The Titans Strike Back (Trans...

By PrincessAura273

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Sequel to One Goal Two Worlds.vThe Transformers Titans travel to the Cybertronian Underworld to rescue Madaly... More

Chapter 1 - Madalyn's Disappearance
Chapter 2 - We're All In This Together
Chapter 3 - Cybertronian Underworld
Chapter 4 - Najat's Test
Chapter 6 - David's Test
Chapter 7 - Emanuel's Test
Chapter 8 - Madalyn's Test
Chapter 9 - Occurrences
Chapter 10 - Home
Chapter 11 - Mia vs. Chaos Bringer
Chapter 12 - The Truth
Chapter 13 - Madalyn vs. Najat & Selina
Chapter 14 - Plans Of Our Own
Chapter 15 - Chaos Bringer's Test
Chapter 16 - Madalyn vs. Emanuel
Chapter 17 - Madalyn vs. David
Chapter 18 - Game Plan
Chapter 19 - Madalyn vs. Chaos Bringer Round 3
Chapter 20 - Chaos Bringer Revealed
Chapter 21 - One Member Short

Chapter 5 - Selina's Test

231 5 1
By PrincessAura273

Selina's P.O.V.

The Titans were all sent by 6 of the 13 Original Primes to participate in tests that were set up by them to see if me and my friends are worthy of saving Cybertron from Chaos Bringer, Deception, and Megatron, the leader of the Decepticons. I wonder what my test will be.

Once we were all up in the air, there was an explosion like force, separating everyone with one Transformer and one human. Me and Bumblebee were being hurtled away from our friends across the the Cybertronian Underworld.

Selina: Aaaaaaah!

Bumblebee: I think I'm going to be sick!


I found myself coming to, and I was laying down on a shore line at a beach on a tropical island. I got up as the wave of water splashed down on me. But the really odd thing was, I didn't get soaked. My clothes, shoes, skin, and hair were still dry. Bumblebee's hologram appeared on my shoulder.

Bumblebee: Where the heck are we?

Selina: I don't know, some island I think. Maybe the others are here too.

I took off from the beach and found a path that went straight through the tropical jungle on the island. I followed it and took in the scenery as I called out for the others.

Selina: Maddie?! David?! Najat?! Emanuel?! Where are you guys?

After looking around for what seemed forever, I plotted myself down on the ground, taking a quick break from walking.

Selina: I have a feeling that the others were sent somewhere else.

Bumblebee: We're the only ones in this place! We're doomed to walk the earth of this place endlessly.....

Selina: Wait a second. Is it just me or do you hear something strange?

I stopped talking and heard a strange gurgling noise. Like it was coming from someones stomach or something.

Bumblebee: I think that's my stomach. But I could be wrong.

???: Excuse me? But can you please get off me.

I looked down and completely panicked! I was sitting on top of a robotic old man. He had a white, purple and gold robe on, his armour plating was a bright aqua blue, he had purple optics, and carrier a sword like staff in his hand. I quickly got up and moved away from him.

Selina: I am so sorry! Are you okay whoever you are?

???: Yes... I mean no... I need energon...

Selina: Energon? But where would I find energon? We're on an island.

The Cybertronian being got up to his knees and pointed his staff straight ahead where some mountains stood.

???: Beyond those mountains is a mother loud of energon. A whole entire waterfall of it. There you will find it.

The being choked with his words as he let out a few loud and painful coughs.

Selina: Hang in there.

Bumblebee: I don't know about this Selina. It looks like it's a long ways away.

Selina: Just ignore him. We'll go to the Waterfall for you.

???: Take this. You can bring energon back with it.

The Cybertronian handed me a glass bottle and I took it in my hands. I thanked him as I took off down the path towards the mountains.

Bumblebee: Wait, your not serious are you?


Once I made it to the mountain ridge I began climbing the side of the mountain. It was no picnic, but good thing I went on that rock climbing trip with my dad in British Columbia a couple months back. Once I made it to the top, my clothes were a mess, and my hair was beginning to get all frizzy.

Bumblebee: Phew! We made it!

Selina: We finally made it up the mountain path.

Bumblebee: Opps, this was the second one. We must have went too far.

Selina: Are you kidding me right now Bumblebee?!

All of a sudden, rocks began dropping down from the sides of the mountain straight towards us. I lost my grip on the boulder I was holding on to and me and Bumblebee were both hit by rocks. The both of us plummeted down and we splashed right into a lake. Good thing the tablets are water proof. The tablet floated in the water as Bumblebee's hologram stood on top of it. I sprang my head up from the water and brought the both if us to dry land.

