Drama? Not even close... Love?

By ForeverDream

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This is the sequel to "How did I end up falling in love with a jerk?" :) You don't really need to read it to... More

Drama? Not even close... Love?
Chapter 2: It was a mistake seeing you but I found someone better.
Chapter 3: Betrayed is an Understatement.
Chapter 4: Physical Pain isn't just enough is it?
Chapter 5: These Memories Don't Seem to Fade.
Chapter 6: Prank or?
Chapter 7: I'm so far gone.
Chapter 8: You Can't Find the Old Me.
Chapter 9: Moving or?
Chapter 11: Let Me Go.
Chapter 12: I choose you
Chapter 13: Reality
Chapter 14: Tragedy.
Chapter 15: Two wrongs don't make a right.
Chapter 16: Finally dead.

Chapter 10: New school New Boy.

1.4K 17 14
By ForeverDream

Soon it was Monday, and it was time for me to get ready for my first day at my new school. I needed this, a new start. I would act perfectly fine, like I was before.

I put on my beige flowery romper, beige pumps, did my make up and let my loose curls flow down. I took my bag, and I was ready to go.

The school was only a twenty five minute drive, which isn't that bad.

I finally arrived at the school, and stepped out of my car.

I started walking to the front of the school, when a group of boys wolf whistled at me. I turned my head slightly towards the group of boys just to size them up.

One of them caught my eye. He had jet black hair, and piercing green eyes that I could stare at forever. My eyes roamed around his body, and I immediately wolf whistled back at them, which only made them chuckle. They started walking towards me, and my heart started racing. Play it cool, they're wolves, they can hear your heart too idiot, I thought.

They all looked like models, but I've been around hot boys before.

You have a mate why are you freaking out? My wolf whined.

I honestly don't know, but isn't the one with black hair and green eyes so mesmerizing? I said back.

He's sexy, that's for sure. She whistled in my head, and I giggled.

"So who are you pretty lady and what pack do you belong too?" The one with jet black hair spoke.

"I'm new, the names Alexis-Reine but you can call me Alexis, or Reine doesn't matter. Oh, and the snapshots, but I'm not really part of the pack, used to be Alpha actually" I shrugged.

"I'm Ryan, Alpha of the Renegade Pack" He smirked.

"Oh you're one of those" I sighed, slightly disappointed.

When I saw him, I thought he could be a player, but just by his smirk you could see it all.

"One of what? Alpha? You haven't met a sexy Alpha before?" He winked.

"Yeah I have, my mate actually, but I meant player" I smirked back.

"You have a mate?" He groaned.

"Oh, and I'm not a player, I mean I wasn't the one drooling over this eight pack from afar" He smirked.

"Not really, he rejected me so it's cool. And Psh, like you weren't eyeing me up and down from the second I got out of my car" I smirked and raised my eyebrow at him.

"He rejected you?" Ryan growled, the joking mood gone from the atmosphere.

"Yup, then I was kidnapped for six months by vampires, and they didn't bother to come get me. What a great pack right?" I spoke of it lightly, I don't know why I brought that up, but it just happened to slip out. I didn't care though, they'd find out sooner or later.

Ryan's jaw almost hit the floor.

"You're joking right?" He smiled weakly waiting for the 'just kidding'.

I turned around to head inside to my locker, and whispered "I wish" to myself. I didn't know if they heard me or not, but it didn't really matter.

I was at my locker, and had about thirty minutes until class started. In less than a minute Ryan and his friends were behind me.

"Did you think you could get rid of me so easily?" Ryan whispered into my ear, which sent shivers down my back.

Someone cleared there throat behind Ryan.

"Oh, and these are the guys. This is Mason, my beta. Hugo, Chris, and Zane" Ryan smiled.

"Nice to meet you guys" I held my hand out for Mason to shake first, but a figure got in the way.

It pulled Mason back a step, and growled at me.

I'm guessing it was his mate, so I giggled and pulled my hand back just in case three other girls decided to do the same thing with Hugo, Chris and Zane.

"Yeah, do the rest of you have mates I have to keep a look out for?" I giggled.

"Nope" Zane smiled.

"Yeah" Chris nodded.

"Yup" Hugo nodded too.

"As you can see this is Jessica, my mate" Mason chuckled, and pushed Jessica from behind him.

A girl about my height, with straight blonde hair that flowed down to her back, and green eyes stood before me the next second.

"Hi, I'm Alexis-Reine" I smiled.

Jessica looked me up and down, and I raised my eyebrow.

"I like you" Jessica nodded to herself.

"That would be a first" Mason sighed in relief.

I was confused, what?

"See Jessica here doesn't have any girl friends, there all too 'waste' for her. Right Jess?" Ryan teased her.

"Oh, I'm practically the same way. I don't have much girl friends, I prefer being friends with guys, but you seem cool" I smiled.

"As long as you don't go after Mason, I'm fine" She smiled sweetly at me.

"Don't worry girl, I don't intend too. Anyways, he isn't my type anyway" I shrugged smiling back.

Mason faked being hurt. "I'm not your type? Why not?" He pouted.

Jessica nudged him in the ribs, hard.

"I have a feeling me and you will get along just fine" I smirk at Jessica.

"I was just joking baby, you're the only one for me" Mason smiled, his arms going around Jessica's waist, and kissed her.

I smiled at them. They were so cute, I wish I had that.

A group of three girls are now standing beside us, whoa I never noticed them.

"HEY, NEW GIRL. WHO DO YOU THINK YOU'RE FLIRTING WITH?" Some blonde haired girl screams in my face.

She looks so angry, it's too funny... No I can't laugh, no I won't...

