TheRemnant: This is Not Flesh...

By TheRemnantJuice

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TheRemnant Plot Summary After a failed suicide attempt, Shikauhno Lee (age 16) moves back to her birthplac... More

TheRemnant: In The Beginning (An Original manga/anime)
In The Beginning (Cont.)
In The Beginning (Final Part)
Happy Birthday (Episode ll)
Happy Birthday (Part II)
Happy Birthday (Final Part)
The Spirit Gives Life (Episode III)
The Spirit Gives Lives (Cont. Part II)
The Spirit Gives Life (Final Part)
Acceptance, Change, Fate, & Faith (Cont. Part II)
Acceptance, Change, Fate, & Faith (Final Part)
Remnant Juice (On Episode V)
Phase One (Episode V)
Phase One (Cont. Part II)
Phase One (Final Part)
The Beginning of the Trials (Episode VI)
The Beginning of the Trials (Part II)
The Beginning of the Trials (Final Part)
The Quiet Storm That is My Heart (Episode VII)
The Quiet Storm that is My Heart (Part II)
The Quiet Storm That is My Heart (Final Part)
Cross to Bear (Episode VIII)
Cross to Bear (Part II)
My Cross to Bear (Final Part)
Remnant Juice Refresher (On episode 8)
Condemned If I do, Condemned If I Don't (Episode VIIII)
Condemned If I do, Condemned If I Don't (Cont. Part 2/3)
Remnant Juice (On Episode VIIII)
Condemned If I do, Condemned If I Don't (Final Part)
Eli Eli, Lama Sabachthani (Episode X)
Eli Eli, Lama Sabachthani (Cont. Part 2/3)
Eli Eli, Lama Sabachthani (Final Part)
STRIPES (Episode XI)
STRIPES (Cont. part 2/3)
STRIPES (Final Part)
In Time (Episode XII)
In Time (Cont. Part 2/3)
In Time (Final Part)

Acceptance, Change, Fate, & Faith (Episode IV)

84 15 6
By TheRemnantJuice

Book One, Chapter 4: Acceptance, Change, Fate, & Faith


→ "Now faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen."←


The camera reveals a deserted beach. The deep blue oceans sparkles attractively. The sand glistens brightly under the gentle light of the moon as the water sloshes quietly.

SFX: Water splashing


Shikauhno, Saku, and Maku are gathered in a small, brightly lit room.

Shikauhno has a few scratches on her face. Her hair is in a messy high ponytail, and her bangs still cover her right eye. She is wearing a hospital gown and her arm warmer. She is at a rectangular, mahogany table seated in a wheelchair. A small black bowl sits in front of her. Steam is rising out of it. A matching cup decorated with a cherry blossom is next to it. Saku is sitting across from her.

Saku is wearing a long sleeve black t-shirt, white boot-cut jeans, black boots, and white squared rimmed. prescription glasses. A cup is sitting to the right of her with a straw. Maku is posted up against the wall on the right. He is wearing dogtags, a dark t-shirt and camouflage pants. His arms are crossed.

Saku picks up her drink and speaks, "Including now, all details we've disclosed to you is highly classified. Of course, this information only applies to you if you made the choice of joining our cause. However, if you were to walk away with the knowledge you now hold, myself and my group trust that you will not divulge the subject matter to a single soul. I am sure you understand how problematic that situation would be. Especially for the city itself."

After taking a long sip, Saku sets her drink down and places both of her hands on the table looking Shikauhno dead in the eye, lowering her tone, "If you were to..." Saku searches for the right word, "... expose our organization..."

Shikauhno cuts her off, "I won't."

Saku lifts the mood and speaks lightly, "Then, Miss Shikauhno Lee, your word is your contract."

Shikauhno nods, "I understand. You have my word."


Shikauhno slowly rises out of her wheelchair and leans over the table, extending her hand to Saku. "Deal?"

Surprised, Saku also stands and leans over the wide table extending her arm.

A small smile creeps across Saku's face, "Deal." Their hands clasp together as they shake firmly.


The sparkling water continues to slosh about calmly in an almost rhythmic pattern.

Opening credits of TheRemnant.

Remnant Juice ONE: It is unknown where a fallen retreats after obtaining a body. They seem to only appear when in need of a human host. It is rare and unusual for a fallen to linger after obtaining a body, unless they are dissatisfied with their current body and seeking a new one.