Bumblebbee: Cold, cold, cold, cold! If my armour shrinks I'm going to be so ticked off!

As I looked back and took a look at the lake, I heard the sound of rushing water. I looked up to see a huge waterfall. Light aqua blue liquid like substance was splashing into the lake. And that's when I realzed.

Selina: Bumblebee look! Its the waterfall!

Bumblebee: No kidding.


I filled up the bottle with the energon and me and Bumblebee quickly hurried back to the old Cybertronian who waited for us back at the path.

Selina: Here you go. Drink up.

???: Oh thank you.

The Cybertronian took the bottle and drank the energon down. The energon made him so filled up with energy that he literally jumped into the air and front flipped, landing on his feet. Then there was a huge puff of smoke and the old Cybertronian revealed to be, Vector Prime.

Vector Prime: That's better.

Bumblebee: Hey I know you!

Selina: I can't believe it! Your Vector Prime!

Vector Prime: You have a pure heart which allows you to be willing to help others in need. I dare say it, but it looks like you may have a chance to be one of the new soldiers.

Selina: Whoa really?

Bumblebee: Aw stop your making me blush!

Selina: I think I get it now. This was my test wasn't it?

Vector Prime: I am sorry but no it is not. Your test begins right, now!

Vector Prime raised his sword like staff into the air and it glowed with a blinding light. Blue shots of energon shot out of the ground around me, Bumblebee, and Vector Prime.

Selina: Energon?!

Bumblebee: I don't like the looks of this.

A huge wave of energon surfed over the path, picking me up and pushing me around like a rag doll being dragged around by a small child. Next thing I knew a metallic platform appeared below me, and carried me out of the energon and it hovered just above the energon lake. I quickly stood up and examined the area before me. A huge metal square platform hovered in the middle of the lake indicating that, that platform would be where a battle would take place. Four waterfalls of energon poured out at all corners of the newly made energon spring. The sky however wasn't blue, but a shade of black with stars twinkling and shooting stars soaring by.

There was a small laughter as Vector Prime emerged from a small green oval like portal. He had a white, purple, and gold armour plating, purple optics, and a light blue colour scheme for his face.

Vector Prime: Well my little castaways, in order to pass my test, you must defeat my warrior.

Out of the energon lake sprang up a metallic humanoid like being. It had a pink and black armoured plating and it had purple optics and a blue face plate just like Vector Prime. That's when I realized it was a she. A very familiar she. She landed on a metallic platform on the other side of the battlefield in front of Vector.

Selina: I.... I think that's...... Me!

Bumblebee: Hang on, if your over here how can you be over there?..... AAAH! THERE'S TWO OF YOU!

Selina: That's impossible. Don't be ridiculous Bumblebee, there can't be two of me. That one has got to be an imitation.

Bumblebee: She looks pretty convincing.

Vector Prime: Now that you have been introduced, let us begin.

Selina's Clone: Good! This will be fun! Game card set!

My clone fired in her first game card, landing on the battlefield plate and growing bigger in size.

Selina: Oh well I guess I don't have a choice. Game card set!

I fired my game card into the battlefield landing next to my clone's card.

Vector: Begin with the Autobot Sunstreaker.

Selina's Clone: Kay! Autobots Roll out!

My clone fired in the 1980's Lamborghini into the battlefield. The card glowed and the vehicle drove out of the card and transformed into its robot mode.

Selina: A warrior huh? It's only fair that I do the same. Autobots! Roll out!

I fired my first card into the battlefield. The photo on the card was a red 1980's Lamborghini.

Selina: Sideswipe! Transform!

The card glowed and the red Lamborghini zoomed out and transformed into his robot mode. 

Vector Prime: Let's see now, use Perceptor.

Selina's Clone: A wise choice. Game card set!

My clone fire in her second game card into the battlefield, followed by her second Autobot card into the battlefield. The photo on the card was a red miliarty assault off road truck with a harpoon attached to the roof. The card glowed and Perceptor transformed into his robot mode, landing on Sideswipes game card.

Selina's Clone: You better be ready, cause you've seen nothing yet!

Tablet: Autobot Perceptor attack level 3979. Autobot Sideswipe attack level 2280.

Selina: I can change that. Game card open! Energy Dispurst! 

The game card activated and both Perceptor and Sideswipe flashed in a light aqua blue light, Perceptors power being drawn towards Sideswipe.

