One shots X Reader

By Dunedain_Maiden

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Well the title is kinda self-explanatory soo yeah have fun reading oh and I take requests too;) More

Authors note
Dean; Supernatural
Brock Rumlow; Captain America The Winter Solider
Legolas; The Lord of the Rings
Gabriel; Supernatural
Brock Rumlow; Captain America the Winter Soldier
Brock Rumlow Part Two ;)
Boyd Swan; Fury
Sam Winchester; Supernatural
Thorin; The Hobbit
Boyd Swan Part Two
Boyd Swan Part Three
Daryl Dixon; The Walking Dead
Boyd Sawn Part Four
Your Crush; Supernatural
Thorin; The Hobbit
Tony Stark; Iron Man
Joshua Donovan; Warehouse 13
Haldir; Lord of the Rings
Alister; Dragon Age Origins
Bucky Barnes; Captain America: Civil War
Authors Note
Anders; Dragon Age 2
Anders; Dragon Age II
Jon Snow; Game of Thrones
Sherlock Holmes; Sherlock
Kakashi; Naruto
Shikamaru; Naruto
Shikamaru; Naruto
Kakashi; Naruto

Jon Snow; Game of Thrones

373 5 0
By Dunedain_Maiden

You had been Ramsey's prisoner since you had marched against him along side Stannis Barathion. You had been certain of your victory until Stannis had let the Red Woman burn his only child. After that all of their sell swords had abandoned them and the storm had killed most of their horses. You wanted to abandon them and go back to Jon but you had made a vow to help him secure his throne. You should've turned around, then you wouldn't have been in the dungeons of Winterfell strapped to the block that the Bolton's used to flay their victims. You had lost track of how many days you had been locked in there with no food and little water. Luckily Ramsey didn't know who you were and that you lived with the Starks and was in love with one of the only heirs of the Stark house which was a good thing because he couldn't use you against Jon. You heard the door swing open and looked up to see Ramsey standing in the doorway.

"Hello Love." He said smiling his terrible smile. He didn't know your name so he called you love which sent a shiver down your spine.

"Hello Dickwad." You hissed at him. You would not give in to him. He would not break you.

"Still feisty I see." He said with a chuckle and came closer to you. "Do you know how long you've been here Love?" He asked grabbing your face. You said nothing. "Two fortnights." You tried not to let the surprise show on your face but obviously failed. "Are you surprised? Did you think someone was going to save you?" He asked and laughed. You didn't expect anyone to save you. The Red Woman left and probably went back to the Wall to tell them that Stannis's army was slaughtered so Jon probably thought you were dead. You still said nothing. "Quiet today are we?" He said and grabbed your chin harder and kissed you. You clamped your mouth shut and tried not to resisted the best you could. You could easily handle the physical pain he inflicted on you but you hated when he kissed you and touched you in private places. His hands traveled across your breasts and you tried your best to not squirm. You couldn't show any weakness because he could use it against you. He finally pulled away and you resisted the urge to spit on him.

"Now, you will tell how many Wildlings Jon Snow has in his army or else you'll lose a finger." He said and smiled menacingly.

"I told you already, I don't know." You lied and Ramsey sighed.

"You had such nice fingers it's a shame I have to take off one of them." He grabbed your pinky finger and you looked him in the eye as he slowly dug the knife into your finger. You didn't even blink at the searing pain that shot through your hand. He dug it deeper and watched your face closely for any change in expression but there was sill none. He finally cut off your finger and sighed.

"Tomorrow I will kill Jon Snow and in other circumstances I would kill you right now, but you're different. I will keep you alive because I want to break you. I will break you Love and it will be glorious." He said and kissed you. "I will see you tomorrow night. That's when the real pain will start." He gave you a smile and left the room. You took a deep breath and looked at the damage. Your finger was tremendously and the cut was jagged. There was no way to stop the bleeding but it most likely wouldn't kill you. So far, you were missing three fingers, two toes, your right arm was broken and you had multiple cuts on your body. You sighed and closed your eyes. Jon had to win this battle, not only for his sake, but also for yours.

You woke up suddenly when the door slammed open to reveal Ramsey.

"Well, today's the day." He said coming over to you. "Well I am glad that you didn't die of blood loss." He smiled and poked your open wound. "Do you know who Rickon Stark?"

"He's dead." You said.

"No he's not. I have him here and I'm going to let Jon think he can have him but I will just kill him." You had been Rickon's favorite person when you lived in Winterfell, you loved him like a brother.

"You bastard!" You yelled.

"So you do know him."

"Of course I know him; I was raised in the North. Everyone knows the Stark children." You said outraged.

"Well, he's going to die along with all the other Stark children I can find." He laughed. "Now I don't need you making any noise so goodnight." He said and knocked you out.