A digital clock mounted on the wall behind Saku reads 5:45 AM. Shikauhno yawns and covers her mouth. Mirroring Shikauhno, Maku also yawns.

Saku continues her explanation, "Evidently, each of our spiritual abilities vary from one another and are manifested in various forms. The physical manifestation of our abilities or gifts are formally and suitably known as the commandment of O.N.E."

"Commandment of ONE." Shikauhno quietly repeats to herself.

"Offensive Numinous Elevation. Independent and Berserk fallen also posses ONEs . The main difference is, fallen only have access to 1/10 of their powers here on earth."

Shikauhno's stomach suddenly growls. In that moment she eyes the food in front of her.


The sun is now barely peaking, coloring the sky a resplendent red and orange. The camera does a close up on something washing up on shore. It is a thin, worn, title-less book with about 30 pages. The book is white with gold trimmings and connected to the book is a writing instrument that resembles a quill pen.


Maku is now speaking and Saku is sitting down, consuming her drink as Shikauhno eats the remains of her food.

"In order to be eradicated, Berserk and Independent fallen must be pierced here." Maku places his left hand over his heart to stress his point.

Maku continues, "Upon defeating an Independent, you will notice dark entities or shadow-like figures departing from its hosts' chest; those figures are the sum of fallen that make up a single Independent. Penetrating the heart area will release the entities and send them back to...wherever they came from, the In-Between."

As Maku explains this the camera shows a flashback: Shikauhno watching Ryo Yamano's dead body and the dark figures exiting his heart area from when Naninatso first vanquished him.

Shikauhno carefully considers Maku's words. "The In-Between is where fallen were originally sent after getting kicked out of heaven?"


"So they just get recycled back to earth?"

"Essentially, yes." Maku answers.

"But how do you know once you kill them here they're not dead permanently?"

Maku slowly wags his head then looks Shikauhno in the eye, "Unfortunately, spiritual beings cannot exactly die. At least not on earth and not in this present time. However, they can be defeated."

"So fallen can't die." Shikauhno comes to the bleak realization. "Then what's the point?"

"What's the point of taking medicine when you're sick?" Saku intervenes.

Maku answers for Shikauhno, "To regain your health."

"Regardless of the fact that eventually you will get sick again. And the cycle repeats. That's how it is and that's just the way things are, Shikauhno."

Shikauhno awkwardly lowers her head, and speaks, "One last thing."

"We're listening." Saku replies.

She continues, "After Ryo...I mean after the fallen who took over Ryo's body was killed by Naninatso...Ryo's body healed itself. I thought I was imagining things but..."

Suddenly someone opens the door. Light pours into the room across their faces. Everyone looks up expectantly to see the silhouette of Naninatso and his guitar .

He is wearing a black jacket, white undershirt, dark jeans, and boots. His cross necklace hangs from his neck. His hair is now blonde with streaks of red instead of blue. His trademark guitar case is swung over his right shoulder.

"Actually, you saw what you saw. Your eyes weren't playing tricks on you," Naninatso says as he is enters the den.

Naninatso continues, "Once you've taken out a fallen one of two things will happen: they either turn to dust and disappear forever without a trace....or they heal and stay like that for someone to find. Perfectly intact." Nani makes a point on counting with his finger as he differentiates the two different scenarios.

Naninatso adds, "Fallen use the removal of the heart as a direct passageway that links them to the body."

Shikauhno comes to a realization and finishes his point, "Which explains why all victims are found without one."

Naninatso nods his head, "Exactly. No scars, no blood, no sign of anything whatsoever. And that's the real Black Onda."

Saku changes the subject, "We've also learned that fallen maintain the memories of the current body they inhabit. Allowing them to see a brief glimpse of their victim's lives. Fallen utterly despise human beings, though, they wish to be like us. To dwell amongst the earth."

"Pretty ironic isn't it?" Naninatso says.

Maku, Naninatso, and Saku each exchange glances. "Well, I believe our explanation would suitably end here." Saku concludes.


"Another question?" Saku asks.

Shikauhno nods, "How did you guys know about me? I was living in the States after all."

Maku explains, "I am the one responsible for discovering you. Be that as it may, I cannot provide you with an answer that will fulfill your curiosity."

Shikauhno looks up and pleads to Maku with clenched fists, "Is that really the best answer you can give me?"

