Can't Say - Jung Hoseok

By park_pabo

132K 7.5K 6.9K

"you're not going to tell her, it's something you shouldn't say. it's something you shouldn't even think twic... More

part zero - preview
part one - introductions
part two - the destroyer of geometry
part three - parenting class
part four - flower boys
part five - a secret admirer
part six - the librarian
part seven - the three dollar bet
part eight - friendship
part nine - bad things
part ten - a date with a friend(s)
part eleven - heart beat beat beat
part twelve - company
part thirteen - make it up to him
part fourteen - nothing to fear, nothing to hide
part fifteen - daydream daydream
part sixteen - new parents
part seventeen - where does the pain go once the rain stops
part eighteen - regret
part nineteen - boundaries
part twenty - the punch of a lifetime
part twenty one - the comfort of a nurse bed
part twenty two - the universe picks favorites
part twenty three - bright lights
part twenty four - a true friend's heartache
part twenty six - a word of advice
part twenty seven - a false identity
part twenty eight - stay by my side
part twenty nine - another incident
part thirty - heal
part thirty one - together forever
part thirty two - a happy ending
part forever - epilogue
10k + #9

part twenty five - a sister's suspicion

3.1K 185 170
By park_pabo

it was another rainy day in korea, and the only thing to watch besides the busy streets and cars were the rain. hoseok placed his palm underneath his chin and watched the small drops hit his window, pitter pattering onto the window pane. he puffed his cheeks out and managed a sigh.

he didn't want to admit it, but he missed you.

of course he still had contact with you, but ever since you and jimin have been together he hasn't had the slightest chance to hangout with you like before. the only person he would talk to would be jungkook, since jungkook had been keeping close contact with him. hoseok didn't mind the company though, it was to fill up that empty space that you had left in his heart.

"you're definitely unforgettable, (your name)." hoseok admitted, sighing in defeat. his voice became quieter and more of a croak, "do you have any idea on how you're making my heart feel?"


hoseok turned his head to be greeted by the concerned face of his younger sister, he managed to put on a smile. "sorry, am i worrying you?"

she nodded in response, "mhm, tell me what's wrong.."

he turned his head away from her as she went inside and closed the door behind her, sitting on her brother's bed. hoseok only shook his head and gave her another false smile, "nothing's wrong, the weather is just so gloomy today it's affecting me."

hoseok managed an awkward laugh after his response, only earning a pout from his sister. her pale cheeks extending as her brows furrowed.

"oppa," she glared, "you can tell me if something's bothering you, i can tell that something's making you upset. tell me!"

hoseok laughed at how persistent his sister was, since she was so cute but not that far from his age. "aish, jiwoo, you're so persistent! let your brother off the hook hm?"

jiwoo shook her head and earned another sigh from her brother who just patted her head and looked down onto the floor of his bedroom, "i'm okay.."

hoseok smiled widely along with his eye smiles, "promise."

jiwoo only crossed her arms in response, "if you're lying to me.."

"ani!" hoseok chuckled, shaking his hands. "i'm not lying, i swear."

"pinky promise?"

"pinky promise." hoseok took his sister's hand and their pinky fingers intertwined. of course it was a childish act to do, but it was cute and promising.

"okay," jiwoo sighed and looked at hoseok, "since you're okay we should go out to get a drink."


she nodded, "yeah, i know the weather isn't that great but i'm in the mood for a hot drink. chocolate?"

hoseok nodded, "alright then."

jiwoo clapped her hands excitedly and got up from her brother's bed, she walked towards the door and turned around before leaving, "you're paying!"

"jiwoo!" hoseok yelled as she ran out to the hall laughing, "this girl.."

hoseok laughed to himself and grabbed his coat and wallet, getting ready to head to the local cafe. he looked at himself in the mirror and surprised by how sad he looked, his eyes having bags under them and his lips dry. it was no wonder his sister was worried, he looked like a mess.

hoseok scratched his head and looked at his hair closely, deciding maybe it was time to do something different with it.

hoseok sighed and headed downstairs to be greeted by the grumpy face of his sister.

