My Beautiful Disaster


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".....The story about a bad boy with one too many piercings who brought beautiful to a sunshiney broken girl'... More

Ch. 1 First Impressions Are The Worst Impressions
Ch. 2 Operation: Break Sunshine
Ch. 3 Betrayal Hurts Most When By Someone You Love
Ch. 4 I Finally Went Too Far
Ch. 5 Amnesia
Ch. 6 Kisses and Loneliness
Ch. 8 Art & Movie Dates pt. 1/2
Ch. 9 Art & Movie Dates pt. 2/2
Ch. 10 Sisters, Spanish, and More NOT Talking
Ch. 11 We Know What We Are
Ch. 12 Murderer
Ch. 13 Gang & Girls pt. 1/2
Ch. 14 Girls and Gangs pt. 2/2
Ch. 15 Too Young
Ch. 16 Too Fast
Ch. 17 First Dates and Weddings
Sequel coming soon, but for now...

Ch. 7 "Talking" & "Innocence"

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Farkle's P.O.V

The kiss, the kiss, the kiss. A 10 second kiss from a girl I barely know is shattering my entire world. All I can think about is the kiss, the kiss, the kiss. It meant something, it had to. But what? I've never felt these feelings, I'm feeling. but I won't lie to myself--I don't lie to myself. I like her. I like her a lot more than I thought I could like a person. Her lips have invaded my mind, my vision, my freaking dreams! I like Riley and I can't talk about it. It's all because of the kiss. The kiss, the kiss, the kiss.

I walked into the school and didn't flirt with any girls or tell any guys off. I didn't make an effort to clear a path or anything. My act didn't feel necessary today. I saw Riley by her locker--by herself for once-- and I walked over. Breathe, just another girl.

"Hey, sunshine." I greeted.

She turned around and smiled at me.

"Farkle!" She cheered hugging me.

This is new. Not hugging a girl obviously, but she hugged me. I didn't hug back, not because I didn't want to but because she took me by surprise. She let go before I could hug back. We've never even really acknowledged each other as friends to be honest but I mean a kiss changes everything. The kiss, the kiss, the kiss.

"So, where's the overseer?" I asked looking around for Maya.

"She and I had a little blow up last night. She's in class already with Lucas--her boyfriend." She notified rolling her eyes.

Does she still like Lucas? Wait, why should I care? Because you like her, dimwit! And? You don't like her that you?

"Oh, I'm sorry about the fight. Don't worry, I'm sure she'll come around." I assured.

"I don't know about this time, this time she said some things that I'm not sure she understands are awful." Riley sighed closing her locker.

"She's straightforward and sometimes she'll say anything to make a point. I'm new and I picked that up. Just like how I picked up that you two are never going to stop being bestfriends--so don't freak." I smiled.

"You're pretty smart, Farkle." Riley complemented.

"Thanks." I accepted.

The warning bell rang and Riley looked at me. All I could think about looking at her was: her lips, her lips, her lips--the kiss, the kiss, the kiss. She's going to drive me insane.

"Walk to class together?" Riley offered.

"I guess we should." I agreed.

"Mmm, try again." Riley giggled.

"I'd like to very much. Hold hands?" I suggested.

We have to do something after the kiss. That kiss. Don't do it, brain. Don't...GAH. The kiss, the kiss, the kiss. The kiss, the kiss, THE KISS.

"Maybe we should." Riley breathed blushing.

"Wanna try again?" I asked holding out my hand in front of me.

"I'd like that very much." Riley smiled putting her hand in mine.

(A/N See, when Rucas did this they both seemed reluctant. Here-- it's just adorable.)

Perfect fit. No surprise there. Her touch made me feel all giddy inside instead of nothing like other girls do. Just like that kiss. Unlike our actual first kiss in the park--the one yesterday was real. That was amazing. Like we were the sun or part of the ocean. Just naturally amazing and made just right. We entered the room and everybody "ooo-ed." Riley blushed and I smiled at the ground.

I let go of her hand so that she could twirl over to her desk and slipped into the one behind her. Maya and Lucas were next to us and they didn't seem happy. Maya was glaring at me and Lucas was staring down me and Riley. Mr. Matthews walked in before I could call them on it and the class bell rang.

"Happy Monday, Class. I trust everyone had a good weekend." Mr. Matthews greeted.

"I got my memory back." Riley announced and a small applause came from the room.

"But you forgot who's important to you. I got a new boyfriend." Maya bragged.

"And you need a new bestfriend. I may have a new crush." Riley fired back.

Is that me? Am I the new crush? Well of course I am, that explains the--don't say it man. Breathe. Whew. I'm good now.

.............I'm fine.....I promise.


"Yeah and you feel the need to crush everyone around you. I may have made a new enemy." Lucas chimed.

