
By Mandie_June

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**apologies in advanced, there's a couple chapters that are formatted odd. I don't know how to fix it, but I... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35

Chapter 17

549 0 0
By Mandie_June

"Emily," a voice echoed to me. "Hey, wake up." 

I groaned and rolled over. "Hmmphurrrgggg..." I mumbled. I opened one of my eyes up barely to see a blurry figure with dark hair over me. I closed my eyes again and shooed them away. 

"Wake up, please. It's 11." I opened one of my eyes up fully and shook my head. "Drink this," he said, holding a short glass of what looked like Sprite. I slowly sat up, sitting there, as he sat next to me. I took the glass and started to drink it. It was fizzy, but tasted like metal. I retched slightly. 

"What the hell is this?" I asked, trying to focus, still unsure who was talking to me. 

"It's to help with your hang over." I shrugged and downed the rest of it. "It'll make you feel better in about 20 minutes. Jack will be out in a minute," he said. 

My eyes were still heavy as I let out a belch that tasted eggs. That was disgusting. Still, unsure of who the hell gave me that, I sat for a few minutes, waking up. 

"Hey, good morning, sunshine," Jack said walking past me. What was up his ass? No good morning kiss? 

Allison sat next to me and had a huge-ass grin on her face. "Hey, Emily. How was your night?" Her voice echoed in my ears like a squealing pig in an empty cave. It made my brain press against my skull and I just stared at her. 

"I slept. Really fucking good. You?" 

"I barely got any, but that's okay, really," she leaned in and whispered, "I'll tell you the details later." I nodded and she winked to me. 

"Hey, do you have any tampons? I can feel my insides falling out. And some Ibuprofin?" 

She nodded, "All in the bathroom, alright?" She got up and went to her bed and I walked into the facilities. 

Starting your period on a hangover was one of the worst things to happen so far. My whole body ached and I didn't feel like doing anything, but I had to act like nothing was wrong. 

I had finished up, brushed my teeth and took some pain killers, hoping everything would be numb real quick. I walked out to grab my suitcase and put on some black jeans and a loose retro shirt that hung off one arm. I placed my hair up in a ponytail and just cleaned up my make up, smudging it so it looked new. 

Everyone was in the main part of the bus, and as I walked out, Jack was there, smiling. "Hey. You're out." 

"Yeah, I am," I said scratching my head. "What's up for today?" 

"That skating rink, remember?" Oh, yeah. 

"Who gave me that drink this morning?" I asked, still confused. 

"Oh, that was Matt. He came on the bus to tell us we were all paid for and ready, and I had to use the bathroom, so I gave it to him. It's going to be a fun day today, really." 

He wore a Hurley shirt and some black jeans with his hair all styled. He looked quite handsome, despite the fact that I was still in pain. 

Everyone walked off the bus and looked at the arena. It was huge and had so many different types of skating inside. We walked in and the older gentleman at the ticket booth counted and nodded, letting us inside as we showed him our passes. Everyone went their own way, while Jack and I headed for the concession stand. "Do you want anything, Emily?" 

"A gun?" I asked. 

"No, food," he said pointing to the menu. 

"A pizza. A greasy fucking pizza that after I eat it, will seep through my pores." 

He chuckled and ordered two pizzas as we sat down and started to eat. "So, what was up with last night?" 

"What do you mean?" I asked, picking at some pepperoni. 

"You had a few drinks and passed out in the room. I was looking for you during Alex's solo set." He was halfway done with his pizza as he wiped his hands on the napkin. 

"I was just missing home, I guess," I said quickly. Not really what I was doing, I just wanted to have fun. 

"Do you want to go back?" He asked, staring. 

"I do, but if it means without you, I can't." I smiled sweetly towards him and finally took a few bites out of my pizza. He nodded and looked around at the nearly empty rink behind me. There were a few parents with their young kids skating around, and a few punk looking teenagers around the arcade machines, probably skipping school. 

Jack had finished his pizza and looked to me confused. "Do you like it here? I mean, on the bus with everyone?" 

