DC Comics One Shot|| (COMPLET...

By alleycatbookstore

1.4M 31.6K 5K

I got bored again and I am a big fan of DC comics so yeah. I hope you guys enjoy! Request too! I don't bite... More

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Dick Grayson x Reader
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Tim Drake x Reader part 2!
Batfamily x Damian Wayne x Reader
Tim Drake x reader
Damian Wayne x reader
Dick Grayson x reader
Terry McGinnis x reader
Damian Wayne x reader
Terry McGinnis x reader part 2!
Damian Wayne x reader
Damian Wayne x reader x Jason Todd
Terry McGinnis x reader
Terry McGinnis x reader part 2
Terry McGinnis x reader part 3!
Terry McGinnis x reader part 4!
Jason Todd x reader
Tim Drake x reader
Jason Todd x reader
Jason Todd x reader part 2!
Damian Wayne x reader
Damian Wayne x reader
1k Special!
Dick Grayson x reader
Dick Grayson x circus reader
Damian Wayne x reader
Damian Wayne x reader
Damian Wayne x reader part 2!
Roy Harper x younger reader
Barry Allen x reader x Bart Allen
Dick Grayson x reader
Jamie Reyes(YJ) x reader
Tim Drake x reader
Dick Grayson x reader x Wally West
Aqualad x reader
Barry Allen x daughter reader
Oliver Queen x reader
Conner Kent x reader
Conner Kent x reader part 2!
Roy Harper x reader
Roy Harper x reader part 2
Roy Harper x reader x Arsenal part 3!
2k Special!
Tim Drake x neko reader
Tim Drake x reader
Oliver Queen x reader
Batfamily x reader
Damian Wayne x reader
Roy Harper x reader
Tim Drake x reader
Batfamily imagine
Superman x reader
Jason Todd x reader
Superman x reader part 2!
Tim Drake x reader
Roy Harper x reader
Oliver Queen x reader
Jason Todd x reader
Jason Todd x reader
Jamie Reyes x reader
Wally West x reader
3k Special!
Jason Todd x reader
Dick Grayson x reader
Booster Gold x reader
A complete random one shot
Damian Wayne x reader
Dick Grayson x reader
Dick Grayson x reader part 2!
4k special!
Roy Harper x reader
Jason Todd x reader
Arsenal x reader
Terry McGinnis x reader
Terry McGinnis x reader part 2!
Dick Grayson x reader
Batfamily x reader
Conner Kent x reader
Terry McGinnis x reader
Lagoon Boy x reader
5k Special!
Jason Todd x reader
Malcom Duncan x reader lemon!
Barry Allen x reader
Eduardo Dorado Jr x reader
Oliver Queen x reader
Tye Longshadow x reader
Dick Grayson x reader
Batfamily x reader
Damian Wayne x reader
Damian Wayne x reader part 2!
Terry McGinnis x reader
6k Special!
Damian Wayne x reader
Tim Drake x reader
Terry McGinnis x reader
Terry McGinnis x reader part 2!
Damian Wayne x reader
Arsenal x reader
Roy Harper(Red Arrow) x reader
Damian Wayne x reader
Bart Allen x reader
Jason Todd x reader
Roy Harper x reader
7k special!
Tim Drake x reader
Superboy x reader
Damian Wayne x reader
Batfamily imagine
Conner Kent x reader
Tim Drake x reader
Jason Todd x reader
Dick Grayson x reader
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Wally West x reader
Jason Todd x reader
Dick Grayson x reader
Wally West x reader
Damian Wayne x reader
Roy Harper(Red Arrow) x reader
Bruce Wayne x reader
Damian Wayne x reader
Damian Wayne x reader part 2!
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Beast Boy x reader
Happy Thanksgiving!
Jason Todd x Tim Drake
Jason Todd x reader x Tim Drake
10k special!
Jason Todd x reader x Tim Drake part 2!
Arsenal x reader
Roy Harper x reader
11k special!
Jason Todd x reader
Terry McGinnis x reader
Conner Kent x reader
Bruce Wayne x reader
Batfamily x reader
Jason Todd x reader x Dick Grayson
12k special!
Roy Harper x reader
Jamie Reyes x reader
Dick Grayson x reader lemon!
Roy Harper x reader
Damian Wayne x reader
Tim Drake x reader lemon!
Terry McGinnis x reader lemon!
Tim Drake x reader
Damian Wayne x Piper Queen
Damian Wayne x Mackenzie Harding
Dick Grayson x reader
Damian Wayne x reader
Arsenal x Sasha
Jamie Reyes x René
Wally West x Sasha
Batfamily x reader
Roy Harper x sister!reader
Roy Harper x reader
14k special!
14k special:Roy Harper
14k special:Dick Grayson
14k special:Wally West
Damian Wayne x reader
15k special!
Tim Drake x reader
Dick Grayson x reader
Barry Allen x reader
Roy Harper x reader
16k special!
Tim Drake x reader
Bart Allen x reader
Arrow Family x reader:Christmas Special!
Roy Harper x reader
Tim Drake x reader
17k special!
Dick Grayson x Reaper
Important A/n
Jason Todd x Gale Quintin
DC Comics Watty's
Not An Update(Sadly)
Third Book
Role Play?
Very Important A/N

