Your So Audio

Oleh MadHatter10

6.9K 78 16

"We were all together now, all best friends with each other and couples The loved up Shaun and Caity who coul... Lebih Banyak

Your So Audio
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4 & 5
Part 6
Part 7
Part 8
Part 9
Part 10
Part 11
Part 12
Part 13
Part 14
Part 15
Part 16
Part 17
Part 19
Part 20
Part 21
Part 22
Part 23
Part 24
Part 25
Part 26
Part 27
Part 28
Part 29
Part 30
Part 31
Part 32
Part 33
Part 34- Youth Rock
Part 34
Part 35
Part 36
Part 37
Part 38

Part 18

181 2 0
Oleh MadHatter10

Jake’s POV:

The bus rolled up and Harry and I hopped on, I walked down and saw a girl with long brown hair and big brown hazel eyes to match. She was in single, shorts, leather jacket and flip flops. She wasn’t from here.   

I noticed her smiling at me. I introduced myself to her, and she seemed pretty cute. We had a few classes together which was pretty good.

One day on the bus I realized her music was really loud and I thought it sounded familiar. I tapped her on the shoulder and she jumped.

“Is that One Direction? Do they listen to them in Australia?” I asked.

“Yeah, I love them. They were on the charts for like, three weeks! I love the song What Makes You Beautiful” she smiled. I smiled back, she was really pretty.

“That is a nice song. It suits you pretty well” I told her. She blushed and awkwardly looked away. From the corner of my eye, I could see her staring at me. What could this mean?

“Hey, can I get your number?” I asked her. She held out her phone and I gave her mine. It was an Iphone. As I pressed the button down the bottom a girl’s face appeared right in front of me. It gave me a bit of a shock.

“Who’s that?” I laughed showing her what I meant.

“Oh, that’s Mady! She’s my best friend!!” she replied laughing. When the bus stopped at my stop I said good bye to her and started walking off with Harry. I looked up at her through the window as the bus passed us and she waved; I waved back.

“Who’s that?” Harry teased.

“Caitlin. From Australia. Exchange student. She’s really cute” I smiled. Harry winked at e and I pushed him over.

1 week later.

Mady’s POV:

We were slowly getting used to not having Caity around; but we were all worried about Shaun. At that moment I got a text from her saying “HELP!!! THERES A GUY ON MY BUS WHO’S NAME IS JAKE! HE REMINDS ME OF SHAUN AND I KEEP FORGETING THAT HES NOT SHAUN!! I’m so worried I might do something stupid! But I would never ever in a MILLION year cheat on Shaun. Please don’t tell him. I don’t want him freaking out! I’ve also been so hungry and vomiting in the morning! I think is a cold though ): Hope you having fun!”She sounded so distrusted so I called her, She picked up on the second ring

“MADY!! Did you get m text?” She said sounding worried

“Yea, What’s wrong?”

“EVERYTHING!! I’m sick! I’m home sick! I cry every night because I miss you all so much! School sucks! Keely’s not there half the time, coz of soccer and Jake!!!!! He looks like Shaun and I keep forgetting that his NOT Shaun!!! It’s my birthday in 4 days, I’m going to be 18 and I don’t have any friends to go clubbing with!!!” She cried into the phone.

“You’ll be fine! If it makes you feel better we all miss you and are seeing you on the holidays!!!” I cheered.

“It makes me feel a bit better, how Shaun?”

“Um, not doing so well, His really depressed and has been acting kinda wired.” I sighed

“Great! I have to see him soon!” She complained

“Yea, he missed you so much, any ways I gotta go, it’s like 1 am, Love you!” I said before hanging up the phone. I closed my eyes and went to sleep. When I got up the next morning I walked over to Bradie and Andy’s where I found, Bradie, Andy, Em, Shaun, Nici and Jump

“What’s going on?”I asked sitting down

“NICI HAD AN AMAZING IDEA!!!” Shaun said excitedly, it was the happiest I had seen him science Caity had left.

“What?” I asked

“Well, where going up for Caity 18th, Bradie already bought your ticket, where going up with Caity family though.” Nici explained

“AWESOME! Just  let me cheek with Mum and Dad”, I walked away and retuned 10 minutes later. And sat down

“Well?” Bradie asked. I looked at the floor and sighed

“Well, Mum and Dad said, that…… the thought it was” I said making them all nerves “AN AWESOME IDEA!” I cheered hugging Nici. Before I knew it, I was packing my stuff for England and getting on a plane with Bec, Tony (Caity’s mum and dad), Ryan, Andy, Em, Bradie and one very excited Shaun Diviney. 

