Halloween is SO my thing

By purpleismymiddlename

12.9K 289 42

Jackie Olive Lanturn is your typical Halloween obessed 15 year old. Living with her Father, Jeffery and littl... More

How to be Halloween
Hate = Amberlyn. Stupid = Seth & Riddles = Drusilla
The Portal
Witch is my mom?
Angry Alyson
The Book of Lanturn
Hitchhiking with the Headless
Beers for Bones
Where art thou, Quint?
Drusilla and the Gallows
Cure- Willa's POV
Lupa makes it awkward
Was there a mace there before?
Chosen (Epilouge)

I blow up The Haunted House

358 8 0
By purpleismymiddlename

The room was faintly lit corridor. Candelabras line the walls, flickering, sending shadows dancing across the ink black walls. I step onto the blood red carpet and stare ahead. A plain oak door lies at the end. I can feel a powerful presence in this hall. Nothing like I ever felt in here before. I finger my mother's necklace in an attempt to calm my nerves- a habit I picked up since I began wearing it. I stop at the door. My death may be behind these doors. I wonder if it's safer to turn back now. Run and hide away with Quint maybe. I shake my head and push the door open before I change my mind.

Pitch blackness awaits me. What kind of trick is Romulus trying to pull? Eerie organ music suddenly begins as the lights fade in bathing the room in muted colour. Smoke disperses from an unknown source. The room is old and musty with once royal blue walls. The paint is peeling everywhere and the floorboards appear to have been here since the 16th century. Romulus sits in a throne at the front of the room. He wears a formal black tunic instead of a robe this time. His crimson eyes follow me with intense fascination

"Jacqueline, finally you grace me with your presence. I suspect your journey was pleasant?" Romulus asks as if I was late to tea. I narrow my eyes. Wants to play games, does he?

"I suspect that you know how it was. Anyway, where's the Treat Topaz? I'd like to get this over with and move on to better things." I reply briskly, coldly and confidently all at once. A smile plays across Romulus' lips. He chuckles to himself at something only he is aware of.

"You seem to have been mistaken.  I've never been in the possession of the spirit stones. That's a privilege that only Lanturn's are given. Besides they were never necessary for the spell. Really nothing but an embellishment to my spell." My heart stops. How can her not have it. White noise fills me ears. He's tricked me.

Romulus starts to go on about the complexity of his spell and the necessary steps. He gets up and starts striding toward me. I don't move or even breathe. I've already failed. He can kill me with ease and I have no chance. Everything starts to blur and blend together.

"Then what do you need me for? I won't say the spell- you know that." I gulp. All the colours have begun to alter. I stare at my blue fingers as they shake with terror.

"Well I need what runs in your veins, child. The magic blood. The blood of the greatest witches and wizards of all ages. The blood of a Lanturn." Romulus says with a grin inching closer towards me. I can't let this happen. I need help. I sway in place. What is happening to me? I have one chance maybe though. Maybe to get away, to live.

"Quint!" I scream at the top of my lungs. My use my last remaining energy to turn and see him burst in. At the same time, I hear Romulus's voice ring out.

"Neco!" I reach out for Quint as I fall and feel my life be sucked away. The world disappears and I feel myself die.

I'm lying on something very soft. Like the world's softest blanket. I open my eyes to sunlight realizing I'm in the sky. I'm lying on a gold cloud. My filthy hoodie and sweats have been replaced by a gorgeous white one shoulder dress paired with some gold flats. My red hair cascades in waves down my back. Nothing seems to fit together. Memories are jumbled and I just can't remember. Everything here seems to have a vibrant glow to it. I run my hand against to cloud, feeling its soft texture. I stare at my nails, shaped into perfect silver-coloured circles. I stare at the pure blue sky.

I notice that a group of people are sitting in a circle not too far away. I lift myself up and stand. I feel like I'm taking my first steps as I walk to them. Four women are sitting in the circle. But somehow I recognize them. Things begin to click. First is Drusilla, her blonde hair vibrant and in pretty up-do with a few stray curls. She has the same style dress in silver. Dru looks like how she did in flashbacks, before her death. Sitting next to her is Amberlyn. She has a red version of the dress naturally and her braided hair is streaked with a cherry red. She isn't even vampire pale anymore. Hazel sits next to her, well a younger version of her. She looks around 16. Around the age she probably was when Neckstop was killed. She has gold dress and her hair is black, straightened.

The last woman is around 30. I never thought I would see her in person. Only in photographs and blurry memories. It's Sabrina Lanturn, my mother. Her red hair is just like my mine and she has Rowan's eyes. She has a dust rose dress and she is fiddling with the hem of it. She smiles at me. I drop to my knees and stare at her. Without warning, I burst into tears and hug her tightly. She shushes me soothingly stoking my head.

"Mo...M...m." I gasp between sobs.

"It's okay, sweetie. Just let it out." She tells me. So I do. I let out all the tears and pressure out. When I'm done, I wipe my eyes and straighten up.

"Where are we? Are we.... Dead?" I ask them.

"It's a crossroads, Jackie." Drusilla answers with a distant look.

"You have a choice. You can stay with us. Live at this crossroad and live for forever. Over time the others will join us. Rowan and Jeffery will have each other. This would be your reward for everything you've had to give up." Amberlyn explains. I think this over. Stay here? I can just forget about Romulus and everything else.

"What's the other choice?" I question.

"Go back. Finish your quest." My mom replies, rubbing my hand. "But you won't be able to see us again. We won't be allowed to see you."

