Alpha Brothers - The Cold Hea...

By penniebroekman1

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Welcome to the last and final book of the Alpha Brother series and probably the one filled with the most dram... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Other Alpha Brothers Books
Fallen Tales series
Other books

Chapter 31

444 22 0
By penniebroekman1

Chapter 31
I stormed out of the house, my body feeling on fire. My wolf had raised up inside of me, wanting to kill anything in sight. I knew it was only a hug, I knew it meant nothing. But it didn't change anything about what I had said. It was true. She could be with the vampire and her family would still want him more than me.
"Well, well, well. The Big Bad Wolf, finally on his own," I turned around at the sound of a lad's voice as he and four others came around the side of the house.
I groaned, not being able to catch a break.
"Please," I begged, "it's been a really long day. I really don't need this right now."
"Wow, you Macangus sure do want everythin', don't you," the ring leader, snarled, "you know, you have to fight for our women around here. You just don't get given them."
"Then go fight for her then," I growled, "she wouldn't take you no matter what she felt about me."
"That's not the point, now is it Macangus," he told me, "You know, I lost my brother in one of your attacks. Angus lost his Ma. And Eudard lost both his parents."
"I told know what to say. What do you want from me?" I asked giving in, "do you want to fight? Is that what you want?"
He shrugged, "sure, I wouldn't mind puttin' you Macanguses in your place."
I took off my shirt as he did the same. The other wolves backed off giving us space.
"Are we doin' it with fists or wolves?" I asked, knowing if I shifted, I wouldn't be sure if I could remain myself.
"Fists," he answered, "otherwise I might be up for murder charges."
I rolled my eyes. Cocky bastard. Shaking out my arms, I held my fists in front of my face, readying myself. The wolf did the same, cracking his neck. I waited for him to make the first move. He took a step forward and swung. I was able to jump out of the way and jab him in the stomach before backing away a little.
"Trick shot, Macangus," he groaned, but it wasn't. It was a smart shot.
He recovered quickly, throwing a punch to my shoulder before taking a hit to my jaw. I shook the shock away, kicking him in the gut twice and pushing him to the ground. He stumbled but quickly recovered.
"Why are you doin' this?" I asked him, "What do you have to prove?"
He answered my question with two cheek-numbing punches. For a moment the world went black and my mouth tasted of blood and sweat. Shaking away the knock, I regained consciousness, protecting my head from more punches. I felt a force push me to the ground, winding me for a second.
"Because I'm not lettin' a Macangus bein' a higher rank than me," he spat as I struggled to my feet.
Back again with the Macangus. Was I always going to be judge by a name that I didn't choose? My body became fire as my anger grew inside of me. Now, I was out for blood.
Catching him off guard, I threw punches to his head which he defended before I went for his gut.
He was about to collapse when we were broken apart.
"Hey, hey, hey!" Archie shouted pushing the wolf back before I felt hands lock me still.
I was about to fight them when I realized that one was Malcolm and the other was Tarna.
"What the hell do you think your doin'?" Archie shouted at the wolves, being the beta he was.
"Showin' him how we do thin's around here," the wolf spat, struggling to speak through his swollen lip.
"If you think that this is how we do thin's around here than you haven't been payin' attention, Beathen," Archie growled.
Beathen. The wolf Callum didn't trust.
"I swear, you're on your last legs," Archie warned.
"I was protectin' this pack, somethin' that you lot should be doin'!" He shouted, pointing at the three of them, "you're welcomin' in the enemy."
"We're givin' him the benefit of the doubt," Tarna argued.
"And by the looks of thin's you weren't protectin' us very well," Malcolm stated, "you should get that looked at."
Beathen glared at Malcolm, not liking his smartarse attitude. Finally, he gave up and went the way he came with the others following.
"I'm goin' to kill him," I mumbled, struggling to stand.
"Not if Allie finds him first," Archie said turning around to us, "you look horrible."
"I'm fine," I mumbled, my nose filling with blood, "I heal fast."
"We better get you inside," Tarna stated as they turned me towards the door.
"Stop, I can do it myself," I told them.
"Nicholas, you can barely stand," Malcolm reminded me.
"Let us help you," Tarna asked.
I shook my head. I didn't deserve their help.
"No, I'm fine. I've been through worse."
"Nicholas -."
"I'm fine!" I snapped, pulling out of their grip and storming back through the house.

I stood, naked, at the edge of the clearing that opened out to the back yard. It had never felt so good to run out my troubles and see them through a fresh mind.
But now it was time to fight again. Not against Hector or my family. But for the love of my mate and the future we will share.
Pulling on the clothes that I had left for myself, I stood, already for war. Taking in a deep breath, I walked across the grass and up the back steps to the back of the house. It was a simple walk down the silent corridor till I got to the void. Up the stairs I went till I finally got to the fourth gallery. The rich odour of blood masked with the sweet scent of my mate made me halt and swallow.
Looking down, red dots on the carpet led a trail to my bedroom door. I followed them, not allowing myself to believe the worse.
It's just paint, I told myself though I've seen blood enough time to know what it was, it's just red paint.
When I opened my bedroom door, I was half expecting to see Nick, barely alive and covered in blood. My head shot up and found my bathroom door opened and heard the hissing of water. I frowned, shutting the door and walking into the bathroom where the drops of blood continued. Steam filled the room, hiding a naked Nick. Though, I wasn't focused on him. My eyes widen as the sight of the red stained water that washed down the drain.
"Nick!" I cried out, swinging open the glass shower door.
Nick turned around, startled, looking like a dear in the headlights. As soon as he realized it was me, he turned his bloody body away.
"Allie, you weren't supposed to see!" he yelled at me.
"Did Graham do this to you?" I asked him, reaching over to turn the tap off.
He groaned, frustrated with me.
"No, I didn't know who they were," he told me, but his eyes were telling a different story.
"God Nick, your such a horrible liar!" I yelled, "Who was it?"
He groaned again, pushing me out of the way to grab the towel from the rack to cover himself.
I stood, staring down at him, my blood boiling. How could someone do this to him? How could someone in the pack, harm him, knowing exactly who he was?
"I'm goin' to kill whoever did this," I warned.
"I can fight my own battles, thanks," he snapped at me.
I narrowed my eyes at him, looking at his bruised eye, bleeding nose and busted cheek.
"By the looks of thin's you can't," I snapped back, gesturing to his face.
"Hey, I gave as good as I got," he reassured me.
I scoffed, taking his word for it. Turning around, I took the hand towel and turned on the basin tap. Once the towel was wet, I turned off the tap.
He frowned, not understanding what I was doing.
"Sit down," I ordered.
He rolled his eyes but did as I asked, siting on the bath's edge.
"Stop," he groaned as I got closer to him, "You don't like blood."
"Well, lucky enough for you, I love you more. Now say still," I demanded, dabbing his bruised eyes with the damp towel.
I smiled when I felt his arms come around my waist pulling closer to him.
As I washed his eye, I began to think about our argument earlier and Justin's and mine's hug.
"Nick, you know that hug between Justin and I, it didn't mean anythin'. I mean, Justin doesn't – didn't mean anythin'."
"But you never told me about him," he said, looking into my eyes.
"I didn't tell you about any of them. I mean, who would want a dirty little slut like me."
"Hey," he said, pulling me closer, "You're not that."
"And you need to stop thinkin' that you're worthless," I told him, "You're a lot more than a Macangus and I'll make sure every single member of this stupid pack sees it or I'll have their heads."
He chuckled, but I was serious.
"Please don't kill anyone because of me. Please," he begged, making me smile.
"I promise. But I can't promise that I can't kill them for other reasons."
He chuckled again, nudging my nose.
"I think I might have your brothers on bored."
"Really?" I said, pulling back, not pretending that I wasn't surprised.
"Aye, Archie, Malcolm and Tarna broke up the fight. They stuck up for me."
"Really?" I asked again, "Even Archie?"
He nodded, "And Callum told me that he believed that my love for you is real."
"I hope so," I teased.
"It's only Graham left,"
His confidence confused me.
"So, if you're so sure, what was earlier about?" I asked.
He paused thinking.
"Reality. I guess, it's my turn to be punished for my family's mistakes."
My heart stunk not liking the idea of him being tortured like I was. I sulked, resting my head on his shoulder. It felt nice to be in his company. I never felt so complete in his arms.
"I do love you, you know," I told him, "So much."
"I know, darlin'," he said, his grip tightening, "I love you, too. More than anythin'."
"Do you think it's worth it?" I asked, "The fightin' just for a tiniest bit of happiness."
"We'll have a lot of happiness, we just need to fight a little harder than most."
Pulling back, I looked into his beautiful brown eyes, "I'm tired of fightin'. I want to wake up without thinkin' that I might not make it through the day."
"You'll make it, I promise," he vowed, making me smile, "Come on, I'll get dressed."
I had something else in mind.
"Well, I can think of somethin' else we can do," I smiled, leaning in closer to his lips.
"Oh, Allie Patterson, you little vixen," he growled, latching onto my thighs.
I cried out in laughter, the action coming so naturally. Lifting me to his hips, he carried me into the room before dropping me on the bed. Throwing off the towel, Nick jumped on me, kissing my neck and delivering hard thrusts already.
