Simon Dominic: Doubling Forwa...

By AbztractIsight

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This is strictly a fan fiction. Information from the internet; such as twitter feeds, news adds, gossip colum... More

CHAPTER #1- Chance Meeting
CHAPTER #2- New Possibilities
CHAPTER #3- Bad Manners
CHAPTER #4- Standing By
CHAPTER #5- Stay Cool
CHAPTER #6- Sanctuary
CHAPTER #7- Moving Forward
CHAPTER #8- Mr. Yesterday's Stress
CHAPTER #9- State Of Mind
CHAPTER #10- Inspire or Enervate
CHAPTER #11- Perceptions
CHAPTER #12- Food For Thought
CHAPTER #13- Always On My Grind
CHAPTER #14- Hand In Hand
CHAPTER #15- Pixie Dust
CHAPTER #16- Just One Shot
CHAPTER #17- Up In The Air
CHAPTER #18- Angel Wings
CHAPTER #19- Loyalty Can't Be Bought
CHAPTER #20- Vibes
CHAPTER #21- Busted
CHAPTER #22- Turbulence
CHAPTER #23- With A Tablespoon Of Insight
CHAPTER #24- Indulgence
CHAPTER #25- Serendipity
CHAPTER #26- All About The Base
CHAPTER #27 - Laying Claim
CHAPTER #28- Fighting!
CHAPTER #29- Bringing Down The House
CHAPTER #30- Believe Me
CHAPTER #32- Comfortable
CHAPTER #33- Falling Together
CHAPTER #34- Love/F*ck You Very Much
CHAPTER #35- Forever or Never

CHAPTER #31- Lost and Found

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By AbztractIsight

At home Nari still felt numb and couldn't get the image of that half naked girl, straddling her boyfriend, out of her head. Simon D had been kissing that girl and had his hands on her ass. She could understand him being drunk and couldn't see, but how could he not feel the difference of the kisses? She hurt, because Nari had believed her heart to be safe with him. When had her happiness become totally depended on her boyfriend? Normally what she felt could be released via art, but not this time. Nari had a restless sleep. When Mi-hi messaged her to come paint vases, it relieved her. Something she could do without thinking about Simon D.

The motorcycle that insurance had given her, until her new motorcycle arrived, had a seat much more comfortable. Riding over to Mi-hi's was as quick, as it ever was. "Hi, let's get to work... and before you ask, I don't want to talk about him or what happened."

Mi-hi nodded, "okay. Today we paint 100 vases with the long necks, all to look like swans. 50 tea cups that look like flowers and their matching saucers. Or you can choose 200 tea pots. 50 of which go with the tea cups, the rest are however you want to do them."

"I'll do the 200 tea pots, if I finish before you, I'll start on your swans."

They got to work. Occasionally Nari checked on Mi-hi's progress and complimented her on the paintings. Nari easily finished the tea pots and had begun to help Mi-hi on the swan vases when Mi-Cha came by. She immediately began picking on Mi-hi, not satisfied with anything she did or had done. It made Nari snap.

"You, Mi-Cha, are worse of a bully than my ex and he put me in the hospital three times. You abuse your sister every chance you get, you disgust me! I'm not here because of you or money, I'm here because Mi-hi asked for my help. If she left, you'd loose the company. Maybe you should appreciate what you have and that you've still got family, before it's too late." Nari ranted.

"Nari... it's okay," Mi-hi began to say, while Mi-Cha remained speechless and in shock.

"No it's not okay. I'll buy you out of your company, pay for your freedom. You can live with me and cut all ties with your sister. I'll even pay for you to go study dance and do something you love.... I'm leaving now. Mi-hi think about it."

Nari grabbed her motorcycle jacket, helmet and keys, then left. She seemed to be annoyed with every little thing. So riding became her outlet. How many hours of riding happened that night, Nari didn't know, but she had to stop twice at gas stations to refill. It was probably around four hours, or so. Stopping to stretch, Nari looked around, realizing she'd gone to Busan. It was too late at night to call Simon D's mother and riding so long had made her tired anyway. Locating a cheap hotel, Nari booked a room for the night. She put her cell on Do Not Disturb, before turning it off completely. That way in the morning when she turned it on, there would be peace. Try as she might, her mind kept replaying everything. Screaming hadn't helped, crying didn't either, so what was left?

