Fate || 缘分 [EXO Lay Fanfic]

By ahwaeee

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Fate brought us together. I was too stupid that I've missed you for a year. I was too stupid that I never rea... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Characters point of view
Zhang Yixing
Mini Theater
Jocelyn's words

Chapter 13

504 15 0
By ahwaeee

Time does flies. It's the end of our year again, which means, in a few months, we are going to graduate from high school, leaving here and go for our tertiary education.

I'm currently being drag by Xueyu to the hall, just because Yixing is coming over for a talk again.

"Be fast please, Jiahui! I want to sit at  least the first three rows." Xueyu said loudly as we went up to the hall.

"It's not like you couldn't see him after this." I slightly rolled my eyes and said. Yixing sent a message to me saying that he'll treat both Xueyu and me for lunch yesterday. I've told Xueyu about that and she's really excited for that.

"I just wish that I can see him earlier." She turned around and grinned at me.

"You can be with Jingyi after the talk, for the interview." I reminded her. Yet again, Jingyi allowed her to go to their interview.

"But I couldn't even talk to him by then."

"Like you can talk to him now, if you go up to the hall earlier."

"But at least I get to see him earlier. I'm unlike you, Jiahui-ah. You get to see him almost everyday."

"Hey, I've asked you to accompany me but you're the one who rejected it. You can't blame me for that."

"That's...well, I just don't want to ruin the moment and plus, I have my own tuitions to attend too." She shrugged as we sat down in the second row of the chairs.

I suddenly remembered that we're sitting at the same spot as last year. Well, Luhan was beside me though, for last year. Almost exactly a year ago, it's the day when I met Yixing for the second time.

"Jiahui-ah, what are you thinking of?" Xueyu waved her hands in front of me and asked. I smiled at her and shook my head. "It's nothing. I was just...recalling some old memories."

"Ahh." She nodded and replied. "Jiahui, sometimes I'm thinking...what if we aren't in the same university again for next year? Will we still be this close?"

"Well, about this...there's once, me, Jingyi and the others discussed about this. What I think of is, even if we aren't in the same university again, we will still try our best and keep contact with each other. I believe that we can too."

"Jiahui-ah, actually, I have plans to go to Shanghai for further studies, just like how my brother did."

"It's alright. You'll still come back when it's holiday and we still get to meet." I patted her shoulders and told her.

"How about you?"

"I'll just stay in Hunan. I guess this is the furthest that I can go. I don't want my fees to be a burden to my house and I don't want to be far away from them."

"Changsha?" She smiled and asked. I smiled back at her and nodded. "So, don't think too much about it, we'll still be close like now."

She leaned her head on my shoulder, while I caressed her hair slightly.

"Sometimes I'll think of how unbelievable is it that we actually knew each other's existence for six year, then only became friends in the first year of junior high." Xueyu suddenly said.

"I don't even remember how we knew each other." I told her, as I shut my eyes, trying to recall back how we actually started become closer to each other.

"Oh, both of you are up here so early." I heard a voice said. I opened my eyes and found that it's Yixing.

"Hello, Yixing! Well, Jiahui wants to see you earlier so we came up earlier!" Xueyu greeted as she removed her head from my shoulder. I widened my eyes and turned to her. "But you're the one who said that!"

Yixing just chuckled. "It's still half hour till the talk start, though."

"We know that, it was Xueyu who dragged me all the way up here just to sit in the front row." I explained.

"You guys should head back down to the canteen and get something to eat first. I'll be at the backstage preparing." He told us, then left.

"It's a right choice to come up earlier." Xueyu mumbled beside me. I hit her slightly and said, "I wasn't the one who wanted to come up earlier." She grinned widely at me and said, "I know."


I sighed deeply, thinking of what have I gotten myself into. Jingyi, Crystal and Xueyu literally dragged me to participate in helping the interview, and I don't even have the chance to reject that.

