Chapter 10

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Sam just got home, opening the door to see Cat groaning on the floor and holding her head. "Cat! Aw geez, are you okay?" Sam bolted to the living room to help her up. "Oh my goodness, I blacked out in pain and now I wake up, and you come from out of nowhere." Cat said slowly. "Here, take some headache medicine and I'll get you some water." Sam said, tenderly touching Cat's head. "Thanks Sam, you're such a sweet-oh my god! Who are you and what have you done to Sam!?" Cat jumped up from the couch and tripped over the carpet. "What are you talkin about? I'm always nice to you. Nobody else cries as much as you do when somebody's mean to you." Sam said, helping Cat up. "Oh...yeah you're Sam." Cat said with a weak smile. "Hold on." Sam went to the bathroom and found some pain killers and went to the kitchen to get a bottle of water. "Here ya go, take 2 so you don't end up like my mom." Sam said with a slight grin. "Oh, she seems lovely," Cat said, staring at her. They sat on the couch, staring at the tv in silence until Cat had another dizzy spell. "My headache is really bad. Could you pass me a pillow?" Cat asked. Instead of doing that, Sam just stared blankly at the tv for a few seconds, then picked Cat up to take her to their room. "What are you doing?" Cat started to flail, causing Sam to stop walking and sling the girl over her shoulder. "Oh my!" Cat gasped when her body was flung onto her bed. "Just lay down and relax. My uncle taught me how to do this." Sam said, cracking her knuckles and stretching her fingers. "Wh-what are you gonna do to me?!" Cat peeped, but Sam flipped her onto her stomach and placed her head onto a pillow. Sam started to gently massage Cat's head, starting with her temples. "Wowww, Sam that feels amazing, could you get the back of my head? Cat asked, her voice relaxing. "Sure." Sam said. she managed to find the right spot, making Cat release more tension. "I like this." Cat said slowly, her eyes closing. "Mama's got magical fingers." Sam replied. "No not the massage, well this too, but I mean I like when you do things to make me feel better. it makes me smile to see you be so sweet," said Cat. "wellll, y'know. you let me live here so I might as well help you out." Sam said, trying to sound confident and hide how bashful she felt inside. Sam avoided the conversation by using her fingers to massage behind Cat's ears, when Cat let out a long groan. "Your magic fingers are the greatest! My head is in love! Your uncle must be a great masseuse." Said Cat, laying on Sam's lap. "He was, but he kind of put being a masseuse to...misuse." Sam said and made a groping motion in the air, making Cat giggle and turn to face Sam, still laying on her thighs. "Hahaha, what does that mean?" Cat asked softly and started to fiddle with the button on Sam's jeans. "That he touched their-" Cat gasped and understood what Sam meant perfectly. "He's such a perv, feeling ladies without permission. But he sure must have known what to do with his hands." Cat said, still playing with Sam's button. "Yeah he did enjoy surprises, punches and pepperspray; not so much." Cat fell asleep later in the night, waking up to whine at Sam for another massage. "I'm gonna have to charge you next time you ask," Sam said when Cat just snuggled up with her, chin resting on Sam's thigh. "That's okay, I'd pay just to have you make my head feel better." Cat said. "Who am I kidding, I can't charge you, unless you want me to..." Sam said and smiled, making Cat smile and stare at her.

#secret admirer: A Sam and Cat puckentine fanficHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin