
By Mandie_June

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**apologies in advanced, there's a couple chapters that are formatted odd. I don't know how to fix it, but I... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35

Chapter 5

668 2 0
By Mandie_June

      Realizing that after I had talked to Allison, my next few days were brighter. I started noticing the little things I do when I talked to Jack, as opposed to the other guys. I'd push my knees together and lay my arm flat out on them and tilt my head with a smile. With the others, it was more serious. A strong posture, keeping it professional. Trying my best to hide these feelings I had grown for this guy I never really actually met before. It was a strange feeling, and I didn't know how to process it, but it still felt amazing.

      So did the house. In over a few weeks, I had turned to what looked like a full-out bachelor pad after a football game, into a respectable home. That didn't smell of beer. Everything was neat and tidy, organized, and the smell was refreshing, but not girly.

      I finished packing up my bags, and just stared at them. Do I go home? Should I stay here, and just enjoy the comforts of an actual house, instead of a room with a shared kitchen? I really wanted to be here when Jack came back, just to see his face when he saw me. Would it be happy? Glowing with excitement, like a long distance relationship that had come back together?

      I was still unsure about Jack's motivation. What could he have saw in me that first day? My mind was racing as I just sat down and took a deep breath in. What would my parents say? Go with your gut. But what if my gut didn't know either? What was there to lose, though? I was always welcomed back into the home I was welcomed into when my parents died. Would they think differently if I took Jack up on his offer to stay at his home?

      Fate is defined as the growth of events out of someone's control, or destined to happen. Would I describe what is happening to me as fate, or as karma? If it was karma, then there has to be a negative somewhere in the fine print. Something bad would have to happen, if I got way too in over my head. Or was it just coincidence? Why would all of these things be starting to happen to me? Without my parents by my side?

      Standing up, I took a look around the room once again and smiled. I did fairly good, I think the boys would be proud. I hoped, anyway. It wasn't tough, but it wasn't easy, either. I wondered if they would know if I wore one of Alex's shirts, or if Jack told his mom about me.

      All my thoughts kept going to Jack. Why can't I get him out of my mind? Who was he? Would he be the same person I talked on the phone with? Was he just playing with me? Am I just a pawn in some secret web of lies? A cheap bet? I started getting doubts as I went to the kitchen and poured myself a glass of juice.

      Leaning on the counter, I took a sip, and just closed my eyes, clearing out my mind. It was a peaceful half hour, until I was startled by a loud rustle in the bushes just outside the kitchen window. I almost split my drink all over my shirt, but I had looked out, looking left, right and straight out, to no avail. Must have been dozing off. I walked to the living room door to make sure I had locked it. It was, but it never hurt to double check.

      Just as I was walking away, there came a knock at the door. Do I open it, or do I just let it be? I'm sure if it was important, then they'd say so. Standing still, as if that would make me invisible, I waited. After a few moments of knocking and giggles, I heard a car pull up. What the hell was going on? I didn't dare move.

      About twenty minutes later, I heard chatter and a key slip into the door lock. I quickly ran behind the couch and crouched down. My heart was racing, and I didn't even dare to peak over the couch. What if it was a gang of robbers or rapists? The police? I swear I was innocent, and I didn't do anything wrong.

      Finally, after what seemed like forever, the door opened and all I heard was a cackle and a male saying, "What the fuck was that, bro? Fucking nuts."

      I looked over the couch with wide eyes and my hair all frizzy from sliding down the back of the couch, and with a sigh of relief, it was the boys. Then that sigh turned into shock. Jack said that they wouldn't be coming back for weeks! Standing up, I had smiled. "Hey, guys. Welcome... uh, welcome home!" The look on my face must have been priceless. Like I was caught cheating on someone or doing something I wasn't suppose to.

      "Hey, Emily! Wow, this place..." Alex said as he dropped his bags by the couch. "It looks amazing."

      I walked out and smiled as he opened up his arms for a hug, so I accepted and smiled, "Thank you," I said, closing my eyes and opening them, only to see Jack nose to nose with me. "Aah!" I scream, accidentally in Alex's ear as he jumped back as far back as I did, bumping into jack, who bumped into Zack. But there were a few people missing. Rian, Vinny and Matt. Did they go back to their home?

