Almost Forgotten

By nahndixo

52.1K 2.3K 357

4 years have passed and there still hasn't been any type of communication between the two Sienna and August... More



3.4K 137 22
By nahndixo

So, I just realized that I missed a whole scene from the last chapter.

But when I started writing, it just didn't go w. it. So it's going to go in this chapter that I'd like to call "Meeting The Parents"


"Don't worry about it so much, Si. Just go with the flow and lay everything on the table.

"I just don't know if I should do this right now"

"What are you going to do? Wait until she's 18?"

Sighing into the phone, I listened to Briyannah and Zen nag me about today. Today was the day that both August and I told Syrai that he's her father.

"Well it's almost time for him to come over so I'll just talk to y'all later"

"We only want you to make the right decisions, Si"

"Yeah, I know" I said wrapping up the conversation and hanging up

Walking into the kitchen, I noticed Drew and Rai laughing up a storm while making something I couldn't even tell what it is. She always loved to help cook and work around the kitchen.

"What are you two doing?"

"We make breakfast"

"Really, what are you making?"

"Waffles and bacon"

"Looks good baby" I sat down at the counter table watching the two of them as they worked around the kitchen.

"How you feeling?" Drew asked

"I'm good"

"I wanna take you somewhere later"

"Really? Wh-"

"I'm not telling you"

"You always do this"

"It's a surprise mommy" I looked from Syrai then back to Drew

"Even Rai knows?"

"Yeah. Don't worry baby, you'll find out later. Can you finish the food, imma go shower and get ready"

"Okay. I put your things in the bathroom already"


Once he left, I looked at Rai seeing if I could get anything out of her"

"So baby, how do you know where we're going later?"

"He tell me"

"Can you tell me?"


"Why not?"

"I promise. You always say a promise is a promise"

Damn she's good

"That's right baby"

Moments later when the food was finished, I made everyone's plate. We sat down and ate in a peaceful silence. Although I hid it well, I'm still nervous.

Hearing the doorbell ring, I got up from Drew's lap and fixed my dress then went to answer it.

Seeing August stand there, I noticed a pretty red-headed woman standing next to him.

"Hi, August"


"Hello, you are?" I asked politely

"Hi, I'm Chandra. His sister"

"Nice to meet you, I'm Sienna" Stepping to the side, I opened the door wider to let them in. "Y'all can follow me"

Walking into the living room, I saw Drew and Rai still playing.

"Wow, your place is beautiful"

"Thank you"

"Drew, this is August and Chandra. Chandra, August this is my boyfriend Drew"

"Nice to meet both of you" Everyone shook hands

"Syrai, come here baby" She walked over toward me and sat in my lap "Chandra, this is Syrai"

"Nice to meet you sweetie"

"Hi, you're pretty"

"And so are you"

"Alright so, let's just get down to it. I know you're probably busy" I mentally rolled my eyes

"So, Syrai you know how you always asked me about your dad?"


"Well, um you see August?" I pointed to him and she nodded "He's your dad" I said and watched as she stood there for a moment.

Climbing out of my lap, she walked toward August and stood in front of him. Placing her hands on his face, it looked as if she was studying him. Looking back toward me, she smiled

"Hi, daddy" She smiled but August didn't say anything "Daddy?"

She continued to call him but he still didn't say anything. My anger was now boiling as I could hear voice get lower and sadder

"Yo man, you hear her calling you" Drew spoke up

"I can hea"

"August stop being rude" Chandra said

Running into Drew's arms, Syrai stuck her face in the crook of his neck and began to cry.

I've had enough.

"Listen, August. I don't know who the fuck you think you are, but you're not going to come in here and make my child cry like this. Now all she said was hello, the least you could do was say hello back"

"Na she's just your child? She's mine too"

"Then fucking act like it, damnit!"

I know I shouldn't even be talking or yelling like this in front of Syrai, but this was the last straw.