Tablet: Autobot Perceptor attack level decreased to 2979. Autobot Sideswipe attack level increased to 3280.

Bumblebee: In your face Perceptor!

Vector Prime: Didn't your mother teach you it's not nice to steal?

Selina's Clone: Ability card activate! Energon Harpoon!

Vector Prime: Perceptor look alive!

My clone threw the ability card into the air and it glowed and transformed into Perceptors harpoon. He caught it in his servo and aimed it at Sideswipe, ready to fire. But instead at firing it at Sideswipe, he fired it at the game card and literallly switched it with his game card. 

Vector Prime: Energon Harpoon can exchange and inerface with game cards that have been activated in battle. Not too bad huh?

With the ability card no longer supporting Sideswipe, the glowing light that surrounded his body dissapeared, and my game card faded to gun metal grey. 

Selina: No way! He just stole my game card! 

Bumblebee: You theif!

Tablet: Autobot Perceptor attack level increased to 3979. Autobot Sideswipe decreased to 2890.

Selina's Clone: Game card open!

The game card activated annd Perceptor was surrounded by an energon aurora borialus.

Selina's Clone: Since this is Perceptor's character card, his attack level doubles. 

Perceptor resummoned his harpoon again, this time firing it at Sideswipe. Sideswipe glowed into his card form and returned to me in defeat, his card floating in the energon lake before me.

Selina: Unreal...... I've never seen an ability card like that before.

Perceptor glowed into his card form and returned to Vector Prime's clone of me. 

Vector Prime: Good girl. That's my little Selina. You are such an obediant child aren't you? 

Selina's Clone: I curtainly hope so.

Bumblebee: Whatever! That little puppet is just doing everything that Vector Prime tells her to do. Come on Selina, don't listen to any of this. Your not like that impostor!

Selina: Good girl?.... such an obediant child?

Vector Prime: I expect you to win the next round too. 

Selina's Clone: Yes, I promise I will live up to your expectations. 

The way Vector was talking to my clone, was so gentle, so nice and kind. Alomst like a...... father figure.

Selina: Then she's..... 

Bumblebee: Cut it out Selina, your making me nervous!

Selina: That Selina is not an impostor! She is every bit of me as I am!

Bumblebee: That's crazy talk! If she's the real Selina, and your the real Selina, then...

Selina: That's a different Selina. She existed a long time ago. And I... I thought she was gone....


I was sitting in my dinning room with my parents. Kato and the chiefs were serving the food while me and my parents ate. 

Mom: Selina dear. Your aconomics teacher will be arriving later this afternoon. Please come straight home as soon as you finish school alright?

Selina: Yes mother, of course. 

Dad: I know you'd rather play, but you have to apply yourself to your studies.


As I was leaving school I spotted a group of boys playing a game of soccer. I stopped for a moment and watched them play. I let out a sigh as I decided to keep walking and head on home. I can't keep my teacher and parents waiting any longer then they have to. 

"You won't have time to fittle around with other kids, I'm sure you'll understand."

That statement from my dad echoed through my mind as I made it home. I took my class with my teacher with my parents watching close by, and then another class, and then another, followed by more classes, and homework at the end. My parents met up with me and each placed a hand on my shoulders.

Mom: I know it seems unfair but it's important.

Dad: The future of our company and family name is in your hands Selina. 

Selina: Yes, I promise I will live up to my expectations. 


Selina: Ugh! Just stop it! Stop it right now! That stupid obediant smile on your face!

Vector Prime: It looks like we touched a nerve doesn't it? Tell me, what's wrong with the old you that was obedaint, listened to their parents, and did their very best to please them?

Selina: Ugh...... wait! That's it! I think I get it now! My test is to learn to deal with my past! Am I right?

My clone had a shocked look on her face as she looked and exchanged glances with Vector Prime. If they seemed that speechless I had to be right.

Selina: In that case, I'll show the two of you just how much I've changed.

Bumblebee: Whoa, whoa, whoa, dude! Selina--

Selina: Game card set!

I fired my second game card into the battlefield, landing right next to Sunstreakers game card. I brought out my tablet and brought up Bumblebee's card.

Selina: I'll show you that I'm not the same as I was back then.

Bumblebee: Hey, wait a second!--

Before he could react I already fired him into the battlefield. His card glowed and he drove out of the card and transformed into his robot mode. Bumblebee immedialty turned around and faced me, panic in his optics.

Bumblebee: Selina! What do you think your doing?! I'm not feeling very good today. 

Selina: Pay attention Bumblebee. I need you to change into your Decepticon faction. 