"I support everything my boyfriend does, I agree that this person is truly the enemy." Maya added.

Everyone looked at Riley and she glanced around nervously. This must be embarrassing for her--having your bestfriend and her boyfriend call you out in front of the whole class. I stepped in.

"That you won't hurt emotionally and DEFINITELY not physically if you know what's good for you." I threatened.

Maya and Lucas shut up after that and Riley mouthed "thank you" to me. I smiled. And yes I know, I should've jumped in before they ganged up on Riley but I didn't see the need until right now. She should be given a chance to defend herself before you do it for her.

"And what happened for you this weekend, Mr. Minkus?" Mr. Matthew inquired.

"A kis--I mean. Uh...this weekend.....I learned to feel safer being more like myself." I gave not lying comepletely.

I learned to be myself around Riley. That counts, right? Of course it counts. Mr. Matthews must've grasped the situation quickly because he wrote "Friendship Vs Partnership" on the board and under it he wrote the words "Remember the Alamo" in tiny letters. Maya groaned, Lucas rolled his eyes and Riley slid down in her chair. Mr. Matthews teaches about our lives? That's weird. But probably helpful. Mr. Matthews walked over to the far side of the room.

"The Alamo: People who believed in something so strongly they died for it. Maybe for some of you your Alamo is directed towards friendship. Who here can tell me some great things about having a great group of friends?" Mr. Matthews questioned.

"They protect each other, because that's what friends do." Maya gave.

"They allow each other to grow so that their friendship isn't reduced to charity work." Riley spoke making Maya choke.

"Charity work, wha-- I mean...T-They also stick together, through thick and thin." Maya added stuttering.

"They ALSO trust each other and support the other's personal decisions. Like decisions they make in their love life." Riley answered glancing at Maya evilly.

"Oh, you little overreacting b*t--" Maya lunged but Lucas held her back.

"Ok, how about we talk about the other thing now." I suggested loudly drowning out Maya.

Something tell me Riley doesn't approve of cursing. Mr. Matthews nodded and walked to our side of the room. He smiled at the four of us sitting together even if we weren't...sitting together.

"So I see friendship is the Alamo to some of you...what about partnership? You voiced your thoughts on friendship--now, what about a great partnership? Good things about having a significant other."

"Something pretty to look at." Maya giggled.

"Someone to look forward to seeing." Lucas added.

I think I'm gonna be sick.

"Someone who gives a feeling that a bestfriend can't." Riley offered more deeply than Lucaya over there.

"Someone who shouldn't replace your bestfriend." Maya shot.

"Someone who'll never try to replace your bestfriend." Lucas fired as well.

"Someone who protects you when needed but knows when to let you take a hit. Someone would never leave you because all they want is to make you happy." Riley replied.

Maya looked like she was about to fire back when he face fell. I glanced at Riley and noticed her eyes were glossy and she had such an unplaceable look on her face (and like I said: I'm usually good at reading people) that it made me want to throw "Lucaya" down a flaming garbage shoot. Even MY heart broke when she asked--

"Don't you want me happy?"

Maya's look softened and Lucas looked at Riley in a way that friends don't look at friends like. He BETTER not being having second thoughts-- not while I'm having almost first thoughts. The room was so silent and stiff that not even I could muster up enough confidence to be the one to break the silence. Mr. Matthews did that for us.

"Mr. Minkus? Any input?" Mr. Matthews asked.

I stood up and leaned on my desk, addressing the class.

"A friendship is a bond made between two people who decide they need each other for happiness, reliability and safety. A partnership is like friendship but set on fire, you decide I like you so much that I want you all to myself. Friendship and Partnership are two different things but-- if you don't balance the two it all comes apart, slowly but surely. I always think that even with all the problems in life making everything a disaster: if you have friendship--" I looked at Riley making her feel guilty.

"AND partnership--" I looked at Maya the same way.

"It'll be the most beautiful disaster you'll ever experience." I finished.

Yeah, did I mention I'm an advent poet? OOps.

"That's very true Mr. Minkus, thank you." Mr. Matthews winked.

"I-I still believe that friendship should be more t-treasured." Maya stammered.

"And I think that it should be too, all forms of friendship even partnership. If you protect a friendship for too long..... Look at it this way. In order for something to thrive you need to let it grow." Riley spoke turning to Maya.

"I'm sorry I wouldn't let you grow. It's just that growth means change, I don't want us to change." Maya sniffed her voice cracking.

"Maya....I'll always be here for you. We'll never change." Riley smiled.

"Riles." Maya cooed getting up.

"Peaches." Riley squealed hugging her.

"And once again I save the day. Thank you, I AM FARKLE." I yelled bowing.

