'm not hungry."

Josh: "They have been here for a while now and you have never turned down food that he cooks. Trust me you will find a way to make yourself hungry later."

I kept thinking back to that day we got hit. That the guy ran the red light and ran into us. He was so beautiful in his pure white shirt and black pants. I told him to wear something nice because I was going to treat him for dinner. But the car had other ideas. And when he hit us everything was black for me. The car had hit Brett's side and it had collided with us at such a speed that it was miraculous that Brett didn't die instantly. Or at least that's what the boys told me as soon as I woke up. They said I couldn't see Brett because he had still been in a critical condition and no one kne whether he would last or not. And it turns out he didn't. I watched as Harry and Josh bolted into the other room and they didn't come back for a while. Tobi and Ethan weren't in the room and I think JJ had something going on with his album so they weren't there but Vik stayed with me. The beautiful young man stayed with me and kept me company while Josh and Harry went to check on him. I was heart broken when they came back in with the doctor. Telling me that he had flat lined. That his heart had stopped beating and they were unable to bring him back. They tried all that they could but nothing worked. It was scary for a while afterwards. I stopped doing videos for three months, just taking the time for myself, I took it as my time to grieve and I'm glad I took the time off. When I came back they all welcomed me with open arms and I felt like I was home. I know I over did it at one stage and ended up with enough videos stacked up for three weeks so I took a month off again. Just relaxing and lounging around the house. Vik, Josh and JJ all planned ahead and managed to get two weeks off and we all just lounged around and did our own thing, we went out pretty much every night and just had fun. They tried so hard to help me stop thinking about m but Brett was always on my mind.

Josh: "Hey?"

Simon: "What's up?"

Josh: "What are you thinking about Si?"

Simon: "Brett, everything that happened during the crash, or at least what I can remember of it, the aftermath in the hospital, taking the time off. Everything that happened afterwards was caused by that fucking pathetic ass hole of a driver. Had he not hit us who knows maybe we would still be together. Maybe we would be happy and married."

Josh: "Married?"

Simon: "That night. I uh, I planned to ask him to marry me. The ring must have been lost because I don't remember where it ended up or where it went., but I planned to ask him to marry me that night at dinner and I wanted it to be so romantic and I organised the whole thing to work out perfectly. But..."

Josh: "Hey look at me, think happy thoughts like Gabe's cooking, or his new book that he has been letting you preview slowly. Or what about funny moments like when Harry got drunk and tried to hit on Kay and Vik at the same time. Or when you were drunk and tried to crawl into bed with me."

Simon: "I succeeded didn't I?"

Josh: "Yeah you did but that was because your bed was already taken. Look Si I love you to death mate, your my best friend or one of and I really don't want to see you upset because it kills me. But at the same time I need you to understand that we buried him, I was there listening to the heart rate monitor as it flatlined. You were in the car at the time of the crash, there is no logical solution to him being alive right?"

Simon: "Yeah... Yeah logic is what I need, I need to think about this right? I need to think about the good and the bad situations and right now it's not possible for him to have survived everything and still be alive today. We buried him as well."

Josh: "I know we have."

Simon: "Josh can I ask you something?"

Josh: "You can ask me anything you like."

Simon: "Can we go and see him. I haven't been there in a month or so since Gabe turned up. I really do miss him and with this now. I feel like I owe it to him to go and just remind myself that he was dead."

Josh: "Of course we can Si. Do you want me to take you down now? It's on the way actually."

Simon: "Thanks Josh."

Maybe seeing his grave will help put my mind to rest. I mean someone who got buried should still be in the ground right? He was so sweet and kind that I'm surprised his grave didn't literally sprout Daisy's. I still remember making sure to keep a photo of him there at all times. That it would be inserted into a little locket style photo frame. So that every time I was there I would get to see his beautiful face. He filled me with so much happiness and emotion that I could never imagine life without him while we were together and yet, this entire time has been so traumatic for so many different reasons. From thinking I was ready to move on and hanging around Gabrielle, to now seeing him in front of us. His purple eyes and his slender, thin frame. It's like time had stopped for him. There were no scars or marks on his face or arms as I saw... There were no marks. It couldn't have been him then if there were no marks right?

Simon: "You would think someone who had been in a major car accident would still have scars or marks to show it right? So how come on his face and arms there weren't any?"

Josh: "That is definitely not something I would think to look at so I guess if you really thought about it. Then someone would definitely not be able to hide something like that. Or at least he would have shown you some scars to prove it was him right? Why would he wait u till now, a year later, to announce myself as still being alive?"

Simon: "Do you remember what I said about it being weird. That I didn't like how I was feeling, or that something felt wrong with him?"

Josh: "Yeah?"

Simon: "I have a feeling that it might not have been him. That maybe it's someone else that just looks like him and is trying to hurt me or get close to me. I don't think that was him."

Josh: "What makes you think that?"

Simon: "It's just a feeling I have. I don't feel right about the situation. I feel like something is completely wrong about it, that something isn't right."

I felt my phone but in in my pocket but I didn't really feel up for taking a call so I let it ring out. It was probably just one of the boys telling me they had gotten home. I felt the road shift from Asphalt to rubble and dirt as we turned towards the Cemetery Brett was buried in. As Josh parked the car and we started to walk over to the grave stones, I remembered exactly where to go.

????: "HEY EXCUSE ME!"

For fuck sake I'm really not in the mood.

Simon: "Can I help you?"

????: "Is your name Simon Minter, your boyfriend use to be buried here."

Simon: "Yeah he was buried about a year ago. What's up?"

????: "You need to answer your phone I have been trying to contact you for a few days now. Something has gone wrong with Brett."

Simon: "How the fuck can something go wrong with a dead guy."

????: "We don't know where he is?

Simon: "What do you mean we don't know where he is. You can't change the location of a dead person. He's dead, he should be in here."

????: "that's the problem though, we don't know where he is gone. A civilian had brought it to my attention that there was a suspicious amount of dirt next to a grave, after I inspected it I found that the dirt had originally been placed in Brett's grave."

Simon: "Get to the point."

????: "He's not there anymore. The coffin is still there but there is no Brett. It's like he just got up and walked away and that was scary enough as it is."

What do you mean you lost my boyfriend. How the fuck do you lose someone when they can't get up and walk away? Seriously does this guy not act very well at his job or something? You can't just lose someone.

Josh: "You can't just lose someone?"

????: "We have been asking ourselves that already. And the dirt pile was quite large but it didn't look like there was enough dirt there to refill the grave."

Simon: "So you lose him. Someone went grave robbing and instead grabbed the whole fucking body."

Josh: "I can't believe you. There is no way he got up and left."

????: "aim only doing my job guys. I'm sorry you find it hard to believe, but if you walk over there, you will find it empty. I'm just warning you ahead of time that something is very ring right now and I don't know what I can say to help you feel better."

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