#secret admirer: A Sam and Ca...

By Anondorf

420K 9.4K 1.8K

(Girlxgirl) Sam likes Cat. Sam writes her a note. Funny, sexy and romantic things happen. Read it...or don't... More

#Secret admirer
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48

Chapter 33

6.7K 138 25
By Anondorf

A week had passed and it was time for Carly to go back to Italy. Cat had called Jade and asked her to take them to the airport and Sam wanted to say her goodbyes. Sam, Cat and Carly all sat in the back seat, with Sam between the other two girls. Carly was sobbing quietly and holding onto Sam's arm. "I need you. I don't want to go back without you, Sam." Carly said. "I need to stay here, you know that." Sam said and put her hand on Cat's thigh. Cat looked at Sam and blushed slightly, but looked away to keep from ruining Carly and Sam's farewell. "I know...it's just that my dad is so stern about school and my job. You helped me release all of my stress and tension that I felt." Carly said. Sam looked down at her feet, but then she kissed Carly's forehead. "you're going to be okay. Just stay strong Carls." Sam said. Jade drove in silence, listening to the conversation when they finally made it to the drop off station. "Thanks Jade," Cat said as they got out of the car. "No problem," Jade said and smiled at her. "Yo west, could you pop the trunk?" Sam asked Jade. "Sure, Puckett." Jade said and the trunk violently flew open. Cat was very close to the trunk and Sam had yanked her out of the way so she wouldn't get hurt. Cat ended up landing on Carly and they both fell on the ground. "Ow..." Cat said, rubbing the back of her head. Carly rubbed her head and saw blood on her fingers. "Guys...my head is bleeding." Said Carly. "Sweet chizz Carly! We need to get you a head bandage!" Sam exclaimed, touching Carly's head. "Relax, I have a first aid kit in the glove compartment." Jade said and handed it to Sam. "Baby girl always used to show up with cuts on her-" Jade was interrupted by a wild flail of hands. "No no no! please don't say anything. I don't want Sam to worry..." Cat whispered. "Alright. Suit yourself." Jade said. Sam was preoccupied with wrapping the gauze tape on Carly's head when it started to rain. "Oh this is just what we need. It's the coldest day in California and it starts to rain." Sam said. Carly started to shiver and Cat felt bad for not helping, so she found one of Carly's robes in her luggage and handed it to her. "Here, to keep yourself warm." She smiled and put it on Carly. "Thank you very much. It's a shock to me that I only brought sandals and short sleeve things since its California. Usually I bring tennis shoes and a coat just in case." Carly said. Jade laughed at the way Carly looked and Sam looked at her, wondering what she was laughing about. "What's so funny?" She asked. "She is not going to get on that plane without someone thinking she's a terrorist." Jade said still giggling. Sam, Cat, Jade and Carly grabbed some luggage and walked to find Carly's flight. A depressed and bored woman was sitting next to Carly and waiting for her flight with a baby in a stroller. The baby wouldn't stop crying, so she gave the child a pen. The baby chewed on the pen and Carly looked at it. "Aww, such a cute little baby!" Carly said and cooed at it. the baby bit onto the pen and ink squirted onto Carly's face. "Ugh! oh my god!" Carly screamed and everyone looked at her with a horrified expression on their face. "Now you've got the beard." Said Jade as she chuckled. "Why is this day so awful...?" Carly sobbed and looked for Sam. Sam was sitting with Cat at the Cafe in the food court. "So, why were you cutting yourself?" Sam asked, taking one of Cat's arms and gently rubbing it with her thumb. "Well...I was going through a tough time when I heard my brother died and plus I felt so lonely. my Nona was gone, my parents are never here, and the one sibling I had and loved so much, he's gone and he can never come back." Cat started to cry and Sam stood up, picking Cat up from her seat and making her stand. "You shouldn't hurt yourself because of what's going on around you. Smile and keep yourself strong. You are going through a hard time in your life and I'm willing to be there with you. two million percent, you hear me Valentine?" Sam said. Cat put her arms around Sam's neck and kissed her. "I hear you, and thank you for making me feel better. I'm so glad that you love me, I don't want anyone else." Sam smiled and kissed Cat on the cheek, then they put their foreheads together; the tips of their noses touching. "I love you," Cat said softly and gave her an Eskimo kiss. "I love you too," Sam blushed when she said it. Meanwhile, Carly was trying to get onto her flight when a security guard stopped her. The security guard stared at her, then shook his head and used the metal detector on Carly. Jade already put the luggage in the plane when Carly finally arrived. "What took you so long?" Jade asked. "They thought I was a terrorist..." Carly said. Jade laughed hysterically and got off of the plane when the flight started.

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