"Stop, stop" Syrai yelled climbing down from Drew's hold. "Drew Drew is my daddy, I don't like you" she cried and ran to her room

"Great, just great" I mumbled

"You got her calling somebody else daddy na" He got closer to me

"First of all, imma need for you to back the fuck up. Second, I never told her to call him her father, she did it on her own. But considering how long he's been in her life, I'd probably do the same"

Chuckling he rubbed the sides of his face with a smile on his face "Still being a bi-"

"You finish that sentence and you gon be on this floor" Drew stepped in beside me

"Listen, I don't want to intrude or anything, as a matter of fact I have an appointment in an hour. I think I've seen enough here today. August I can't believe you. I don't know what your problem is but you need to fix it. Here's my number, Sienna. If you ever need anything, don't hesitate to call me. You have an angel up there" Chandra said then walked out

"I think it's time for you to go too. But before you do, let me just tell you one thing. Don't fuck with me, August. You know how I can get"

"Whatever man" He waved me off, but I knew he understood what I meant.

Hearing the door close, I sat down sighing and taking a minute for myself.

"You alright?"

"I'm fine"

"I'm gonna go talk to princess and see what she's doing"

"No, no. I'll do it, I put her through this whole thing"

"Don't blame yourself for this"

"Yeah, sure. I appreciate you being here though"

"Of course"

After we shared a kiss, I went to check on my baby. Walking into her room, I saw her watching cartoons and coloring at her table

"Hey sweetie"

"Hi mommy"

"How are you feeling?"

"Why he don't like me?"

"I don't know baby, he does he was probably just surprised"

I honestly didn't know why I was making excuses for that asshole, but I didn't want to say anything bad in front of her more than I already have.

"I don't want to see him again"

"How about we not worry about that right now. You still have me, Drew, grandma and grandpa and a whole bunch of others that love and care about you very very much"


"Of course. You're loved in so many ways and by so many people"

"I love you mommy"

"And I love you more princess"

"Drew, for the one millionth time where are you taking me?"

"& for the one millionth time, I'm not telling you"

"That's why you not getting none"

"You so childish" He said laughing

"You're laughing, I'm serious"

"It's mine so I get it when I want it"

"Since when was it yours?"

"Since I made you tap out and call me daddy"

"That was one time"

"And every other time after that. It's like music to my ears"

"Whatever. Can you please tell me where we're going?"

"I don't have to. We're here"

Looking out the window, I saw a house with three cars parked outside.

"Who's house is this?"

"You'll see when you walk inside"

Getting out of the car, I smoothed out my dress.

Ringing the doorbell, Drew stood back. I didn't know who's house this was but for some reason I began to get nervous.

When someone finally came to the door, I put a smile on my face and stood where I was.

"Hey boy, we've been waiting for you" A man answered the door. He looked just like Drew except he was older, but didn't look a day over 40

"Hey pops. Who's car is that?"

"Now son we tried to stop your auntie from coming over here, but you know how she is. When you talk to her it's like it goes in one ear and out the other"

Looking at Drew I can tell he was a little mad, I didn't know what I was in for tonight.

"Whatever. Pops, this is my girlfriend Sienna"

"Nice to finally meet you young lady, come on in" Hanging my jacket along with Drew's, I stepped to the side and took a look around at my surroundings.

"Baby, come out real quick"

"What's all this yelling about in-" She stopped when she looked at me "Ooh, who's this gorgeous young lady?"

"Mom, this is my girlfriend Sienna Kingston. Si this is my mom, Ella"

"Nice to finally meet you, Sienna"

"Nice to meet you as well. If I would've known I was coming over here I would've dressed differently"

"Oh no honey don't worry, you look great" She said with a reassuring smile

"Okay" I smiled back

Looking at the both of his parents, they looked so nice and welcoming

"Ella, where's that bottle of wine at that you were- oh, what do we have here?" Another woman came into view looking around at everyone.

"Natalie, behave yourself" I could hear Ms. Ella tell the other woman

"Si, this is my aunt Natalie. Aunt Nat this is my girlfriend Sienna"

"Girlfriend huh?"

"Nice to meet you"



"Sienna, dinner's just about ready would you like to help me set the table?" His mom asked

"Sure" I smiled and followed her into the kitchen

"Please excuse my sister, she's quite a handful"

"It's no problem"

"So tell me a bit about yourself"

Ranting and raving about myself and my life, I honestly felt like I was talking too much. Ms. Ella didn't stop me so I just continued to keep going.

"...and I have a beautiful daughter, her name is Syrai"

"A daughter?"

