#secret admirer: A Sam and Ca...

By Anondorf

420K 9.4K 1.8K

(Girlxgirl) Sam likes Cat. Sam writes her a note. Funny, sexy and romantic things happen. Read it...or don't... More

#Secret admirer
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48

Chapter 32

8.1K 148 72
By Anondorf

"Here's a blanket just in case you get chilly. Sam likes to keep the AC on during the night." Said Cat, pulling out the couch-bed and giving Carly a blanket. "Thank you, Cat. You're such a sweet girl. Are you sure you aren't mad about what happened?" Carly asked hesitantly. "Of course not. I can't do the things you did with her because I'm scared of it. And Sam has needs, so you made her happy when I couldn't, that's all." Cat smiled at Carly and set up the bed for her to sleep in. "You're too nice. I'm so glad Sam met you and not some disgusting smelly thing on the street." said Carly. "Well, she did meet me in a garbage truck and saved my life...so I think that's smelly enough." Cat giggled and Carly smiled, amused at the thought. "I mean...if you want to be her girlfriend for the time you're here so you can leave on a good note, that's okay with me." Cat said. "What? no, I don't want to intrude any more than I already have." Carly said nervously. "Carly it's fine. It's only a week. Make the most of it." Cat reassured her. "I guess you're right. I'll ask her too and if she says no, then I will just have to deal with it." Carly said. "No I told her she gets a week with you. She said it's fine with her." Cat said. Carly laid on the couch bed and yawned, "Thank you." Carly said and dozed off. "No problem. Night..." Cat felt a tear streak her face when she thought about that moment, just a few hours ago. They still had passion for each other and Cat knew it, she just wished she didn't have to hear it and become hurt, heartbroken, and jealous. "I could never satisfy Sam. Maybe they do need to be together again..." Cat thought. "No I love Sam and I'm not going to let her go that easily!" Cat shook her doubts from her head and frowned. "it's just a week, calm down. Sam only has Carly because I gave her to her. I set myself up for this..." Cat cried more and went to her bed to cry herself to sleep. She woke up later to get into Sam's bed, only to see that Carly was in it already, snuggling Sam. Cat's eyes narrowed at Carly, feeling a lump in her throat and her fists clench at the scene. But she took a deep breath and decided to let her jealousy go. "Only a week....only a week..." Cat took deep breaths and decided to go sleep on the couch bed. She sat down on it, but instantly got up and found a small wet spot on the centre. "Ewwww...Carly juice." Cat said as she got up to change her pajama pants and sleep in her bed. She was awakened by soft moans and giggles, then an occasional "Sam, no." Or "Carly stop." Cat was becoming angered by how passionate they were and just tried to block them out with music from her Pearpod, eventually falling asleep soundly. Carly had spoken Italian to arouse Sam, while Cat was trying to rest. "Vuole giocare con me?" Carly asked Sam and kissed her. "Yyyyesss?" Sam answered, unsure what it meant. They proceeded to have sex with Cat still in the room. Sam had her face deep in Carly's crotch and Carly couldn't control her volume. "Leccami mi Figa!" She screamed and shook convulsively. Cat flinched at the sound and everything went silent. Sam and Carly were breathing heavily and Cat pretended to be asleep when she heard one of them get up. she laid face down in her bed and sobbed into her pillow. Sam heard her and got up to check on Cat. "Hey, are you okay...?" Sam asked, still dazed. "Oh I don't know, I just heard my girlfriend have sex with someone else while I was in the room. How would you feel after that?!" Cat screamed and shook violently, clawing at her pillow with tears rolling down her cheeks. Sam frowned and said, "But you never want to have sex with me. And you told me and Carly that it was okay." She said. Cat realized how bipolar she was acting and took a deep breath. "I know that I'm not very good at intimacy or making a solid decision...but I know that I don't want you to leave me." Cat said and held onto Sam. "I feel like since you've known her longer and you two both like sex a lot, you'll leave me for her." Sam held Cat and soothed her. "Carly may be good at sex, but I still am with you. It doesn't matter if you're scared of sex or even me touching you sexually, I still love you and I want us to take things slow so you don't get uncomfortable and move too fast." Sam said. "What about you and Carly?" Cat peeped. "Don't worry, we're still best friends. We just get a rush from our beneficial friendship now." Sam said and sighed. "She left a wet spot on the couch bed..." Cat deadpanned. Carly came back and saw Sam and Cat holding each other on Cat's bed. she didn't want to interrupt so she laid back on Sam's bed. "Did you really leave a wet spot on the couch bed, Carls?" Sam asked, slightly amused. "Sorry." Carly said and shrugged. Cat just clenched Sam by the shirt and pulled her down to cuddle and they wrestled playfully until Cat gave Sam a kiss and fell asleep. Sam didn't leave her side. "You coming back for round 3?" Carly asked from the other side. "Nah, I'm gonna stay right here." Said Sam as she stared at the ceiling, holding Cat. Carly fell asleep eventually and Sam stayed awake most of the night, kissing Cat whenever she saw her frown or whimper in her sleep.

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