I Know You (Camren)

By Cabellotho

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"Why are you helping me? I'm just a homeless girl." "You're different. I don't know what's different about yo... More

hey bitch


906 45 10
By Cabellotho

"No...no, no that's not possible." Lauren was now sweating. She couldn't believe this, but now that she knows, she can't see how she didn't notice. She's now realizing how much Camila looks like she used too. Same dark chocolate brown eyes, same adorable nose scrunch, same sweet caring attitude.

She guesses she didn't know because she basically though Karla was dead. In her defense, it had been ten years since she had last heard from the girl.

Her heart is still racing at the speed of light. The little fifteen year old girl that she fell in love with, has been back in her life for the past month and a half, and she didn't even think of telling the older girl about this. So Camila knew that Lauren was who she was, and kept it in this whole time.

Lauren realized that she had been in love with Camila right after she ran away. Lauren would cry everyday for at least half a year. She had faith though. Faith that Camila would one day come home. Faith that Camila would feel the same way about her. But she knew then that that was a long shot.

"How did you--why--what?" Lauren couldn't even get out full sentences.

Lauren felt as if this was all a dream. Like she would wake up in her bed, and this Camila would have never came into her life.

"Lauren, please say something." Camila was practically begging at this point. She knew Lauren wouldn't react all chill, but she did expect her to at least talk to her about it.

"Karla's dead. You can't be serious." Camila didn't understand how Lauren wasn't grasping this. It's not that hard to understand.

"Okay we need to talk about this. Can we go back inside?" Camila knew that that was risky question. Would Lauren even want Camila back inside her home after all of this. After all the lies.

"...Yeah sure." Lauren was still confused as ever, but she realized that she needed to here Camila's side of the story.

On their short walk back to the apartment room, Lauren thought more about Camila and what she has probably had to go through these past few years. She finally remembered that Camila had been homeless. Lauren had pasted her everyday for a month before actually having Camila stay with her. During that month, Lauren talked to Camila every single day. She didn't even know but she had been in touch with her best friend for awhile.

Once they were finally in the room, Camila and Lauren walk over to the couch, still silent.

"Okay, I know you have a lot of questions, but I just want to say one thing first." Camila said as she saw Lauren open her mouth to start.

"...Oh...Okay." Lauren stopped to let Camila talk. Lauren knows that Camila feels bad and probably thinks that Lauren hates her. She doesn't. She's just confused and wants to know how and why Camila did what she did.

"I was going to tell you, but I just couldn't. So I thought leaving would just make it better as you would never have to see me and I would never have to tell you about this and face how you would react. I didn't want to hurt either of us and I hope you can realize that because I don't want you to hate me or be mad at me." Camila rambled fast, thinking that Lauren would interrupt her.

Camila was suddenly confused when Lauren let out a little giggle. "I'm not mad." Lauren started with a playful tone which changed to a little more serious one. "I just want to know the whole story. So because of that, I'll go make us some coffee." Lauren said then disappeared into the kitchen.

The brown eyed girl was so confused as to why Lauren was acting so cool about all of this. If their roles were switched, Camila knows she's be pissed at Lauren for keeping such a big secret for over a month.

After about five minutes, Lauren came back with a mug in each hand.

Camila's heart started beating erratically. Not because she was nervous, though she was, but because even at 12:37 a.m., with no makeup on, in dim lighting, Lauren looked like an absolute princess. Camila always liked no makeup Lauren better than when she was all dolled up. Not that Lauren in makeup didn't look gorgeous, but all natural Lauren was Camila's favorite. Lauren just had real beauty. She was ethereal.

Lauren sat down and Camila knew this was when he had to be serious and focus on telling Lauren all the truth.

"Okay...Whenever you're ready." Camila still didn't understand how the green eyed girl could be this cool. Lauren always knew how to react in certain situations.

Camila took in a long breath, as she knew this was going to be a long conversation. "Hm, okay" Camila took a minute, thinking about how she should start this. "Um, as you know, I left when I was fifteen."

Lauren just nodded, waiting to hear the reason why Camila left in the first place. Camila knew that that was the one thing the older girl was longing to finally know, but she just could not find a way to explain it to her without having it sound completely selfish on her own part.

"Well, that was the night that I came out to my parents." If Camila hadn't had Lauren's full attention, she definitely did now.

