
By AliciaMarino

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Two very different worlds. Two very different men. And one woman who has to choose between the life that sh... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34

Chapter 27

5.6K 427 6
By AliciaMarino

There's a sound and I open my eyes, sucking in a breath and sit up straight. A dull ray of sun shines through the window. Callan's chest is still moving up and down slowly, in the same spot he was before.

But now, Greer is standing beside the desk and there's a bottle of something beside me. I look down at it, then at her. Her eyes are swollen but surprisingly, she's dressed as if she's been out.


I stand up, rushing into her. She wraps her arms around my shoulders, tightly.

"I'm so sorry, Greer."

She backs up suddenly, wiping her eyes with the back of her hand. "I brought something for his pain. I had no idea he was hurt too."

"He didn't want you to know."

She smiles sadly. "He's a... kind man."

I look around at the room. The wood of the desk is splattered in dried blood, the couch stained with it. "I'll buy you a couch. A new one. I'm sorry we came in here but-"

"Dinnae think of it. A life is worth much more than these mere things." I close my eyes and grab her hand. "Did ye stitch him up?"

I chuckle tiredly, running a hand over my eyes. "Can you really tell that much?"

"Aye, but ye did a bonny job anyways for an amateur."

I let go of her hand and walk towards him, swiping his hair from his face gently.

"Will ye be missed at the castle?"

"I scribbled a note for Ann. She'll stall."


I nod, smiling softly. "She's extremely loyal... and she knows about Callan."

"Ye need to get him into a bed. My brother's cottage will be fine for him to recover in."

I glance at her, then nod. "I can't stay long. I have to be back today but... may I come back?"

She nods, smiling. "Aye, I need ye to... I need a friend right now."

I walk into her, feeling emotional. "You have one."


"Where in the hell have ye been?" Ann exclaims, shutting my bedroom door behind her. I remove my cape and she gasps. "Why do you have blood on your clothes? Are ye hurt?"

I grab her hands, smiling softly. "MacCallan- he was hurt but he'll be okay now."

"Hurt how? He's here? I thought ye told me he had been taken by the British!"

"Lachlan told me that. I haven't been able to ask MacCallan yet about what happened."

"Yet? Ye mean you're leavin' again?"

I nod, pulling my shift over my head. "Yes, I have to."

"What shall I say- if you're asked for?"

I dip my hands into the cool water and then press them to the back of my neck. "Say I'm not feeling well as of today and would like to remain undisturbed."

"Aye, alright." She nods, swallowing. I reach over and clutch her face, kissing her cheek with enthusiasm.

"Oh, I do love you, Ann."

"Aye, ye better for what I'm goin' through for ye."


Dismounting my horse, somewhat clumsily, I take her by the reins and lead her into the stable, knowing the townspeople know the look of my white stallion.

Another gift from Lachlan. I touch her soft hair, smiling softly. "Star."

I close the gate, locking it slowly and press my hand to my heart, turning to look at the cottage but feet away. MacCallan's in it.

He's here. He's back and I have no idea why I feel frightened to go to him.

I consider knocking when I approach the doorway but choose against it, entering quickly. MacCallan turns, up on his feet. Not to mention, naked.

He closes his eyes, in relief. "Christ, it's ye."

I nod, swallowing with difficulty. I force my body from the door. "Would have been slightly awkward if it would have been Greer."

"Aye," he says, chuckling. My eyes tear from his chest, down to the swollen, ugly-looking gash on his stomach. I set down my basket onto the table gently and clear my throat.

"I tried as best I could."

His mouth suddenly presses to my hair and his hands rest on my arms, rubbing gently. "Ye did well, mo chridhe. Dinna fash."

I close my eyes when his lips press to my temple, lightly.

"Ye saved my life. I could care less what my body looks like- as long as ye don't mind it."

I shake my head, smiling tearfully. "I don't mind it. You're the most- you're so handsome, Callan... even pale and sickly."

He chuckles and then moves away from me. I feel the emptiness acutely.

"How is Mistress Neilson- coping?"

I toy with the cloth rested over the basket. "She lost the person she loves... how would you be?"

"A mess. Aye, I would be." I turn, nodding and watch as he carefully sits down onto the edge of the small bed. It's the same one Lachlan slept in, the months after we arrived in this time. He braces his hands against his thighs, keeping his body as straight as possible.

"Are you hurting?" I whisper, catching that distant aura around his features- the squinted, down casted eyes, the ridged stance. He shakes his head and then looks up to me, breathing deeply as if he were about to get something off his chest.

"Why would ye tell them to lie to me, Gillian?"

That takes me aback. "I tell them to- what are you talking about?"

He closes his eyes. "A man is dead, Gillian. He's dead and he would not be if he hadn't been sent to fetch me to help ye. He told me ye were dying. That you'd taken fever again and asked for me."

"Callan, I swear, I didn't-"

"Aye, I can see it. You're fine... Gillian, I told ye that I meant to serve my duty to this country in that battle. I left dyin' men to come here and ended up getting one killed along that way only to find it was a ploy to get me back here."

I glare at him, pressing my lips together. "I never asked for you, Callan! Lachlan had told me you had surrendered to the British!"