Maya threw a crumpled paper ball at my head and I laughed. The rest of the day rolled by quickly and eventually we were all at our lockers getting ready to leave school. Maya whispered something to Riley and they had a silent argument before Riley sighed and walked up to my locker.

"Hi." She greeted awkwardly.

"Hey." I smiled.

"Hey..." She smiled trailing off.

"Hi." I breathed feeling nervous for some reason.

'Hi." She said again, rocking on her heels.



Talk about what. Wait--are we gonna talk about the kiss? I had finally gotten it off my mind and now she wants to--the kiss. The kiss, the kiss, the kiss. Dammit, that stupid chanting is back. The kiss, the kiss, the--

"Kiss!" Riley blurted, she sighed as if relieved, "W-We need to talk about that kiss"

"We really should." I agreed sighing.

"B-But I mean I don't want anything to change if you don't like me back and stuff. I mean I know you said you did but I mean like really like me back and also you know we could always be going through that thing where people think they like each other but in reality--"

"Hey, Riles?" Maya called from behind us.

"Yeah?" Riley answered not turning from my eyes.

"Shut the hell up and let the boy speak." She deadpanned.

"Do you have to be here?" Riley asked irritated.

"Fine. I'm leaving. If she talks you to death I'll make sure we spread your ashes in a dumpster." Maya snarked.

"Fin-eh." I mocked.

"Fin-eh." She responded walking out the now empty hallway.

I gestured towards the bench at the end of the room and Riley and I sat down. That's it. We just sat, no talking or anything just silence.

"Well...glad we're talking about it." I said sarcastically.

"Yup. This is a earth shattering, breakthrough, truth revealing conversation that has changed our lives forever." She replied with the same sarcasm.

"We haven't said a word." I sighed.

"Yeah, it's pathetic really." Riley snipped awkwardly.

We kept sitting there in silence when out of no-where Riley took my face in her hands and pulled me to look at her.

"....Yup." She said letting go of my face.

"What was that?" I asked confused.

"Just seeing if I still like you. I do." She admitted.

"Oh." I responded almost mutely.

Silence again. Do I still like her? I grabbed her face gently and pulled her closer to stare in her eyes. Her innocent brown eyes that make my inside melt like the perfect chocolate shade that they are and--oh yeah, I have a huge crush going here.

"Yeah...." I trailed off releasing her face.

"Still like me--"

"I do." I nodded.

"Oh." She responded the same way I did.

Ok. This is sort of conversation. Maybe not directly about the kiss but it's about us. That's a start. Do I even want an us? I mean, what is us?

"What are we?" Riley asked suddenly.

"I-I really don't know, I've never actually liked a girl before." I breathed.

"But you're all...bad boy-ish." Riley reminded.

"Not really--just really calm for my age and I have a resting stone face and I like to break girls' hearts and read people and ruin ther lives and--Ok, yes I'm not the peachiest sunshine drop in the meadow but I never actually liked any of my....victims." I admitted awkwardly.

"Oh...." Riley sighed looking down.

Her hair fell down and covered the side of her face showing to me. I looked the other way not being able to take the awkward tension. Sexual tension is so much easier to deal with.

'With a girl as innocent as Riley the word 'sex' or anything relating to it won't come around for a long, long, long, long--" my brain pointed out.

"I get it." I muttered to myself.

"What?" Riley asked turning to me.

"Nothing." I brushed off.

My phone dinged and I checked it.


That B*tch-- Get home right now!

Me-- What do you want?

That B*tch-- I don't have to tell you sh*t. Get the hell home.

Me-- Whatever.


I rolled my eyes. I was half relieved that I could actually leave this awkward sitting with a legit excuse and half angry that I have to go home to that insanely evil woman.

"My mom texted--I have leave." I sighed.

(A/N That text name tho...)

"Oh. Uhh...Ok. Um..maybe we can hang out at the movies later tonight--but ignore the whole K-word thing." Riley offered.

"I'd like that. I'll pay. Later." I said standing up.

"Glad we talked about it." She muttered under her breath.

"Bye." She said outloud.

I walked out the school and took a deep breath. Here we go.


(A/N Trigger warning. Also, I don't wanna see comments like: 'that could never happen' I added this for a reason--mothers can be abusive and sons can be abused. Not just fathers to daughters.)

I walked into the house and immediately noticed that some picture frames and bottles where broken on the ground. I bent down and picked up one. A picture of me, my dad and that b*tch. She cheated on him a few years back and my dad got drunk, went driving and thought it'd be fun to use his car to kiss a pick-up truck.

She killed him. She blames me for her cheating and I hear it from her everyday--but every once in a while she'll get drunk or high or something and that's when it all goes down hill. I noticed the bottles wear still wet with vodka which meant she was still drunk. Oh no.