Both Jingxiu and Zhengyao passed by when the three dragged me with them but they seemed to be don't want to help me at all. Even Jiajun passed by and he just pretended that he didn't see me.

"Jiahui-ah, come over here." Jingyi called loudly across the vacant classroom where they used to interview people.

"You write fast, isn't it?" Jingyi asked. She then answered herself, "Of course you are, what I'm talking of. Okay, so what you have to do is help me note down everything about the interview, alright? Well, the person who was in-charge today was absent and I have no choice to ask for your help."

"Ahh, okay." I sighed softly and took over the book that Jingyi passed for me. She then pointed at a chair and said, "You'll just sit there later."

Crystal is in charge of the camera while Xueyu actually just came for fun. Jingyi will be the one who's in charge in interviewing.

Since Yixing haven't came, so we couldn't start the interview first. I started tracing circles on the paper that Jingyi just passed me. Xueyu pulled a chair and then said, "Talk with me, Jiahui."

"Jingyi asked me to help. You should go and ask her if she needs any help." I said as I stopped drawing. I always trace circles on a paper when I have one and if I am bored. Xueyu clung her arms on mine and leaned on my shoulder.

"I'm sleepy."

"Sleep then, I'll wake you up when your idol come." I patted her head and said.

She smiled widely then shut her eyes, getting into sleep. I suddenly thought about what Xueyu and I discussed earlier.

My parents always said that I am very attached to Xueyu when I am in school, and I probably can't live without her. Of course, we're best friends, after all. We had been together for six years already, but then if we are really going to separate, I don't know what to do.

"Jiahui?" Jingyi called out loudly, as she waved her hands in front of me. I looked up and found her standing in front of me, with Yixing.

"Oh, you're starting now?" I asked, and flipped the paper to another side.

"Yep." Jingyi nodded. "Are you going to wake Xueyu up?"

"Nah, she's tired. Just let her sleep." I shook my head. "You should get started now, I'm ready."

"Okay." She nodded then left.

"I didn't know that you're a member of the club." Yixing said.

"Well, I'm not. I just came over to help my friend."

He just nodded. "I'll be waiting at the school gate."


I don't know, but somehow the relationship between me and Yixing isn't like friends, to me, sometimes. The feelings he gave me is more like...we're siblings. Well, I don't even know why I felt like that.

Zhengyao called when I am on my way back home, in Yixing's car. Xueyu had went to her tuition after the lunch.

"Jiahui!" Zhengyao called loudly through the phone, as loud as usual.

"What?" I asked, and looked out to the scenery outside.

"Just want to confirm with you if you're going with us for the next hang out. Well, you know that it's near to Jingyi's birthday."

"Of course! I'll be joining. You guys are so lucky that I am able to go for this time. How about Weiliang? Is he going?"

"I'm not sure about that...well he said that he would ask his parents about that first. You know too, he lives far away from us."

"Alright. So, have you guys planned out what to give?"

"Jingxiu suggested us to do the usual things, put ours and her pictures on a Manila card. Somehow I still think that putting our personal photos there is shameless."

"You mean by, our photos?" I asked.

"Yeah! Crystal was the one who suggested that."

"Oh well, it's really shameless." I chuckled. "But at least she'll remember that it was from us and we had a great friendship."

"That's right." I nodded and replied.

"Okay I'm not bothering you anymore. I have to start with my studies too. We'll stay update with Jingyi's birthday celebration through Wechat."

"Okay bye."

"Here you are." Yixing said as he stopped his car in front of my house.

"Thank you, Yixing." I thanked him as I unbuckled the seat belt.


"Don't you think that Jingyi is acting weird nowadays?" Jingxiu asked, as I sat down beside Crystal.

"How?" Crystal asked.

"She rarely come over and talk with us now." Jingxiu pointed out.

"Stupid, we could be the one who go over and talk to her!" I told him.

