Love Don't Know What Distance...

By kanersgirl

10.3K 154 49

Maddie Clark, a university graduate decides to move back to Chicago, her home town. While trying to get her... More

Chapter 1- Welcome Home
Chapter 2- Jet Lag
Chapter 3- It's The Start Of Something New
Chapter 5- Run
Chapter 6- Moving In
Chapter 7- The Encounter
Chapter 8- Jealousy
Chapter 9- First Impressions Are Important
Chapter 10- Love At First Sight, If That Exists At All
Chapter 11- Heartache

Chapter 4- Battle Scars

833 12 1
By kanersgirl

Maddie's POV:

I took out my phone while waiting for the game to start since I got bored and Natalie was being a lazy ass and sleeping until the game started.

I scrolled through my twitter feed until I saw a picture that had a caption which caught me eye.

Blackhawks Diehard (@diehardhawksfan88): Andrew Shaw and another women?! Totally jealous of this chick! *picture of Sierra kissing Andrew's cheek*

I was in shock for a while. I thought I actually liked Andrew, but now I knew it was nothing more than a one time thing. I mean for all I know he doesn't even know my name.

I heard the screams from fans and looked up from my phone to see the game was about to start. I leaned over and shook Natalie to wake up, she woke up immediately and yawned. "Awh thanks! Go Hawks" she said as she took a sip of water. I smiled back but didn't say anything, I was still a bit stung from what I saw.

The players were all ready for the puck to drop at center ice and I noticed it was Toews taking the draw, along side with Shaw and Sharp, with Keith and Seabrook as the defensing pair. I smiled when I saw Shaw though, I was happy for him that he got a shot at the top line.

The puck dropped and the game began, Toews won the faceoff and passed the puck back to Shaw. Shaw started skating towards Rask as Sharp and Toews raced off to the net as well, hoping to get a rebound or redirect. Andrew passed the puck back for Keith as he joined Sharp and Toews by the net. I saw his mouth moving and I could tell he was yelling for Keith to pass him the puck.

Keith must've noticed Andrew because right after he passed the puck back to him and Andrew did a nice little backhander as the puck went into the net. "GOAAAL!!" I yelled at the top of my lungs as I stood up and jumped around celebrating the goal. I looked over at Natalie to see she was doing the same.

"Your man scored for you" she said as she sat down and winked at me. I gave her a small smile as I remembered what I saw earlier.

The first period was over and still the only goal scored was Andrew's. I looked at the players bench and noticed he had the biggest smile on his face, I couldn't help but feel happy for him. He may have found someone else but hey that was still a nice goal.

The second period was just the same as the first. The only goal scored was from Andrew.

But then came the third period, the Hawks were on the PP and Hossa had the puck, he took a one timer and.. IT WENT IN! I looked at the time on the scoreboard and there were about 5 minutes left in the game. I was sitting at the edge of my seat, we were so close close to a win.

It was the final minute of the game, Andrew had the puck, and he was skating towards the empty net but skating very closely behind him was Brad Marchand. I closed my eyes, I just had a horrible feeling, and seconds later I heard "Oh! What a hit from Brad Marchand!" and seconds after that came "Oh no this doesn't look good. Andrew Shaw is down, it looks like he's unconcious. The training staff from both teams are making their way onto the ice as we speak." I heard the commentators say.

"Oh my god" I Natalie said as literally jumped up and stared at the tv, I swear she didn't even blink. I was in shock too. I felt a couple tears in my eyes and blinked rapidly to make them go away. I don't know why but that hit affects me so much. I just.. Nothing was making sense to me right now. I just want Andrew to be okay, because I think I might be in love with him.

About 10 minutes later Andrew was taken off on a stretcher and to the hospital and the Hawks won the game. I switched off the tv and made my way to my room without saying a word to Natalie. I'm guessing she understood because she did the exact same thing.

Sierra's POV:

After they took Andrew to the hospital I told my parents to go home and that I'd call them later. They agreed and left, as I ran to my car and drove as fast as I could to the hospital.

As soon as I got there I saw Andrew on a stretcher and followed them into the room. "Excuse me miss you can't be in here right now" one of the nurses said to me. "But I'm a friend of his, I have to be sure he's okay" I pleaded and the nurse gave in and let me in. "Try not to disturb him" she said before she left me alone with Andrew.

A couple reporters came into the room a couple minutes later, I tried to get them to leave but they said they had permission to be here. I sighed and moved over to let them set up their cameras. "He's speaking!" one of them said as I ran up beside him to hear what he was saying.