I felt someone tug on my hair and my mom yanked me up. Ow.

"Where the hell were you? School ended hours ago!" She yelled, slurring a little.

"None of your business." I muttered ripping her hand from my head.

"Don't mess with me today you man whore. You were f*cking a girl weren't you? When are you gonna learn that no-one will ever like you?!" She spat gripping arm violently.

You may ask why I don't fight back--physically or verbally-- because either way, no matter how much I hate her, she's my mom. I can't just hit her--if I start I won't stop and then I'd probably kill her.

"I was with a friend. Please, let go of me." I ordered shaking my arm.

"No, you need to learn that girls are fragile and none of them would ever waist their hearts on a loser like you." She slurred kicked my ankle.

"Mom--you're drunk. Stop it." I demanded.

"I don't take orders from you James!" She yelled crying alittle.

Dammit--she's in that state where she's doing what she wished she could do the guy who convinced her to cheat.

"Mom, I'm not James! James isn't here." I reminded trying to break free of her grip.

"Liar!" She screamed throwing me into a wall.

A picture frame slid off it's hook and slammed into my head. Ow. I started to head for the door and she was yelling protests and swear words at "James." She actually yelled and cried so hard that she ended up falling to the ground and puking her guts out. I winced and looked away. No matter how evil--she's still my mom, I can't watch her like that. I jogged out the front door and sighed. Maybe it's better if I head to Riley's house or something. There are no evil moms there right?


(A/N Trigger warning still on. Please don't hate Cory for this--he didn't mean it.)

I knocked on Riley's door and didn't get an answer. I heard what sounded like crying or distant screaming and got really worried for some reason. I rang the doorbell and heard something shatter--I'm hoping on the floor and no-where near Riley-- and Mr. Matthews' voice.


"No-one dad, please stop what's wrong with you. NO, DAD!" She screamed and I heard a loud slam.

Oh my god. Oh my mother f*cking God. I ran to the window and saw Cory mercilessly kicking and punching Riley. WHAT THE HELL HAS GOTTEN INTO HIM?! I beat against the window hard and Mr. Matthews' saw me.


"NO, I DIDN'T. WHY ARE YOU ACTING LIKE THIS?!" She screamed as Mr. Matthews yanked her hair forcefully.

"RILEY?! OH MY GOD. RILEY!" I yelled slamming my fists against the window.

"HELP ME!" She yelled while Mr. Matthews' covered her mouth.

Why is he doing this? Not important--break the window, save Riley. At this rate he might actually kill her--

"DAD PUT THAT DOWN!" Riley yelled.

"B*TCH!" He yelled.

He had taken up what looked like an unfinished wood shop project or something--although it's not wood it's metal-- in the shade of a pole. He brought it down and Riley scrambled out of the way missing it just barely.

"DADDY, STOP IT!" Riley sobbed crawling away.

"Come back here--GET BACK HERE!" He yelled dragging her by the foot.

"FARKLE!" She screamed.

"I'M COMING!" I yelled.

I looked around desperately and noticed some concrete in the drive way was chipping. There's no way I could break it free though--I'm not strong enough. I heard something else shatter and Riley sobbed. I whirled around and saw pieces of glass in her hair. Oh hell no.

I ran over to the spot and use my heel to stomp the crack more. It was almost loose but I just couldn't--

"DADDY, NO!" Riley sobbed before I heard a cracking sound echo.

The metal pole thing. I know he did not just f*cking hit her with it. I glanced back and sure enough there was a very vivid red mark across Riley's arm and maybe a little blood. Mr. Matthews' eyes softened a bit but he looked behind him at something and they hardened again. He crack her on the hip with it and she screamed--her knees buckling and she fell. He just hit her with it. I stomped on the crack and the concrete popped up. I used my hands to pry it free and ran back to the window. Riley and her dad were now closer to the window and I didn't want to hurt her more.

"RILEY, DUCK!" I yelled.

She ducked and her dad took it as an opportunity to slam her head into the floor.

"OW. STOP, PLEASE!" She begged.

I threw the concrete at the window and it shattered. I jumped through the broken glass and felt my arm get scratched--deep. I winced but shook it off. Riley. She was sobbing and covered her face while her dad kicked at her hands. I need insurance. I ran towards the kitchen and pulled out a knife. I ran back to the living room and threw myself in front of Riley. I used on arm to hug her to me and she clung to me, sobbing into my shoulder. I sent her dad a look that could kill and he glared at me.

"Move." He said flatly.

"Go to hell." I spat.

"Excuse me?" He dared.

I rose the knife threateningly and hugged Riley closer.

"GO.TO.HELL!" I yelled.

"Who do you think you are?" He asked glancing behind him again.