This is tough. I have never been able to know my mom. She was taken from me before I could. But Romulus can take over if I stay. He can hurt Rowan and Willa and Seth and.... Quint. I won't see Quint again. Not until he dies as well. I touch my lips, reminded of our kiss. I can still hear his voice. I love you, too. I can't leave him now. I look up at all the people who have died to make this possible. Who sacrificed themselves for the quest.

"So if I go, how could I defeat Romulus? I don't have the last stone. And will I ever get to see you again?"

"Well, after you die, you can live with us in peace." Hazel states.

"Jackie, you know I want you too stay. But I also know you have unfinished business. It's important to choose what's right. I want you to look into your heart. The answer is there." My mom proclaims. I do look into my heart. All I can see is my friends and how I have to help them how I can't leave them. I gaze at my mother. Our eyes lock and she nods.

"I have to go back. I can only really be at peace knowing that I've done my part." I assure them. They all nod in agreement. "But I'll be back."

"Well we can give you this." Drusilla declares, holding out her close fist. She unveils a glowing stone when she removes her fingers. A triangle shaped topaz striped with white, orange and yellow. The treat topaz. I gasp in awe. I can defeat Romulus now. "You had to decide on your own to go back in order for us to give you it."

I nod in understanding. It makes sense to me. Drusilla reaches out and take my hand, transferring the Topaz into my hand. I beam, realizing what this means. I give a hug to all of them and a thank you. Before I go, I tell them one last thing.

"You know, I didn't want any of you to die."

"Jackie, it was worth it. Everything happens for a reason doesn't it?" My mom tells me. She kisses my forehead and places her hand on mine. The other three do the same. I suddenly begin to spin as everything grows brighter.

When I open my eyes, I see I'm still lying on the floor. Time hasn't gone by as fast as I thought. But one thing has changed. Quint is no longer near me. I can hear his desperate shouts from nearby though. I don't dare move or breathe. I look through the cracks of eyelids spotting Quint pinned to the wall by some spell along with Seth. Quint struggles and struggles.  He half shouts, half sobs. Romulus is mixing a potion a few steps away from him- not paying any attention to him.

I reach slowly into my pocket. I pull out all three stones and lay them out in a triangle. No one notices. I place my hand over top of them and will their magic to work. They glow brightly and turn into a ball of orange and black light. It floats in front of my face for a few seconds before floating into my chest. It makes me fell... stronger. Like I can do anything, face anyone. With ease, I manage to stand up and walk up to Seth and Quint. Romulus seems to be doing some sort of silent spell, adding ingredients to the potion.

Quint's face lights up when I reach him. He almost says my name but I cover his mouth. I indicate for him to continue yelling, so Romulus doesn't notice anything is wrong. I use a spell and the ropes burn away in a flash. Landing stealthily, they hug me tightly. Quint kisses me for 5 wonderful seconds. I motion for them to wait by the door. They nod and tiptoe over.

I turn to Romulus and walk up behind him. He keeps muttering about where he put his ginger root. Time to give him a taste of his own medicine. I pull from my pocket a bright pink sticky note. Printed in clear letters is the spell for the stones. 'Lux semper valebit. Clavus mihi signa lapides duritia. Et tuere me et sacrificemus iaculis Trickem sperans non cades. Lapides coalescunt solo spiritu'. Check that off, already merged the stones. But I know what to do now. I feel like maybe I've known the whole time.

"So I guess you're not very efficient with spells?" I declare. Romulus whips around, his teeth bared in anger.

"I though I took care of you, brat."

"Well I guess you can add that to your list of failures. Spells, world domination, potions, stopping anyone, tying knots, living and fashion sense." I say slyly.

"Watch your mouth. " Romulus says, his hands sparking with dark electricity. I roll my eyes just to infuriate him further. I let my hands light with glowing electricity. I push myself to the other side of the room. I beckon with my finger, ready for battle.

Romulus sends a cloud of dark purple clouds my way. It bubbles and runs like some oily goo. I raise my hand and I glowing white portal sucks it up. Next, he sends a burst of air with strength. A mini tornado begins forming right in the middle, sucking in everything around it.  I disperse it with a few Latin words. I start my offense by sending a bolt of lightning down hitting Romulus square in the chest. He falls backward, his defence falling.

"It's not possible! Your not experienced enough to know these spells!" Romulus roars with rage.

"Well I got a present from my mom. Just what I wanted too. A one way ticket to beating you. In stone form." I proclaim in a mocking tone. Romulus's rage is the best thing I've seen in a while He knows he can be beaten.

Darkness begins to form around him, gathering his energy. I do the same with light. The light will always prevail. I see everything in slow motion. The spirit stones dance across my eyes. I seal the stone with the hardness of a nail. I've done what I can, if I can complete this spell.  I protect and sacrifice to save us all and in hopes that Trickem won't fall. I remember the spell clearly.

Romulus suddenly lets his darkness burst, flying towards me. It comes slowly, my life flashing before my eyes. I keep my light built up though. The darkness is getting closer and closer but I keep it. Just before it hits me, I rip off my necklace.  The black onyx glints as I jump into the air letting the light burst. I scream as the energy is pulled from me. The light sucks up all the darkness, increasing in size rapidly.  I land as the light hits Romulus. His tortured howl is ear-splitting. I can't imagine the pain.

I run towards Seth and Quint, quickly leading them out of the room. We sprint through the corridor and down the stairs. We can hear rumbling, the explosion is coming. Flames start bursting from the wall and pieces of roof fall from everywhere. We push through the creaking door, ripping it off its hinges. I jump face down on the ground as the house explodes into light. My only thought is that it's over. That it's all over.

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