      "Woah, Jack, buddy," Alex said, "You can't scare people like that. People can get hurt!" I could tell that he was kind of joking, but kind of serious. I'm sure he was pretty stressed out, and just wanted a relaxing rest of the day. Zack just chuckled softly as he headed back to his room.

      "You have a beautiful house, Alex," I said as my heart slowed down. "What was going on outside? I heard rustling outside of the kitchen just before you came home, and then I heard a car pull up and I jumped behind the couch, scared it was like, robbers or something."

      What the fuck? Why was I acting like I was their buddy?

      "Just a few people who heard we were coming home. Drama creepers. Jack didn't tell you?"

      "Mm-mm. Jack said that you were going to be gone for a while."

      Alex looked to Jack with a raised eyebrow and just shook his head as Jack shrugged. "Well, we are home for a little bit. We have, or much rather I do, a secret show, so that's why we are all back." I nodded and just pretended like I heard what he said. I was too focused on Jack for his mumbo jumbo. "But it's been a long car ride, and I have to piss, so I will be back."

      I nodded again, not even knowing what he said as I sat down, and Jack sat next to me. "So did you ever think about coming home with me?" He asked, his body facing me, but his hands in his lap.

      Honestly, no, I didn't. I was too busy thinking about his intentions. It was still early, maybe we could go out and talk some, then maybe I'd make up my mind. But as of now, I couldn't think. I tried to form words, but being in front of him made my jaw weaker than my knees. Finally, words came out, but I really didn't pick them. They just kind of fell out.

      "You scared me," wait. What?

      "That was the point," he said with a chuckle in his voice. "So, I don't want to rush you at all, but the offer is open," his mouth turned to a smile as he placed a hand on my knee. I swear I almost peed myself then and there.

      "Want to go out for coffee?" Again with these words just falling out of my mouth. What was wrong with me around him? I was fine on the phone and web chats, but being actually face to face...

      "Sure, that'd be fine," he said with a nod as he stood up. "But we would have to go back to my house so I can change and--"

      "You are amazing, Emily," Alex said as he came out into the living room. Jack quickly took his hand back as we both looked back to him. "I didn't expect you to do as much as you did. I think we have ourselves a keeper here," he chuckled some and just smiled. "God damn it, this place is clean. I think we have to dirty it just so you can come back."

      "Well, it's my job, and I was taught to do something right, or to not do it at all," I said easily. Talking to Alex was easier than talking to Jack, and it sucked. Did he notice at all?

      "Alex, is it okay if Emily takes me home? I don't want to dirty up this clean home of yours," Jack said as he leaned back a bit, his arm over the back of the couch.

      "Yeah, that's fine. I think Zack and I want to shower and discover our new home."

      I stood up, and walked around, giving Alex a hug as he returned the favor. "Thank you for welcoming me, a stranger, into your home and trusting me. I know it must be hard for you."

      "Well it was a good judge of character on our end, that's for sure. Feel free to come over any time, you can keep the key so if you want to stop in and we aren't home, you can clean," he gave me a nudge. Not sure if he was serious or not.

      Jack had stood up, grabbed his bags and looked to me, "Ready?"

      "Mm-hmm," I said, nervous. Grabbing my bags, Jack opened the door and lead me out. "Thank you again, Alex. Tell Zack thank you, too."

      "Will do."

      I walked to my car, opened the door and Jack and I put our things in the back and got in the car. I turned the key and looked to him. "Where do we go?"

      He instructed me as we drove. Other than that, it was nothing but silence. Driving like an old lady, I was highly cautious of my surroundings. I hope he didn’t' take notice of how nervous I was. My mind was racing just as fast as my heart was, and I didn't know what to expect. The past few weeks have been replaying in my mind between Jack and I. Why was this happening to me? Someone who looked like him, could be interested in someone like me? It just didn't make sense.

      We finally reached his house. It was nothing fancy, smaller than Alex's. it was a blueish white home with a few bushes in the front. Dirt driveway and just an average home. But something just made it beautiful.