I looked where he was looking and noticed a lady with red hair, sitting at a table with an evil glint in her eye. Did he do this to Riley for her?!

"I think I'm a guy with a knife who's very pissed the you beat the sh*t out of your own daughter because of some chick." I yelled.

Riley sobbed harder and looked up from my shoulder. She glanced at the lady and then look at her dad with such an emotionally hurt face that Mr. Matthews' hard stare dropped. Even I felt the pain in Riley's eyes.

"Y-You did this because of Lauren? You beat me half to death because of some woman who's never going to be my mother? H-How could you?" She asked quietly.

"I-I...You.." Mr. Matthews' stammered looking around.

It's like he just now noticed what he was doing.

"YOU WHAT? CARE ABOUT HER MORE THAN ME? HOW COULD YOU?!" Riley yelled her voice scratchy.

"Riley...Honey, I am so sorry. I-I don't know what came over me--"

"Save it. I'm going to my room, and I'm not leaving until I'm on my death bed."Riley muttered standing up weakly.

I noticed that the red welt on her arm had swollen and the skin on it was wrinkled and ripped. She was bleeding really heavily from it. I stood up and made it a point to Mr. Matthews' that I still had the knife. I got really close to him and spoke in dangerously low voice.

"I'm going to go upstairs, calm her down, and call the cops. If you still have a brain you'll wait on this couch and wait for them to arrest you." I ordered.

I lunged the knife at him, bluffing, and he put his hands up in surrender. Then he went to sit on the couch and that girl--Lauren?-- came and sat next to him. They were whispering about something and I wanted to hit her over the head. With a machete. Lit on fire. Twice.

I rushed up the stairs and knocked on Riley's room door.

"GO AWAY." She yelled.

"It's Farkle." I called through the door.

"How do I know it's you?" She sniffed.

"You can't really, except for my voice. But I'd just trust me on this one because I should really help you with your arm."

The door opened and I walked in. Immediately she shut the door, locked it, put on the chain lock and looked at her dresser. She pushed it in front of the door and then went to sit her window--sorry, her Bay Window. How did she move that with her arm?

" OK? Scared?" I asked sitting next to her.

"Not anymore." She sniffed putting her head on my shoulder.

"Still wanna go to the movies?" I asked successfully making her giggle.

"Maybe next week." She sniffled.

I noticed that the welt on her arm was ripping more and more, really bleeding. I picked her head up off my shoulder so that I could see her arm properly. That's not something to leave un-attended.

"Your arm. Do you have a first aid kit?" I asked picking it up gently.

"Y-Yeah. But It's fine really--I can't take pain from alcohol." Riley squeaked.

I ran my fingers across the beginning of the wound and she whimpered. Yeah, she's not fine.

"Where?" I asked flatly.

"Farkle, really it's nothing--"

"Where?" I deadpanned.

"Closet." She sighed.

I walked over to her closet and picked up the bright red box. I sat back next to her and opened it. Ok...alcohol, peroxide,cotton balls, gauze' and bandages. I reached for Riley arm and she whimpered again.

"Farkle it'll hurt too much. Especially when I look at it." She explained shaking her head.

"Then look at me." I suggested.

I looked down at her arm while she stared at the side of my face intently. I put some alcohol on the cotton balls, cleaned out the cut and some specks of dried blood. Riley squeaked a silent scream and I felt bad. This is for her though. I put some peroxide on the cotton balls and spread the brownish-yellow stuff across her arm in two coats. She started bouncing her leg and bit her lip. Almost done.

One gauze wasn't enough to cover the deep scratch since it went from the start of Riley's shoulder to her inner elbow--and was curved. I had to turn her arm a little to see how much of the welt had to be covered and fresh tear left her eye. Man it's hard to see her in pain. All of the welt has to be covered. I took out three and put the on top of the peroxide coats and covered any expose skin. There.

I took out the bandage roll and wrapped it around Riley's arm firmly once, and the looser two more times. I cut the end of the bandage and use the medical glue to stick the end on down on top of the rest of the bandages. Finished.

"See, not so bad right?" I comforted wiping her tear.

"No. How long do you think the bandage wrap will have to stay on?" She asked looking at the bandages.

"If you don't get it wet and try not to sleep on it--or really put any stress on it at all--2 weeks max, probably less." I guesstimated.

"How will I know?" Riley asked tapping the badages like a cast.

"When your arm doesn't hurt at all--it'll sting everynow and then until it's healed." I explained.

"How do you know all of this?" Riley asked, a small smile on her face.

"Before my mom went insane with depression--she was a nurse. In my house, we called this Tuesday night lessons." I chuckled.