"Yeah, right." Jingxiu then nodded. "But honestly, when I talk to her, the feelings that she gave me is like, she doesn't even want to talk to me." He added.

I looked to my back and found Jingyi had collapsed on the table, burying her head between her arms.

"She's just stressed out. Don't worry, I'm sure she'll be fine. There's a major activity for the school magazine is coming soon. She might just stress out. We should try understand her."

"She's just too emotional." Zhengyao said. "I've quarrelled with her yesterday. Well, I don't even know what I've done. She just came and said something, but then I can't hear her, then she just got mad."

"Maybe she's having her period?" Weiliang suggested.

"Yeah, I remembered that she said that her period is around this week." Jingxiu said.

"I really hope that we wouldn't be distanced." I said quietly. "It's hard for me to have friends such as you guys, who doesn't really mind about genders while being friends and we can get such close."

"I honestly rarely have girl friends who are such close with me." Jingxiu confessed.

"How about Kaixuan? She's your first love." Crystal asked.

"She's just a normal friend."

"Well for me, just like what Jiahui said, I don't have friends such as you guys. Honestly I don't even know how to survive in this class for these two years if it wasn't you guys." Zhengyao said.

"I am glad to know every single of you here." Weiliang smiled and told us.

"I hope that Jingyi wouldn't be so stress." Crystal sighed. Jingyi is not only the chairman of the school magazine. She's also a vice chairman in another club and also held a very important position in library committee.

She had been busy ever since last year the seniors pass down their positions to the new generation. I still remember the moment when she told me that she got the position as the chairman of the school magazine, how stress she looks like. It's just the first day that she took over the place but yet she's so exhausted and stressed.

To think that the first project for the school magazine after she take over the position is about Yixing, it made her became more stress.

Weiliang is one of the heads in our school's psychology department which is made up by students. Jingxiu, Crystal and Zhengyao are secretary in their respective clubs, but then there's me, who are just nothing compare to them.

Sometimes when I am with them, I'll feel that I am really useless, especially there's one time all of them went to a course held by our school that is especially for the committees in each clubs.

"Jiahui! Look, there's someone in suit outside!" Crystal suddenly squealed. I looked out and found that it was Yixing's driver, someone whom I've seen quite often when Yixing doesn't drive by himself.

I went out from the class straightly as there's no teacher in the class.

"Ms. Li, Mr. Zhang asked me to pass you this." The driver handed me a file and said. I took over it and said, "Thank you."

"Mr. Zhang also said, he'll be coming over around three in the afternoon. He's having an urgent meeting right now."

"Okay. Please help me to thank him." I nodded and replied.

"I will, Ms. Li."

After I sat down back in my seat, Crystal first snatched the file away and started checking on it.

"Oh my God...is this Mr. Zhang's writing?" Crystal asked, eyes widened. I moved closer to her and checked on the contents in the file.

"Yeah...it is."

"Oh God, Jiahui. Isn't this the notes for history?" Jingxiu asked.

"It does looks like." I said.

Weiliang suddenly handed me my phone which he was holding earlier and said, "You've got a message."

"Thank you." I took over it and checked on the message. It was from Yixing.

I've asked my driver to pass you the notes that I've made years ago. I won't be around in the country for the whole month. Study well. Oh, and I assumed that he told you that I'll only be coming by three.

"Aye...it's Mr. Zhang again." Crystal shook her head and commented.

I just smiled and replied his message. I then kept my phone into my bag.

"Yah, Jiahui-ah, tell me. Are you in love again?" Crystal asked.

"Hmm, no. Why would you think so?" I asked back.

"To the fact, we never seen you smiling this wide while texting someone." Weiliang pointed out.

"Well, I rarely text." I shrugged. "The people whom I've texted the most is Xueyu and you guys."

"And Mr. Zhang, isn't it?" Zhengyao asked. I just nodded in response.

"Yeah, you don't even need to add his name. We obviously knew it." Jingxiu sighed.