"you take forever!"

"aish," hoseok laughed and flicked his sister on the forehead. "you talk too much."


"are you ever going to talk to me?" jungkook questioned, his arms crossed as he stared down at his best friend. jimin was nice enough to let jungkook enter your apartment, but he wasn't happy with him either. their relationship was rocky at the moment since everything had faltered on the day of yuri's bitch fit.

"you told taehyung." jimin glared. "out of all people-"

"how would you know if i told him?"

"it's the way he looks at me jungkook!" jimin sighed, "he looks at me like i killed his best friend!"

jungkook didn't say anything, he only stood his ground and looked at jimin as if what jimin said was true and it was just totally ironic.

"shut up," jimin groaned and rubbed his temples with his small hands. "i can't believe you would do that..and to think i trusted you."

"jimin," jungkook said abruptly, ignoring the honorifics, "this all has gone too far okay? someone had to tell taehyung, he's her best friend."

"the only thing you did was make him a total mess now, could you imagine his reaction after you told him? jungkook, you basically made him feel like he wasn't there for her when it was at a time so serious."

jungkook was awestruck by jimin's words, he didn't realize that what he told taehyung was out to ruin him. if anything, he thought he helped him. jungkook looked down at the wooden floor in defeat, now realizing that the truth can hurt others.

"that's not what i intended.." jungkook's hand formed into a fist, as he realized his help wasn't solving anything.

but it was sure going to lead to something significant.

"just..just leave." jimin looked away, "i'm not in the mood to talk to you right now."

jungkook stood there for a few seconds, "hyung-"

"jungkook, please.." jimin's brown eyes met with jungkook's, pleading him to leave.

jungkook could see the guilt in his eyes even though jimin had urged to keep this secret to keep on going. he only turned around and headed towards the door, his final words to jimin being, "i'm sorry. but jimin.."

jimin wasn't facing him, but he could tell that he was listening just by how quiet he was.

"living a lie like this will just hurt her, and you know that. and when you get caught in this lie.. i don't know if i can be there to cover you this time."

jimin's eyes widened as his head went to jungkook's direction immediately, realizing that he might lose his friend, "jungkook-"

"bye hyung." jungkook smiled bitterly as he left the apartment, leaving a conflicted jimin.


you stood in conflict, holding onto your phone and watched as taehyung hadn't even read your messages. his read receipt is always on, mainly because he too earnest to leave people unbeknownst to the fact he would or wouldn't read their texts.

"you look frustrated." hongbin laughed as he made his way by you, carrying another box filled with small potted plants. you watched as his arms were getting dirty by the dirt emitting onto his sleeves.

"he's not exactly answering my text messages and it's bugging me." you groaned in response and put your phone in your pocket.

"well, if it makes you happy, your shift is already over." hongbin smiled, "but you still have to work my hours for tomorrow."

"gee, you're really great at cheering people up." you laughed, rolling your eyes along with hongbin's attempt at high spirits.

"well sorry." hongbin sneered and put on a stank face.

"i'm playing with you binnie," you managed a laugh, "but what should i do?"

hongbin stood across from you, thinking for a bit. he did look like a piece of art since many varieties of flowers were standing behind him, making you amused in his trance. hongbin looked as if he had an idea by looking at the weather outside.

"a time in fall like this," hongbin scanned the rain drops, "calls for a nice warm beverage."

you blinked in response, "so you want me to go to the cafe and get him a nice drink?"

"drinks help ease the conversation," hongbin nodded, "plus, it's a nice gesture since that cafe is always getting crowded. so the sooner you get there, it'll show him how much you want to get him something nice even if it's time consuming."

you thought about hongbin's suggestion and saw no harm in it.

