It's Gotta be Him

By escapeme

41.1K 511 160

FINISHED! Gabbie and Cat live in a tiny city in a relatively rural part of Australia. One Direction is perfor... More

Gotta be Him
I've got a Hangover, woah!
An Awkward Meeting
Pucker up, Gabbie :P
Smile and say 'Cheese!'
Running nude in the rain...
Go, Grease Lightning!
Um.. Wow
Cat's Pyrotechnics are SO accurate these days...
Mile High club
We turn into Bitches... what do you want?
*Dead* Oh wait, Gabbie just fainted.
Chinese or Indian?
Gabbie, some teasing and some swimmers beside the pool...
F-a-c-k F-a-c-k fack, fack, facking FREAK-ME!
I'll find the words to say... if you leave me today <3
Cry me a River
Not a Movie Style Girlfriend...
Circles, we're going in circles....
Men. What are you gonna do?
Going, Going, Gone...
Get out, Get out, Get out of my Head...
It's a damn cold night... Part ONE
It's a Damn Cold Night.. Part TWO
Shocking Much?
Hey, Hey!

Zayn's Making Progress...

1.3K 20 10
By escapeme

"Okay, let me get this straight..." Cat rolled her eyes at Gabbie, tapping her fingers on the table. Gabbie shot an annoyed look at Cat as she kicked her leg under the table, motioning her to get on with it. "You want me to... pretend to be your... girlfriend?"

Everyone, beside's Harry and Gabbie, looked extremely bored with the conversation, which had been going on for the last ten minutes. For some reason, Gabbie felt the need to ask the same question, and get the same answer- Over and Over and Over again.

"Oh for pete sake!" Cat yelled. "YES! That is exactly what he's been saying!" She got up from her chair, looking around at people's shocked and amused expressions. "Anyone else need a drink?" Cat sighed, heading for the stairs that led down to her Mum's alcohol stash.

A chorus of Yeah's sounded and Cat waved her hand around, heading down stairs with a huff.  After they'd woken up this morning, Cat and Gabbie had walked into the lounge room and got the scare of their lives- though Cat could tell Gabbie slightly enjoyed it. Did anyone know that nearly all the boys sleep naked/ without a shirt on?

Of course, Harry, who was sleeping naked, failed to sleep naked with blankets on. Needless to say, Cat was scarred for life. She shivered at the memory and continued into the darkness of the basement, waving her hands about in to find the cabinet.

"Need any help?"

"HOLY JESUS, MARY, JOESPH!" Cat screamed, whirling around on her heel. She narrowed her eyes at him. "Zayn, what the hell is wrong with you!?"

He put his hands up in surrender. "I was bored with their conversation." He rolled his chocolate eyes. "They're still talking about it. I think Louis is asleep...." He laughed, shaking his head.

Cat chuckled. "Okay then." She turned back around, flinging the cabinet open. "So, shots or vodka?" She looked at Zayn over her shoulder.

He screwed up his nose. "Uh, neither?" He squatted down in front of the cabinet, extracting a bottle of Cat's mother's best wine. "This one?"

Cat laughed, shoving the bottle back into the cabinet. "No way. Wine is disgusting, plus, it's my Mother's and she'd kill me. I think it's her engagment wine."

Zayn chuckled, searching through the rows of bottles. "She's married?"

"Uh, no. Thats her 'I -hope-I'll-get-engaged-wine'. She's had it for about ten years, which is how long she's been dating my step-dad." Cat pulled out a bottle of half-full rum and coke. She sniffed it. It was a tad flat, but would serve it's purpose. "Let's go."

Cat turned around to see Zayn blocking her path, a smirk on his tanned face. He stared down at Cat, his eyes brushing over her features. He drank in her scent- Vanilla and the sweet smell that all woman have- his eyes grazing her nose, her small brownish eyes.

"Has anyone ever told you that you're very pretty, Cat?" Zayn asked, bending slightly so he was her height. She was a small person, given her age. He started to lean in. And Cat started to lean out.

Cat's eyes crinkled at the corners and her lips turned up. She smirked, brushing her curly hair from her shoulders. "All the time." She joked, tucking the bottle under her arm. "Didn't you know I have adoring fans?" She tugged on Zayn's shirt, her eyes darting around his face, not resting on any one place. "Come on, lets go."

Zayn sighed, following her up the stairs.


"YOU SAID WHAT?" Gabbie yelled in the best whisper voice it is possible to yell in.

"I know!" Cat whisper-yelled back. "I feel totally pathetic. I just freaked out! What was I suppose to do?"

Gabbie grabbed Cat's shoulders, shaking her violently. "Let him kiss you, you dip-shit!" She smacked Cat upside the head, groaning in furstration.

