The Unholy Bible

By TrickGraell

269 24 0

After a teenager loses 8 classmates in a tragic accident, he goes to Antarctica to get away from his grief. ... More

That Night When Everything Went Wrong
An Unlikely Main Character
Hello Antarctica, My Name is XXXXX
HI MY NAME IS Public Enemy #1
Lucifer is NOT the Devil
Trick Graell
Trick Graell, Continued
Rico Cares More About His Sex Life Than His Job
The Girl Who was Lost in the Snow
The Council of the Inner Circle of Heaven
Enter: The Woohoo/Smite Button
The Birth of Hawky Bubble, Master of Purgatory
Yeezus, Lucifer and Trick's Fun Weekend (with explosions!)
The Airship
Grocery Shopping
Licking Wounds (AKA now KISS) (AKA the Shipping Chapter)
Birthday Wishes
Fallen Angel's Heritage
Meanwhile, Back at Home
Rico Gets His Job Back
Grocery Shopping- the Reekquel
Rescuing Lucifer's Jacket

sHIT Antarctica is cold

10 2 0
By TrickGraell

"Son of a..." I muttered under my breath as I rubbed my hands together.

Antarctica is really cold when the sun sets. Really, really cold.

Looks like I was going for option two:

Die trying.

My boots were filled with snow and a blizzard seemed ready to start at any moment. Maybe it was my cold brain being delirious but I had a feeling that if I didn't find "Casa del NOPE" soon I'd die in an Antarctican blizzard.

I thought of my brother. What would he say if I died chasing a ghost of a chance?

Worst of all, the signs appeared to be leading me straight into a cliff. It would be laughable if the "Casa del NOPE" really was in the cliff.

Chuckling, I trudged forwards.


a   f e w   m i n u t e s     l a t e r

I could see something in front of me. It was a speck, but the closer I got, it grew...

Her hair.

Her face.

I started running, to the best of my ability. The snow was ice here, and it made running easy.

I opened my mouth. "L-"

She- it- vanished. I was right in front of the cliff. In my vision's place, a wooden sign.

Casa del NOPE, 50 feet.

50 feet?!? I was literally in front of the cliff. Where would I go? Run up the cliff? Eh, worth a shot.

I stepped forwards and heard a click under my feet. The next thing I knew, I was flying through the air at a scary pace. I shrieked in terror as my eyes flitted to the ground, which was a long ways below me. If I didn't land on that cliff I'd kick the bucket for sure. Below, a hidden spring bounced into existence.

Oh. That was clever.

With a thud, I landed face-first on the cliff. I winced as I accidentally bit my lip. Sighing with relief over the fact that I didn't do more damage, I uneasily got to my feet and walked forwards, looking around expectantly. Ahead of me wasn't a building, but two of the same wooden signs that got me to this point. I started to worry. How would I get off of this cliff once I found the "Casa del NOPE"?

Then, I read the signs.

Congrats, bitch! You flew 50 feet forwards AND up! Overshot a bit, didn't you? There WAS a back door.

My heart flew into my throat. I could feel the heartbeats shaking my entire body.

Where to go next, but DOWN?

"WAIT-" I started, fear lacing my voice.

A familiar voice cackled evilly. "Too late."

A click, and next thing I knew, I was falling.  

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