Bumblebee: Huh? What the heck is up with you Selina? I mean, your not your usual fun loving self. 

Selina: I can't lose this battle. So quit messing around got it?!

Bumblebee: Yeah, yeah, I got it.

Being spooked by my sudden outbrust, he turned his attention back to the battle against Sunstreaker. 

Bumblebee: Alright you big lug it's show time. CHANGE OF FACTION!

Bumblebee jumped up into the air and glowed a bright light purple. His colour scheme changed to black and purple, he had spikes added to his shoudlers and knees, and his insignia changed as well. 

Bumblebee: Decepticon faction activate!

Bumblebee jumped back down on to the card and faced Sunstreaker, his now purple optics flashing at him with rage. 

Vector Prime: Now you think you can win by using a faction change is that it? If you keep this up you'll never win against my Selina. 

Selina: No matter how his faction changes, Bumblebee is always Bumblebee. He's still my best friend in the whole world. There's no way that Bumblebee would lose to the old me. He's worthless and weak. 

Vector Prime: Well why don't we just see about that. 

Selina's Clone: Game card open! Switch back! 

The game card activated and the lake below the battlefield began to spin around and form a whirlpool and it rose to the platform. 

Bumblebee: Hey what's going on here?! 

Bumblebee was then splashed by a wave on energon from the whirlpool and he was changed back into his orignal colour scheme and design. 

Bumblebee: Aw scrap, Switch Back made me turn back into the Autobot Faction! Not good, and I'm talking bad. As in really, really, bad!

Sunstreaker smirked at the panicking scout as he brought out his own energon staff and swung it around a few times before raising it into the air before Bumblebee. 

Selina: Ability card activate! Energon Stealth!

I tossed the ability card at Bumblebee and he vanished from Sunstreakers optics. 

Tablet: 500 attack points transferred to Autobot Bumblebee. Current attack level 4947. Autobot Sunstreaker decreased to 4000 attack points.

Bumblebee snatched the staff away from Sunstreaker and used it against him. Whacking him in the back and in the face causing the Autobot to fall to the ground. Bumblebee then jumped up into the air, tossing the staff aside and finished off Sunstreaker with a body slam. Sunstreaker glowed into his card form and returned to my clone in defeat while Bumblebee returned to me in victory.

Bumblebee: Oh how the mighty have fallen.

But once Bumblebee's hologram reappeared on my shoulder, he was slouching and staggered breathing in and out. 

Bumblebee: Man, I feel worse than before. 

Selina: I'm sorry Bumblebee, but it's like she sees through all of my tactics and inticipates my every move. 

Vector Prime: Ha, ha, ha, well of course she is. Your battling yourself after all. Past or present you are completely the same. 

Selina: I am not the same! I am nothing like the girl who mindlessly did everything her parents told her to do! 

Bumblebee: Do you really hate the old you that much? 

Selina: Yes I do. I dispise her. No matter how hard I tried or worked it was never enough. And when I wanted to tell my parents how I felt, all I could do was smile and fake it that I was alright. But when that day the Transformers arrived, and the card game began, everything changed. When I met the Titans and then Bumblebee, I learned a thing for myself. I learned to battle, and to laugh, and to live life to the fulliest. So you understand why there's no way I can lose to the old me? 

Vector Prime: Foolish girl. Is that really all you've learned from your friends? 

Selina's Clone: I would like to go into Triple Battle. 

Vector Prime: Of course. 

My clone fired in her last game card into the battlefield, followed by bringing Perceptor back into the battlefield landing on that game card. 

Selina: Let's do everything we can to past this test okay Bumblebee? 

Bumblebee: Yeah, okay but--

Selina: Autobots! Roll out!

I fired Bumblebee back into the battlefield, landing on Perceptors game card. His card glowed and he emerged from it while transforming into his robot mode.

Bumblebee: Hey! I told you I wasn't feeling good! I can't fight two battles in a row!

Selina: Don't you worry just leave everything to me. 

Tablet: Autobot Perceptor attack level 3979. Autobot Bumblebee attack level 4447.

Bumblebee: Hit me with an ability!

Selina: Righ, ability card acti--

Selina's Clone: Energon Reframe! 

Selina: Wait I wasn't finished!

My clone threw down her ability card and a shockwave erupted through the lake, splashing the energon against the platform of the battlefield. The energon soared up into the air and splashed the ability card right out of my hands.

Selina: What the?!--

Bumblebee: If Selina can't use her ability card, that means...

