Locked in Love

By Bbambi

156K 5.2K 154

Torn away from her long-term boyfriend into an arranged marriage by a century old binding contract, Alice Fab... More

Chapter One- I Don't
Chapter Two- To Have and to Hold
Chapter Three- To Honor and to Obey
Chapter Four- To Love and to Cherish
Chapter Five- For Better or for Worse
Chapter Six- For Richer or for Poorer
Chapter Eight- For as Long as you both Shall Live
Chapter Nine- I Do
Chapter 10- How To Break A Heart
Chapter 11- How to Steal A Heart
Chapter 12- How To Ruin Everything
Chapter 13- If You Love Something, Let It Go
Chapter 14- And If It Comes Back, It's Yours

Chapter Seven- In Sickness and in Health

8.8K 309 9
By Bbambi

hey guys! Sorry i took FOREVER to write this but the summer holidays have been busy and i just havent been motivated to write anything but i will write the chapters and upload them much faster now i promise! Anyone who reads this stupid thingo - I love you <3 :)

Jason did another lap of the room. His chocolate eyes scanned the crowd for the fourth time. The majority of the guests were standing with a glass of wine in one hand, talking happily amongst themselves. A few of Jason’s rowdier friends were already making idiots of themselves on the dance-floor. 

Jason glanced nervously at his watch.

Where is she?

Jason caught sight of his mother standing alone by the bar. Her hair was pulled in to a severe bun at the crown of her head, and she was wearing the type of black gown one might witness at a funeral.

Elnora looked fiercely at her son and pursed her lips. Jason watched, helplessly as she stalked over to him.

The two stood stiffly next to each other. Elnora didn’t even turn her head towards her son as she practically spat her question.

“Where is she?!” she hissed, her eyes blazing and her nostrils flared. 

Jason couldn’t help but notice how much his mother resembled a snake when she pulled that particular expression.


Alice considered herself in the mirror a final time.

She had done her best to restrain her hair, and it had partially worked. The tresses were no long a frizzy mane, sticking out in all directions, but a relatively large mass of smooth loopy, gold curls.

Her makeup was simple. But the lime green of her eyes stood out against the soft grey and mauve of her eyeshadow.

The short woman let her gaze travel down from her face, to the dress that hugged her body lovingly.

It’s fabric, a floaty combination of silk and chiffon, in lilac and mauve. It clung to every curve and contour in a soft flattering way, and extended half way down the woman’s thighs, in delicate layers.

Alice finally decided she looked okay and peeked at her bedside clock. She was now 20 minutes late.


“Sorry! Sorry! I’m S-”

“It’s okay!” Jason grinned, interrupting his wife mid-sentence as she almost toppled over from semi-running, in her five inch heels. She looked amazing. It was enough for him to forgive her lateness.

Alice straightened herself up, shuffling slightly in different directions as she regained her balance.

Jason watched as his wife cutely struggled to stay still and keep from swaying. Clearly she wasn’t the type of girl who wore heels very often.

“Need a hand?” he offered smoothly in a half amused tone.

Alice shot her husband a stern look, but didn’t deny the offer. She grabbed his shirt to keep from falling and steadied herself against his chest. 

Jason beamed down at the blonde haired woman. Even with the addition of her high-heels, his above average stature and her below average height meant that she only barely reached the same level as his shoulder.

It took a few moments for Alice to completely steady herself, and a few more to realize how close she was to Jason. Embarrassed, she flattened her hands against his chest and pushed some distance between them. 

Alice let her palms linger for a few extra seconds before lowering them. She knew he was fit. But not that fit. He was alluringly firm.

Enough, Alice!

She told her mind to shut up before it went any further.

“Are you ready?” Jason muttered seriously, oblivious to his wife’s inappropriate train of thought.

“For what?” she mumbled, frowning in confusion.

Jason raised an eyebrow at the blonde and held up his wine glass and a fork.

Alice gave him a confused look.

“What’re you on ab-”

Jason cut her off by tapping his glass with the fork and clearing his throat. The people closer to him ceased talking and turned to face him. Eventually the rest of the guests got the idea until the whole room was a sea of smiling faces. All eyes on Alice and Jason.

“Oooooohh....” was all Alice could manage.

Speech time.

Jason grinned at the crowd. 

The crowd grinned back.

Alice did her absolute best to ignore the frosty stare she was receiving from her mother-in-law.

“Thank-you all very much for coming.” Jason began. “Uhhh... yes.. well... Everyone, i would like you to meet my wife, Alice!”

His words were met with a symphony of applause. A fair few people cheered. A couple of, what appeared to be, Jason’s friends were giving him thumbs up and slowly nodding their heads in approval.

Alice smiled feebly. The attention she was getting was a little to much for her. The nervous young woman wasn’t sure what to do. She acknowledged the crowd with a small, timid wave.

“Alice” Jason continued merrily. “Meet, Everyone!”

This was greeted with another bout of applause and some laughter.

At the back of the room, Alice could see Elnora rolling her eyes at her son’s lack of formality.

The curly haired woman nudged the tall man next to her. She turned her head towards him but slightly tilted her head in Elnora’s general direction. 

Jason frowned slightly and glanced across the room. His mother crossed her arms and pulled the ‘snake face’ at him.

“And er...” Jason started loudly, before the people could resume chatting to each other. “I just wanted to say.... th-that...Although the wedding was rather sudden, and ... the er...”

Alice held her breath. 

Please don’t say something stupid, Please don’t say something stupid...

“...The marriage was a bit of a shock to both of our families.” he continued, gesturing towards Alice. “ We..um.. are both doing our very best to make this work. And i think that if everyone stays positive about this whole thing then we will be able to er... to do so.”

Alice peered over at Jason’s mum. She felt that last part was directed at her in particular. Naturally, the woman’s expression had remained blank. Her eyes void of emotion.


Alice shook hands with yet another couple as she strolled towards Jason. He was standing with about 4 men and 2 women. The entire group was laughing and one man was leaning on his friends shoulder for support as he howled with laughter. 

Alice winced. She really hoped her husband wasn’t telling the ‘underwear’ story.

Another cluster of guests tugged Alice into the group and introduced themselves. She smiled politely as they each shook her hand and eventually managed to escape the huddle of curious family friends.

The short young woman caught sight of her husband and resumed walking towards him. Jason spotted her and flashed a wide, toothy grin. 

Alice was about to smile back, when something outside grabbed her attention. She froze.

How could i forget?! Idiot!...

Alice forced herself to look away from the window to prevent Jason from following her eye line, and seeing the man crouched outside in the dark.

She turned on her heel and sped into the crowd as fast as she could in the shoes she was wearing.

Jason continued staring at the spot where his wife had just been standing. He frowned. Why was she avoiding him? Had he said something wrong in his speech?Was she upset?

The confused young man thought about going after her, but if she was angry at him for some reason, he didn’t want to cause a scene.


Alice lost her balance yet again and crushed her body against the wall. 

“Ffffff- Damn shoes!” she spat, and ripped the silly things off her feet. Angrily, she chucked them out the door and continued outside. She padded across the deck and narrowed her eyes at the delicate gold heels that had landed a few meters away from her.

“I’ll be back for you later!” she hissed at them.

“Alice?” a familiar voice whispered from the bushes. “Is that you?”

“Yes” Alice whispered back, rolling her eyes. Who else would it be? She’s the only one at this party nutty enough to talk to her shoes.

Caleb continued to crouch behind the roses.

“Come here!” he breathed.

Alice glanced around quickly to make sure no one was watching. Not that it would do any good if she spotted someone now. it would be pretty hard to think of an excuse for talking to the rose bushes.

“Ok. I couldn’t speak the last night but i’m listening now so whatever you have to tell me, do it now.” she said firmly.

Caleb drew in a deep breath.

“I’m sorry about the whole rock thing... I was angry and i was being over dramatic. It was stupid. I know i’m a prat... but i love you and i want to be with you.”

Alice wanted to punch him.

“Caleb...” she said through gritted teeth. “I. Can’t. Be. With. You!”

Alice couldn’t believe her ex. He wasn’t normally like this. He was being so desperate and stupid.

“Alice...” he pleaded, and wrapped an arm around her gently.

Alice was torn between slapping him as hard as she could and relaxing against him. 

The blonde was ashamed of how easily he could take over. She had been trying so hard to remain calm and in control. But no matter how much Alice denied it. She was still getting over Caleb.

The young woman let a few small tears roll down her cheeks before she remembered the party. Sniffing, she smoothed her dress and wiped the wetness from underneath her eyes.

“I’ll come back tomorrow.” Caleb declared.

Alice was too confused to respond. All she could do, was stand up and walk away without saying a word.


“Where have you been?” asked Jason. “And where the hell are your shoes?” 

“N-no-where!” Alice couldn’t look him in the eye. She just couldn’t.

Jason tried to read his wife’s face, but she was refusing to look at him. The dark haired man was sure he could see evidence on Alice’s face that she had been crying. Did she really hate him that much? Jason wasn’t stupid enough to think that a party would make up for everything but he was starting to feel like they were getting along alright. 

He was starting to think they could make it work. 

He was starting to care about her....

Jason was lost for words. He just continued to stare at the beautiful woman in front of him.

Now he was starting to think he had been wrong...

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