      We got out as Jack grabbed his bags and headed inside after unlocking the door. I followed close behind, and took a look inside his home. There was fake leather chairs and couches, a TV similar to Alex's and the kitchen was connected the same way. I was surprised to see it so clean. But there was one thing; it smelled just like him. Nothing girly about his house. Not a man cave, but not someone who was in a relationship, either.

      I sat down in a chair and closed my eyes. "I will be back, give me twenty minutes, okay?" Twenty minutes? That's crazy, but whatever he wanted.

      As soon as I was sure he was gone, I ran back out to my car and put on a simple knee length turquoise skirt with a black tank top that had an abstract turquoise design with rhinestones, and a simple black short cotton jacket. Luckily he lived down a long driveway where no one would see me getting dressed. I ran my fingers through my hair, finding my curling spray, and did a quick once over, scrunching my hair, and quickly putting on my eyeliner and a little eyeshadow. I hurried inside and checked the clock. I was only gone for ten minutes.

      Sitting back down, I tapped my fingers on the arm of the chair, nervous for this. What would happen today? Would he notice I changed at all? What about if something happened? I was so scared to know what was going to happen, but how can you live if you don't take chances?

      As I heard a door open, I looked back and saw him wearing a simple black Hurley shirt and black jeans. He played with his hair, spiking it up a little bit as he looked to me. "You changed your clothes."

      "Yeah, I figured what I was wearing wasn't really going out appropriate," I blushed, wondering if what I did was too much.

      "No, you were fine. I just wanted to shower and smell good. Being around fifteen guys, their scent rubs off, especially if they drink a lot. And I don't mean beer."

      I nodded as I stood up, "So are you ready?"

      "Where are we going?" He asked.

      "How about The Groove?"

      "Sounds good," he said with a smile.

      Was it really this easy to go out on a date with someone? Were they all this welcoming and relaxed? Because I sure as hell was the opposite.

      We got back into the car and I started to drive. Once again, like an old lady. It was quiet, and a little uncomfortable.

      Not too long afterward, we got to the coffee shop, and parked. I didn't want to get out. I didn't want to know what was going to happen. My hands gripped the steering wheel as I took a deep breath in. I couldn't look his way, or even speak. My heart raced as I wondered if he could see my nervousness building up inside of me.

      Was I able to move at all? Why was he not talking? Did I do something wrong? Maybe he was just as nervous as I was. Maybe I should say something. Anything. Come on, Emily.

      "Here we are!" I said, all cheery. What the fuck was wrong with me?

      "Ah, yes, we are. Are you okay? We just got here."

      I was really only frozen for a second? Why did it feel like forever? We unbuckled and walked into the shop as he opened the door for me. How sweet was he? Such a gentleman. I already knew what I wanted to order, but did he?

      A young boy smiled and placed his hands on the counter, "How can I help you today?"

      "I'd like a cinnamon mocha latte. Medium."

      "Triple chocolate coffee with extra whipped cream, large, please," he said, leaning in a little bit, keeping his voice slightly quiet.

      The cashier rang us up, "That'll be $20.43, please."

      I reached around for my pockets, but forgot I had taken off my jeans and closed my eyes and sighed quietly to myself.

      "Don't worry, guys should always pay," he said as he took out a twenty and a five dollar bill. After receiving his change, he placed it all into the tip jar and placed his wallet back into his back pockets.

      "Thank you," I said with the most sincerity. It really did mean a lot to me, and I really didn't mean to forget my change.

      Our orders came up on a tray and Jack took it as he held out his hand, telling me to pick my seat. I chose a two person table on tall chairs by a window, a beautiful view of a few distant mountains. He handed me my drink and placed his in front of me as he took his seat. I tried to avoid looking at him, but I couldn't resist. His dark hair was straight in the front and messy in the back, as his brown eyes shined through.

      Placing his lips around his straw, I imagined what they would be like on my lips. Were they soft? Was he rough? What about him? Was he gentle? My mind started to race again as I cleared my throat and shook my head. "How does it feel to be home?"

      "It feels good. We don't really have a lot of room on the bus with as many people as we do. But it's like a third home to me. You know, my parents house, my house, and then the bus. The boys are like a second family to me."

I nodded and listened to him carefully. Everything he had to say seemed interesting, no matter what it was. Maybe his intentions were pure. Or he was luring me in.

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