He chuckles, looking down. "Ye don't need to lie to me more, Gill. Knox knew much about me. They knew where I'd be- a complete stranger! I'd never met the man before! The only explanation is that ye told them!"

"That is not the only explanation!" I bark, angrily. He waits, raising his brows. I bite my lip. "You- cannot tell anyone what I'm going to tell you. Do you promise?"

"Aye, tell me."

"Greer... she's the person I told you about- that day in your study... They were the people who brought Lachlan and I here."

He stands so fast, I reach out to grasp his arm to steady him. He stares at me wordlessly for a moment, horrified.

"The witch? She's the witch?"

I shake my head. "She's a good person, Callan. She's not evil."

"She tore ye from your time and brought ye here to live with that monster ye call your husband! Aye, she's evil enough!"

I close my eyes as he reaches for his bloody plaid. A small sound escapes him as he bends to retrieve it. I put my hands on his chest, staring up at him.

"Please, Callan. Listen to me... I wouldn't put you in harms way, ever. She's a good person, I promise you. And Knox. He is-was a good one as well."

He looks down at me. "How can ye bear to be friends with such a person?"

"This was my destiny, Callan. I've realized that now... now that I found you." At my words, his posture slackens, only by an inch. "Can you honestly say this isn't meant to be? That I'm not your soulmate? Fate keeps bringing us together! She helped me get to this life and helped me get to you. I have to be grateful to her for that. Lachlan is his own person... I can't control him. No one can."


"Callan, please, just try to understand what I'm telling you. I know it makes no sense and that I'm sure every bone in your body is sending out warning signals about this but she is good. I can tell you that with complete confidence."

He closes his eyes and swallows. His mouth curves and I feel his hand against my hair gently. I relax into him and press my forehead into his chest, remembering he's still naked.

"I-I brought you some clothes- clean ones. But, you don't need to go anywhere. Greer said you can stay here until you heal... that way I can see you, help you." I turn, grabbing the basket. When I hand him a clean shirt and plaid- Macintosh colors were the only one I could find, unfortunately, he nods.

"So, ye had no idea he'd come to get me?"

"I had no idea. Greer came to get me late in the night. Told me that Knox had you and that you were hurt."

"Couldn't fault her observation there."

"How long did you walk?"

"Days. We rested, but only for a few hours. I- was desperate to get to ye." I smile softly, pleased at that. "We had horses for most of the trip but when we were ambushed-"

"By officers?"

He shakes his head. "Deserters. There were ten of 'em. We were lucky to have made it out with our lives then."

I shake my head, looking down in anger. "So, you came the rest of the way on foot?" He nods and runs fingers through his hair, closing his eyes tiredly. I step forward and grab his arm.

"You shouldn't be standing."

"I'm fine, Gillian."

"I'm your physician right now," I say, sternly, to which he smirks. I chuckle, helping him down onto the mattress. "Well, you- kind of have to tell me what to do but still, I'm your doctor. Unless you want Greer-"


I smile. "I thought so."

Tucking the pillow behind his head, I turn for the basket. "I packed you what I could find on short notice. Roast, ale, bannocks."

"Anything will serve presently," he says as I pull out the food.

"It's cold and- I know it's heavy... But is this okay? I could ask Greer if I could make some soup?"

"This is fine. Thank ye... mo chridhe."

I take a seat beside him, tucking the spoon under a carrot. "What does that mean?"

He smiles softly. "Ye should probably learn Gaelic now that you're here to stay."

I roll my eyes, nodding. "I know. I know some phrases but that one I don't."

"Aye, well it means my heart."

I can't help but smile, wide and ridiculously. Even a giggle escapes. I hold the spoon up and he reaches for the bowl.

"My arms have not gone limp, Gilly. There's no need to feed me like a wee bairn."

"I'd like to... so I can know I nursed the greatest healer in all Scotland back to health," I proclaim, sweetly, pressing my lips to his gently. He laughs.

"I am not the greatest healer in Scotland, Gilly, but I'm flattered ye think so."

"Only the best would be so humble about it."

He opens his mouth after a moment and chews the food, obviously uncomfortable. I rest my hand onto his hair, stroking the soft waves lightly. He stares at me, intensely.

The emotions seem to bubble into my stomach, rush through my veins, straight to my eyes. Misty-eyed, I shake my head.

"I didn't know they had sent for you but I won't lie to you... I'm grateful they did."

He stares back at me, eyes darkened from sickness. "I wonder if she regrets that she did."

"I don't know either," I say, truthfully. "I'd regret losing you to help someone else... I- should be ashamed to say that but-"

"Ye need not be... I'd feel the same in switched positions. I can part with my own body but never with yours, Gillian. Even if I'm gone, I'll be attached to ye for life."

"You won't go anywhere," I say. "You're going to live a long and happy life."

"It willnae be happy without ye in it."

"Don't say that," I whisper, closing my eyes. This ache- this constant reminder of what I'm tied to- this land, a man with power- it never fades. Never goes away. "It always feels like we're saying goodbye... even when we're not."

"I'm not saying goodbye," he says, leaning forward, taking my lips once more. 

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