Chapter 9

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Cat woke up early in the morning to shower and get ready for school. Sam was in a deep slumber, laying on the couch with her leg hanging off. "SAM!" Cat called from in the bathroom. The sound made Sam jump and grab her nun chuck ribs, flailing them around. "What!?" Said Sam when she came to her senses and put the weapon away. "I need a ride to school, could you drop me off?" Cat said a little softer. "Sure, just hang on a sec." Sam went to put on her jacket and helmet to wait outside for Cat. "You ready?" Sam asked her. "Yeah, I just have a really bad headache. I can't remember a thing..." Cat said wincing in pain. Sam lifted Cat onto the bike and hopped on, making sure they both were secure. She had to get her to school in one piece, but worried about her going with a hangover. "Maybe you should stay home today or something." Sam said. "And miss a day of school? I cant! I need perfect attendance," Cat exclaimed. "If you have a bad headache and can't remember what you did the night before, you have to calm down and catch your brain up with the rest of your body. Trust me," Sam said. "Well, you're right. I'll stay home and rest up to gain energy," Cat said and got off of Sam's motorcycle. Sam watched her as she walked back in the apartment, staring at her dress swaying in the cool morning air. "The note!" Sam said and started her bike, heading for Hollywood Arts. "Where are you going?" Cat called out, but she wasn't able to catch Sam in time to stop her. When Sam arrived at the school, she parked her motorcycle to find Tori. She looked around the front of the school, then she saw a guy that she remembered Cat talking about once. Sam remembered that his name is Andre and he is a good songwriter and performer. She figured he would be okay with dropping her note off to Cat's locker, since they were supposed friends. "Hey, are you Andre?" Sam walked up to him and he looked a little off put, but replied. "Yeah, that's me. Aren't you Sam from icarly?" He asked, a little baffled. "Yeah, I'm your friend Cat's roommate too. I was wondering if you could do something for me." Sam said. "Uh, it depends. Does it involve anything with Cat or something?" Andre asked, looking at Sam with a puzzled expression. "Well, yes and no. See, I wrote her something, but she can never know I wrote it." She stated. Andre listened and nodded observantly. "Okay, so where do I come in?" "I need you to slip this note into her locker and make sure nobody tells her it's from me or that they even saw me here." Sam said. "Alright then, will do." Andre smiled and held his hand out to receive the note. "Thanks, man." Sam sighed. She was glad she found a normal friend of Cat's and she walked back to the parking lot to ride back home, only to see someone blocking her path. "What do you want, West...?" Sam growled. "Can't I just talk to my Sammy because I miss her?" Jade said, making a kissing noise at her. "I need to go." Sam tried to push Jade out of the way, but the goth girl just blocked her again. "Off so soon? Why in such a rush?" She said teasingly. "Cat is home with a hangover and I gotta get back to help her." Sam said boldly. "Fine, but why would you even be here if your little Kitty isn't here?" Jade said in a slightly amused tone. "I'm dropping off a note since I didn't get to tell her last night," said Sam as she muscled past Jade and got on her bike.

#secret admirer: A Sam and Cat puckentine fanficKde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat