Let's Say || TaeKook

By jeontaelove

184K 6.1K 2K

My first ever Taekook fanfic Date ended: 07/07/17 More

Lets Start
First (1.2)
First (1.3)
First (1.4)
Second (2.2)
Second (2.3)
Blood, Sweat and Tears
Fifth (5.2)
Fifth (5.3)
Seventh (7.2)
Eight (8.2)
Twelve (12.2)
Fourteenth (14.2)
Fourteenth (14.3)
Sixteenth (16.2)
Seventeenth (17.2)
Twenty One
Twenty Two
Twenty Three
A/N 2.0
Twenty Four


4K 149 32
By jeontaelove

Jimin's POV

" Hey Kookie, what do you want to eat for dinner? " I asked. We're here inside our condo doing nothing. Its kinda boring, but its okay we're tired from school after all.

" I want some meat for dinner Chim. How bout you? " He replied as he slam his back on the couch.

" Meat. " I replied.

" Who's going to cook? " We said in unison and laughter filled the room.

" Okay. So whose gonna cook? " Jungkook asked as he calm himself from laughing too much.

" You? " I asked back raising an eyebrow towards him.

" Me? " He said pointing himself.

" Yes. You Kookie. " I replied.

" Awwww. Fine. " He said and crossed his arms. " But you're the one to pay the grocery. "

" WHAAAAT? " I exclaimed.

" Whatever Chim. I cook, you pay. We don't have enough foods inside the fridge. " He said then went to his room.

We just did grocery last time.

Aish. This kid. 

" Lets go? " He said as he went out of his room.

" Like i can say no to you. " I said bluntly.

" I know right. You love me that much. " He said while patting my shoulder.

You thought.

" Hey wait. " I said as he close the door right into my face. " Yah! Why you do that? "

" You're slow as always Chim. " He replied then chuckle.

" Tsk. Whatever Kook. " Then i pass through him.

" Oh no. Hey am just kidding. " He said as he approached me. I didn't respond to him and fasten my pace.

" Hey Chim, wait for me. " He said as he chased me.

" You're slow Kookie. " I mimic him.

" Aish. Yaaaah! If you wont slow down i wont go with you. " Why is it he always know my weakness. This kid. I stop and face him.

" Faster, you're slow kid. " I said then crossed my arms.

" Walk slowly now Chim. The grocery store won't go anywhere " He said as soon as he got near me.

" So what are we going to cook? " I asked.

" What do you want? " He asked back.

" Hmmm. Grilled? How about - "

" Pork belly. " We said in unison.

" Pork belly then. How about some sausage too? " I said while thinking what else to add.

" Its fine with me. " He replied and smile. " What else? "

" Hmm. You? What do you wanna eat? " I look at him and waited for his answer.

" Well, i want some fried rice. " He said while smiling. " Its easy to cook after all. " He added.

" Kimchi fried rice? " I suggested.

" Its fine. As long as its fried rice. " I nod to him.

" Okay Okay. " i said then pat his head.

We entered the grocery store and grab a basket. We headed to the meat section first to buy some pork belly and more meat, in case we want to eat more.

" How i miss eating mom's dish. " Jungkook said.

" Awwn. Its okay Kookie-ah we can visit our parents this coming holiday. Just wait a bit. The class just got started you know. " I said as i pat his shoulder.

" I know Chim. " He half smiled.

" Cheer up Kookie. Why don't you tell your mom to come over instead? " i suggested, yeah why not?

" Well you know, mom and dad is always busy with the company. Right? " He said, i can see sadness in his eyes.

" How about mom will come instead? She'll cook for us. How about that? " I offered. My mom is always at home.

" Jinja? " his mood lighten up a bit.

" Yes Kookie. I'll tell mom to come over. She'll loved that. " I smile to him.

" Gomawoyo Jimin-ah. " He hug me. Oh how i love this. The person I love is hugging me. Can we stay like this forever?

" Ohhh. How a cute couple you are. " someone said. Jungkook break from the hug. Aishh. I'm loving the moment here.

" Oh no. Its a misunderstanding. " Jungkook said as he wave his hands, a sign that he strongly disagree.

" Hmmmmn. " A woman hummed, i think she's in her early 20's. " You look cute together. "

" We're best friends. We're not couple. " He explained and smiled.

" Awww. But why? " she asked. Yeah, why. I also wonder why.

" Huh? " Jungkook raised an eyebrow.

" Well, i think relationships starts from being friends. " She said. " What i mean is that before being a couple you started as being best friends right? A lot of couples are like that.  " She added.

" Well yeah. " Kookie kinda agreed.

" And I can tell that something,  let me rephrase that, someone is head over heels over someone. " She said and gave me a full smile and wink at me. 

" What- "

" Lets go Jungkook. We still got a lot of stuffs to grab before going home. " I cut him off, grabbing his hands.

" Wait, I'm still - " He haven't finished what he's saying cause i pulled his hands already, that woman. " Goodbye miss. Nice talking to you. " He shouted.

I let go of his hands and stop from walking. That was close.

" Hey. Anything wrong Jimin? " Jungkook asked.

" Aniyo. Its nothing. " I said. " Lets go take something else. There's nothing left in our fridge right? "

" Yeah, lets go. "


If you already read this book already, you'll notice that I haven't edited it much

I still want my first experience on writing to be present

I'm just adding some thoughts that will make it more interesting than the previous one

Thank you so much for reading

~ dee

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Hello Army, This is my first time writing a fanfiction. I hope that you all like it and sorry for any mistakes.