The Three Of Us

By 830freckles

70.7K 1.8K 222

Ronnie feels as if she doesn't have a family. Ever since she was a child, she's been tossed from foster home... More

Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty
Chapter Twenty-One
Chapter Twenty-Two
Chapter Twenty-Three
Chapter Twenty-Four
Chapter Twenty-Five
Chapter Twenty-Six
Chapter Twenty-Seven
Chapter Twenty-Eight
Chapter Twenty-Nine
Chapter Thirty
Chapter Thirty-One
Chapter Thirty-Two
Chapter Thirty-Three

Chapter Seventeen

1.6K 47 15
By 830freckles


Mistakes. They’re what I’m best at making. I know the exact recipe and I have known it since the moment I was born. It seems as if mistakes are what I make best, and I actually can’t seem to disagree. However, there has just been one mistake that has been haunting me for ages now and I just feel that everything would have been better if I could have prevented it.

  Everything could have been somewhat normal again.

  “Are you sure you don’t need anything, Asher?” Mrs. Morrison asked me for the one billionth time.

  “I’m sure, I think I’ll just wait in here until Avery comes home,” I replied.

  She gave me an uncertain look before she finally just nodded her head and closed the door. I sighed and flopped down on the mattress that I has been my bed since last night, when I was officially welcomed into the Morrison household. Ever since then, Mrs. Morrison has been trying to find ways to make me feel even more welcome than I already was.

  I always just pushed away her offers, because I knew that she was just doing these things to make me happy. Of course she’s trying to give me her condolences, and I honestly appreciate that, but the fact that she’s trying to make a smile appear on my face just reminds me even more of my parents’ death.

  I still get mad at myself for making the stupid mistake of not taking that taxi. I could have just seen my father alive for a few more minutes, tell him that I knew about my adoption and that he needn’t worry about telling me. That he could have a peaceful death with no regrets. Of course, that can’t happen because I’m idiotic Asher Blame. I’m the one who decided to ride a bike to a far away castle. Stupid, stupid, stupid.

  Ever since then, I have just been staying in Avery’s room. There really wasn’t much to do in here, his room was spacious, yet it was almost empty furnisher wise. He had a bed pressed up against the wall, his electric guitar hooked up to an amplifier in the corner of the room and a dresser against the wall. The floors and walls definitely weren’t empty though. His carpet was filled with dirty clothes, candy wrappers and CD cases. Whereas, his wall was covered with posters of bands that I didn’t even recognize. I had to admit, I wasn’t exactly sure of what I thought of Avery’s rock music obsession, rock music wasn’t exactly my favorite genre of music.

  I had spent my day counting the bumps on Avery’s wall, it at least kept me busy. So far I was up to six hundred ninety-three, but since Mrs. Morrison had come and distracted me, I lost count. I sighed and began again. “One, two, three, fo-”

  The door opened and I turned my head to see who it was. It was Avery, his bag slung over his shoulder. “Hey man,” He greeted. “How are you holding up?”

  I shrugged my shoulders. “I’m okay… I guess.”

 Avery sat down on his bed and opened up his bag. He took out a text book and threw it at me. I caught it in my hands and said, “Thanks.” The Morrisons’ had called Everlock to tell them about my… story. I seriously wasn’t up for going to school yet, so a deal was made and it was decided that Avery would bring me my homework every day so I could still learn while I tried to get over my loss.

  “Pages two hundred ninety-seven to two hundred eighty-one,” He told me. I cracked the book open and started to get to work on it. Avery laid down on his bed and began working on his homework, which I think was algebra.

  In the middle of our homework lessons, I asked Avery, “So, dude, how was your day? Anything special happen?”

  He looked at me with wide eyes. “It was probably the weirdest day of all time.”

  “Why?” I wondered.

  “Well, the day started off normally, but it was after the final bell that it got really weird,” He began. “Like, I was just walking to my locker when Ronnie started yelling after me. I don’t know why, but I started running. I didn’t want her to ask to many questions, you know?”

  “Did she catch up to you?” I questioned. Ronnie had been trying to get in contact with me all of today by texting me. I had ignored her because to be honest I was still a little disappointed with what she had said about my adoptive parents not wanting me. Maybe the thought of me meeting my real parents was a little far-fetched, but I could still have hopes, right?”

  Before Avery could respond, I heard the doorbell ring. We decided to just let Mrs. Morrison to get it, and after that it was silent. I was about to go back to my question, when Avery’s door burst open.

  I sat up and looked at who had just opened the door. To my surprise it was the one and only… Ronnie Messer. She walked straight up to me, grabbed my wrist and forced me to get up. “When did you plan on telling me this?!” She yelled.

  “What?!” I replied. I had no idea what was going on.

  Avery got up from his bed and stood next to me. “How did you even get in here?” He asked Ronnie.

  She looked at him as if he had five eyes. “I rang your doorbell, your mom answered the door, I told her who I was and she let me in. It’s not rocket science, nimrod.” Avery rolled his eyes in response and crossed his arms over his chest, completely defeated.

  Ronnie looked back at me with narrowed eyes. “Do you not trust me or something, Asher?”

  I yanked my arm out of her grasp and I mimicked Avery. “I don’t even know what you’re talking about!”