Those were the good days. My dad slipping me a 20 dollar bill to listen to moms lessons (even though I would listen for free) every Tuesday in the living room. Watching dad fail at trying to put a home-made cast on a dummy while my mom laughed at him. My little sister--Alya--always wanting to give CPR to a dummy and failing miserably. Feeling happy with my little family. Then Mom cheated, dad died, my grandmother took Lya (I haven't seen her in two years) and I'm left with an abusive basket case. What was I talking about with Riley?

(A/N Getting why half the title is 'disaster'? Also-- Alya's nickname is pronounced Lia, but that's only her nickname and I can't spell her nickname different that her name. And her name is obviously not A-liar without the 'R', but it's spelled that way so. Alya= A*Lee* A, Lia= Leee*A)

"What happened? Why is she depressed?" Riley asked.

Oh great, now I have to talk my story instead of just thinking it. Yay.

"My family was small and happy before my mom cheated on my dad. She says she was drugged but when dad had her tested she had a completely clean system. My dad got drunk and died driving home. My little sister--Alya-- told my grandmother about my mom's new abusive habits and she took her in. I haven't seen her in 2 years. Now my mom is verbally abusive and depressed--except for when she's drunk, then she'll actually hit me and stuff. My family is broken and I'm left with the shattered pieces. What I wouldn't give to tell my dad not to go out that night. Or still be able to comfort Lya and read her stories and chase her around and be a big brother." I sighed my voice cracking.

"Y-You know she was only 4 when my dad died?! My mom once beat her with a wooden spoon so hard that Lya passed out from the pain. This is a four year-old little girl we're talking about! I had to hit her-- my mom not Lya--over the head with a vase hard and after that Lya was terrified to leave her room. Even to see me. That's when I became the way I am now. All I want is to see her again. She's 7 now, I think." I continued letting a tear fall.

"I don't know I just....I guess that's why seeing you get hurt by Mr. Matthe--Cory was so triggering. I just had to save you." I finished looking at her.

"Farkle....I am so sorry. I had no idea--come here." She sniffed hugging me.

I hugged back and smiled. She pulled from the hug and brought her knees up but then dropped them letting out a squeak.

"What's wrong? Why'd you flinch?" I asked.

"Before you came my dad used his belt to whip at me and he cracked me on my thigh."

Come on Matthews! How do you not feel bad hurting your daughter like this? I glanced down at her skirt and bit my lip nervously. My hands near anyone's skirt is never a good idea. But she might need another bandage or something so I've gotta suck up those teenage boy hormones and help.

"Can I see?" I asked.

"Uh...sure." She stammered.

I tentatively lifted the edge of her skirt and awkwardly moved her legs apart a little. I peeked at her thigh and sighed in relief. The welt was at the very beginning of her thigh near her underwear (I swear I'm not thinking about anything like that.) but it wasn't a swollen, broken, welt like on her arm, just the more common welt. A tiny red line on her on her thigh. I ran my fingers over it and it felt really warm--blood rushing to the area. She shivered and I winced.

"Does that hurt?" I asked worriedly.

"No. It's just your hand brushing there felt good." Riley stuttered blushing.

I laughed a little and moved my hand. Not here for that. She grabbed my hand though and put it back on the welt. I raised and eyebrow and looked at her testingly.

(A/N I promise you--they are not engage in anything sexual at all, I SWEAR. I'm not even joking or teasing or whatever--NOTHING SEXUAL....I mean maybe like a little dirty but nothing that is really story-defining or whatever.)

"I-It feels good. Plus it doesn't hurt when you rub it like that." Riley smiled smally.

Dear god, please don't test me like this. You know I can't just rub her thighs or whatever and not do something. Please Riley, don't ask me to do it again.

"Just rub it again. It's not like I'm asking you to do something dirty right? It's like more nurse stuff." Riley shrugged.

I have self-control. I have self-control. I HAVE SELF-CONTROL. I HAVE MOTHER FRIGGIN SELF-CONTROL.You will not touch this girl inappropriately. You will not touch this girl inappropriately. You will NOT touch this girl inappropriately. YOU WILL NOT LAY A DIRTY INTENDED HAND ON THIS WOMAN.

(A/N Why is it cute/adorable AND hot/attractive to think of Farkle/Corey promising this to himself? WHY?)

"O-Ok." I agreed holding my breath.

Please God, I'm beginning you to make this as innocent as possible. Don't let her shake, shiver, moan, move, just make her a still rock so that I don't feel turned on in anyway. I AM BEGGING.