He looked up to see Perceptor bring out his harpoon gun and charge at the Autobot scout. Perceptor fired multiple shots at Bumblebee, but the scout was able to dodge his attacks.

Vector Prime: This doesn't look good for you. 

That was until Perceptor was able to fire a shot at Bumblebee's back, causing him to tumble to the ground. 

Selina: Bumblebee! 

I guess I should have listened to Bumblebee about him being sick. He could barely push himself up from the floor.

Selina: You can do this Bumblebee. 

Bumblebee: I'm sorry old buddy....I guess I couldn't live up to your expectations. 

Selina: No it's my fault. I was so caught up in my own problems I didn't even listen to you. 

Bumblebee: It's okay Selina. You know I'm just happy to battle along side you. Bumblebee is always Bumblebee. Thanks for saying that but, if that's true doesn't mean that Selina is always Selina? 

Selina: Wha?

Bumblebee: You weren't just doing what your parents wanted. I think back then you honestly wanted to make your parents happy, and proud of you. Your a genorous person Selina. You were then, and you still are now. I'm sure you've made sacurfiaces, but if that smile you put on your face means it makes your parents happy then there's no way that it could be anything but sunsear. You had to make all of those sacurifiaces., just so you could grow into the smart, and talented girl you are now. The girl we all like.

As Bumblebee talked, he slowly started getting back up. He moved over so he was laying down on his back. Arms and legs against the floor.

Bumblebee: So please remember to never forget about your past okay? Do that for me?

I have to admit it I was tearing up right there on the spot. My eyes were watering as small tears streamed down my face. I slowly nodded my head in reply.

Bumblebee: Good, I'm glad. Just keep being the Selina that we all-- that we-- t-t-that we---

As he talking it looked like Bumblebee was in some sort of pain. He was gripping the ground tightly with his hands as his chest and stomach kept springing out into the air. Was something trying to break out? I watched as his spark chamber opened and something blasted itself out of it. It was a card, well really two. But they were merged together somehow. One had a yellow colour scheme but his chest plate and legs were red. The other had a black helm and a yellow and black colour scheme similar to Bumblebee. After that his spark chamber closed and Bumblebee began to relax.

Bumblebee: So that's what it was. I thought it was a bit strange that I wasn't feeling well but now it all makes sense. 

Selina: So then are you feeling better now? 

Bumblebee sprang up to his feet and he was in such a good mode he was impersonating Elvis's dance. 

Bumblebee: Are you kidding me?! I feel fantastic! I'm on top of the world! 

Selina: I am so relieved. 

Bumblebee: Enough of this. We have a battle to win. Are you ready my brother?

Selina: Wait, brother?

???: You called brother dear?

The card glowed and one of the robots emerged from the card. It was a black and yellow sports car but it quickly transformed into his robot mode. He had a very similair figure to Bumblebee. 

???: I am the Autobot Goldbug at your service.

Selina: WHAT?!

Vector Prime: I don't believe it!

Bumblebee: It's true. You see my evolution involves multiplication. 

Selina: Evolution? Wait, are you saying--

Bumblebee: That's right. You see, your test was to recognize and accept the old you Selina. When you were finally able to do that, I was finally able to evolve and multiply. Comprende?

Selina: I think I get it. So I suppose that mean's your the evolved form of Bumblebee, Goldbug?

Goldbug: Oh goodness where are my manners? It is a pleasure to meet you. I look forward to battleing with you young master. 

Selina: Uh.... Yes, nice to meet you.

Goldbug: By the way, I am an Autobot faction but I also have the ability to use the Insecticon faction as well. This is probably a good time as any to mention, that I get tired easily and require frequent breaks. So if I get every second monday off-- Oh! I don't do windows.

Selina: Um.. Okay sure. Are you sure this is a good idea Bumblebee? 

Bumblebee: Goldbug steps up to the plate when it counts. So'em brother!

Goldbug: As you wish brother.

Bumblebee: Let's show this Prime what we're made of!

Vector Prime: Ha! Big deal.

Bumblebee: Oh by the way, the Triple Battle card has been activated.

Vector Prime: What?! Not good!

The game card activated, transforming the platform into a metal arena.

Tablet: Autobot Bumblebee increased to 5000 attack points. 

Bumblebee: Oh man I feel great! I mean, come on check out these guns!

Goldbug: Um I hate to interupt brother dear but we have work to do. 

Bumblebee: Oh yeah.

Tablet: Autobot's Bumblebee and Goldbug combined attack level 9000. 