"sure, thanks binnie~" you smiled and grabbed your purse before checking out of the store and waving goodbye at hongbin.

you looked up at the weather and noticed the small drops of rain falling from the sky. it was a good thing you had brought your umbrella that day. you opened your umbrella and took a brisk walk to the coffee shop.


hoseok stood in front of the cashier, paying for his order of a simple coffee. he grabbed his cash and saw no reason to use a credit card at this point, but he did give his sister a glare from behind.

"you owe me." hoseok stated, his sister, jiwoo, laughing evilly in response, making a peace sign at her brother.

hoseok's long legs led him to a table near the window, where he liked to watch the rain hit the glass. he smiled, satisfied with the spot he chose.

jiwoo pushed her seat in, "i'm gonna use the bathroom, okay oppa?"

hoseok nodded and watched as his younger sister left him at the table. he was now bored as he managed a sigh as they waited for their beverages. he pulled out his phone and checked his social media accounts. the sounds of bells announcing an arrival of customer chimed in his ears, and a simple,

"dammit, jimin's gonna murder me if i get sick again.."

hoseok looked up at the person and that's when he felt his heart beating out of his chest.

"(your name)?"

your head turned towards the direction of where the voice came from, and you were astonished to have bumped into hoseok. your heart was thumping like crazy since hoseok was actually wearing pretty cute fall clothing, and the glint in his eyes made you blush.

"h-hobi." you mentally smacked yourself on your face as you realized your voice cracked just a smidge.

hoseok caught note of this and chuckled since he thought it was cute, "are you here to get coffee?"

"well, duh." you laughed.

hoseok was now embarrassed and realized that he asked such a stupid question. "oh, right."

you and hoseok both stood there awkwardly but found it cute since the same exact thing happened back at the flower shop. memories like that made your heart sing with joy, and you both didn't know that you were both happy at that moment.

"why're you here," you asked, closing your umbrella, "besides you know, getting coffee?"

hoseok chuckled and answered, "jiwoo wouldn't leave me alone and wanted me out the house. she's in the bathroom right now."

hoseok's head raised as he tried to look for her, "she should be back by now..?"

you looked confusedly at the boy, "jiwoo?"

"oh!" hoseok smiled, remembering that you didn't know who that person was. "she's-"


your head turned and you internally gasped at the girl who had called hoseok 'oppa.' you cursed in your brain and felt your eyes widening at the girl who stood in front of you.

her hair was so long and dark, curled to perfection. her face was extremely feminine and small, her lips pouring ever so slightly and her big brown eyes shining in the light of the cafe. her body was small and petite, skinny but had a nice figure. she had on a scarf and a cute outfit as opposed to your simple work attire.

"jiwoo?" you questioned. holy crap, she's so pretty! how could i ever compete-

you smacked yourself in the head internally as you remembered that you had a boyfriend and your feelings towards hoseok weren't the same.

well, atleast not at this point.

"ah," hoseok stood up happily and wrapped his arm around the girl, making you gulp, "this is my sister, jiwoo."

you sighed in relief as you just now realized how similar they looked. "hi, nice to meet you, i'm (your name)-"

"i know who you are." jiwoo said abruptly, holding onto her brother's sleeve. she tried hard not to look directly at you in the eye.

"y-you do?" you questioned, bewildered since you were sure this was the first time you've met this girl.

jiwoo only nodded, "oppa, let's go-"

"eh? but our drinks-"

"we can go another time!" jiwoo persisted, already making hoseok head towards the door.

"a-ah, okay!" hoseok agreed, turning his view back to you as he gave you a simple wave. "bye, (your name)!"

you waved awkwardly, "bye hobi.."

you watched from the large window as jiwoo managed a last glance at you, looking concerned. she looked as if she saw someone who she didn't want hoseok to be involved with.

and little did you know, that she saw her brother's past girlfriend that caused him to get into a car accident.


lol sorry for the lousy update, but i have homework to do fam 😂🍋💝🍥
but it's jimin's birthday today! hope he gets plenty of love~ i'll see you guys at the end of the next update, bye 🍋💝✨🍥😘💕

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