Threats From The Past (MiniMi...

By M1ckyj789

1.5K 126 97

Gabrielle and his best friend Kylie are riding the high after both of their latest books have been released... More

Starting Fresh
One Day...
Just Because He's Gay
Just One Moment
Give It Time
He Said No
He'd Go Nuts
Please Don't
Get Off Him
Stay Away From Him
Help You Feel Better
Kicked Out
Blink And You Will Miss Them
Assault And Homicide
Revealed Flatlines
I'm Going To Miss You
I don't want you to go
Does He Like Me?
Can You Be Honest With Me
Welcome Home
So Much Worse
Better Safe Than Sorry
Drunken plans
Heading Down Under
Let Go Of Me

Not Happening

56 3 5
By M1ckyj789

Gabe's POV

Rob: "What the hell Lachlan you should have told us straight away."

Harry: "I'm going to goring Josh and let him know."

Gabe: "Lachlan are you alright?"

I tried to reach over and hold his hand but he flinched away from me. I picked myself up and walked over to him before pulling his head gently to my chest. He was still tall even while sitting down. I leant forward and held him in my arms. Listening to his quiet sobs as he cried into my shirt. The last thing he would be expecting would be a punch to the face.

Preston: "Why the fuck would he do something like that?"

Rob: "While we were in the car coming over. Simon was angry about not having Gabe come with him. He seemed upset. Until Lachlan had a go at him and started telling him to grow the fuck up. I would assume after we parked, And I had left, that the argument escalated."

Jerome: "I'll be back in a second I'm going to go and talk to the staff here, Maybe they have a camera and saw something. I mean yeah it's unlikely but anything can help right?"

Gabe: "Lachy mate we need to get you to a doctor. Make sure it's just a black eye and nothing serious."

Lachlan: "No. Anywhere b-but there."

Preston: "Lachlan we have to get it checked out, What if something happens?"

Lachlan: "P-Please no. I do-don't want to go."

Gabe: "I'm going to be with you the whole time. Alright. But you will need to go because no one else was there at the time of you getting hurt. Someone is going to need to talk to the doctor about what's going on."

Lachlan: "I don't want to go."

Gabe: "Lachlan I will fucking drag you if I have to."

Lachlan: "I know, I know. Just please not yet? Give it a few days."

Gabe: "I'll give you till tomorrow. If It's still painful tomorrow. I am going to take you alright?"

Lachlan: "Ok."

Gabe: "And no faking.I'll see right through it Lachy."

He slowly but surely lifted his head from my chest and just looked ahead towards the boys who were still here.

Harry: "Hey I'm back."

Mitch: "Jerome just walked over to see if they have any cameras outside to see what happened."

Harry: "Oh nice. Well Josh said that Simon hasn't gone back yet. But he will confront him when he does get back."

Rob: "Sounds like he's going to get in trouble."

Harry: "He also said that he's putting Lachlan over with you Gabe. He said he will sleep in with you Mitch if he needs to as long as Lachlan is out of the house."

Mitch: "That's fine."

Jerome: "Hey so I let them know and they asked whether we should call the police. I mean we could handle it on our own. Or even kick Simon out of his bed and swap him out for one of the other guys."

Harry: "I'm putting my hand up if I need to. At least the Cal boys won't let him off easily."

Preston: "And you think Josh and the others will?"

Gabe: "Vik's going to tear him apart."

Rob: "Viklan is stronger than any others surprisingly."

Lachlan: "Shut up I don't like Vik."

Preston: "You like someone."

Lachlan: "Shut up. Hey Jerome don't worry about the police. We can sort it out among ourselves."

Rob: "He hit you."

Lachlan: "I don't care.We don't need this kind of bad publicity. For either the SideMen or The Pack."

Preston: "We can't keep it silent?"

Lachlan: "It's fine. I'll go see a fucking doctor. But I need to eat first."

Harry: "Lachlan you can't stay outside. Not without people wondering what's happening to you. I'd suggest you come up with a story or something now."

Lachlan: "Already have one can we just eat please."

I let go of him and moved myself around to my seat. I watched the guys cautiously and could tell they were just as upset about this situation as I was.

Time Skip

Once we had all finished our meals we decided to split up. Harry was going to head off with Lachlan, and Preston. While Rob, Jerome, Mitch and I all walked off in our own direction.

Rob: "Hey what's going on guys it's Woofless here..."

Gabe: "What is he doing?"

Mitch: "That's a vlog Gabe."

Gabe: "Talking to a camera is a thing?"

Jerome: "Yeah that's what the other boys do as well. Though if you haven't seen it before I assume no one has pointed a camera in your face yet?"

Gabe: "I just cook food and do my own thing. If I don't need to be there. I'm generally not."

Rob: "Mitch and Jerome are over there with our friend Gabrielle. Now be nice you guys I know what your all like. He isn't seeing any of us but feel free for FanFiction. I still enjoy it."

Gabe: "He eggs them on?"

Mitch: "Well in actuality we are all ok with it. As we see it as a compliment that people would think so highly of us that we would have fictional stories written about us. It's pretty cool to be honest but in someways they can be pretty creepy I guess."

Jerome: "It would be cool if we had an actual Author write a story about us though. Could you imagine Mitch?"


Jerome: "A whole book about us. Or even the other guys."

Oh god.

Jerome: "And the SideMen as well."

Please no.