Back in Seoul, Mi-Cha had a long talk with her sister. She had apologized for the verbal abuse and promised to do better. It was the first time Mi-Cha admitted she couldn't run the pottery business without Mi-hi. Nari's outburst had opened Mi-Cha's eyes at how badly she was treating her only living family. After their heart to heart, Mi-hi tried to call Nari, but it went straight to voicemail. So she called Jay Park.

"Hi, have you heard from Nari?"

Jay replied, "not since last night, why?"

Mi-hi explained what happened earlier, how Nair had lost it on her sister. "I'm worried about her Jay."

"Like I told Simon D, just give her some time to cool down. If we don't hear from her by tomorrow morning, I'll just find her using that iPhone app."

"But this isn't like their other fights. Nari said she couldn't even paint or do art, like she's blocked. Jay, she even cancelled all her art classes for a week."

"Understandably she's on edge. Simon D has been by her side since before her mom passed away. He was there even when Fred came for her."

"Really? I didn't know that... how's he doing then?"

Jay sighed, "work is keeping him busy. I don't think he's taken time to really think about what happened."

"Does things like that girl, happen with you guys often? Be honest." Mi-hi wondered.

"It can. We're human, we drink and party, so yeah sometimes it does. But, once we find someone we really care for, the chances are very slim."

Mi-hi laughed, "are you trying to say you don't cheat?"

"I've had it happen to me, so I know what it feels like."

"Oh sorry Jay."

"What about you?"

"Um does holding hands in seventh grade with two different boys count?" Mi-hi giggled. "School and then work kept me too busy to date, let alone have a boyfriend. So I don't know what Nari or Simon D or you have been through. I can't even imagine how to handle someone like that Fred guy."

"He's the extreme evil end of the dating spectrum," Jay reassured.

"Maybe that's why Simon D kissing another woman, hurt Nari so much. Because he was like the direct opposite of Fred, and then this happened."

"Probably. They need to talk it out, communication is what will fix this, when she's ready."

Mi-hi asked, "when is he back in town?"

"Tomorrow afternoon. And he's got Tablo's radio show the next day."

"I hope Nari reaches out to one of us soon." Mi-hi sighed.

Jay asked, "so are you staying with your sister, or letting Nari buy you out of your company?"

"I can't believe she even offered that.... My sister and I had a long talk, Nari opened Mi-Cha's eyes. I love Nari for offering, but I think I'm going to try and work things out with my sister first."

"Hold on a sec, I just got a call coming in from... Simon D's mom."

Jay took the other line. "Hello?"

"Hi Jay. Just calling to let you know Nari rode overnight to Busan. She's okay and will be staying with me for a few days. She doesn't want to talk to anyone right now. When Ki-Seok get's back into town, have him call me please?"

"Yes ma'am, thank you for letting me know." Jay hung up with Simon D's mom and returned to his call with Mi-hi. "Nari rode all the way to Busan. She's fine and with his mom."

"Well I'm glad she's safe. I should go... will I talk to you later?"

"Sure... how about dinner tonight?"

"I'll text you when I'm done. Thanks Jay, bye."

When Simon D arrived back in Seoul and turned on his cell phone, he saw that Jay Park had called him. He check the message and immediately called his mom.

"Hi mom. Is Nari okay?"

"Yes. Do you have time to come to Busan?"

"I'll try to rebook my appointments." He heard Nari in the background, saying she didn't want to be a burden to AOMG. "Tell her she's never been a burden and never will be. I'll be on the next flight there... thanks mom."

Right after, he called the AOMG office to rebook his appointments for the next two days. After that he called Jay, to explain what was going on. "I've got to go, if I want to save my relationship with Nari. I'm putting her first, before AOMG, sorry."

Jay reassured, "I wouldn't have it any other way. She's too important to all of us. Are you still at the airport now?"

"Yeah, going to the counter to book a flight immediately to Busan. I'll call you after I talk to Nari... cool?"

"Go find her heart and make it yours again. Bring her home," Jay encouraged.

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