Being so into this greasy pizza and the glorious flavors that filled my mouth, he caught me slightly off guard. "I love you," I said with a mouth full of pizza.

His head turned slight with a raised eyebrow. "What?" 

I swallowed and cleared my throat. "I said I love being here with you," trying not to blush, I really meant to say that, but the music had got my mind thinking something else. After I started talking, I said to myself that I knew the song and it was called "Here With You" and by the time I finished that sentence, I finished saying love and it seemed to have skipped that middle part. 

Me love Jack? I wasn't all so sure of that. I loved being with him, and I loved spending time in bed with him. But him as a person, I didn't know if I quite had loved him yet. 

"Well, what size shoe do you wear?" 

"9," I said, getting to my crust. 

"Alright, I'll be right back. Give me your pass," he said as I took it out of my pocket and handed it to him. He walked away and threw his plate in the garbage, going to a counter. Was he seriously going to get me to skate? I had no idea how! 

Finishing, Jack came back and placed a pair of rollerskates by my side as he sat next to me, taking off his shoes and putting them on. Staring at them, like they were pretty much a person trying to explain something to me in French, I looked to Jack. "You want me to put those on?" 

"Yeah. You don't know how to skate?" 

"Uh, no." 

He smiled to me and put a hand on my back. "I'll teach you, don't worry." 

I nodded, putting them on and tied them. As I lifted up my foot to tie the laces, it felt like I had ten bricks strapped to my feet. They were so heavy, but I tied them and looked to Jack who had stood up and held out both of his hands. I took them and pulled up with my arms, not daring to move my legs. 

"Now, slightly point your toes towards each other, and go to a quarter squat." I did as he told me, as he pulled me forward. I was not happy with this new sensation. People should not be rolling on things -- they should walk! "When your toes start to get too close together, lift one up, pushing off, and place it back to the start, then with your other one." I had did as he said and I shook in his hands. "It's okay. I have you if you fall, don't worry." 

We had reached the rink just as I got the hang of skating on a firm carpet. "That, uh, rink looks awfully slippery," I said, not ready for it. 

"It will feel slick, but we'll stay by the side, taking it slow. Hold onto the side with one hand." I did as he was told as we stepped onto the rink, and I almost fell backwards, but Jack had caught me and chuckled. "You're okay," he said. 

After we went around once, he had let go of my hand and I loosely held onto the side. I was starting to get the hang of it as Jack stood next to me and kissed the side of my head. The music was a fast, up beat top 40 song as parents danced with their kids and a few more people started to come in. 

Jack and I had went around the rink a few more times, each time, my pace was picking up, then the DJ had announced it was a fun skate and that when the music stopped you had to crouch down, skate backwards or spin. I was not up for it, so we had left, sitting on the seats that were on the opposite side of where I was holding onto earlier. 

"You didn't do too bad, Emily," he said with a kiss on my lips. I smiled and shook my head. All of my pains were gone, at least for now as I panted slightly 

"It was pretty fun. Something I'd do again, for sure." 

Alex had walked up to us with Allison and smiled. "Hey guys, what's going on?" 

"Nothing, I taught Emily how to skate." 

"Nice," Alex said as Allison sat next to me. 

"Where were you guys at?" I asked. 

"Ice skating. It was so fun, but so cold. Luckily they had scarves and mittens. You should try it." 

I chuckled a bit and shook my head. "One thing at a time. I don't think that I'd do too hot on a thin blade on ice. I barely got the hang of roller skating. Plus, Allison, You remember what happened three winters ago... and I was walking!"

“This is true. She's got no sense of balance,” Allison chimed in. 

"Yeah, I think I'm out, too," Jack said, taking off his skates. I did the same as we walked over to get our shoes. "We could go see Zack and Tay," he continued. 

"Sounds good," Allison said with a smile as Alex placed an arm around her. They really did have a conversation last night, and I was excited to hear what it was about. 

After returning the skates, we walked to the skateboarding area where a few people were going on ramps, some on bikes, some on skateboards. I spotted Zack on a rail, turning into a ramp and doing a kickflip onto the floor, and gliding over to us. He kicked up his skateboard and looked a little sweaty. "Hey, guys," he said, giving Alex and Jack a bro hug. "Grab a board, and let's hit a few ramps." 