Cat glowered at Gabbie. "Just cause you're now fake dating one of the hottest boy-band memebers in the world, doesn't mean you are an authority on this crap." She fell back on her bed next to Gabbie and closed her eyes tightly. "Although I do have to agree with what you just said." She looked at Gabbie. "I am an idiot."

Gabbie sighed, pushing a pillow under her head. "You're not an idiot. You're just really really stupid... sometimes." Cat hit Gabbie with a pillow, laughing. "Actually, your pretty stupid all the time. It must be a serious mental problem that only affects you."

"Okay, okay. I get it, I'm stupid." Cat rolled her eyes, crawling under the blankets as rain started to fall outside. "I think I have a hang-over coming on." She pressed her fingers to her temples.

Gabbie scoffed. "Please, you only had a quater of a glass of rum and coke. You even put extra Coke in it, for gods sake!" Gabbie shook her head, but immediatly regretted it. "Although, i might have drunk a little two much."

She jumped out of the bed, sprinting towards the bathroom at the end of the hall. Cat waited for her head to stop spinning before following her out. She pushed the door open slightly, feeling ill as she listened to Gabbie throw-up. "Do you need-," She started, but shut up quickly.

Harry was kneeling beside Gabbie, holding her hair back and whispering words of encouragement to her as he sat on the cold tiles.

Cat smiled at how sweet and incredibly gross it was at th same time. She shut the door lightly, hoping it didn't startle them and went into the kitchen, where the boys were still sitting. Niall and Liam were sipping water,  Zayn was pouring another glass of rum and coke for himself and Louis was no where to be seen.

Cat dumped a packet of panadol on the table in front of Zayn, along with two fresh cups. "Take two before going to bed." She smiled as Niall winked at her. "I'm going to be-,"

Cat let out a strangled scream as a bucket of icy rain water was throw at her by a laughing Louis. She narrowed her eyes at him, spotting something out of the corner of her eyes. "I let you into my house..." She said, pretending to hurt and upset. "And you go and d-do this to m-me?" She let out a fake sob, lowering her eyes as Louis edged closer to her, a worried expression on his face.

As he glanced at the other boys, Cat scooped up the water bomb off his chair and held it behind her leg. "Cat," Louis said, drawing her into a soft hug. "I didn't mean-," Louis gasped as Cat broke the waterbomb over his head, laughing like a maniac.

She stuck her tongue out at him, grabbing a few more and running down the hall as Louis stood there shocked. She turned around and pelted a bomb at the back of Zayn's head, soaking his shoulders. He turned on her grinning evilly. "Oh, your asking for it." He said in his thick accent, raising his eyebrows.

Cat wiggled her eyebrows, throwing another bomb, which his him square in the chest, making him grunt in pain. "Na na n-na na!" Cat taunted swaying her hips and pulling faces. A bomb came soaring over her head, hitting the wall behind her. "Ha, you misse- Oof!" Cat groaned as a bomb his her stomach, slightly winding her. Zayn advanced up the hallway after her.

Cat squealed, sprininting past a sour-faced Gabbie who had just emerged from the bathroom, looking green.

Diving into her room, Cat scrambled over the bed, Zayn tackling her so they both fell in a heap on the ground, legs intertwined. Cat roared with laughter, her stomach hurting as she burst another bomb on Zayn's exposed stomach. Really, she was just using it as an excuse to touch his slight abs.

She struggled, trying to crawl away. "Oh no you don't." Zayn tackled her again, smashing a water bomb onto her back, laughing brightly himself. "This is pay back!"

He held her arms down, trying to stop her getting away and smashed a waterbomb on her head. She squealed and looked up at him, dripping wet, with her hair plastered to her face. They both froze.

Cat found herself drowning in Zayn's eyes, totally oblivious to the fact they were both leaning in. Cat paused, her nose brushing againt the stubble on Zayn's cheek. Her breathing quickened. Before she could protest, Zayn pressed his lips hesitantly to hers.

They were warm and soft. Cat melted. Then, realisation of what she's doing hit her and she pushed him away. He stared at her for a moment, confused and slightly hurt. Cat, who hated those awkward silences, broke it by shoving the last of her water bombs into Zayn's stomach, giggleing half-heartedly as she scrambled to her feet, running out the door.

Zayn sighed. Still, he thought, I've made progress. He jumped up, forcing a smile as he ran after her.


Sorry it's short. Dad's only alowing me half an hour on the computer a day at the moment. So, I am happy with this Chapter, because it advances the Character Relationships between Harry and Gabbie and Cat and Zayn.

I'm not sure if I want to make Cat and Zayn get together- because it'll be really Cliched..

So, Vote if you like this!

And Comment- Do you want Cat and Zayn to get together?

Do you want Harry and Gabbie to get together?


:P :D

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