I noticed all the reporters had their cameras on and were recording this. I took Andrew's hand in mine waiting for the moment he would wake up. "Maddie, Maddie" he mumbled over and over again until finally he woke up. I let go of his hand and took a couple steps back. Who was this Maddie?

"What's going on?" Andrew asked as he sat up and looked around the room. His eyes were fixed on mine as he smiled. "Hey" he said to me, ignoring the cameras. "Hey I just wanted to be sure you're okay. Well I gotta go, but see you back in Chicago maybe?" I said and walked as fast as I could out of the room and back to my parents house, to pack my things for my flight back.

Andrew's POV:

I don't remember much of what happened. Last thing I remembered was having the puck on my stick and making my way towards the empty netter, next thing I knew I fell hard on the ice, then everything turned black. And now here I am at the hospital.

I did a couple interviews for the reporters here then asked them to leave since one of the nurses came back to tell me that my teammates were on their way here.

I closed my eyes and rested for a while until I heard a knock on the door. I opened my eyes and saw Kaner, Bicks and Tazer come into my room. "Well you'll be happy to know we won the game for you" Kaner said as he sat down next to me and smiled. I smiled back at his attempt to make me feel better. "We also got the puck from that goal you scored earlier for ya" Bicks said as he handed me the puck and sat down on my other side.

"Glad to see you're up. Everyone's worried about you" Tazer said as he sat next to Kaner. I laughed when he said that. Oh Tazer, always trying to be the responsible one. "Thanks guys, so when can I get out of here and back in Chicago?" I asked.

"Tonight, but you're not going to be playing for a while. You've gotta get some rest and recover." Jonathan explained as he handed me a bag of clothes. "Coach sent us here to stay with you until we got you back to Chicago, so hurry up and get changed" Kaner said as he got up to make space for me to get off the bed. "Okay okay" I said as I walked into the washroom.

A couple minutes later I walked out, changed and noticed Kaner and the others crowded around him looking at his phone. I heard a couple familiar voices from his phone and realized that they were watching my interview I did earlier. "Dude" Bicks said as I walked out and joined them. "What?" I asked trying to get a look at the screen.

"You were mumbling some girl's name in your sleep" he told me. My cheeks turned bright red, I bet I know who's name I was mumbling too. Which would explain Sierra's strange behaviour. I looked at Kaner and sure enough he had a smirk on his face. Yeah that settles it, I was mumbling Maddie's name in my sleep.

"Who's Maddie?" Jonathan asked as we were leaving the hospital. "Just a girl Shawzy's fantasizing over." Patrick said, which earned a punch from me. "Ow!" he said as he got into the car. "You haven't even met the girl and you're mumbling her name in your sleep. I'd say you're fantasizing about her" Patrick said defending himself.

Boy is he luck he called shotgun or else I would've beat the crap out of him. "Oouu Shawzy's got a little crush!" Bicks teased as Tazer pulled out of the parking lot. "No offense Andrew but Patrick's kinda right.. I mean you haven't even met her" Jonathan said.

"Shut up guys" I said, my face turning an even brighter shade of red. Thank god it's dark.

We drove back to the hotel and packed our bags and checked out. Then Tazer called a cab for us as he returned the car he rented for tonight.

Kaner pulled me aside to talk before the cab got here. "Dude you okay?" he asked me. "Yeah" I said and smiled. "I know you're okay, but I mean like are you okay feelings wise. You've been pretty quiet. Is it cause of her?" Patrick asked, man did he ask a lot of questions. "I don't know man, I like her. Like I really really like her, and I'd do anything to see her again. The next time I see her, I'm giving her this puck." I said as I took the puck out of my pocket and showed Patrick.

"I scored for her, and I'm gonna be sure she knows that" I said just as the cab showed up. "Well when we get home you'll get your chance." Patrick said as he walked over to the cab. "I sure hope so" I whispered to myself as I got into the cab. Chicago here we come.

A/N: The twitter @ names I use in this story are made up. Well they could be someone's @ name but I didn't check I just made them up on the spot. Also I wanna say that I don't mean anything against Boston, I highly respect their team and city, I was just looking for a story line. As for Brad Marchand, I love and respect him so don't take this the wrong way. Just know that I don't mean to offend anyone, any player, or the Bruins in this chapter. I really do respect everyone and would hate for anyone to be hurt and have to be sent off the ice on a stretcher. And on that note I hope Orpik is okay.  Anyways enjoy this story, thanks for reading! Comment & vote! :) -Kat

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