I rubbed the spot lightly again and at first Riley just smiled satisfied. And then my hand accidentally brushed the very edge of her underwear. I SWEAR IT WAS AN ACCIDENT. I SWEAR I DID NOT DO THAT ON PURPOSE. Riley shuddered and I winced. Don't you dare--

She moaned. I swear to God, she hates me. She's trying to get me to f*ck her right here and now. She hates me doesn't she? She moaned really quietly--almost just a breath and yet here I am dying on the inside. Please, ignore it. Tell me your thigh feels better let me go home to my crazy mother.

"Whatever you just did--do it again." Riley ordered.

I closed my eyes and took a deep breath. Self-control, don't lose it. I brushed over her underwear again and she moaned lightly. Ok, she sounds amazingly sexy and I'm dying. She was quiet for a while and the out of no-where she moaned lowly. Not lowly as in quietly--no this was a reasonable volume-- lowly as in a deep key and she held the moan for about 5 seconds. And I'm done for. MOMMY HELP ME, I'M ABOUT TO RAPE SOMEONE.

(A/N See, my feminist says NO, but my #Riarkle heart says: PLEASE)

"Ok. You know what, I wasn't going to say anything but I really don't think this is the most innocent scenario for us to be in. I might do something and then you'll do something then I'll do something. And then this will not be nurse stuff this will be inappropriate stuff so I'm just gonna move my hand--" I said slowly, moving my hand away at the same pace.

"You can't just stop. Do it again. This is just a less than innocent onetime thing, I'm giving you consent. Whatever you wanna call it--just rub me through my underwear again." Riley said grabbing my hand.

Trust me. If I start the chances of it staying just as a "less than-innocent onetime thing." is very low. How does a complete ray of sunshine even want to do things like this? Ok so she's not a complete ray of sunshine--she's half-depressed and hopelessly emotionally scarred and insecure but the point is, she's innocent. This is not innocent.

"I-I really don't think you understand the type of guy I am. I start doing anything and it won't end well." I warned.

"You'll stop. I trust you." Riley said moving my hand closer to her middle.

"I don't know, I mean I'd rather talk about the kiss than do this." I tried.

I really would rather be all awkward than accidentally do something I shouldn't. Especially since I could feel heat radiating from Riley's core. That makes me question if she's gonna stop if we start either. I's not likely.

"Then we talk about it while we do this." Riley deadpanned.

This is a dream. Yup. That is my logical explanation because there is way Riley is asking me to pleasure her like this. And if it's a dream it's ok to do it, right? Right--logic. This isn't a dream, if it was I wouldn't have argued when she asked the first time.

"How about we talk about puppies and keep our hands and legs folded?" I suggest moving my hand again.

She caught it and put in on top of her underwear. It's wet. Ok, I'm done. I'm done. I'm freaking done.

"Please do it." She said quietly, "I'm...I'm horny and I need you." She whispered quickly.

(A/N WHOOP THERE IT IS. Ok, I admit--mildly sexual but nothing super, super, bad. I swear.)

My heart just stopped. Nope. Nope. Nope. I can't say no to that. How do you say no to that?!

"I-I think--"

She got a firm lock on my wrist and used her middle finger to push mine onto the genral area her clit would be. She moved my finger for me and moaned. I let out a choked breath. Why is hearing Riley moan so incredibly hot?!

God help me, I'm giving in. I'm giving in and that's not good.

"Riley, I really don't--"

"Please? For me?" She asked looking at me with big eyes.

I shouldn't do this. I shouldn't do this. I shouldn't do this. I shouldn't--

"I really don't--Ugh. Ok. Fine. Fine, fine, fine--but don't say I didn't warn you if this turns into a quick hook up." I warned.

I can't believe I'm going to do this. I gently ran my finger up and down her slit and she moaned quietly. I'm actually doing this--this is really happening. Yup, I'm going to hell. I pushed her backward to lay down and continued to rub her.

"Ohh..." She moaned.

Hohh ma god. This is wrong in so many ways. We're not even dating--we haven't even known each other for a whole, genuine month. I moved my hand--I'm not doing that anymore, too much of a guilty conscious-- and instead leaned down to kiss her neck. I felt the goosebumps rise on her body and decided this was much more "innocent"

I kissed and nipped at her neck softly and she lifted my head and smashed them to her lips. It felt just as good as the first kiss. Explosive yet tranquil, fierce yet gentle, fiery and cool, a burst of aggressive emotion and a release of sensitive passion.

We kissed over and over again until it turned into a heated makeout. Although the only sounds in the room were out breaths, lips smacking and light moans I was hearing angelic symphonies.

(A/N And the trumpets they go: Do-do~doo-doo-do-doo, Do-do~doo-doo-do-doo)

I layed my tongue on her bottom lip and waited for a response.


Riley's P.O.V

Thigh felt good..brushed my underwear...felt better..kept going....kissed my neck.....kissing turned to makeout--Tongue on bottom lip. Tongue on bottom lip. TONGUE ON BOTTOM LIP.