"Yes ma'am"

"She must be as beautiful as you"

"She's everything to me"

"If you don't mind me asking-"

"Drew is not the father" I said and she sighed in relief "I had gotten pregnant around the time I graduated high school. I was young and dumb, but I had to deal with the consequences and handle my responsibilities"

"Is Drew in her life in any way?"

"Yes, he's great with her. Their relationship actually reminds me of how I was with my father. I just wish she was that close with her actual father"

"He's not around?"

"He's around, just doesn't even attempt to be in her life ever since I told him"

"You have a lot going on"

"I do"

"But I admire your strength"

"Believe me, I'm not always strong"

"Honey as long as God has given you the power to stand on your own two feet and deal with every problem thrown your way, everything will be alright"

"Thank you"

"Then he fell off the couch and started laughing"

"Now usually at that age a child would cry, but he laughed. I had to pray for him"

Dinner was going surprisingly well. Drew's parents were so warm and welcoming, not to mention funny. Although one person in particular wouldn't stop giving me dirty glares. So I'll just keep acting like she's not even at the table

"Drew you really should be careful"

"Just wait until I find out some embarrassing moments about you, it's over"

"Never" I giggled

"So Sarah, what are your intentions with my nephew?"

"Natalie, hush"

"What? I'm just asking a simple question"

"Well I don't know who you're addressing it to because my name is Sienna. And with all due respect, I don't think I have to share that with you because you're not Ms. Ella or Mr. Curtis"

The room fell silent and I noticed a small smile on Ms. Ella's face as well as Drew's.

"Well she just told you huh?" Mr. Curtis laughed

"She didn't tell me anything, Curtis. I'm just trying to make sure she isn't after his money, you know that's how these young things are"

"She isn't, aunt Natalie. Sienna loves me for me, and I love her for her. We're going to be together regardless of all of your thoughts"

"Calm down baby"

"No mom, this is exactly why I didn't want anyone else here. I just wanted it to be you and pops"

"Drew, I understand you're upset, but that's still your aunt baby. Why don't you go and take a moment to relax and when you come back I'll have your favorite dessert set out for you" Ms. Ella said

Nodding, Drew rose from the table and went to who knows where. It was now awkward at the table and I didn't know whether to stay glued to my seat or go check on him.

Finally deciding, I figured I would help Ms. Ella with the dishes then I would go check on him.

"That food was delicious Ms. Ella, thank you"

"Oh no problem sweetie, you can take some with you when you're ready to go"

"I appreciate it"

"I apologize for my sister's behavior, she's too much"

"It's fine. I'm pretty much used to rude people like that, which is why I didn't be rude back"

"I understand. You know, you have a really good head on your shoulders I'm so glad my son has you, it's been a while since I've seen that smile on his face; and for that, I thank you"

"You're so sweet Ms. Ella. You've raised an amazing son, so I have to thank you for raising him the right way"

After sharing a hug and placing the last dish in the drain, I went to go check on Drew.

"Your mom told me you'd be in here" I walked toward Drew and stood in front of him as he sat on the bed with his elbows resting on his knees "You okay?"

"I'll be fine. I just don't like people criticizing you"

Bending down, I lifted his head up so he could look at me.

"Baby it's fine. She didn't phase me and I'm fine. It's you who's letting her get to you. Do what I've been doing all night and ignore her. I understand that's your aunt, but it doesn't matter"

"You know I love you right" He pulled me onto his lap

"I love you more"

When we went back downstairs, I noticed his aunt had left. Thankfully. For the rest of the night, we spent it with his parents just enjoying each other's company and even played a few games. They told me to come by more often and I already knew that I would be taking them up on that offer.

Chapter 13

First of all, let me tell y'all that I'm just all fucked up in the game. Work has driven me absolutely crazy. I don't even know what day it is bruh.

Like this shift is really a trip but it's what I chose. If y'all knew my hours, y'all would look at me like I had 20 heads.

That's why I haven't been updating any stories

But anyways...

This chapter was many things.

What y'all think about the whole Syrai, August and Sienna situation?

August be rude as shit for no reason

What will August do next?


What about Sienna meeting Drew's parents?

Drew's aunt is...

Y'all ever have that one annoying family member?

That's her.

I don't know who his aunt's character will play just yet so just give me some time.

Comment, Vote, Enjoy.

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