"So, when will be out next outing?" I asked, changing the topic.

"Depends. I'm okay with next Sunday and Saturday." Crystal said.

"The only day that I cannot is next next Saturday. I've got a date with Xueyu."

"I'm free on both next Saturday and Sunday." Jingxiu answered.

"I'm okay with any day." Zhengyao said.

"Well, I can't confirm yet but maybe Sunday will be better for me." Weiliang responded. "How about Jingyi?"

I turned around and looked at Jingyi who was reading. I stood up from my seat and told them, "I'll go and ask her."

I went to sat down beside Jingyi. She looked up and greeted, "Oh, hey."

"We're talking about our next outing. Are you free by next Saturday or Sunday?"

"You'll decide. Just tell me when all of you had decide a date." Jingyi turned back to her book and told me.

"Well, the situation now is we're all free by next Saturday and Sunday. We're left with you to decide whether it's Saturday or Sunday. But umm...if it's Saturday, Weiliang might not be free."

"Then Sunday will be fine." Jingyi answered without even looking up.

"Oh." I don't even know how to continue or start a new topic with Jingyi. The way she treats me now...is like what Jingxiu said earlier. She talks to us like she doesn't even want us to talk.

"So we'll be going out by next Sunday, from one thirty till seven. Call?"


I then got up and went back to my original seat.

"How?" Weiliang asked.

"Sunday." I responded.

"Great! Finally y'all picked a day that I can join." He then clapped his hands together and cheered.

"Dude, you're always unavailable. What do you expect?" Jingxiu replied. Weiliang said nothing but only rolled his eyes.

"Are you dating? That you're not free everyday?" Crystal asked innocently.

"Nah, it's just I usually go to southern part of Changsha by Sunday because of my grandparents but then all of you like to place it at Saturday."

"Well, we consider that Sunday is family day." Zhengyao shrugged.

"Oh well...I've just remembered that the prom night is just around the corner." Jingxiu suddenly reminded.

"I've planned to go by myself." Zhengyao raised his hands and said.

"Hmm, I think I'm with my own too." Crystal nodded and said.

"I'm not sure if I'm going to look for a partner or not." Weiliang shrugged.

"As for me...well, I don't really know."

"You should've just go with Weiliang. That'll be easier." Jingxiu suggested.

"With him? Hmm, no thanks." I shook my head. Weiliang shook his head as well and said, "I can't even imagine going to the prom night with her."

"Well, but at least when you have a partner that'll be easier, isn't it?" Zhengyao said.

"Said the one who doesn't even plan to look for one. How about you go with Weiliang? Honestly, Weiliang can easily pass as a girl, judging from his skinny legs." I said.

"I can't even imagine dancing with her." Weiliang complained. "You're elder than me but yet you're shorter." He looked at me and said. I rolled my eyes at him and said, "girls are usually short, okay? You can't compare my height with yours."

"But then how should you explain that you're actually the shortest one among you three?" Weiliang bickered back.

"Aye, actually, don't you think that Jiahui doesn't even need to look for a partner?" Crystal suddenly said.

"Why?" Jingxiu asked. "Oh...I get it now." He then looked at me and showed me a meaningful smile.

"Why?" I asked. Crystal held up her phone and showed me a picture. I turned my face away in embarrassment and said, "keep that away, please."

"Isn't this Mr. Zhang?" Weiliang asked. "Oh, I've just remembered about that. Jiahui went there too last year, with him."

"Jiahui will go with Mr. Zhang for sure. Trust me, I just know that." Crystal said and winked.

"I'm really looking forward for both of them to be together. Jiahui will surely be the first one among us to be marry."

"I don't even think that I would want to be marry to someone in the future." I frowned and said. I don't have plans for marrying anyone, honestly. I am totally fine with myself too.

"Wait till then, we'll see, Jiahui." Jingxiu nodded repeatedly and looked at me meaningfully.

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