Caity’s POV:

I rolled over and dragged myself out of bed, I pulled on my “Short Stack and Tropic Juice” Tee that Shaun and Mady had made for me. I put my bright red shorts, black boots and leather jacket; I still hadn’t grasped the concept of snow in summer . I looked in the mirror and thought 18 today, I wish Shaun was here. I walked down the stairs and found Grandpa Joe, Uncle Colin, Aunty Loran, Tia, Mia and Lai waiting for me.

“HAPPY BIRTHDAY CAITLIN!” Lai screamed hugging me and handing me a present.

“Thank you” I sleepily said. I opened it and it was a beautiful little charm bracelet.

“This is from all of us” Uncle Colin said hugging me.

“Well I love it” I smiled.

“Happy 18th Caitlin” Grandpa Joe said handing me a little green underwater camera.

“THIS IS AWESOME!!!” I screamed hugging him.

“I’m glad you like it! You’re going to miss the bus so hurry up!” he said handing me my stripy bag and hurrying me out the door. I got on the bus and sat next to Morgan as per usual and Justin sat behind us.

“Happy Birthday Caity!!!” Morgan screamed 

“Is it your Birthday? HAPPY BIRTHDAY!” Jake said hugging me

“Thanks guys!” I smiled

“Oii Harry! Can you please take a photo of us?” I said handing him my new camera

“Is this new?” He asked snapping a pic of Me, Morgan and Jake smiling

“Thanks dude!” I smiled taking it back. They all gave me funny looks because nobody over here said dude or oiis! I missed my friends from Aus. The rest of the day was a blur, as per usual. I walked off the bus and skipped home, I was 18 now. I opened the door and found mum, dad, Ryan, Mady, Em, Bradie and Andy, but no Shaun.

“OMFG!!!!!!!!!!!!! GUYS!! WHAT ARE YOU DOING HERE??”I smiled hugging all of them, even Ryan

“It’s you B’day aint it?” Mady smiled

“It’s so good to hear an aussie accent!” I smiled back

“Open the present!” Mum gestured to the giant box on the floor. I pulled the ribbon off it and opened the lid. Shaun popped out hold my real present

“SHAUN!!!!!!” I screamed kissing him passionately.

“Heey, did you miss me?”he smiled holding out the present.

“This is from all of us” Em smiled hugging Andy, I opened it only to find a pair of wireless beats headphones.

“OMG!! GUYS I LOVE YOU!” I said jumping up and down.

“Well, It’s time to give you ours, and I except a reaction like the one Shaun got” Dad joked handing me a little box. I opened it and it was a diamond locked.

“This is amazing!” I cheered hugging Dad and Mum. Mum, Dad, Ryan and the guys stayed for dinner.

“That was lovely” Bradie said after dinner

“Thank you Bradie” Mum said clearing the table

“CAITY! Now that your 18….. where taking you to a night club!!!!!!” Andy cheered

“Okay, not gonna argue that, just don’t get to drunk” Mum said kissing me good bye as we all walked down the street , Me with my new pink and white poofy dress that Ryan gave me, Mady in a white lacey dress, Em in a Red skin tight dress. Andy wore a green top with black jeans, Bradie had a purple singlet and dark blue jeans and Shaun had his most famous look, Blue jeans, an “Honor” top and his black leather jacket. We headed down to the bus stop and caught the bus to Manchester’s closest night club. We walked in and partied for about 5 hours straight.

Em’s POV:

We arrived at the club and went inside. The music was so loud. It was all so exciting. We straight away hit the dance floor, dancing around like no one was watching. I grabbed the girls and we went over to the bar.

“Four beers please” I asked in an English accent. A very failed one.

“Can you make mine a half?” Caity asked uneasily.

“Your 18 now, it’s your first real drink! Why not?” I asked.

“I’ll tell you later” she answered. I payed the waiter and we sat at the bar, watching our guys dance. It was such a funny sight.

