Chapter 21

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Sam woke up to find Jade on top of her, staring at her. "Wh...where did you come from?" Sam asked Jade, only to get a tongue shoved into her mouth as a response. "Cat and Tori said we could do this once so I can get my mind straight. So I really want to do this now before they change their minds." Jade said, tracing her finger along Sam's chest. "Wait...I can't do this! I can't cheat on Cat!" Sam tried to move, but she was chained to her bed. "Relax, Cat agreed to let me have sex with you. Please just let me do this, imagine I'm Cat while we do it if you're so worried about cheating on her." Said Jade. "You have to imitate her voice." Sam said. "Ugh, fine," Jade cleared her throat and did a perfect Cat impression. "I want you so much, Sammy," she said. "Wow...that was good. I really can't do this though." Sam pulled at the chains and stared down at her necklace to avoid Jade's enticing gaze. "Come on, it's not like you can do anything anyway. Just let me do it." Jade said, but she was sadly mistaken. Sam breathed deeply and used all of her strength, screaming to the top of her lungs and breaking the wooden part of her bed and the chains. "Wow...such raw power." Jade bit her finger as Sam got up and slammed her onto the bed. "What are you going to do to me...?" Jade's eyes widened with lust and spread her legs in arousal. "I'm getting out of here because I don't want to have sex with you. I only want Cat." Sam walked out of the room and Jade sat up and her mouth gaped open in shock. "She had the chance and she didn't even take it. She must really love Cat..." Jade quietly said, still in Sam's bed. Sam saw Cat and Tori in the living room and they stared at her expectantly. " was it...?" Cat asked sorrowfully. "I didn't let her. I couldn't do it. I only want you." Sam told Cat. "Congrats, Puckett. You passed. You actually deserve my baby girl." Said Jade, slow clapping. "Wh-what?" Said Sam, Tori and Cat at the same time. "It was just a test, and she passed. I wanted to see if she could break under pressure, see if she would take a chance and be unfaithful. I trust you, Puckett. Welcome to the group." Jade said and patted Sam on the back. "I'm not going to lie, your strength and bad attitude really had me head over heels though." She added, winking at her. "Jade, are you freaking serious?! This was all just some cheap trick to test loyalty?" Tori asked Jade, becoming puzzled. "Yep." She replied. "Wow Sam! You really are in love with me!" Cat hugged and kissed Sam all over her face, making Sam blush and hug Cat tight. "Of course I do. I mean I did like Jade a little but I wouldn't let her manipulate me." Sam kissed and held Cat. Tori and Jade sat on the couch and snuggled together while Sam and Cat went to the other room.

#secret admirer: A Sam and Cat puckentine fanficWhere stories live. Discover now