Foes, Rivals, Or Something Mo...

By JewelzLibrary

6.6K 404 59

Sollux moves back to Florida with his brother and father away from the northern cities of New York. But when... More

Ch.1 What the hell?!
Ch.2 Double the trouble
Ch. 3 Never yours
I don't want your pity
Last Day and ultimate decision
Week #1
Sudden Attack
Weekend visit
Confusion and Rebellion
Long silence
Accept or Deny
Welcome home
Answered questions
Some Ex's can hurt
Temper temper
Truth and sudden proposal?!
Caught in one's web
Villain now turned victim?!
Warning, Damsel in distress
Close but far away
The End?

Break in

229 17 5
By JewelzLibrary

Cronus pulls up to the school upfront before the gates and turns to Sollux.

"Alright kid let's go ahead and get this started but first we gotta passed this security that's around the gates, and the school itself. That's where you come in,"

"I haven't hacked into many things Cronus, how could I possibly hack into a security network and their cameras?"

"Chief, trust me you can do it," he says with a smile and hands him a laptop.

"Fine, just make sure no one is watching," he sits in his seat and starts up the laptop. He pulls out Eridan's phone and thinks for a moment. When he had given him this he had also planted a small chip inside in order to one day hack into the phone to bother Eridan, but since it's in his hands he could easily use it against the security systems. He grins and opens up the back and removes the chip with ease. 

"Uh...what the hell is that?"

"A chip i hid in Eridan's phone so i could hack into it one day and get him into trouble, but that was before i even knew this place was a hell hole for him. Since it already has a special hacking code built into it, by me and my dad, we can easily just connect to the wifi of the school, bypass the security walls, and dump this code into it. But it will only give us a good five minutes to get in, grab the fishhead, and get out,"

"That's tough since we don't know where he is,"

"We'll just have to find him...he can't be too far from the exit...i hope atleast," Sollux types into the keyboard and connects to the school's internet and quickly gets to work. He types in the code and presses enter.

Inside the control room, the cameras to each room in the building suddenly shuts down.

"What the-?!" the security guard in the control room immediately calls the head mistresses and sounds an alarm. 

Eridan awakens with a jolt as the alarm goes off waking up every other boy in the dormitories. Densil also awakens and looks up.

"What in god's name is the alarm going off for?" he says with a whisper.

"If i knew i would tell you," Eridan quickly gets up and opens the door as the boys all round up in the halls. 

"Everyone please to the back of the school immediately, as we try to handle this issue!" the professor shouts out to the students. Eridan slowly follows the crowd when he feels a sudden blow to his already bruised up leg from a beating during the week. He crouches in pain as a pair of arms pull him off to the side into an empty room. Densil holds him back with his hand over his mouth. Eridan shoves his arms aside and turns facing him.

"What the fuck?! What in glubbing shells are you doing?!" he shouts.

"This is the perfect opportunity to get rid of you, disobeying orders and all the detentions, and even moving dorm rooms. You have a bad reputation here, and when it all gets leaked into the media, your father will named shameful. After all, look what happened when word was getting out about his oldest son, being gay, living like he's a greaser, and smoking? Plus skipping school, running away and moving out? Made it seem like he couldn't control his won children. It died down eventually, but when words gets out bout his second son who was supposed to be the heir to his political throne......that will be taken away from him and my father will be the one taking his place, and when i get older i too will surpass my father and yours,"

"You're just trying to get rid of me for power?! Who needs it?! it doesn't do anything for you! It only makes you ignorant and arrogant!"

"Of course you of all people would know," he says with a laugh, "Aren't you just as ignorant? Thinking that you would still be able to hold privileges that the rest of us do? And yet not get into trouble?"

"I never asked to be here!" Eridan shouts.

"Enough talk!" he grabs his shoulder pulling him forward as he knees him in the chest. Eridan coughs and gasps for air as he falls to the floor. "Goodbye Ampora,"a blade clutched in his fist rises, but is stopped by a mere old fashioned phone being shoved up to the tip itself. "W..what?!"

"The only one allowed to go ahead and fucking beat fishhead there is me!" Sollux steps forward grabbing his arm and shoving him back. Cronus walks in as well cracking his knuckles. In the doorway, the professor Eridan had spoken to smiles.

Eridan stares at him.

"Time for you to go back to where you belong child, see you another time," he closes the door. 

Densil steps back," Who are you low lives?!"

"My name is Sollux Captor!"

"And i'm Cronus Ampora, i'm here to pick up my younger brother which you have been tormenting," Cronus steps forward and picks up Eridan carefully. " Let me warn you, if you even think of hurting my little brother again our group will come afteryou...remember who we are..." he says with a growl. Both boys quickly head out the window and runs to the car just as guards start to chase them. 

"Sollux i think your whole hacking thing has faded man!"

"No shit!" Sollux shouts as the two hop into the car with Eridan as Sollux sits in the back with Eridan laying down with his head against his lap cringing in pain. 

"Sorry bro but hang on okay? We will head to the hospital first..! Sollux can you call the others?!"

"I already sent them a message!" he shouts.

Within moments the school is now at a very vast distance from Cronus's vehicle as he continues down the road with no one else following behind them. He pulls up to the parking lot leading to the emergency room, and runs inside with Eridan in his arms and Sollux at his side. Doctors and nurses pile in and quickly retrieve the boy from his arms and take him away to be examined. Cronus sits in the waiting room and holds a hand to his head.

"We are so dead..." 

"Forget that you idiot, fucking Eridan was having a hard time breathing for cryin gout loud! He could have died! That douche bag was going to kill him!"

"I know! i know....."Cronus says with a sigh. Sollux stands with his arms folded as he glares down a bit at the ground. 

"We practically just saved his life..." he says quietly. 

"Pretty ironic...because you have always said that you would one take his life," Cronus says with a small smile.

"Metaphorically speaking asshole,"

"Haha i know....but Chief i got a question and i want you to answer me honestly,"

"Alright what is it?"

".......your feelings....what do you feel towards Eridan? Do you like him? You both hate each other, but at the same time you're both so god damn close to one another that it's more or less both care for each other so deeply, and everyone knows it,"

Sollux stares a the ground unable to find a good response, he groans and lifts his head," I....i dont know....what i do know is....if someone hurts him...i'll kill them. If he's not around it feels...fucking empty...if someone were to be....anything close to him as to what i am...iwould feel jealous. I'm confused..i'm fucking pissed....i dont know what my feelings are for him! I though of him as my fucking nemesis for all these years! And yet....i can't seem as just an enemy or foe..i mean a rival yes i can still see us as that but fucking hell something inside of me is saying no you dipshit it's somehting completely different.."

"Sollux......well i'll be're in love with Eridan..."

"W-what? No way! shut up!"

Cronus laughs at Sollux's burst of emotional embarrassment,as his face starts to turn into a perfect shade of red.

'Me?! In love with Eridan?! hell no!! no no no no!'t be true....can it?'

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