A few hours later and we were still in the club. I was dying of thirst so headed over to the bar again. I got a water and sat on the stool. I scanned the ground wondering were Andy was. As I took a deep swig from the bottle my eye caught Andy’s familiar, beautiful face. I also noticed that there was some brunette that was very close to him. At first I thought it was Caity, but I looked over and saw her dancing with Shaun. I kept watching with curiosity at Andy and the random girl. I didn’t recognize her face. They kept dancing and got closer and closer, until their bodies were touching. I put the drink down and kept watching wide-eyed. Then Andy did something I didn’t believe I actually saw. He wrapped his arms around the random girl and kissed her. I stared on, my eyes becoming wet and red. I slowly walked over when they broke apart and grabbed Andy’s collar.

“What was that?” I asked shocked. Judging by his breath, he had too much to drink and was drunk. The girl looked horrified and came charging at me.

“Excuse me? What’s your problem?” she asked. Attitude much.

“I’m his girlfriend!” I said giving her a death stare. She looked at Andy confused.

“You didn’t tell me you had a girlfriend?” she said. I stared at Andy. He looked sad, like he didn’t expect this to happen.

“Andy? Did you plan to pick up with some random person?” I asked. Tears stung my eyes and he looked down at me with those gorgeous bright blue eyes. When he didn’t answer I turned around and ran of towards the bathroom. I stood in front of the mirror. My make-up had run down my face, my hair was messy because of the dancing. I couldn’t believe Andy would do this. I heard the door open and the three girls came running in.

“EMILY! ARE YOU OKAY!” Caity asked giving me a hug.

“No” I sobbed into her shoulder.

“Why did Andy do that?” Mady asked.

Nici ran out and came back about two minutes later.

“Em, Andy wants to talk to you” she said. Did I really want to talk to him? Why would he do this to me?

I cleaned my face and stepped outside the bathroom, the girls behind me. I knew they were planning to bash Andy up for this. Andy was standing alone to the side. His eyes were red and he was banging his head against the wall. Why was he upset about this?

I walked over to him and he stopped his head banging.

“Em-“he started but he didn’t finish when I slapped him hard in the face.

“Andy. Why?” I asked trying not to break down again.

“Em, I love you, I don’t know who that was, to be honest. I would never cheat on you, you mean too much to me” He pleaded

“Andy, I dunno, I’m so hurt, just give me an hour” I said walking off

“EMILY!!!! PLEASE!” Andy begged. I turned around to find him sitting on the ground, he head between his knees and sobbing “Em, I love you! If you leave me… I just” He stared but couldn’t finish because I was kissing him.

“Tell me. Did you feel anything?” I asked as we pulled away

“Yes. I felt nothing when I was kissing her, But I feel like I could kiss you forever”

“Good, I feel that way too” I said taking his hand

“All is forgiven?” He asked wearily

“For now” I Joked. We stayed for a few more hours then caught a cab back to Caity place where she disappeared with Shaun again… nothing happened this time.  Andy, Bradie, Jump and Shaun crashed in the living room and me, Caity, Mady and Nici all slept in Caity room.  

 Caity’s POV:

Andy ended up getting to drunk so he just crashed at my place with everybody else. After we caught a cab home me and Shaun headed up to my bed room, Mum, Dad and Ryan had gone home and Grandpa Joe was fast asleep, he was a heavy sleeper so he didn’t hear anything from that night. I walked back down the stairs holding Shaun’s hand Andy, Bradie and Jump were asleep and Shaun soon crashed on the couch. Me, Mady, Em and Nici crashed in my room and we talked for hours

“So! What’s new babe?” Em asked sitting on my bed.

“Your room is awesome!” Mady cheered

“I so glad you guys are here, I have something really important to tell you, and I think I might have died if I had to wait another 3 weeks until holidays!”I said hugging them.

“Good or bad news?”Nici said sounding concerned.

“Well, I dunno, It’s pretty amazing to know what’s happing, But I’m really scared” I said looking at their concerned faces

“Should I get Shaun?” Em asked with wide eyes

“NO! Not yet!” I screamed


“Well, you know how I’m vomiting and always hungry. And do you remember my going away party. Well yea.” I said patting my stomach

“Are you pregnant???” Mady asked really loud, I put my hand over her mouth and told her to shhhhh

“Yea, I’m really scared. But KNOW BODY ELSE KNOWS!” I said with a huge lump in the throat.

“How about Shaun?” Nici asked hugging me.

