response of souls | ᴷᴴᴮ × ᴷᴶᵂ

By jeonsobi

19.4K 933 168

ㅡ ❝there are no words for what I did, what I did for you.❞ all those years ago they had lost two of their bes... More



453 29 19
By jeonsobi

Hanbin slowly walked over to the house, thinking of what was about to come. He had basically no idea, but he knew there was no room for mistakes. He kept his gaze on the ground until he reached the door. He raised his gaze and looked at the wooden door. He knew there was no point in knocking or anything similar, since the people inside were basically waiting for him. He took a deep breath in, this whole situation annoyed him beyond all imagination. He was angry as well. He knew Ichigo didn't trust him, well he didn't trust Ichigo either, but still. A deal was a deal and Ichigo was about to change the parameters. Hanbin had made his point clear, and taking Chanwoo as a hostage was far from their original agreement. Hanbin took another deep breath in. Whatever would happen, he knew Chanwoo would be the first one to die if anything would go wrong. Hell, he didn't bring a gun with him, or even a knife or anything else.

He then just opened the door, walking straight into the house, trying his best to keep his composure. Usually he wouldn't be nervous, he didn't really care about his own life, but since this was about Chanwoo he just couldn't keep his nerves calm.

He decided to keep the door open, just in case. As soon as he took some more steps into the house he heard a gun being unlocked behind him. He stopped in his tracks at the noise, however kept looking around the hallway with his eyes. Two guys appeared behind him. One of them grabbed his arms and held him in place while the other one was checking if he had weapons with him. Hanbin, however just kept quiet and let the guys whatever they wanted.
"Boys, there's no point in checking him. He doesn't carry any weapons." Hanbin heard the woman he had talked to on the phone say, while she entered the hallway, looking straight at Hanbin. Hanbin looked at her, a little surprised by her looks, but he knew better than to show it. She reminded him of someone. The woman kept on looking at him. "Kim Hanbin, I had no idea your eyes could be this cold." The woman said, taking a few steps towards him.

"Where is he?" Hanbin asked between gritted teeth. The woman stopped in her tracks and just kept looking at him. For a second he saw something in her eyes he couldn't decipher, but he knew it was something for his own benefit. The woman turned around and walked back into the room she came from. Hanbin remembered it had to be the kitchen. Hanbin then got away from the guys, gifting them a cold look, and then he followed the woman into the kitchen. The woman was already sitting on the table, playing with a knife in her hands. Hanbin stopped under the doorframe and looked at her, still wearing the same, cold face.
"It's nice to finally meet you." She started, looking from her knife up at Hanbin. Hanbin shook his head slightly, looking down to the ground just to see another gun on his right lying on a little table. Probably his only way out.
"I don't care. Where is Chanwoo?" Hanbin asked again, looking at her, but this time with an almost annoyed face. She giggled at that, hopping off of the table, moving over to him. She smiled at him and looked into his eyes.
"Too bad you're into guys." She stated, turning her back to him, walking back to the table, while swaying her hips. Hanbin sighed annoyed, however he decided to keep silent. There was no point in asking over and over again. In the end he would get Chanwoo anyways, he had to. Or at least they had to return Chanwoo to him no matter what. Ichigo liked their deal too much, he wouldn't let Hanbin be killed or one of his friends.

The woman sat down on top of the table again and looked at him, wearing a big smile. She then raised a hand and moved it slightly. Then two other men stepped in from another room, dragging Chanwoo with them. Hanbin looked at Chanwoo, whose mouth was covered with tape. "You see~ he's alive and healthy." She singsonged, looking into Chanwoo's direction.
"I'd like to check myself." Hanbin simply stated, his eyes still on Chanwoo, who stared at Hanbin in return. Behind him the woman sighed.
"Ah, at least fake a little interest in me! Well, go on~ do as you wish. He's all yours." She said, waving her hand again, looking away. Hanbin took a quick glance behind him, checking if the two guys from before were still behind him. 'Idiots.' He thought as he saw both of them standing at the open door. He then slowly moved over to Chanwoo, grabbing the gun on the little table in the process and hiding it in his jacket's pocket. Nobody noticed, he almost smiled, but he kept himself to keep his cold façade.
"You okay?" Hanbin asked while he pulled the tape off of Chanwoo's face. The younger took a deep breath before he looked up at Hanbin again.
"My head hurts and my ears ring, but overall I'm okay." Chanwoo commented and in the corner of his eyes Hanbin noticed that the woman flinched at Chanwoo's words. Apparently she was afraid to get killed by Hanbin if he wouldn't be pleased with Chanwoo's condition. To be honest, he had no idea why she feared him so much, but at the same time he was relieved. Apparently there weren't many guards and she didn't have any trust in them. Hanbin wanted to laugh at that, this was just too ridiculous.