Jerome: "It would be so cool and I feel like we could help them out with it and it would be great."

Rob: "What are you on about Jerome?"

He positioned the camera and turned it around so it faced us. He was showing Jerome getting excited but he focused the gaze on me when I put my fingers to my forehead. Rubbing it gently.

Gabe: "Fuck me Jerome if you want to keep dropping some hints about me writing a book on you guys then keep on going. I swear there are so many hints being dropped I feel claustrophobic."

I heard Mitch break into laughter while Rob laughed to himself as well. I looked at the camera and then at Rob.

Gabe: "Oh bugger you guys are pg aren't you? Sorry."

Rob: "It's ok I'll bleep it out. Anyway guys we are in London getting some supplies for Minecon and I can't wait to see you guys here."

Gabe: "You guys are insane."

Jerome: "Could you imagine if a famous author made a YouTube channel?"

Gabe: "Know what fuck your pg rating. Jerome what the hell man? If you want me to fucking start a channel than just ask me. Or help me start one."

Jerome: "REALLY CAN I!"

Gabe: "FUCK NO! I don't have time for that shit."

Rob: "Oh. Oh crap that hurt."

Mitch: "I can't, I can't stop please."

I turned to see Mitch dying on the ground in tears laughing at me and Jerome. While Rob was struggling to have the camera facing us while laughing his ass off as well.

Rob: "Oh god I have to keep that in. I have to. Note to self Rob put this warning of harsh language at the start of the video. I have a feeling all the videos are going to be like that with Gabe around."

Mitch: "Oh my god that was hilarious."

I reached over and helped him up before Jerome bounced his way over and hugged Mitch. It was interesting watching them, Had I not been informed previously of those two having known each other for a while. I would have thought they were gay.

Rob: "Come on guys first stop is coming up."

I looked ahead and noticed we were about to walk into some technology store. It had a tonne of cameras lining the room and a lot more equipment everywhere. It was a bit over whelming but they seemed to know what was going on.

Rob: "So here we have a wild Australian. Lost among the sea of Technology."

Gabe: "Yo I play games and I write books. This is all confusing the fuck out of me. How do you guys know what your looking for."

Rob: "I think I'm going to bleep out every cuss and just add a counter by the end. So far your up to like 4 or 5 I think."

Gabe: "Oh really? Fuck sorry."

Rob: "You did that on purpose didn't you?"

Gabe: "Maybe."

I couldn't help but notice the camera on us and I could tell I was blushing slightly. He's acute guy, Sue me.

Rob: "Anyway."

He coughed once before walking off. I felt someone grab me from behind, Making me flinch and kick my leg out. I know I hit someone after hearing them grunt slightly.

Preston: "Fuck Gabe don't need to hit a guy."

Gabe: "Don't walk up behind me and we have a deal."

I turned to see Kylie and Ethan talking to each other. Lachlan was standing behind Preston laughing at him.

Gabe: "Hey Lachy. Had anyone come up to you yet?"

Lachlan: "A few people. I just tell them we were playing Football and I got a ball to the eye. And yes a few of the older people that have stopped us giggled a little bit so shut up."

Preston: "What's everyone doing inside?"

Gabe: "Grabbing some last minute things. Though Jerome is dropping subtle hints about me writing a book about you guys. Or the SideMen, And also potentially starting a YouTube channel."

Preston: "Yes."

Lachlan: "No."

Gabe: "No."

Preston: "Why not it would be fun."

Gabe: "I'm too serious about what I do. You don't become a writer and still be as care free as the day you started."

Preston: "It's fun Gabe you would enjoy it."

Gabe: "Drop it Preston it's not going to fucking happen alright?"

Kylie: "I can picture our managers asking us to start one."

Gabe: "See now that's different. That would be for work."

Ethan: "I have a phone call to make."

Kylie & Gabe: "Don't fucking move."

Rob: "Oh that was scary what just went down?"

Lachlan: "They are trying to convince them..."

Gabe: "Not."

Kylie: "Happening."

Rob: "I know cutie. That's why you should leave the gaming side to us. And you can focus on your books."

I felt Rob put his arms around me and hold me in his tight embrace. He was so cuddly and soft and it made me happy for a moment. I didn't realise he still had his camera on before I turned around and kissed him on the cheek.

Lachlan: "You have to leave that in now for the banter."

Rob: "I guess so. Your about to be introduced to a world of viewers."

Gabe: "But I already have 2.1 million Twitter followers."

Ethan: "Holy fuck. Your managers are smart people. That number is sure to bolster soon."

Harry: "In before Rob's viewers ask him what it's like to be dating someone more famous than he is."

Lachlan: "You can't be in before something when we know it's true."

Rob: "Leave me alone."

I looked over at him and thought fuck it. And kissed him again. This time a little longer than before. I could see him going a bright red and it was actually kind of cute.

Mitch: "As adorable as you two are. We have some more stuff to grab."

Harry: "I'm going to take Gabe and Lachlan home. Kylie what are you doing?"

Kylie: "I'm going to stay with Ethan."

Rob: "Hang on I'll come too. I grabbed all I need. Will you guys be right?"

Lachlan: "I know where we are going and if we get lost I'll call someone. All good mate."

Gabe: "I'll see you guys later. I'm actually starting to get excited for this event. I wonder what it's like."

Rob: "Believe me. You are not ready for this."

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