“I’ll tell him tomorrow, please don’t tell anybody” I pleaded. We all went to sleep and I felt a bit better knowing that I have told Mady, Em and Nici, but the nerves soon kicked back in when I work up and it was time to tell Shaun. I remembered that I had already told my new friend Jake, before the father. Mady and Nici where already up and I started to get anxious about what Shaun would think. What if he leaves me! What if her has to drop out of school, what if-, my train of thought was interrupted bad a really bad feeling in my stomach. SHIT! I thought to myself, I ran out of the room causing Em to wake up and headed straight for the bathroom and started vomiting in the toilet, Em, Nici and Mady came running down with water and a wet towel.

“Thanks Guys, I’m so glad you’re not ditching me or gonna call me a slut or all that” I said taking a sip of the water

“We would never Caity, you one of my BEST FRIENDS IN THE WORLD!” Mady pleaded with me, the others agreed. I felt the vomit coming up again and I quickly stuck my head in the toilet bowl

“I’m so sorry you have to see me like this” I started crying

“It’s okay, we still love you, come on, let’s go to your room, and me and Mady will get you some water” Em said helping me up.       

Shaun’s POV:

I woke up the next morning to overhear the conversation Mady and Em where having.    

“It makes sense why she has been so sick now!” Em said filling a cup with water

“I know, it’s really weird, to think that happened!!!” Mady said. I started thinking about it more and more, I walked up to Caity’s room where I found her crying and Em, Mady and Nici  looking worried.

“Shaun….” She said crying

“WHAT?” I asked getting nerves

“Umm, can you give us a minute?” She asked the girls. She was holding some form of stick. SHIT! I thought; Em ,Mady and Nici walked out closing the door behind them

“Umm, I don’t know how to say this but umm” She said looking down and sitting on her bed

“But what?” I asked sitting next to her

“Well, Umm do you remember my going away party Mum and Dad threw for me, well um, you should look at this” She said shaking. She handed me the sick she was holding, it turned out to be a pregnancy test. I looked down and it was positive. I just looked at it in disbelief; then I looked up at Caity and she was crying again,

“Uhh” I said wide eyed

“I know…” She said sobbing

“Is it mine?” I asked getting worried

“Yep, I’m positive.” She said looking up

“Have you tried more than one test?” I asked.

“No, just the one”.

“Shit! But we used protection!” I said going white

“Shaun, I love you, but this is too much” She said looking at her feet

“Caity, I PROMISE to look after you and this child.” I said hugging her

“Please don’t leave me” She begged lying on her bed

“I would never dream of it” I said lying next to her. We walked into the living room and Caity looked really scared, I nodded at Mady and she told Bradie and Andy then Nici told Jump. They all stood there in disbelief.

“Is it true?” Andy asked running over

“Yea, I’m going to be a dad” I said sitting on the couch, Mady, Em, Caity and Nici  disappeared off to the kitchen and left Andy, Bradie and Jump looking at me, I felt like I was going to faint.

“Dude. What did you do?” Bradie asked looking shocked

“When did this happen?” Andy asked sitting next to me

“At Caity’s going away party. We used protection!!!” I cried

“Shit, was that they only time?” Jump said going white as well

“I’d rather not say” I said getting up to find Caity

Nici’s POV:

Finding out Caity was pregnant was such a shock to everyone. We weren’t sure on what to do now. Would she tell her parents? We were leaving in a few days to go back to Australia and go back to school. We had recently got told about exams coming up, so that was something to look forward to. Not.

The guys all went out with Shaun somewhere, so that left us girls. We were talking about random stuff while her Grandpa Joe was out visiting relatives when we heard a knock on the door. I ran out the door to open it. A boy with short brown hair and green eyes was at the door, He looked allot like Shaun

“Hello, Is Caitlin there?” He asked in a strong accent

“Yea, um Caity!! There’s somebody at the door for you” I sung down the hall. She came running up and stopped at the door with shock

“Jake, what are you doing here?” She asked

“You told me that I couldn’t come over last night, so I’m here now” He said smiling

“Umm, sure, come in, Everybody, This is Jake. Jake this is Em, Nici and Mady” She said introducing us

“Nice to meet you” He said shaking our hands

“Caity, are you okay.” He asked tuning to her

“Yea, why” she asked confused

“What you told me on the bus…” He said “About the umm, do they know?”

“Yea, we know, who do you know” I asked standing in front of Caity

“She told me on the bus yesterday..” He said confused


“Shaun is the father…. Right” Mady asked going white

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