Chanwoo then got up from his knees, looking at his hyung. Hanbin checked on him again and noticed Chanwoo's hands were tied.
"Cut the ropes." He simply ordered the guys, but they didn't budge to do a single move. Hanbin
sighed annoyed, obviously not pleased at all. He wanted to get rid of those men already.
"Idiots! Do as he wishes!" the woman called out and one of the guys then untied Chanwoo's hands. Chanwoo rubbed his wrists while looking at Hanbin's face. He then noticed Hanbin was looking down at something and he followed Hanbin's gaze without letting anyone know. Chanwoo smiled for a second as he noticed Hanbin was looking at the gun in the other guy's hand. Chanwoo immediately understood and raised his head. He once again looked at Hanbin just to find the older one looking into his eyes this time in return. He slightly nodded his head without letting anyone else know. Hanbin then moved away from Chanwoo to walk over to the woman. She then looked at him. Hanbin could once again see the fear in her eyes.

"This wasn't part of the deal." Hanbin simply stated. The woman blinked at him shortly before she found her composure again.
"Well, as I told you on the phone: Ichigo just wanted to make sure you weren't forgetting about him and the deal." She sold him, smiling sweetly at him. Hanbin wanted to puke, right into her face.
"How could I forget? The deal was my idea after all." Hanbin replied. He then took another look at the kitchen, old memories coming back to his mind, triggering a deep sadness inside of him. However, he bit it back, he needed to keep it hidden. There was no room for another breakdown right at that moment. Suddenly he heard the woman chuckle.
"You know this place, don't you?" she asked, still smiling that ugly sweet smile. Hanbin shook his head slightly before he looked at her.
"Mind telling me who you are? Apparently you know much about me." Hanbin commented sarcastically.
"Everything I know, I know from Ichigo. My brother." She told him, looking at her nails. Hanbin furrowed his eyebrows. She then laughed again. "Don't tell me you didn't notice the similarities? Especially those with my dead sister, Raiko." She continued, smiling once again at him. Hanbin looked over to Chanwoo. Chanwoo furrowed his eyebrows at that information. Apparently even he didn't know about that.

"I'm Nanao. Raiko's and Ichigo's little sister. Since you don't know me, the black sheep of the family so to say." She said, once again hopping off of the table, about to tell them her story and why they didn't know about her.
"Cut it. Nobody wants to hear your sad, sad story." Chanwoo stated from the other side of the room, annoyance written all over his face. Hanbin then heard another gun being unlocked, angled at Chanwoo's head. Hanbin sighed, he was really getting more annoyed by the second with this stupid situation. He could be with Jiwon right now, but no, he had to be stuck here with a woman that talked to much and a few guards, which apparently didn't really listen to her. Annoying.

"Too bad you won't listen. It's a cute, but sad little story." Nanao pouted, looking at Chanwoo, who was just rolling his eyes. Hanbin chuckled a little at Chanwoo's behavior. Chanwoo really didn't know when to stop or when to keep his mouth shut.
"Enough." The guard to Chanwoo's left, who didn't have his gun angled at Chanwoo stated. Hanbin noticed how he however raised his gun to shoot Chanwoo. Hanbin grabbed the gun hidden in his jacket's pocket in a flash and shot the guy, who dared to shoot Chanwoo. At that moment Chanwoo turned around to grab the gun of the other guy to his right. He hit the guy in his stomach with his foot and took the gun out of the guy's hand in the process. Chanwoo angled the gun at the guy and waited until the guy was looking at him, then he shot him.

In the meantime Hanbin turned around to shoot the two guys at the entrance, however he did get shot in return, however the guy only hit his left shoulder. Hanbin hissed in pain, but managed to shot yet another guy who was stepping in from another room. While Hanbin dealt with those guys, Chanwoo dealt with the guys who came in running through the back door. In the background Nanao couldn't stop screaming for her life.

As all of their enemies were dealt with Hanbin turned to face her, who was now hiding beneath the table she had been sitting at before. 'Ridiculous.' Chanwoo thought, looking at her.
"Tell your brother he should keep his dirty hands off my friends and his men away from them. I guess he will be wise enough to not toy with me or Jiyong's gang." Hanbin stated, pointing the gun at her while talking. Chanwoo chuckled as he made his way out of the house. Hanbin then pulled away the gun as she didn't stop crying. He then followed Chanwoo out of the house.

