Avenge | Book 2

By retiredwhore

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Avenge | Book 2 Book 1: Avenge | Book 1 *•*•*•*•*•*•*•*•*•*•*•*•*•*•*•*•*•*•*•*•*•*•* Project P.E.G.A.S.U.S S... More

Project P.E.G.A.S.U.S
Agents Quill & Barton
The Secret That Should Stay A Secret
Washington DC
Forced Leave of Absence
"Tselevaya Izuchayetsya."
Code 13
Conference Room 103
The Gym
Good Ol' Pals
No Hero
Helicarrier Attack
The Trading Cards
"Aunt Grace"
Chitauri Battle
The Rest
Moving Day
New Neighbor
Old Friends
New People
Dinner & Training
The Ball
Brother & Sister Day
Back Home
Changed Number


605 25 6
By retiredwhore

Few Days Later
Brooklyn Cemetary

"We are gathered here to celebrate the life of Rebecca Barnes-Proctor..." The priest announces as we all sit around in front of the grave and the casket. I already feel the tears welling up in my eyes.


"And to say a few words, Rebecca's oldest, James Barnes-Proctor." The priest informs, a dark haired man with a black suit on stands up and heads to the podium.

A small smile forms on your face as you take in his features. He has the Barnes' family's famous sharp jaw and sparkling eyes. But his eyes might just be shining from the tears. I haven't met James yet at the family house since he had to get time off.

James clears his throat before starting his eulogy. "Ma was one of the best women in the world." He starts, my smile gets a little bit bigger as I hear his Brooklyn accent shine through. "I'm not saying that because I'm her son, I'm saying it because she was. She was always welcoming to everyone we brought home while still protecting us.

"She always made sure we deserved what we got." He admits. "Not in a violent way, but in like a Mom way. If I were to be mean to little Charles or Soph, she'd set me straight. Scold me and send me to my room without dinner. Or if I had plans to go to the movies that weekend, I wouldn't be allowed to.

"Ma also encouraged us to follow our dreams, even if they were a bit far fetched." James lets out a quiet chuckle along with some of the crowd. "When I was ten and told her I wanted to become a superhero because I grew up with her always tellin' us stories about our Uncle Stevie and how he saved our Uncle Buck and thousands of people," He sends a smile our way, I look at Steve to see his tears finally streaming down his face.

"Or shall I call him the beloved nickname 'the little kid from Brooklyn who always got his ass beat?" He lets out another chuckle, I smile widely while nudging Steve with my arm. "Anyways, when I told her that she laughed but said I can be whoever I want to be. As long as I keep my mind set and know what I'm doing is what I want to do.

"But the best advice I ever got from my Ma is something she said when I was in a tough place." A tight-lipped smile comes across his face as he recalls the memory. "It was my senior year in high school and I didn't get accepted into the college that I've dreamt about going to since freshmen year... It was also the year where my girlfriend of two years decided to cheat on my with my best friend.

"So, as one would, I kind of went into a depression." He sighs. "My grades started dropping, I didn't go to my practices, didn't even want to go to school, barely even got out of my room unless I needed to go to the bathroom, and I didn't eat for days.

"I blocked myself from the world until Ma came in my room one day and..." James gets choked up on his words as tears start to run down his cheeks. "Sorry." He sniffles and wipes his eyes. "She said something that I didn't know would stick with my for my whole life.

"She said..." He bites his lip. "No matter what happened, who you are, what you did, keep on keepin' on." He smiles. "The simple, cliche words literally made me sob at the time." He confesses. "It had such a deeper meaning.

"It meant, like she said, whatever happened, who I am, what I did, I just need to power through it.... It meant if I didn't get through what I was going through at the time, I wouldn't be able to get out of it.

"If I didn't keep on keepin' on, I probably wouldn't be where I am today." James looks over everyone. "If don't know, I'm Chief of the local police department. If I gave up and just sat on my ass instead of getting back on my feet, I wouldn't have made my Ma proud." He shines his pearly whites and nods a thank you before setting off the stage.


"That was a good speech, kid." I compliment as I walk up to James. He looks up from his mother's grave to look at me. "Well, not speech... but it sounds better than saying 'nice eulogy'." I try to lighten the mood, he smiles slightly. "I'm sorry for you loss."

"It's as much of a loss to me as it is to you... Auntie Grace." He counters with a small smirk, I let out a breathy laugh while looking down at our feet. "Ma loved to tell stories to Cassie about what you did." He smiles.

"I was pretty great." I jokingly admit.

"Still are." He points out, I shake my head no.

"You don't know what I've done when I was gone."

"That's true." He nods. "But I know what you've done since you've gotten back." He admits. "SHIELD reached out to me when you found Mom. Gave me the list of your mission assignments and reports... You really do live up to the stories she used to tell."

"I would hope so." I mumble.

"Just remember... keep on keepin' on." He reminds, we both go silent.

"I hope you and Steve know that you're invited to my place for the holidays. Your great nieces and nephews would love to meet you two." James offers.

"I don't want to intr--"

"You wouldn't be, you're family." He smiles.

"Thank you." I pull him for a hug.

After Funeral
Brooklyn Graveyard

"Hey, Buck." I greet as sit down on the grass in front of his gravestone. "How've ya been, hun?" I sadly smile. "Don't answer that or I'll freak out." I laugh to myself.

"Just got done with Bec's funeral." I frown while playing with the grass under me. "Steve and I tried not to cry but..." I sniffle. "Obviously didn't work." I feel the tears forming in my eyes again. "I met her kids, they were amazing... Invited me and Steve to their next family gathering since I'm their aunt and Steve is practically family. They're nice, you would've loved them.

"I also... uh..." I clear my throat. "Remember all the stuff I confessed to you the last time I was here? A couple days before going to Asgard?" I question like he could answer. "Well, I told Sammy and Stevie a few days ago." I let out a breathy laugh. "They're just worried.

"The little ol' punk we've been worried about since we both laid eyes on is now worrying about me." I chuckle while shaking my head. "Ironic, huh?" I purse my lips. "But, as much as I hate to say it, Sammy has been worrying about me since the VA meetings.

"He said after I met with him after the first meeting is that he though the reason I was so strong and mighty is because I was trying to hide what happened in the past." I reminisce. "That little asshat knew me from the start. I think that's why he's one of my, as the kids say it these days, 'besties'." I laugh to myself. "He grown to be an older brother too, mind the age gap."

"Anyways, I don't want to bore you like I used to when I had a bad day with one of the troops." I sigh while standing up. "Even though you would just sit with me and plant a kiss on my forehead, agreeing with me even if I was right or not." My voice starts to break at the end of my sentence.

"Sorry for all the crying." I wipe my eyes. "I just... seventy years later and I still miss you so much... and I'm going to miss Beca so much too." I bury my face in my gloved hands.

After a few minutes of me just standing there, crying, I feel an arm wrap around my shoulders that brings me into a firm chest.

"We all miss him, Gracie." Steve's voice informs as rubs my back. "Especially with Beca's passing. Every time someone passes, it reminds us of what we lost. We just have mourn and remember the times that we did have with them."

"Why do you always give such great advice?"

"I wouldn't be the Star Spangled Man with a Plan if I wasn't good at something." He says causing us both to laugh.


This is the end of the second book! Next book in the series will start idk when. Sorry for the kind of depressing ending.

~Zoe aka Meowlnir

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