Lauren didn't dare to interrupt Camila. "They blew up. They told me it was a phase, and that I'd see the therapist the next day." Tears were threatening to leave Camila's eyes at this point. "They thought I was wrong, and that I didn't understand what I was feeling for you. They tried to make me believe that what I thought was a sin, and that I could be changed, but they were wrong. They had to be. And the last thing that my mother ever said to me was that I might as well leave if I was never going to change." By now Camila didn't even care anymore, and let the waterworks start.

Lauren didn't even think, but just grabbed Camila and pulled her into her own arms.

After about five seconds of having Camila in her arms, Lauren noticed what Camila had said.

"Wait, did you just say what you were feeling about me?" Lauren's heart started beating insanely. She knew Camila could hear it by now.

Camila fell silent. She rose her head up and looked Lauren straight in the eyes.

"What do you mean?" Lauren spoke out with her hands shaking, and her heart going crazy.

"When you nod your head yes, but you wanna say no." Camila starting singing.

Lauren couldn't help but laugh. Camila always tried to heal awkward conversations by cracking a joke. Though Lauren thought this was adorable, she needed to know what Camila meant by her earlier statement.

Lauren thought she had a hint of what the younger girl meant, but she needed to know for sure.

"Camila." Lauren needed a straight answer right now.

"Okay, I'm sorry. I...uh...really used to like you." Camila said then shut her eyes tight.

The words 'used to' kind of made Lauren a little sad. She didn't even have to guess why those two words had such an impact. She knows she has feelings for Camila. She isn't even going to deny it anymore, as it's done no good to her to act as if she isn't crazy about the girl in her arms.

Camila pulled away and distanced herself from Lauren on the couch. "I know you probably think that that's really creepy, and I'm sorry. We were best friends. You were the one person I knew I could go to with anything. I could tell you anything and everything, and you wouldn't think of me any differently because of it. I knew my parents wouldn't except me, but you did. You didn't care who I liked, whether it be a guy or a girl. You were a safe haven to me, Lauren. You made me feel loved, and that's why I fell in love with you. I'm sorry but couldn't help the way I felt then, and I can't help the way I still feel now."

Camila knew Lauren was shocked after hearing all this. She thought Lauren would never want to speak to her again or have any kind of contact with the smaller girl. Camila's head started to hurt from all her overthinking about this whole situation, though she knew it wasn't going to end well.

What Lauren did next made Camila stop thinking all together.

Camila felt two hands lightly grab her face and pull her closer to them. She didn't even have time to question it as all her thoughts were abruptly paused when she felt a pair of soft lips delicately attach themselves her hers.

Though the kiss didn't last as long as she would've liked it to, it left Camila being able to dream of those lips for days.

Neither of the girls could speak after that.

The act of affection was short, but left both of them speechless.

Camila never understood how people could describe a kiss as something so life changing. She didn't get how touching lips was such a endearing action. Now she did though.

She understood ever sappy movie kiss description there ever was.

After a moment or two, Lauren looked into Camila's eyes. "Wow." was all the older girl could get out.

"That was...wow." Camila giggled at the over-used line that came after a kiss.

"I absolutely love that laugh." Lauren commented on Camila's action.

Now that Lauren knows how Camila feels entirely, she feels no need to stop herself from speaking her thoughts concerning the younger girl.

After Camila stops covering her face in hopes to hide her blush, she asks the big question that is on both of the girls minds.

"So...what happens now?"

Lauren thought for a moment even though she knew the answer. "Now we go to bed." She smiled at the younger girl.

They both got up off the couch without another word.

Lauren was suddenly confused as she saw Camila start toward the guest room. "No. No no no. You're with me." Lauren said with a grab of Camila's hand and a small chaste wink.

Camila didn't say one word to fight that. She just thought about the rest of her time with Lauren, whether it be forever or just for tonight, Camila was excited for it.

As the climbed into Lauren's bed and instantly formed into the spooning position, all both of the girls could think of was each other, and that's how they fell asleep, with thoughts of the other.


This is so short I'm sorry.

I honestly feel like such a bitch cause they keep getting shorter and shorter but this was honestly hard to write since I didn't know what to say at all, but I hope you all like it!

Please vote and comment on what you thought about this chapter, thanks!! :*

I love all of you sooooooo soooooo sooooo much and I hope you have an amazing night/day depending on where you are right now!

-J (Unless someone hasn't told you today, you're beautiful, and even if they did, you're still beautiful)

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