Together they walked over to the car, already able to hear the ringing of the police cars. Surely the police would be here in no time. Both Hanbin and Chanwoo knew they didn't have to fear anything from the police, thanks to Seunghyun and Youngbae.
"Gotta go." Chanwoo stated. Hanbin threw the keys of the car over to Chanwoo.
"You gotta drive." Hanbin stated, already getting in on the passenger seat. Chanwoo just shrugged his shoulders and got in at the passenger seat. He sped off as soon as he turned on the engine. Once at the street back home, Chanwoo took his time to look at Hanbin.
"Shit, you got shot!" Chanwoo stated, obviously shocked.
"It's not that bad, keep looking at the street." Hanbin scolded him. Chanwoo just did as he was told.

They drove for a while in silence, Chanwoo still checking on Hanbin over and over again. Hanbin hissed a few times in pain. Chanwoo always sighed at that.
"You know I'm actually impressed. How in the hell did you become this good with shooting people in merely a few days?" Chanwoo stated, checking the streets if anybody was following them. Hanbin chuckled a little before he hissed in pain again.
"Well, the secret training with you really helped me a lot." Hanbin stated.
"I taught you how to use knives and stuff like that, not guns." Chanwoo said, looking at Hanbin for a second. Hanbin then leaned back his head, closing his eyes.
"I learned how to shoot while I was at the police academy." Hanbin said like it was nothing, not a new information.
"You were at the academy?" Chanwoo asked, obviously surprised. "So that's why you could shoot that guy at the beach back then without any problems." Chanwoo continued.
"After you and Jiwon 'died' and after I finished my therapy, I thought becoming a cop was the best thing to do." Hanbin muttered. Chanwoo laughed.
"Wanted to revenge us, huh? Hell, I know basically everything about you. I and Bobby hyung followed you everywhere, well, most of the time and only after one or more like two years had passed. Even June didn't know anything."
"Because they didn't know. Nobody did."
"I faked my identity and didn't tell the others. I knew they would have said that I'm not in the right state of mind to become a cop."
"Hell! No joke!? You must have been quite clever hyung! You even fooled me!"
"Apparently I wasn't clever enough. One day they found out about me faking my identity. They then found out who I really was and claimed I was mentally not suitable for becoming a cop." Hanbin let out with a deep sigh.

They then drove back to the main building of the gang in almost constant silence. Chanwoo asked Hanbin a few times if he was okay, which got always answered with an annoyed 'yes.' Just as Chanwoo parked the car, he started talking again.
"What are we supposed to do from now on?" Chanwoo asked.
"We'll stick to our original plan. I already got this shit right here covered."
"You'll have to talk to Jiyong sunbaenim about what's happening, hyung."
"I know, I will. To be honest, I think he knows something's off."
"Then Yunhyeong hyung knows too, doesn't he?"
"All he knows is to keep Donghyuk safe."
"You won't let Donghyuk be part of this any longer, right?"
"No, he's too precious. I need to know he's save."
"Hey! What's with me then? Ain't I precious to you too?"
"You are, Channie. But you're too clever for your own good. I know I won't have to worry about you that much. Well, as long as you keep your mouth shut." Hanbin stated with a smile on his face. Chanwoo then laughed at Hanbin's statement.
"Well, yeah you're right. Without me it would be quite though for you around, doing all that secret stuff." Chanwoo replied, getting out of the car. Hanbin followed.


While Chanwoo got to see Jiyong and the others to report to them what had happened, well, the alleviated version of what had really happened, Hanbin walked to the medical sector of the main building to get his wound treated. He had lost quite some blood and he was slowly feeling really dizzy.

Once he had arrived the nurses had hurried to get him to their doctor, who got the bullet out of his arm and stitched the wound back together. Hanbin then had been ordered to stay in bed for a while, however, as it finally got dark outside Hanbin felt as if the walls started creeping up on him. He hated hospitals. He hated this place, even though it wasn't really a hospital, but still similar enough. Hanbin grabbed his stuff and then sneaked out of the building, more like fled the building. Outside he took a quick look around. 'Nobody followed. Good.' He thought, sighing in relief.

He took a quick glance at his phone.