When you woke up, everything was quiet which was unusual. You tried to say something but your throat was so dry that no sound came out. You tried to struggle out of your bindings but you were so weak that nothing happened.

You hung there for what felt like days and no one had come to find you. Not Ramsey, not Jon, no one. You would die down there, all alone. You used all the strength you had and said as loud as you could,

"Help me. Someone, help me." Hanging your head in defeat, you wished Jon was with you. You sighed and closed your eyes thinking about Jon's voice. It was so vivid in your mind it was almost as though you could hear him whispering. Your eyes shot open as you realized that the voice was real! "Jon?" You tried to yell. "Help me Jon."

"(Y/N)? Is that you?" You heard Jon yell.

"Yes! Jon please come and help me."

Footsteps approached as the door slowly opened to reveal a figure with a lamp. You had been in the dark so long that the light was blinding.

"Jon. I knew you would come for me! That bastard has Rikon." You said as your voice cracked.

"Oh Love." Your bowels turned to water as you finally realized who you were talking to. "I see I've disappointed you." Ramsey laughed as you made no sound. "Did you really think that I didn't know who you were?" He asked. You didn't respond. "And now I know that you are in love with the bastard Snow." He walked up to you and grabbed your chin. "I'm going to have fun torturing you in front of him."

HAHAHAHA just kidding guys, I'm not that mean lol

When you woke up, everything was quiet which was unusual. You tried to say something but your throat was so dry that no sound came out. You tried to struggle out of your bindings but you were so weak that nothing happened.

You hung there for what felt like days and no one had come to find you. Not Ramsey, not Jon, no one. You would die down there, all alone. You used all the strength you had and said as loud as you could,

"Help me. Someone, help me." Hanging your head in defeat, you wished Jon was with you. You sighed and closed your eyes thinking about Jon's voice. It was so vivid in your mind it was almost as though you could hear him whispering. Your eyes shot open as you realized that the voice was real! "Jon?" You tried to yell. "Help me Jon."



Jon had been walking all throughout Winterfell, looking at all the damage that Ramsey had done. He had also wanted to be alone to finally be able to mourn the loss of (Y/N). It was all his fault that she was dead. He sent her with Stannis in hopes that she would get Winterfell back but he should've known that they wouldn't have won. He had barely won his battle against Ramsey. To get away from everyone he had wandered down to the dungeons where no one would find him.

"Help me. Someone, help me." Someone whispered. It sounded like (Y/N). No, she was dead.

"I must be going crazy,"


It couldn't be, it really couldn't be. It was Jon. He was here.

"Jon, I'm in here." You whispered. "Please, Jon." You tried to say as tears ran down your face. He had to have heard you.

"(Y/N)?" You heard Jon say.

"In here." You heard footsteps and heard the door open. You lifted your head to see Jon standing in the doorway.

"Holy Gods! (Y/N)!" He said and ran up to you. He untied your bonds and gently helped you down. He grabbed you gently and carried you bridal style. Jon looked horrified as you wrapped your arms around his neck and put your head against his chest and help tight as he ran up to find a maester. As he was running he said, "(Y/N) I'm so sorry I didn't come to find you, the Red Woman said that you were dead."

"It's oaky." You whispered. "You're here now." He ran up a flight of stairs and found one of the maesters that had come to help the wounded.

"Is that (Y/N)?" You heard Sansa Starks voice and smiled to yourself.

"Yes." He said breathlessly and laid you down on a bed. "What did he all do to you?" Jon asked quietly.

"He cut off three of my fingers, two toes, broke my right arm and cut me." You whispered, your voice cracking. Jon was about to grab your hand when the maester pushed him out of the way.

"Everyone out, she is severely dehydrated and has multiple infections. All of you out!"

"But- "Jon started,

"OUT!" He yelled. Then he turned to you and handed you a cup of water. "You need to drink this. It has milk of the poppy in it. It will put you to sleep long enough for me to re-break and set your arm, clean all of your wounds and deal with your infections. Is that okay?" He asked and you nodded. You drank the water and fell into a dreamless sleep.

When you woke up, you looked to see Jon sitting on a chair by the bedside holding your hand.

"Jon-" you whispered.

"(Y/N)! How are you feeling?" Jon asked.

"About as good as I look." You replied with a small smile.

"How can you smile after all of this?" He whispered.

"I can smile because I know that you are alive. You are all I need to smile." You replied as your eyes drooped.

"Rest now (Y/N). We can talk more when your better." Jon said as he leaned over you and kissed you softly before you fell into a blissful sleep.

Sorry the ending was kind of crappy. I just really wanted to post something. I've started my first year of university and its way harder than I thought it would be and I don't really have time to do anything but my school work but I will try my hardest to post! Thanks for reading!!! Hope you guys enjoyed it!!

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