"Oh Nick," I cried, biting down hard on my lip to stop my moans.
Nick and I froze at the ear-piecing scream.
"Bleu! Bleu!" Graham roared.
That was all I needed to hear. I pushed Nick off me and ran for the door. The screams got incredibly louder, even making me cover my ears to stop them from bleeding.
The source was Bleu on her knees, crawling at her temple as if there was a. war inside her head. Tears streamed down her cheeks, her eyes squeezed shut, her screaming not lowering. Graham kneed beside her, clutching her body, rocking her back and forth.
"Oh mon Dieu ça fait mal tellement!" She cried, whimpers in Graham's arms.
"Je sais, la petite sorcière, shhh," Graham comforted.
I didn't know what horrified me more. Bleu in so much pain or Graham speaking French!
"You speak French!" I screamed over Bleu.
Graham looked up startled to see me there. I guess he hadn't realized they had an audience.
Nick suddenly appeared next to me, wearing clothes, looking just as confused as I was.
Soon Bleu's screams turned into small whimpers and her eyes slowly opened.
"l'un avec la touche de l'obscurité, mais pas sombre du tout," she murmured, baffling me.
Tucking back a lock of her, Graham asked, "quoi, je ne comprends pas?"
"Can someone please tell me what's goin' on? Preferably in English, please," I asked, a little freaked.
"It was her ancestors," Graham answered.
My eyes widened, "you can communicate with your ancestors now?"
"Allie," Nick hushed me, "let her speak."
Swallowing her tears, Bleu started, "they said, the one that's been touched by darkness but isn't dark at all. Is the one that will bring them together?"
"What the hell does that mean?" Graham asked.
She shrugged, shaking her head, looking absolutely exhausted, "that's all they said."
"Wait, so last night when I asked, what's been goin' on, you couldn't think to say, Bleu's learnt how to contact her dead witchy ancestors which Moira predicted, oh and yeah, I can speak fluent French."
"Can you just shutup for once Allie!" Graham snapped, looking angrier with me than I had seen him in months.
I felt a tug at my arm but I just ignored it till Nick said, "Come on, Allie. Let's give them some space."
I shook him off and ignored him once again watching as my brother tried to comfort his mate. I had made a promise to him last year, that if he had ever hurt his little witch, I would personally kill him. I needed to see if he still was.
"Oh Graham I need water," she groaned, as her complexion whitened and she struggled to stay still.
"Water? Water," he ordered from us.
"I'll go find someone," Nick volunteered.
Pointing to my bedroom, I said "There's a rope behind my curtains. Pull it. Someone will come."
He nodded, taking my word for it and walking back into my room.
"Graham, you need to lie her down," I told him, but he ignored me and just continued to rub her back.
"Do you want to lie down, Little Witch?" he asked her, making my eyes roll.
Of course. My opinion wasn't good enough.
She shook her head, "just water. Just get me –."
She cut herself off, heaving up her guts. I ran to her side myself, rubbing her back as Graham pulled back her hair.
"What's goin' on?" Malcolm asked behind us.
Graham and I half turned to spy, Malcolm, Tarna and Bee in her arms.
"Bleu got another message from her stupid ancestors," Graham grumbled.
"Not again," Malcolm moaned, making my frustration grow.
They all bloody knew. I was about to say what I felt when Bleu's heaving slowly stop.
"Don't worry Bleu," Tarna reassured her, "Your not the only member of this family to vomit on the carpet."
"And definitely won't be the last," I told her, making a small smile appear on her lips but disappeared quick enough. She froze like an embarrassed little lass, looking for a rock to hide under.
Sensing this, Malcolm said, "We'll give you some space," before guiding his family back into the nursery.
"Here's your water," Nick said, coming out with a glass.
I frowned, knowing that was not what I told him to do.
"Where did you get that?" I asked, as he handed the glass to Graham who then placed it to Bleu's lips.
"The basin. I figured that by the time someone climb all those stairs to find out what we wanted then went all the way down to the kitchen and then back up again, Bleu wouldn't want it anymore. So I took the glass with your toothbrush in it and used the water from the tap."
My mouth dropped, half stunned. Not only did he not listen to me but his idea was a lot better than mine.
"Well, I will say this," Graham started, "I'm glad he's not stupid enough to listen to you and he's not like your passed whipped boyfriends."
Nick grinned his cocky smile, glad he had accomplished something.
"Thank you," Bleu murmured, taking the glass for herself.
"Do you want to lie down?" Graham asked her again.
This time she nodded and allowed him to scoop her up in his arms and carry her down the corridor to their room. Nick offered out his hand and helped me to my feet. I was thankful for his strong arms that came around me, keeping me stable on my feet.
"Families, right?" he chuckled.
"Aye, are you sure you still want to be a part of this family? Sadly, this is an everyday occurrence?"
He sighed, shrugging, "I think I can live with it. If you can?"
"With you here. I can survive anythin'."

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