"As of now, it is the only. I'm sorry."

"Fine." Shikauhno slowly relaxes. "Whatever."

Saku glances at the clock on the wall and addresses Shikauhno, "Well, it looks like you'll need a ride to school."


"So how do you like Jiyuheiwa so far?" A black, dark skinned student asks. She is sitting in a desk, facing Shikauhno. She has a light, ambiguous accent.

The black girl is wearing a red shirt with a white collar and her dark hair is tied in a slick ponytail. Her eyes are light brown.

Lokaðu Augunum by Ólafur Arnalds plays in the background. **(At this point in the story it is recommended you play the music to enhance your reading experience)**

Shikauhno quickly recalls the many events that occurred upon her first arrival. She replies, "It's...fine."

The black girl continues, "The only reason I transferred here is because of the recent change in the uniform policy."

Another plain male student replies, "I thought your dad made you come here." He has plain, short brunette hair and dark eyes.

She playfully shoves him and says, "Anyway, Ryojima is the biggest Japanese city known for its large amount of foreigners."

"True." The male student wearing a plain t-shirt agrees then asks Shikauhno, "But don't you miss your old school; living in America, the land of the free?"

Shikauhno shakes her head, "Not really." 'I never felt free anyway.'

*(REMINDER: Bold and italicized text is a character's inner thoughts)*

"Well, what about your parents?" He continues.

The black girl reprimands him, "You ask a lot questions Tony."

"I'm just curious! Sorry Shikauhno. But hey if you want, you can hang with us at lunch." Tony turns his attention to the textbook on his desk.

"Crap I forgot my homework." He whispers to himself in the background.

The camera focuses on Shikauhno as she stares blankly. Background conversations can be heard.

"Again!" His black female counterpart expresses. "Here just copy mine."

"You're the best, Naomi."

"I know." She sings.


Shikauhno is having lunch with Kaedai, Tony, and Naomi; the trio is having a joyous time, except Shikauhno. She rests her head on her hand as she is left out of the conversation. The tables have been rearranged to face each other.

"Super annoying..." Tony says.

Kaedai laughs bubbly.

"Ugh, my dad does that ALL the time! I hate it." Naomi scoffs, "What about yours Shikauhno?" Naomi nudges Shikauhno.

"Huh? Oh....yeah. Same here."

Naomi simply looks at Shikauhno and focuses her attention back to the other two, "Soo what are you guys doing this weekend?"

The camera focuses on Shikauhno as she stares straight ahead although the background conversation can be heard.

"I don't know." Tony explains. "Hey, have you guys checked out Black Onda club lately?"

"Oh no, you're not dragging me back to that club again, everyone there was super weird." Naomi inputs.

Kaedai says, "Maybe I'll go Friday, wait, or do they meet Tuesday?"

"Thursday." Tony halfheartedly answers before popping a piece of candy into his mouth.

Shikauhno recalls Naninatso's previous words, 'And that's the real Black Onda.'

Shikauhno finally speaks to the group, "I'm gonna get more ketchup."

"Okay." Kaedai says brightly.

"You eat ketchup with fruit?" Tony inquires while studying Shikauhno's fruit bowl. Naomi nudges him again and whispers, "Must be an American thing. I hear they love ketchup."

In the background Tony says, "Hey Kaedai, did Omi tell you her mom got promoted to Curfew Enforcement?"

"That's great; congratulations!" Kaedai replies happily.

"Thanks! She's super psyched about her new position." Naomi says with excitement.

"I hear they get paid bank." Tony adds.

Shikauhno stands with her fruit cup in her hands. As she walks passed all the students, she notices how complacent they appear to be eating their lunch.

'Is it really that simple?'

The student who lent Shikauhno his jacket in episode two is sitting at a nearby table. He watches her pass by and exit the room.

To be continued....


T & S Juice: Hello readers! Hope you guys enjoyed the first part of episode four. We hope you stick with us until the very end. And we promise that the true action will begin very soon. Just bear with us. Thank you for reading and please leave a thoughtful comment. Comments mean a lot to us. :)

Here's a couple questions for you guys:

S' Questions-Throughout all of the anime you have seen which character inspired you the most and why?

T's question- If you could only pick one, which anime character would you bring to life to be your best friend and why?

Published September 20th, 2016

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