91 new messages
35 missed calls

Hanbin sighed once again. Really, sighing was his new favorite thing it seemed. He argued with himself if he should check the calls, or at least the messages. But in the end he knew to whom they belonged, most of them probably to Jiwon. Hanbin decided to just ignore it, they would know where he was since Chanwoo already reported everything to them.

As he stood outside the medical sector he had no idea what to do or where to go. Apparently it would be the best to just go home and join the others, but he felt too guilty. He was lying to them since quite a while now, hiding what he really planned. He felt bad, because he had dragged Chanwoo into all of this and thanks to him those fucking bastards had taken him as hostage. Really, that whole 'mission' thing could have gone so terribly wrong. Hanbin could have been the cause for Chanwoo's death. Hanbin was just relieved Chanwoo was alive and well. Maybe he was even a little proud of himself for getting Chanwoo out by himself. However, guilt was washing through his body and he just couldn't go back to them, at least not right now.

He decided to walk around the area of the gang's environment. Hanbin noticed that the whole area was built up like a little city. A city inside a city. One could compare it to a university campus or even to a district. To be honest, Hanbin was really impressed. He had had no idea a gang was able to build a place like that. In all those movies gang hid from the world, maybe owning a house, villa or skyscraper here and there around the country, but this was really something different. He once heard Daesung talking about different places the gang owned in different places of south korea and even outside, but this was really like a district. Hanbin somehow felt proud, he felt proud to be part of all this. But at the same time the guilt started eating him up from the inside. He knew he would have to leave sooner or later. And he knew he would have to talk to Jiyong about it all. Only Jiyong could help him in the end and would be able to keep his friends away from him.

Hanbin sat down on a bench in a little park before he started coughing again. 'Really now?' he thought, annoyed. He stared down at the blood in his hands. 'Maybe I really should get it checked.' He added to his previous thought. He wiped away the blood on his slips with the sleeve of his hoodie, looking over to the lived-in buildings. He counted the floors until he reached the floor he and his friends were living in. There was still light. He would wait to return to their home until the lights would go out. They didn't need to see him now.

While he waited for maybe two hours he got several calls and several more messages, but he didn't answer any of them. He simply couldn't. He needed some time to think and he was sure they would throw questions at him as soon as the sun would rise again.

And he feared Jiwon's reaction.


Hanbin walked from the elevator over to their front door, opening it. He had waited outside for another hour before the lights had been off and then another half an hour before he thought all of them would be asleep. He stepped into the flat and took off his shoes, not budging to put them somewhere somebody could trip over them. He walked into the living room, relieved that nobody was waiting for him and all the doors to the separated rooms were closed. He then moved over to the room he shared with Jiwon.

Hanbin opened the door quietly and closed it again as soon as he had entered their room. He took a deep breath, happy to see no lights turned on and happy that Jiwon apparently slept. Hanbin moved over to his own bed, only turning on the little light on his bedside table, which didn't really illuminated the room that much. It was just a little brighter in the room. Hanbin took off his hoodie, hissing in pain as he moved his wounded shoulder. As he threw the hoodie away he stared at his shoulder, grumbling as he noticed the wound bleeding again.

"Where have you been?" he suddenly heard Jiwon's voice. Hanbin turned around in a hurry to find Jiwon. However, Jiwon was still lying in his bed, his back to Hanbin. Hanbin shook his head, taking off his jeans, hissing once more.
"Outside." He muttered behind gritted teeth. Jiwon suddenly got up from his bed and walked over to Hanbin. Hanbin stared up at him, but soon let his gaze fall down to the floor due Jiwon only wearing his boxers.
"I noticed." Jiwon muttered, obviously angry. Jiwon than grabbed him by his collar and pulled him up. "What the fuck, Hanbin!?" Jiwon asked, staring into Hanbin's eyes.
"What!?" Hanbin shot back, pushing Jiwon away from him.
"You could have been killed! Don't you get that!?" Jiwon shouted.
"But I'm not!"
"Chanwoo could have been as well!"
"But he isn't either!" they shouted at each other. For a few seconds neither of them said a word, they just looked at each other. Just as Jiwon's gaze dropped to Hanbin's wound Hanbin looked over to the door. At first Jiwon didn't notice, but Hanbin thought about running away. He hated shouting at Jiwon, but what he hated even more was when Jiwon shouted at him, even if he deserved it. Hanbin grabbed his hoodie and walked over to the door. However, Jiwon was faster. Jiwon leaned his back against the door and stared at Hanbin.

