My human mate

By maia_l

152K 3.1K 260

One simple school fight. That's how this all started. Well it wasn't that simple of a school fight, it was ac... More

My human mate
My human mate
My human mate
My human mate
My human mate
My human mate
My human mate
My human mate
My human mate
My human mate
my human mate
my human mate
my human mate

my human mate

4K 137 16
By maia_l



when i finally arose i was not in my usual hospital bed. but i was alive, so that is a plus. i pulled myself up for a split second but immediately fell back on the bed. it hurt. i hadn't noticed it before, but everything hurt. i looked at my arms but i wasn't a werewolf. from all the books i had read, you were supposed to turn into one directly after the change. right?

i shoke my head in confusion. this was nothing like i had expected. where was all of the big bad scary wolf stuff? why wasnt my skin relaced by fur?

i came up with several more questions from just laying there for two minutes. i became to curious to just lie here and wait around. ignoring the pain, i quickly got up and swung my legs over the bed. i winced when i stood up. i had to steady myself for a second before i could move nay further.

why the fuck was this so painful?

i shuffled to the door as quickly as i could. when i would move to fast i would get extermyl dizzy. when i reached the stairs after many, many, exhausting minutes, i clutched the railing. i concentrated on one step at a time. slowly making my way all the way to the bottom. i looked up and found eveything back to normal. as if we hadnt just been in a battle. it was almost as if nothing happened. i hadnt been laying on my death bed and my father was still the man i thought he was and hadnt murdered my own mother.

i moved around the corner, hoping to find someone anywhere. and thats when i heard the first snap. i screamed out in pain as i fell to the ground. i thought someone was slowly breaking my bones again. but this time it burned more. as if they were slowly snapping several parts of them to give me more pain.

i heard another crack and i screamed even louder. i think someone came running towards me after the third snap. i knew it wasnt cole because i would have been able to feel it. i heard somone call for him though as the slowly adjusted my body and whispered me reasuring things.

i yelled at them to get away. i knew they were just trying to help, but it burned. it burned so bad and when anyone came near it burned even more.

i finally felt cole come close to me and i yelled out to him, "please. please. make it stop. it hurts. i thurts so bad." i let out naother sobb.

cole slowly lifted me up and i screamed out more. i didnt know wether to enjoy his presence or hate it. he was making it burn more but it was reasuring to have him close by. i didnt get much choice on it though. i dont know what had taken over me but i started thrashing around while screaming out in pain. "put me the fuck down right now cole!" i yelled while trying my best to hurt him so he would drop me. this only made is grip tighten. "Alliosn, we have to do this. i know it burns, but trust me. we have to go with this. i cannot drop you right now." he told me very calm.

"yes you can!" i told him loudly, "you can and you will right now. let. me. GO!" I yelled again. but then i felt another snap and i cried out in pain. i squirmed my body up, trying to make myself feel better. i didnt notice all of the tears falling down my face until i saw the puddle on Ccoles shirt. i immedietly started to cry more, "im so sorry! dont hate me!"

"why would i hate you? and why are you crying more?" he asked confused.

"im crying on your shirt!" i sobbed out.

"baby its okay, it just water." he soothed, " i forgot how emotianl this makes girls," he muttered out.

"oh shuttup!" i yelled at him.

he kept quite after that. carrying me to wherever we were going. I would ocasionlly scream and whimper, but I had stopped talking for the most part.

When we arrived outside he slowly let me down in the woods. Whoever had followed us out cole made them leave. "Okay Allison, You need to take off all of your clothes. All of your bones are going to break mad transform into a werewolf form. You have a werewolf you and a human you, the werewolf you will always be in your mind after your first shift. They help you most of the time, but other time are annoying as hell. Once you shift you might have some trouble shifting back, but I will help you when the time comes. Okay?" Cole quickly explained to me. I nodded my head. I just wanted this to be over. I started to strip out of my globes but didn't get to far before I had transformed into a werewolf.

Holy fuck. I thought. I looked up at cole, he was grinning at me like I had never seen before. I made my way towards him and layer my head on his lap. He started to pet my head. "You have white fur, with speckles of red on your ears," He told me, "but bright red. Not like a hair red. Real red." I didn't know there was such a thing as fake red. I said in my head while rolling my eyes. "Aye! I heard that!" Cole told me. I smiled at him. Or the best smile you can do when you have a snout. I got up and started to jog the other way. I looked back at cole and moved my head in the direction that I wanted to go. He started to unbuckle his pants and I turned my head the other direction. Waiting for him to meet me.

Next thing I know I see him sprinting past me.

I immediately chased after him until I caught up. I looked over at him, then broke off into a sprint. I loved being a werewolf. Everything was so much more clear, and vibrant. I could smell every little detail in everything in the woods.

I skidded to a stop as I saw a small creek. I looked down. Now I see what cole meant about my fur. It was kind of scared. I have never seen anything like it. Cole stepped up next to me.

"Ready to switch back,now." He asked through my mind. I turned around and headed back to where I had first changed.

Cole went back and got his clothes as he quickly and impressively switched back into human form.

"Okay. Think of your human body, everything to the tip of your toes to the edge of your nose. Create the image of yourself, and you will slowly change back."

I squished my eyes closed and thought of myself. Slowly I felt my bones switching back.

When I opened them again and cole was hovering over me.

"You are amazing." He whispered and gently kissed my lips.

I leaned up towards him and kissed him harder.

He smirked down at me.

I think you can imagine how the rest of the evening went....


Sorry for being hella late on the update.

Merry Christmas! Happy new year!

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Thanks, love you. Bye


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