Part 19

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Bradie’s POV:    

We walked out the door with Shaun to get some fresh air. We had all just found out that Caity was pregnant and Shaun was going to be a dad. Shaun looked like he was going to faint, we sat him down and I gave him my water bottle. We saw some random dude walk down the street and knock on their door. Nici answered the door and Caity came running up and invited him in. Shaun didn’t want to go inside yet but me and Andy walked back over to the door. Before entering we heard loud yelling and crying.

“CAITLIN! WHAT ARE YOU NOT TELLING US!” and “Shaun is the father, right” followed by mumbling and more screaming, but I couldn’t hear what she was saying.  Andy and I looked at each other and headed back for Shaun, he was sat there, white, questioning himself “How? Why me? I can’t go back to Aus; I protest I wouldn’t leave her, I don’t want to leave her, HOW?” I told Shaun what happened and within a second he was running and bursting though the front door, closely followed by, Andy, Jump and myself.

“CAITY! WHO’S THIS??” Shaun questioned her, she burst out in tears again,

“I’m Jake, Caity friend” He protested

“Well, I happen to be her Boy-friend and father of her child!!!!”                Shaun said yelling at him

“SO YOU’RE THE ONE THAT DID THIS TO HER! YOU DICK HEAD! YOU KNOCKED HER UP, AND THEN JUST LEFT HER TO GO HALF AWAY ACROSS THE WORLD!!!!” Jake said yelling, we all stood there in disbelief, Shaun clenched his fist, but Caity came running up and stopped him.

“You think I planned this! YOU THINK I WANTED THIS! YOU THINK I DON’T MISS HER EVERYDAY? AND THAT I WANTED TO GET HER PREGNANT!” Shaun yelled walking out slamming the door behind him, Caity went running after him and left us standing there awkwardly.

“I should go” Jake said showing himself out, we all stood there, silent, we knew shit was going to go down with Shaun and Caity.

Shaun’s POV:       

I ran out the door making sure it slammed behind me. Luckily Grandpa Joe wasn’t there or else it might have given him a heart attack. I wasn’t sure where I was going in this strange town, but I just walked down the unfamiliar road.

“Shaun!” I heard Caity’s voice behind me. I didn’t like hearing her voice the way it was. Scared. I slowed down, but didn’t stop.

“Shaun please!” Caity cried chasing after me. I spun around on my heel and she stopped to. She was staring at me, crying. I felt like a monster doing this to her.

“Why did you tell that guy before you told me?” I asked angrily.

“Because right now he is the only person I can trust in this country” she replied.

“So what about me? What did you think I would do. Leave you?” I asked turn away from her

“I didn’t know, you’re going to be a 19 year old dad, I didn’t know what would happen to us” She pleaded.

“You actually think I would end this because of what I did! This huge mistake!” I said stepping forward taking her hands.

“To be honest, I was scared. Shaun, maybe it’s not as bad as it seems. Yes, I’m shitting myself because I only just turned 18. I was worried about your future too! I didn’t know what we would become! I was frightened we’d become nothing! Me a teen mum who doesn’t finish school and you who is stuck at some dead beat job and don’t go on to continue a music future that I know you want!” she cried.

“Caity, I’m not going to let you drop out of school, And Short Stack can wait, I love you and nothing will change that. I will always love you, and I have done ever since I first layer eyes on you in year 7, do you parents know about this?” I said hugging her

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