Just Friends

By trisxstyles

13.6K 433 20

[I wrote this when I was 13 I'm so sorry] "I'd rather watch him love somebody else, cry every night, and tak... More

Welcome To Just Friends!
Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty
Chapter Twenty Two
Chapter Twenty Three
Chapter Twenty Four
Chapter Twenty Five
Chapter Twenty Six
Chapter Twenty Seven
Chapter Twenty Eight
Chapter Twenty Nine
Chapter Thirty
Chapter Thirty One
Chapter Thirty Two
Chapter Thirty Three
Chapter Thirty Four
Chapter Thirty Five
Chapter Thirty Six -- FINALE!

Chapter Twenty One

290 12 0
By trisxstyles

Chapter Twenty Two

• • • • •

4:50 a.m.

I’m still up and I am confused.

What the hell is happening here? A while ago I was going all ape shit on him and now I am here thinking about the harsh words I said and thinking about saying sorry and forgiving him.

“You’re stupid Aleanna. Did you forget he left you?” a voice inside me spoke. I blinked rapidly for I was staring at the terrace door for hours now and I still haven’t figured out what I should do about all of this. I looked at the clock beside me once again and it says that it’s already five in the morning. With a sigh, I quietly got out the room and went downstairs to just sit on the chair by the pool with my Harry Potter book in hand.

I sat there peacefully and have read maybe 20 pages or more already. When I was about to turn the page for the 21st time, a deep voice interrupted me from behind, making me jump and almost fell into the pool full of ice cold water.

When I realized who it was, my breathing started to slow down and I removed my hand that was placed on my chest. “Oh sorry, did I scare you?” his accent is deep and honestly, I find it pretty attractive. Damn British boys.

“Well Obviously.” I huffed. Just then I realized how rude I sounded. He just stared at me awkwardly. “I’m sorry. I haven’t slept yet and Aly and no sleep is not a good combination.” I smiled to save the awkwardness and my rude remark a while ago. “Don’t worry ‘bout it.” He half smiled.

“So… what is a boy like you doing up so early? It’s like 5 in the morning.” I asked trying to get out of the awkward air growing between us. “Uh, well I know I might sound real gay and pathetic but I really like to watch and wait for the sun to rise.” He honestly smiled.

“Don’t feel pathetic. Really, I like to do the same thing when I was younger because I had more time to do it. But unfortunately, as you grow up, watching the sun rise is too good for your schedule.” I rolled my eyes at the mention of my hectic and stressful schedule.

All he did was smile in response. “Sorry to keep asking questions, but why do you like to watch it? Because some blokes like you would usually choose sleep over some dramatic sunrise watching.” I laughed.

“No, it’s okay really. You can ask me anything, but nothing too personal.” He laughed too. His laugh is adorable. How his tongue hide behind his teeth, and his eyes narrow and crinkles by his eyes appear adds more effect on his laugh and his smile.

“But yeah, I don’t really know. It just gives me inspiration to keep on with life. It just tells me that I’m alive and I woke up this morning given another chance to change people’s lives and make my life worth living. I know, dramatic right?” he crookedly smiled at his embarrassment.

“Hmm, it’s not really dramatic. I think it’s really nice. I have a reason too. When I was younger, A certain someone told me that my dad was summoned by God to watch over me and everyone else. I believed that for years knowing my dad would be there every morning to watch over me, thus creating the tale of the sun.” I half smiled at the memory.

The memory made me realize how much Harry has changed. I hope he doesn’t ask about my father and how am I doing, because I know I won’t have an answer to those kinds of questions.

The time goes on and we talked and told stories. We shared laughs and sad moments too. It was bipolar.

“You’re usually the quiet one. Why tell all those things to me?” I curiously ask.

“Because I know you need someone right now. Someone,  somebody to tell you or make you realize that you’re not the only one having a hard time in this horrid world. You just have to dig deeper and look closer.” He proudly smiled.

“But how do you know if that person needs that kind of attention?”

“Don’t know. Feel it.”

Don’t know. Feel it. His words replayed on my mind.

“But how did you know I am one of them?”

“I already saw it the day we came here. You looked lost.”

Just as I was about to speak again, I noticed that the sun had finally risen and it looks absolutely beautiful as it show off it’s light on the horizon.

“That’s our cue. I’ll get ready for breakfast.” He smiled and with that said, he stood up from where he was seated.

“We shall continue this later, Davidson.” He teased. I nod and he walked away. Just before he could reach the door, I turned my head around to look at the boy who just made my day slash night. He was so easy to talk to and so comfortable to be with.

“Hey!” I called out to him.

He stopped on his tracks and turned his head to face me.

He cocked an eyebrow towards my direction signaling for me to speak up.

“How do I feel it though?” I asked.

“I don’t know really. Maybe it’s a gift I have. But maybe look into that person’s eyes. Some people may look happy when really, they’re not. It’s a mystery. An annoying mystery, my friend.” He’s so mysterious and awkwardly inspiring.

“Oh, so we’re friends now?” I smirked as I teased the bloke.

“Maybe?” he smiled. He’s adorable. Oh God Aly. Stop thinking about him and his adorable smile. You’ve gone completely mental.

“Yah… maybe.” I returned the smile.

“Well, we better get ready now.” I finally said as I stood up from my seat.

“Thank you.” I thanked the guy with a warm smile. I easily got comfortable with him. It’s like I can tell him anything and I know he won’t disappoint me. What’s with this boy?

“Anytime Davidson.” I rolled my eyes at him.

He chuckled, opened the door and finally got it. I grabbed my book and did the same.

Just as I was about to go inside my room, a head peaked from the stairs.

“What do you want?” I laughed.

He laughed a little before finally speaking. “Good morning Davidson.”. I giggled and looked at him.

“Good morning Malik.

{ OHHHHHH. Yay for two updates in one night! :) time to go to sleep! School tomorrow! Hope this this chapter made you happy! I UPDATED!

Keep Reading lovely faggots!

Love you guys!

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-Kim :) xx }

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