"AHHAHHAHAHAHHAHA" Damn it, I laughed.


I took in her features. Who was she calling ugly? Has she seen her own face? I mean dude, I'm not one to judge, but SHE was calling ME ugly? Okay there.

"I'm sorry sweetie, but you yourself aren't that pretty either" I bit my lip to stop my laughter.

"How dare you? I'm gorgeous for your information, and I heard you were flirting with my man!" She growled.

"You haven't looked into a mirror have you? Just judging by your makeup, I know you didn't so calm down. And who's your boyfriend? Ryan?" I smirked at her.


"So she's not your mate?" I turned to face Ryan.

"Nope" He shook his head.

I clutched his shirt in my hand, and brought his face closer to mine. My legs wrapped around his waist, and his hands traveled to my waist and back trying to support me. I crashed my lips to his, and it was pure bliss. It made me feel the same as when Damon kissed me, but this felt better. You could feel the love and lust raiding off us both, and soon I was against the lockers. His tongue wrestled with mine for a while, until a voice interrupted us.

"You know Carol stomped off about five minutes ago, you can stop now" Jessica smirked at me like she knew my plan.

I let go of Ryan, and was on my two feet again.

"Thanks" I smiled at Jessica.

"So wait you did that on purpose?" Chris looked shocked.

"Yup" I nodded.

"Awesome!" He high fived me.

"Wait so you used me?" Ryan smirked at me.

"Yeah to piss her off" I shrugged at him.

"Well I think you owe me a new girlfriend, care to be mine?" Ryan smiled, and pulled me closer towards him.

I was shocked. His girlfriend? I didn't even know why I felt half the things I did for him, I couldn't explain any of it. But I knew this was way to sudden for me.

"How about no?" I smiled at him teasingly.

His eyes immediately showed hurt, and I felt bad.

"Why not?" He lowly growled.

I noticed no one was with us anymore, I guess he mind linked them to leave.

"You're my mate, are you going to deny me?" He growled again with his eyes looking at the ground.

Mate? But I already had two, unless both of them mated already?

The thought sunk in. Damon mated with her.

"Ryan, I need time. I didn't know you were my mate" I said honestly.

"Time for what?" He growled.

I took his hand in mine, "I really do like you, a lot. But I've been through so much, I don't think I 'd be a good mate, I'm broken beyond repair" I looked at the floor but I could feel his eyes on me.

"I understand" He said through his teeth.

"Please don't be mad, I just don't want to rush okay? Can't I get to know you first?" I smiled up at him.

His expression changed. He looked excited, and happy.

"Agreed, but I don't want you with other boys" He pouted slightly.

"Fine, and same rule applies to you" I smiled at him, and pecked his lips lightly for five seconds before he could make it a make out session.

I'm not sure how I feel about Ryan yet, I just know I have to do small things like kiss him, and hold his hand, well because he's Alpha, and they get very possessive. I know I'm attracted to him like I was to Damon, but I still feel a pang in my chest when I think of Damon being with Leanne, or anyone else. But I also couldn't help but feel jealous of the girls Ryan's been with. Why did life have to be so complicated?

"What class do you have now baby?" Ryan asked.

I giggled at the pet name, already? Really? Well at least he was being cute.

"English, you?" I smiled up at him.

"English" He said as he intertwined our fingers and pulled me in the direction of class.

When we walked in, I noticed that Jessica, Mason, and Zane were in this class. We took our seats behind Mason and Jessica, and I couldn't help but smile back at Jessica when she winked at us.

A red headed girl walked up to Ryan and sat on his desk.

"I heard you and Carol broke up, so want to come over to my house afterschool? Just like the old days" She winked at him.

I growled, which made her jump.

"Actually he has plans with his girlfriend" I said angrily, and raised mine and Ryan's hand, to show her our intertwined fingers.

"So scram" I growled.

I didn't even know what came over me, but I could hear Ryan's chuckling bringing me back to reality.

"Feisty, I like" He winked at me.

I groaned in embarrassment as what just happened, and took my hand from his.

"I thought you said you wanted to get to know each other first before becoming my girlfriend?" He smirked at me.

"Yeah I did?" I raised an eyebrow, not knowing what he was talking about.

"And I quote, 'he has plans with his girlfriend'" He smiled.

My eyes went wide, and I could feel my cheeks turning pink from embarrassment. I didn't even know I said that!

"Sorry" I mumbled as I put my head down on the desk.

I felt Ryan's hands going around my waist, and pulling me onto his lap.

"No no, you're my girlfriend now" He whispered into my ear.

I just can't help it anymore. Every time he talks, touches, or smiles at me, I get this feeling in my stomach, and I just don't want to ever leave him.

I buried my head in his chest, not from embarrassment but because he smelt so good it was hard to resist.

"You smell so good" I moaned.

He chuckled, and one of his hands started playing with my hair, as the other was rubbing circles on my back.

I lifted my head up too look into his beautiful green eyes.

"You're beautiful you know that" He stated more than asked.

I giggled, and crashed my lips to his. His hands went to my thighs, as he started to rub them. My hands went around his neck, and tangled in his hair.

After a couple of minutes, he pulled away, his face still an inch away from mine.

"The teachers here" He whispered.

I turned around to see a very angry English teacher.

"I presume you're the new student!" He half yelled.

"Yes Mr. Kentai" I smiled shyly.

"Introduce yourself to the class" He said impatiently.

"I'm Alexis-Reine, nice too meet you all. Oh, and this is my boyfriend Ryan, so hands off girls" I winked, and sat back down to see Ryan smirking proudly.

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