Batfamily Imagine

14.3K 348 74
By alleycatbookstore

I wanna try something new for this one, you're not Poison Ivy's daughter but you have similar powers, you're just a carefree 4 year old girl that Batman finds. As usual,
Key:Y/n=your name
H/c=hair color

Batman's pov

                                          I just finished another case when an alert came up. Poison Ivy is at it again. I tracked down her signal but it wasn't Ivy, it was a little girl.

Y/n's pov

                                           I happily danced around the small garden I made by myself. "Yay!" I cheered happily. "My little flowers are all grown!" I cheered. "Bum, bumpide dump." I hummed to myself as I continued dancing around in circles.
                                            I squatted down to one of the flowers. "Aw, you're not getting enough sunlight," I said to a flower, I made some other flowers move to the side and the flower that doesn't have enough sunlight grew. "Yay! you're blooming!" I cheered and started dancing again.

Batman's pov

                                           She's not Poison Ivy, she's somewhat like Poison Ivy from how she has similar powers to Ivy. I walked over to the young girl silently, she noticed me and stopped dancing. "Hi!" She greeted me, I stared at her dumbfounded by how she greeted me. "You're not afraid?" I asked. "Nope, a lot of people say I'm a carefree girl," she said and she started dancing again. 'She is a carefree girl,' I agreed. 'She doesn't act like Poison Ivy that's for sure,' I went on. 'Who's daughter is she?' 

                                            More flowers started blooming as the young girl danced. "I am happy, always, always happy!" She sang. "Happy, happy, happy." She hummed. 'She's slightly insane,' I thought. 'But not as insane as the Joker or any other criminal that's in Arkham.' I went on, I grabbed her arm gently making her stop. "What's your name?" I asked, she shrugs. "I don't know," she said. "I never met my mommy and daddy," she said. "Oh well." She said with a shrug. 'God, this child is too carefree,' I thought. 'Perhaps I can help her.' 

                                            The girl had run free again but she didn't go too far, she's dancing around again, she'll be happy to be in the gardens back at the Manor. I pulled out a gas bomb that'll knock her out for a bit, it wasn't strong but it was enough for me to take her to Gordon. I grabbed her again and placed a mask over her mouth and nose, soon, she inhaled it and passed out. I gently picked her up and carried her to the Batmobile, I drove off. Once at GCPD, I explained and Gordon understood. "So who's going to take care of her?" Asked Gordon. "I'll take her," I said. "You sure? I mean, her powers can get out of control," said Gordon. "I'm sure," I said. "Alright," Gordon sighed. "Her name is Y/n L/n, she was exposed to some kind of chemical that caused her to have those powers and go a little insane, her parents threw her out of the house when they found out. If you take care of her right then that mental illness won't be a problem." Said Gordon, I nodded and headed to Y/n.

                                                 I found her happily looking at her new surroundings. "Hi!" She greeted. "You're coming with me," I said. "Where to?" She curiously asked. "You'll have a home," I answered. "A home?" She repeated. "Yes, with four brothers," I replied. "I'll have brothers?" She asked excitingly. "Yes, I am sure they'll be pleased to have you," I answered. "Yay!" She cheered, I couldn't help but smile, it was a small smile.              

                                                    Soon, Y/n and I have arrived at the Batcave, the boys were already there with Alfred. "Wait here," I ordered. "Okay!" Y/n said, I jumped out. "Master Bruce, how was patrol?" Asked Alfred. "Fine, Alfred," I replied. "We have a guest, she'll be living with us from now on," I said while pulling my cowl off. "We do?" Asked Jason. "She's a girl?" Asked Damian. "Yes," I said. "Come on out Y/n," the young girl hopped out. "Hi!" She greeted them. "She has a small mental illness, if we treat her right then the illness won't be a problem," I explained. "How did you meet her exactly?" Asked Dick. "I found her alone surrounded by flowers," I said. "She has similar powers to Poison Ivy but from how she's acting she never hurt a single soul," I said. "Wait, she's not Poison Ivy's daughter is she?" Asked Tim. "No, her parents threw her out when they found out about her powers," I said, I spotted Y/n growing flowers in the corner happily, mushrooms to be exact since there's no sunlight here.

