Chapter 38

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Sam looked into Cat's eyes, her gaze becoming slightly lustful. "Are you positive?" Sam asked and Cat only nodded, taking off her shirt and putting her arms back around Sam's neck. As soon as they were about to kiss, Sam's phone rang. "Ughhhhh! Something always has to ruin it!" Sam growled and walked over to her bed to answer the phone. Cat laid down and wrapped herself in her blanket and shivered. "Oh my gosh...I've never done that before..." Cat said in disbelief at her own actions. Sam walked out of the room to see who was calling her. She instantly froze, staring at the contact. Calling: Mom. Sam answered in a low, slightly harsh tone, "What do you want...?" Sam's mother let out a mucus filled cough and said, "I need you to come back. I got a check up at that free healthcare joint and the doc said I got Cancer." Sam stared blankly at the floor in the living room, feeling no sense of remorse or sadness. "At least it wasn't AIDS." Sam said, smirking. "Just get your ass back here and take care of me, you ungrateful cunt!" Sam's mother snapped at her. "I don't have to do shit for you! I've protected you and taken care of you for years and you didn't even thank me! You just went back and did the same shit over and over again...I am done with you." Sam said the last part coldly and hung up the phone. Cat heard her swearing and storming back into the bedroom. "Sam...?" Cat's innocent little voice cracked when she peeked through her blanket. Sam sighed and sat on Cat's bed, reaching her arms out for a hug. Cat smiled and hugged her, snuggling her again for comfort. "What happened?" Cat asked quietly. Sam looked down and broke away from the embrace. "My mom has cancer and she wants me to come back to Seattle and take care of her." Cat gasped, "You need to go back! She needs you." Sam thought about it and replied, "I told her I'm done with her. I helped her for years, she never contacts me, doesn't thank me, nothing. Now all of a sudden she wants me back? No, I'm done." Sam said, clenching her fists. "Well...she should thank you for all the hard work you've done for her..." Cat said and held Sam's arm. "No, she doesn't realize that the world doesn't revolve around her." Sam said, starting to calm down so she wouldn't scare Cat. "I've never heard you swear's pretty scary." Cat said. Sam looked at Cat and frowned. "I'm sorry, kid." She said, stroking Cat's hair. "It's fine, it just brings back memories of my parents arguing all the time..." Cat looked away from her and down at her feet. "What happened to your parents?" Sam asked, concerned about her. "My Nona says they're on vacation. I know what she means now...I'm not a little girl anymore." Cat started to sniffle and Sam hopped off of the bed to turn the lights off, coming back and holding her tight. "They died with my brother...They're...dead." Cat cried and clutched Sam's shirt, tears staining it. "I'm so sorry that you had to go through being alone like that. Everything will be okay, I'm here for you..." Sam started to feel tears in her eyes as she held Cat tighter. "Please don't leave me like everyone else. I just feel so helpless. I hate feeling weak, but I...I'm just so alone..." Cat said. "I'm not going anywhere. I know what it feels like to be alone. I love you, and I want to take care of you." Sam kissed Cat's forehead and Cat felt herself smile. "I love the way you protect me and want to please me. You make me feel so special. Thank you so much, Sam." She said and kissed Sam's cheek. "You are special." Sam chuckled and kissed her back. "Do you still want to..." Cat trailed off and looked at Sam expectantly. "No, I'd rather just relax tonight." Sam said and pressed Cat's body against her own. "My Nona called and she wants me to pay her a visit tomorrow after school. I'd love it if you came with me to keep her company." Cat said and traced her finger under Sam's jaw. "But that place smells weird...and your grandma doesn't like me, I can tell." Sam said. "Come on...please? For me?" Cat coaxed her gently and snuggled her. "Fine..." Sam said and patted Cat on the head. Cat sighed and fell asleep in Sam's arms.

#secret admirer: A Sam and Cat puckentine fanficWhere stories live. Discover now