The two Autobots lunged forward into the air, kicking Perceptor in the chest and crashing him to the ground. He glowed into his card form and returne to my clone in defeat. Bumblebee and Goldbug glowed into their card forms and returned to me in victory.

Selina: Yes! We did it guys!

Vector Prime: Well, well, it looks like now your getting serious. Time to break out the secret weapon. 

Vector Prime glowed and transformed into his card form and leviated over to my clones hand. She grasped it in her palm and inserted it into her tablet, aiming it at the battlefield. 

Vector Prime: You know what to do. Don't let me down.

Selina's Clone: Don't worry I won't. Autobots roll out!

She fired the card on to the battlefield, landing on the game card left standing that was unactivated. The photo on the card was a white, purple, and gold, space ship.

Selina's Clone: Vector Prime transform!

The card glowed and the ship flew out of the card and transformed into his robot mode. This guy was huge! And I wasn't just talking about his sword.

Selina: This guy is insane!

Bumblebee: Don't worry.

Goldbug: That's just his true form. 

Vector Prime: I bet you'll use the Triple Battle game card. You're so predictable.

Selina: You think your so clever do you? Well then I hate to dissapoint you. Bumblebee transform!

I fired Bumblebee back into the battlefield, landing on the game card Vector Prime stood on. His card glowed and Bumblebee emerged from the card, locking optics with the Prime. 

Selina: Game card open! Triple Battle!

The game card activated and it turned the battlefield into a metallic arena.

Selina: Get ready Goldbug! Autobots roll out!

Once I fired the card into the battlefield, I was expecting Goldbug to emerge, but instead the other yellow robot did. He had a yellow paint job but his chest plate and legs were red. He speeded out of the card in his sports car mode and transformed into his robot mode. 

???: I am the Autobot Hotshot! So which one of you jokers woke me up?

Selina: Whoa! Who's this guy and what happened to Goldbug?

Bumblebee: You see, Hotshot is Goldbugs alter ego. It's sort of like getting two Transformers for the price of one. 

Selina: Of course how silly of me. Well there's just the one opponent to deal with right now. So let's see what your made of Hotshot!

Hotshot: You got to be kidding me? You want me to battle against this guy?! Waste of my time. 

Selina: Hey, if Hotshot's attack level is 4000, then that means...

Tablet: Autobots Bumblebee and Hotshot combined attack level 9000. Autobot Vector Prime attack level 5000. 

Selina: Alright! We can take him down no problem! 

Vector Prime: Don't count your chickens until they hatch.

Selina's clone: Ability card activate! Energon Cyclone!

Once the game card was activated, energon tornados formed by using the energon in the lake were formed all around the battlefield.

Vector Prime: See what I mean? 

Tablet: Vector Prime increased to 7000 attack points. Both Bumblebee and Hotshot decreased by 3000 points to 6000. 

Vector Prime: I hate to break it to you but you both are about to be sucked into my energon tornados. 

Selina: But this can't be!

Hotshot: Don't just stand there! Use the diagnal ability card!

Selina: Diagonal ability card? 

Hotshot: I have additional faction powers too you know. If Bumblebee changes into a Decepticon you can use the Autobot and Decepticon diagonal ability. If you don't do it fast I'm going to get real angry!

Selina: Right sorry about that!

Bumblebee quickly changed into the Decepticon faction as I activated the ability card like Hotshot told me to do. They both glowed in a mixed light of red and purple. 

Tablet: Bumblebee and Hotshot both increased to a combined attack level of 8000. 

Vector Prime:....... Aw slag.

Selina: Do your thing boys!

Bumblebee and Hotshot both charged at Vector Prime, jumped up, and sucker punched Vector Prime in the face. Vector Prime glowed into his card form then blew up into a million pieces. Bumblebee and Hotshot glowed into their card forms and returned to me in victory. 

Bumblebee: So what do you think Selina? 

Hotshot: He'll be feeling that tomorrow.

Goldbug: Glad I coud be of service to you. 

 I looked up from my partners to see my clone walking away from the battlefield. She was literally walking across the energon lake. 

Bumblebee: Hey wait a second!

My clone stopped and faced me. My platform floated towards her so I could get close enough to talk to her.

Selina: I'm sorry for all those mean things I said about you old me. Thanks to Bumblebee I think I understand things now. From this moment on I promise I'll be happy with the Titans like the person I used to me. So thank you. I hope we can be friends if there is no hard feelings.

The two of us shook hands as she glowed and vanished from the field. 

Vector Prime: Very well done my girl. Very well done.

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