"He's asking for entrance..." My brain sang.

"I know." I hissed in my mind.

I started this--I'm about to finish it. This is wrong but...I'll be dammed if I let him stop now. Ok. Yup, I'm going to hell.


Farkle's P.O.V

She opened her mouth just enough for me to slip my tongue through. I explored her mouth and the shoved my tongue down her throat making her let out a strangled, guttural, moan. I moaned into her mouth as well and started to reach for the hem of her shirt when I heard a cough.

I sat up and nodded my head in a 'yes' motion even though I wasn't agreeing to anything. Riley sat up and rolled her eyes in frustration. I ran my hands through my hair in frustration and sucked on the inside of my lip. Yup, yup, yup, PERFECT TIMING TO STOP THIS GOD! Waita stop it at the good part.

(A/N You know that thing Maddie does in Liv and Maddie when she and Diggie are interrupted? Mostly that episode when Diggie comes to visit from Tundrabania and they almost kiss in the backyard. Yeah--that.)

"Well....glad you guys talked about it." Maya quipped from outside the window.

"You know usually when a guy and a girl are making out it is very annoying to break them apart for a sarcastic comment. Or for any comment, or anything or nothing or for air or for freaking LIFE!" Riley snapped.

Woah--she was clearly enjoying that more than I was the way she pissed at Maya for interrupting us. Her face was flushed and despite her angry stance her legs were fidgeting--she's still horny-- and that is hot....KEEP IT TOGETHER MAN.

"Feisty! I saw everything after the bandaging--I was gonna stop you and ask if you were Ok but then the whole rubbing your thigh thing escalated and I'm not gonna lie it was hot." Maya said casually.

"YOU WATCHED ALL OF THAT?" Riley asked furiously.

"Hey, calm down Sunshine." I soothed.

".....Sorry." She breathed.

"So....did you guys talk about the kiss at all?" Maya asked.

"Not really..." I admitted.

"So now you two have had a kiss and one moment. Hmm...have fun talking 'bout that." Maya smirked leaving the window sill.

"Well the mood had been successfully killed, huh?" I asked.

We were back to that awkward sitting we did back at school when we couldn't talk and Riley nodded.

(A/N You know the way they sit during Lucaya/Mucas--Sorry, "Rucas"  first dates? Yeah--that.)

"Dead and buried." She agreed.

"Yeah, ok." I replied quietly.

We sat in silence again and I looked at the clock on her wall. 5:00 pm. Almost sunset and I haven't done my homework. Who am I kidding, I never do my homework. I just need an excuse to leave this situation.

"This is overwhelmingly awkward...Hey how about you head home and we'll catch that movie tomorrow after school?" Riley suggested.

"I'd love to leave. I-I mean I'd love to go to the movies where we don't have to talk about anything with eachother." I nodded.

"So what are we gonna do now? Pretend that didn't happen along with the kiss?" Riley asked.

"I know what I'm gonna do. I'm gonna go home, steal some of my mom's beer and pray that this wasn't a dream. You?" I asked turning to her.

"Well, I'm still hella horny so I'll probably masturbate to thoughts of you and then knock out some homework." Riley shruged casually.

Riley Innocent Matthews jacking off to thoughts of me. Yeh my world has been officially shattered. Out of the blue she grabbed my shoulder and pecked me quickly. I smiled and interlaced our fingers for a brief second. Then I stood up, brushed myself off and opened her window--no-way I'm going back down near that abusive jerk. I have to remember to call the cops. I crawled out onto the fire escape and Riley poked her head put the window.

"Hey, Farkle?" Riley called quietly.

"Yeah, Sunshine?" I responded.

"We should really talk about it--all of it." She reminded.

"We should." I agreed.

"But we're not going to are we?" Riley smiled a small mischeivous smile.

I put my hand on the side of her face and kissed her for about a full half-a minute and then pulled away, shaking my head 'no.' I started to climb down the fire escape ladder when she called out again.

"Hey, Farkle?"


"What are we?" She asked biting her lip.

"We....we are Riley and Farkle. Why mess it up with labels? Friends and partners--beautiful disaster, remember?" I smiled.

"Riley and Farkle....I like it." She smiled.

She went fully in her room and closed the window. I climbed down the fire escape and smiled. Not boyfriend and girlfriend--that's too demanding, friends with benefits--that's too sex-based, not friends--too much tension. Just, Riley and Farkle. We are simply that and we will be that until something forces us to talk about the kiss and that moment. We won't have an us until we talk about us but that's ok.

I looked at my phone and dialed in '911.' It rang but I couldn't feel urgent or angry. We are Riley and Farkle. Farkle and Riley. We are us. Riley and Farkle.

I like it.

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