"You're not getting outta here, Binnie." He muttered, his head leaning on the door and smiling slightly. Hanbin just looked at him. He didn't know why but he moved over to Jiwon, merely a few centimeters between them he stopped. Jiwon looked at him in return.
"Let me out." Hanbin whispered, looking into the elder's eyes. He knew Jiwon was mad at him, but for some weird reason he was mad too. However, he didn't know anymore, if he was just mad at himself for all the shit he had caused to them or at Jiwon as well. Jiwon chuckled lowly, pushing himself away from the door, walking right into Hanbin and due to that causing Hanbin to take a few steps back.
"No, Binnie. You'll stay." Jiwon stated and to Hanbin it sounded more like an order. Hanbin sighed, letting go of his plans to leave. He knew Jiwon wouldn't let that happen, not after that day filled with chaos. Hanbin just did as Jiwon told him, he couldn't get himself to just ignore it. Jiwon chuckled again, noticing the way Hanbin's posture changed. Once again the Hanbin from back at the bathroom stood in front of him again.
"Jiwon, I-"
"No. You'll listen to me." Jiwon cut him off, once again taking a few steps towards him. Hanbin took a few steps back, letting go off the hoodie in his arms. "You will never do such a thing again. You'll tell me. You'll let me know everything. I promise I'll hurt you, if you ever dare to do that again." Jiwon explained in a low voice, daring to Hanbin's ears. Hanbin looked down at the floor. "Do you understand that?" Jiwon asked him, same voice. Hanbin just nodded. "Talk to me, Binnie."
"I understand." Hanbin muttered. Hanbin knew he wouldn't be able to keep that promise, he knew he would continue to do as he wishes, because he didn't even have another chance. But Jiwon didn't have to know that.

Suddenly Hanbin felt Jiwon's arms once again around him. For a second he didn't understand what was happening, but soon his own arms wandered around the elder's waist. Hanbin leaned his head into Jiwon's neck and took a deep breath in. Finally he was where he belonged. All this time at that fucking house, he had wanted nothing more than to be back at Jiwon's side, because that's where he belonged. Jiwon leaned his head on top of Hanbin's closing his eyes.
"Never. Never do that again." Jiwon said, hugging Hanbin even tighter to himself. Hanbin, however, didn't answer. He was too afraid his voice would give away his true intentions and to be honest, he couldn't lie to Jiwon anymore. Jiwon on the other hand accepted Hanbin not answering him, having the younger in his arms was enough for him.

"Hyung?" Hanbin suddenly said.
"Yes?" Jiwon answered, kissing Hanbin's hair and at that Hanbin was lost, lost in his feelings for the elder.
"I love you." Hanbin simply stated, not even noticing himself talking, or confessing at all. He thought he had just imagined it in his head, but reality hit him hard. Jiwon turned to stone after those three words, blinking and Hanbin noticed what he had done. Hanbin noticed the way Jiwon wouldn't even move an inch anymore, he thought he had fucked up. He pushed himself away from Jiwon, not daring to look at him. He should have known it better, this had been all in his head. The others had been wrong.

Jiwon needed some time to process, but as Hanbin pushed himself away Jiwon seemed to wake up from his daydreaming.
"F..forget what I just said-" Hanbin started, but Jiwon grabbed his arms and pulled Hanbin towards him. Hanbin blinked, as he didn't understand what was happening. Suddenly he felt Jiwon's lips on his own and he wanted to start screaming. It took Hanbin about two seconds to finally understand, however he only calmed down slowly. Jiwon pulled away, looking into his face.
"Hanbin, I-"
"Do that again." Hanbin ordered. Jiwon didn't need to be told a second time and leaned down to press his own lips onto Hanbin's again. Jiwon kissed him, and this time Hanbin responded in the right way. Jiwon pulled him closer as they shared their first, well, second kiss and Hanbin couldn't stop himself from digging his fingers into Jiwon's bare back. Jiwon then chuckled during the kiss and pulled away.
"I love you too, Binnie." Jiwon suddenly said and Hanbin looked up into the elder's eyes in a flash. He could see the love in Jiwon's eyes and he wondered why he had never noticed before. Maybe, he really had been just too blind to see. Or maybe, Jiwon was just really good at hiding all of his feelings.

Hanbin then pulled Jiwon slightly down to him at his neck and kissed him this time. Jiwon responded immediately and soon then innocent kiss turned into something more, something hotter. Something like another confession, but this time without any words needed, just the truth, the feelings welling up between them.

And outside they heard somebody shout: "Fucking finally!"

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