19 Years (HP - Drarry)

By ShiloQuetchenbach

639K 33.7K 19.4K

19 years ago, something happened between Harry Potter and Draco Malfoy - but the only one who remembers is Dr... More

Drarry Prophet Reviews
Chapter 1: Platform 9 3/4
Chapter 2: Granger & Parkinson, Divorce Attorneys Extraordinaire
Chapter 3: Fancy Meeting You Here
Chapter 4: Better Be... Hufflepuff!
Chapter 5: Touché
Chapter 6: Metamorphmagus
Chapter 7: Stars
Chapter 8: Stalking Me AGAIN, Potter?
Chapter 9: I *am* a Hufflepuff, you know
Chapter 10: Candy-coated Lies
Chapter 11: Potter, Potter, Potter
Chapter 12: Paper Dragons
Chapter 13: Flashbacks
Chapter 14: Trauma
Chapter 15: Have A Biscuit, Potter
Chapter 16: Lunch Date
Chapter 17: Dinner Date
Chapter 18: The Beginning of a Beautiful Friendship
Chapter 19: Bertie Bott's Every Flavour Beans
Chapter 20: Tea and Scones
Chapter 21: The Fearsome (Fabulous) Five
Chapter 22: When Pigs Fly
Chapter 23: A Troll in the Dungeon?
Chapter 24: Slumber Party
Chapter 25: Old Enough To Know Better
Chapter 26: Guidelines
Chapter 27: Reluctant Spies
Chapter 28: The Library
Chapter 29: Dueling Lessons
Chapter 30: The Duel
Chapter 31: Oblivious
Chapter 32: Obscuro Vera
Chapter 33: Halloween
Chapter 34: The Plot Thickens
Chapter 35: Wrackspurts
Chapter 36: Please?
Chapter 37: Wallflower
Chapter 38: Distraction
Chapter 39: Girls, Girls, Girls
Chapter 40: Historically Accurate
Chapter 41: Quidditch Brawl
Chapter 43: Zabini
Chapter 44: Cold Comfort
Chapter 45: Apologies
Chapter 46: Boxer Parties
Chapter 47: Obliviate!
Chapter 48: Every Rose Has Its Thorn
Chapter 49: Just Like Every Night Has Its Dawn
Chapter 50: The First Cut is the Deepest
Chapter 51: Parting Is Such Sweet Sorrow
Skeeter's Gossip Column

Chapter 42: Scars

8.6K 506 260
By ShiloQuetchenbach

Saturday, December 16, 2017

I knew I was going to regret this. Draco stared resentfully at Harry, who, as usual, just looked confused.

He'd been avoiding him - mostly successfully - since he'd been conned into helping him back to his room after the disastrous Gryffindor-Slytherin brawl.

Draco scowled. He'd still not gotten satisfactory answers from any of his house about what on earth had started it - only that it had involved Harry's eldest troublemaker son. At least Al seemed like a decent kid. If Scorpius had taken up with someone like James...

Draco massaged his temples wearily. No, James seemed to be something of an anomaly in the Potter family, much as he was loath to admit it. He liked Al. The boy was a perfect match for Scorpius - even he could admit that. And he liked Ginny well enough - except when she and Astoria ganged up on him, like they'd done the other day. Hell, he even liked Harry - which was, of course, the problem.

He'd tried to leave Harry at his door that night. It was only logical - he'd taken Pomfrey's potion and been dismissed from the hospital wing - surely he could make it to his bed on his own? Apparently not.

Oh, he'd tried, the idiot. Luckily, Draco's key had stuck and he hadn't made it into his rooms when Harry pitched forward through his door. Draco, fool that he was, had lunged forward to catch the idiot, straining a muscles in his left thigh, then had been forced to half-carry him to his bed. Of course Harry had injuries he'd not told Madam Pomfrey about. Because he "didn't want to bother her."

Draco snorted, drawing confused glances from the others, busily arguing about the best way to carry out this farce. He rolled his eyes and waved them off. He certainly wasn't going to tell them what he was thinking about. Damn Potter and his infernal inferiority complex. He tried to focus on the heated conversation across the room, Astoria's photographs on the wall in front of him, anything but that night...

Friday, December 1, 2017

"Thanks," Harry said sheepishly, once Draco had heaved him onto his bed. "I, uh, guess I'm not quite as strong as I thought."

Draco glared at him. "Apparently. Where are they, Potter?"

"Where are what?" Harry asked innocently, eyes flicking nervously away from his face.

Draco sighed. "Don't mistake me for a fool, Potter. Where are the injuries you hid from Madam Pomfrey?"

Harry flushed guiltily. "I didn't hide them. Just... forgot to mention them."

Draco stared at him incredulously. Harry held his gaze for several seconds, then looked away. "They're nothing, really. There was no need to bother Pomfrey about them, not when she had so many injuries to deal with. I've got some salve here - I can take care of them."

Draco snorted. "Oh, yes. Just like you took care of getting safely into your room?"

"I -"

"Just tell me where the damn salve is, Potter, so I can go to bed and forget about this disaster of a day."

Harry deflated. "Fine. It's in the bathroom." He pointed to a small door Draco hadn't noticed. "In the medicine cabinet. Second shelf."

Draco fetched it, then stared menacingly down at him, channeling his memories of Snape and attempting to loom as much as possible. "Well?"

"Just give it here." Harry's hand shot out to take the jar, and he glared when Draco pulled it out of his reach.

"No. You. Are. Injured. Do I need to put a full body-bind on you and drag you back to the hospital wing? I will, you know."

Harry grumbled under his breath, but wiggled out of his robes, wincing as he pushed them off his shoulders, and then un-tucked his shirt. Draco felt his breathing hitch, and his mouth went dry - both of which he studiously ignored. He was going to make sure the reckless idiot wasn't going to die, and then he was going to bed. In the morning, if said reckless idiot was still alive, he was going to kill him.

"Here," Harry said, voice muffled as he heaved his shirt over his head and turned away from Draco, exposing a nasty series of bruises down his left side and scattered across the pale expanse of his back.

Draco gulped, then steeled himself, dipping his fingers into the salve and tentatively touching them to Harry's skin.

"Merlin!" Harry exclaimed, jumping slightly. "Are you trying to freeze me? Warm it up first!"

"Yes, your majesty," Draco spat, but he cast a quick warming charm over the jar and the salve on his fingers before touching them to the first bruise.

Neither man spoke as Draco applied the salve, and he quickly lost himself in the surreal experience of massaging the minty salve into Harry's pale skin. It was dotted with freckles, which surprised him, and scars, which did not. Oh, some of them did. He recognized a few of the more distinctive ones - left by particularly nasty Dark curses that he'd had directed at his own pale skin, more than once. He tried not to think of the times he'd used them himself. He focused quickly back on Harry's skin, not willing to break down here as he knew he would, if he let his mind travel that familiar path of regret.

The scars that surprised him were different - older. The neat stripes hadn't been caused by magic, and they were too faded to have been acquired during the war, anyway. It had been two decades, but those scars were slow to fade. These... these Harry had to have gotten as a child.

Images assaulted him, then. Harry, as he'd first looked, small and pale and... yes. Not just gangly. Malnourished. Draco's fingers stilled as he flipped through the memories. How Harry filled out, each year, until he looked almost human, beneath those horrid oversized clothes. How he returned after summers at home, nothing but skin and bones, flinching at odd moments. How he never complained; took all Draco's jibes about his exalted life and didn't let on how very far from the mark they were.

He'd heard the rumors, of course. Back then and more recently. There had been plenty of exposés after the war. The faux-journalistic drivel that Draco did his best to ignore. There had been plenty about him, too, and not all of them true. Some were, and those were memories he didn't care to dwell on. But, as usual, he'd been unable to ignore Harry.

He'd devoured those articles, disappointed when Harry himself never deigned to grant interviews. Never commented on them. Draco had taken that as further proof that these "journalists" were grasping at straws and had resorted to making up a tragic backstory for their heroic golden boy. He'd never imagined that the horrible things they'd said had been true. Even after Harry confirmed some of it - the far-from-exalted home life, the malnourishment and emotional abuse... He'd assumed the rest was like the stories they'd started printing of him, when the juicy details ran dry. Lies and slander and sensationalism. Not... this.


Draco jumped, eyes raising to meet Harry's. Damn. He'd not planned on making eye contact - he was going to take care of the damn injuries, and then escape to his room and have a nice breakdown. But now that he was looking into those impossibly green eyes...

Draco felt himself melt, and he was gratefully that he'd been forced to kneel to take care of Harry's injuries, because he really didn't think his legs would support him right now. His veins fizzed and his breath caught painfully in his throat. He was lost.

Harry looked away, coughing. "Er. Thanks, Malfoy. I - that's all of them, I think."

Draco stared at him blankly for a moment. "Oh. OK. Um. I'll just..." he closed his eyes, despising himself, then forced the steel to return to his backbone as he rose smoothly to his feet, dropping the jar of salve on the bedside table. "Be sure to see Madam Pomfrey in the morning, Potter. Some of those look rather nasty, and I'd rather not be accused of letting the Savior of the Wizarding World die.

He injected as much venom as he could into the title, and felt a small, vindictive part of himself rejoice; the rest of him - too fanciful by half - withered as the strange light dimmed and faded from Potter's too-green eyes.

"Right," Potter muttered. "Would hate to inconvenience you."

Draco didn't answer - he didn't trust himself to speak without letting the apology trip off the end of his tongue. He nodded stiffly then turned and swept out. Snape, he thought absently, would have been proud.

Saturday, December 16, 2017

He hadn't spoken to the git since.

At least, not until today, when Astoria had informed him, in no uncertain terms, that he would be helping them with the play. That afternoon. And, once Ginny had dragged in an unwilling Harry, they'd unleashed their ridiculous revenge.

Apparently, their idiot sons had determined to audition for - and win - the roles of Romeo and Juliet. Of course his son would be Juliet. And of course he and Harry would be asked to stand in for their sons while the girls worked out how best to stage and adapt the thing for two male leads.

Draco was not going to survive this. The only bright spot in his increasingly gloomy future was that Harry would go down with him.

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