The boys waved bye to us as Allison and I sat down at some chairs and started talking. 

She had her hair down and was wearing jeans similar to mine and a blue shirt with a black vest over it. "So what did you two talk about?" 

"I asked him what he wanted from me, and we just started talking from there. I told him about my past, and he shared his. I really got to know him very well," she said with a smile. "Quite well." I looked to her with a perked eyebrow. "Yeah. We shared a kiss, and a little more." 

My jaw had dropped to the floor as I gave her a friendly push. "Shut up!" 

"Serious. It was different with him. He would focus on me and my body, while the other guys were always quick and done. It was amazing." 

"So are you two a couple now?" 

"I think so. But it might be too early to find out." Her smile on her face could light the blackest of rooms. And I knew how she felt. That one kiss that leads to another, and another, then the big moment. It felt like stepping into a hot shower for the first time on a freezing day. Or that feeling you get when you get a new puppy on Christmas morning. 

"Well, I'm sure he's crazy about you, Allison. He seemed to have the eye for you when you first walked into that room that one day." I smiled and looked at Jack, skateboarding into a pit of foam blocks. I chuckled and shook my head. "I told Jack I loved him today." 

"What?!" Allison said, loudly, getting attention of a few people who looked our way. 

"Shh," I said. "It was an accident. He asked me a question and I meant to say something, but the song that was playing made me jump over the middle parts." 

"Do you think he believed that?" 

"What? That I loved him or that I didn't meant to say it?" 


"I have no clue. I told him what I meant to say but he didn't really say anything to it." 

"I see. Do you love him?" 

I shrugged. "I have no clue, really. His fast paced life makes us be distant, but when he's home, he's so different. So close." I paused for a moment then chuckled, "No, I can't. Not now." I looked away and yawned some. The medicine was starting to wear off, but I was fine. At least for right now. "So what's the next move with Alex, then?" 

"I really don't know, Em. I mean, I do want to talk to him, but I don't. I don't think I'm ready to settle, and at his rate, neither is he, I don't think. We shall see where it goes." 

Jack walked up to us and kissed my lips. "What are you ladies talking about?" He asked as he put an arm around me. 

"Hormones. Periods. Boys. Girly stuff," Allison said. 

"Awesome. Can I join?" 

"Sure, but I think we about wrapped it up," I said smiling. "Thanks for asking, though." 

The rest of the boys and their girls came up around us, looking around. "Anyone up for the arcade?" Alex asked. 

Everyone agreed and just barely walking out, the boys having their arms around us girl's, a few people approached us, young girls, asking for autographs and just started grinning like fools. They had talked to them about saving their lives and how they love their music and shows. 

After about twenty minutes, they had finally left, but I didn't think it was the end of this day. We finally reached the arcade, Jack and Alex heading to the pinball machine, Zack and Tay to a football throwing game, Rian and Cassadee went to Whack-A-Mole, and Allison and I went to skeeball. We played a few rounds, getting bored, and then headed out to the bathrooms. 

"That was crazy, those girls, I mean," I said looking around, hoping they weren't in there. "I can't believe that there's so many people who know them and can just spot them out of nowhere." 

"Yeah, it was pretty cool, though. You have to admit that," Allison said, as she walked out of the stall. I was still in the bathroom for stalling purposes. 

"I feel out of place, though." 


"Well, they're famous, and their girlfriends are famous, but we aren't. It just doesn't feel right," I said shrugging. 

"It'll get better," Allison said as I walked out. she was looking at herself in the mirror, playing with her hair. 

I shrugged, washing my hands and walking out, back to the boys and stood next to Jack. They were just finishing up their game of pinball as he hugged me with one arm. 

We all had left and headed back to the bus, just relaxing as Jack went straight to getting ideas for his clothing line. I smiled and placed my head on his arm, watching him sketch.

Jack had mentioned that tonight we'll be in a hotel, and I could not be happier. An actual bed with Jack was what I needed. In more than one way.

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