  “You’re parents,” She said in barely a whisper. “Avery told me about what happened. Everything that happened. You could have told me. You know that I’ll be there for you no matter what.”

  “Yeah… unlike my real parents, according to you,” I spat out. Avery and Ronnie looked quite surprised with my remark. Their eyes were wide, but their mouths were shut.

  It took Ronnie a good minute before she said, “Asher, you have to get over that. I completely take what I said back!”

  I shook my head at her. “You can never completely take something back without the memory of it still being there.” I felt like I wasn’t even controlling myself as I stormed out of the bedroom, down the hall and stairs and out the back door.

  The Morrisons’ had a really nice backyard with a playground for Hartlyn, Avery’s little sister, an above ground pool sat in the middle and Mrs. Morrisons’ garden was by the house.

  I marched right up to the playground and sat on one of the benches that was connected to it. I was a little scared that it wouldn’t be able to support my weight, but I guess I was alright since it hadn’t toppled over yet. I put my face in my hands and let all my thoughts run through my mind. My parents happy faces, Avery telling Ronnie about them, Ronnie telling me that my real parents never wanted me.

  Was I even wanted in this world anymore? I didn’t feel like it at all. At the moment, all I had was the Morrisons’, and it’s not like we were that close. I was only partially close to Avery. I don’t know why I had turned to him when I had nowhere to go. I guess I just knew that I could rely on him when I needed a friend and somewhere to stay. He had always been good to me, and I couldn’t feel like I was going over the top with living with him for now.

 “Just until April,” I whispered to myself. I would turn eighteen in April and I would be able to be off by myself.

  I almost jumped a foot in the air when I heard someone say, “What’s in April?”

  I uncovered my face to see Ronnie standing in front of me, her hands on her hips and the wind making her hair go a little crazy. I narrowed my green eyes at her and sighed. “Did I not make it obvious that I didn’t want to talk to you?” She actually looked a little hurt by my words, so I followed with, “If you must know, my eighteenth birthday is in April.”

  She sat down next to me without invitation and grinned a little. “Mine too actually. Mine’s April eleventh.”

  I wouldn’t be surprised if my eyes fell out of their socket. I faced Ronnie and told her, “I’m born on April eleventh too, actually.”

  “That’s so cool!” She replied, the grin on her face growing. “I’ve never met anyone with the same birthday as me.”

  “Me neither,” I admitted.

  Surprisingly, she placed her head on my shoulder and closed her eyes. I looked at her a little oddly, but decided not to say anything. Was she sleeping or something?

  That thought left my mind as she said, “You know Ash, I really am sorry for what I said. Your parents probably had a reasonable reason for why they gave you up. I’m the one my real parents probably gave up because they didn’t want me.”

  “Don’t say that,” I insisted. “Your parents were lucky to have you. They could have just gotten sick or something and couldn’t take care of you anymore. Maybe they were low on money and couldn’t afford to raise you and thought it’d be better to let someone who could raise you properly have you.”

  “Then why haven’t I been adopted yet?” She asked me, her eyes opening. She looked up at me and I was shocked to see that there were tears in her eyes. She sniffled a little bit. “Why have I just gone from foster home to foster home? Why doesn’t anybody want me Asher?!”

  I sat her up and placed my hands on her shoulders. “Because those aren’t the families you’re meant to be with, Ronnie.” I gave her shoulders a squeeze. “The family you’re meant to be with will one day come and they’ll love you like you were their own daughter.”

  “I doubt it,” She murmured in response, her eyes looking away from me.

  “Hey!” I said to her, causing her to look back up at me. “Don’t say that. You have to think on the bright side. Someone will come and take you. I promise.”

  “You can’t promise something that has a low chance of coming true Asher,” She told me.

  “I know that. But this doesn’t have a slow chance of coming true, Ronnie.”

  For the first time ever, Ronnie attacked with a hug. At first I didn’t know what to do, but I decided it’d be best to return the hug. I had never seen this side of Ronnie Messer and I didn’t know what to think of it. I didn’t know that she could act like… like a girl.

  All of a sudden, from the house I heard Avery scream, “Oh my god!” In only took him  a second before he was running down the backyard towards us. Obviously Ronnie and I weren’t hugging anymore, no, now we were standing up.

  “Dude, what is it?” I asked Avery, who had the most flabbergasted look on his face.

  He regained his breath that he had lost from running so quickly. Once he was somewhat fine he said, “I checked my Facebook quickly, and some woman had posted on my wall… her name was Janet.”

  “What about her?” Ronnie wondered.

  The words he said caused all our faces to match his. “She said that she was my mother and that she was happy she had finally found me.”


Is it only me who loves this chapter? I'm sorry but this was so much fun to write! Heehee

Let me just get one thing straight: ASHER AND RONNIE WILL NOT GET TOGETHER! Had to say it because I didn't want this chapter causing confusion!

Now, I'd like to just give a little shout out to my new wattpad friend, XxNommi797. We've been talking together all day and she's so awesome! My music twin she is :D

The song of the chapter is a song she introduced me to, it's a classical song and it's the most beautiful thing I have ever heard! It's A River Flows In You by Yiruma. Most relaxing thing I have ever heard in my life.

 What did you guys think of this chapter? Please vote and comment to make me do a happy dance!

Thanks for reading! :D


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