Chapter 3

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Cat had finished her shower an hour later. She walked over to Sam to show her the new pjs she bought from Infinity seventeen. "Sam! Look at my new Jammies!" Sam instantly turned around, shocked at the sudden noise. "Cat, what did I tell you about doing tha-whoa..." Sam stopped yelling and gazed at her friend with wide eyes. She wore a lacy pink tank top with hearts and pink shorts that say "valentine" on the back. Cat turned around to show the back of her shorts to Sam and giggled. "Look, it says Valentine and that's my name! Hehehe." Sam just kept eye contact with Cat until she turned back around. "Sam? How come you don't want to see my new pajamas...?" Cat pouted and sat next to Sam. "I saw it, it'" Sam said nervously as she felt her face become warmer. Cat looked over at the table near the couch and saw her phone. "Oh there's my phone!" She crawled over Sam to get the phone, resulting in her chest brushing against Sam's cheek. "CHIZZ CAT!" Sam pushed cat and ran into their room. Cat was confused and didn't know why Sam was so mad at her. "Maybe she doesn't like my jammies..." Cat thought to herself and frowned. She put her phone down and slowly walked to their room, quietly observing Sam. She appeared to just be texting someone, so Cat might as well ask her why she didn't like her pajamas. Cat knocked on the door and opened it slightly so that only her head was seen. "Sam," she said,"Why did you push me?" She made sure to keep her distance from Sam just in case she did something that would cause Sam to be mad at her. "I just wanted to um...hurry up and find my phone because I got a text from someone," Sam lied. "Oh, kk. I thought you didn't like my pajamas," Cat giggled and walked over to Sam, making her quickly put her phone away; but Cat didn't notice. "Can I sleep with you tonight?" Cat asked nonchalantly, "My night light is broken and I'm scared of the dark." Sam stared at cat for a second, trying not to look at her pajamas. "Can't we just go buy a new night light?" Sam asked," I think that's better than having to sleep on my side of the room all the time." Cat thought about it for a second, but then she frowned and said fearfully, "What if there's a monster under my bed and I need you to protect me?" Sam sighed in defeat and motioned for Cat to come to her bed. "Geez, you live up to your name, Scaredy Cat," Sam said as she chuckled at her clever wordplay. "Hey, I'm not a scaredy cat." Cat cried as she started to pout. "C'mon kid, it was just a joke. just get some sleep. we have a kid to babysit tomorrow," Sam stated as she crawled out of bed to go to the bathroom. "Hurry up in the shower!" Cat screamed while trying to hide in Sam's covers. "Yeah, yeah," Sam waved her hand and shut the bathroom door. Thirty minutes later, Sam had just gotten out of the bathroom and the lights in the bedroom were turned off. She figured since Cat wasn't whimpering or making any noise that she was asleep. Sam wasn't wearing any pajamas because she was too lazy to find any. She decided to just dry herself off and hop in her bed, forgetting that Cat was still there. "Finally, a bed to myself." Sam slid into bed and instantly dozed off. "AHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!" A loud scream woke Sam up from a decent sleep making her wake up from a recent dream. "Who took the beef jerky?! wha...huh?" Sam stood in front of a wide eyed, red faced Cat. "Sam...?" Cat managed to say, but barely audible, " You're n-n..." Cat just stared at Sam the whole time, wondering why she didn't have her t-shirt and shorts on as usual night attire. "I'm what?" Sam said, just looking back at cat the entire time, confused as to what cat screamed for. "Look." Cat said as she pointed at Sam. Sam looked down and didn't say anything at first, but she did a double take and screamed, causing Cat to scream. Sam hopped back in her bed and Cat just stood in the middle of the room in shock. "Well don't just stare at me!" Sam exclaimed and made the ditzy red head cower behind the bedroom door, still peeking at her. "CAT!" Sam screamed and Cat ran to the kitchen with her hands covering her eyes, bumping into walls and tripping over carpet on the way there.

#secret admirer: A Sam and Cat puckentine fanficWhere stories live. Discover now