                                                     "Well, she better not be growing flowers everywhere," Jason grumbled. "Oh come on Jason, she's just four years old," said Tim. "What could possibly go wrong?" 

Y/n's pov

                                                       I like being here in a big house, especially when I'm outside. I squealed and took off running when I saw all of those flowers. "Yay! flowers!" I squealed, I started dancing again, more flowers popped open, a dog came running to me and growled. "Ace! Down boy!" Said my new daddy, I stopped and looked at the dog, he growled and walked over to Daddy. "It's alright, Y/n, you can pet him," he said. "I can?" I asked. "Sure, go ahead," I reached over to touch him but Ace growled making me stop. "Ace." Daddy said in a warning tone, Ace whimpered. I happily hugged Ace by the neck. "Aw! He's so cute!" I said, Daddy smiled. I let go of Ace and happily ran off. "More flowers! Yay!" I cheered. 

Bruce's pov

                                                         "That is one carefree kid," Jason commented, the boys were standing behind me. "She is," I agreed. "She will be loved by us, we will take care of her, raise her, and protect her as if we were her actual family," Jason huffed. "I'm not going to take care of that kid," said Jason. "You said she's insane," Jason explained. "Jason, she's just a kid, cut her some slack," said Tim. "I'm going to play with her," Tim said and left.
                                                            He walked over to Y/n, Y/n happily greeted Tim and hugged him, Tim looked surprised but hugged back. Soon, the two started playing, every time Y/n went somewhere a trail of flowers followed her.

                                                              Dick is the next one to join Tim, like how she greeted Tim she happily greeted Dick and a hug, Damian reluctantly followed. I can tell he didn't like it but the cold frown on his face instantly disappeared when Y/n hugged him tight, I can see the tension on his shoulders disappearing, Damian too hugged back.

                                                                  "You sure you're not going to join them?" I asked Jason, Jason groaned and followed salute making me chuckle. Soon, the 5 of them became actual siblings, I can hear the laughter from Y/n, I got a call from Wayne Enterprises, something came up and needed me. I left, the four boys knew where I was heading, I just hope they're responsible enough to take care of a four-year-old girl.   

Tim's pov

                                                                     Y/n finally worn herself out, she yawned and curled up in my lap with her head resting on my shoulder. "I gotta admit," I started. "Having a girl around the house sure is nice," Damian grunted. "The only thing Father is going to do is worry about her." He whined. "Oh stop whining, Damian, you can't have all of the attention." Said Dick, he reached over to push a strand of h/c hair out of Y/n's sleeping face.
                                                                      "You got to admit she's cute when she's sleeping," Dick added, Y/n shifted in my arms so her face is buried in my neck, I smiled and kissed her forehead softly. "She's just an annoying brat," Jason said. "Brat?" Y/n repeated, she yawned and rubbed her eyes gently. "Great, Jason, you woke her up," I said. "Me? I didn't do anything!" Jason protested. "What's a brat?" Y/n sleepily asked. "It's nothing, Y/n," I said. "Go back to sleep," Y/n shifted again. "Okay," she yawned, she got comfortable again and soon, she fell asleep again. "Guys, you have to admit this is going to be a good change for us all," I said. "I already admitted it," said Dick. "I know you did, Dick. I'm talking about Jason and Damian," I said. "She needs us if she fell into the wrong hands who knows what could happen," Jason grunted. "I guess she's kinda cute when she's sleeping," Jason mumbled. "I agree, I prefer her to be asleep rather than her bouncing off the walls." Damian agreed, Y/n snuggled even more in my arms, we'll protect you Y/n, that's what big brothers do. 

Aw, I have to admit, this is one of the cutest one-shots I've ever written, I hope I didn't make you too carefree. Tim is such a sweetheart but my heart is claimed by Damian and Damian alone, srry! 

Jason: great, we're at this again
Me: Aw, come on, Jace, you're my second favorite
Tim: I thought I was
Me: since when did I say that?
Tim: in the first A/n
Me: oh yeah
Dick: I can't believe I'm your older brother figure
Me: sorry, Dick
Terry: what about me?
Damian: you're not supposed to be here, McGinnis
Me: Hey! Leave him alone!
Damian: oh so now you care about him too?
Me: oh boy 

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